托福阅读备考这3个做法让学习提分事半功倍 托福阅读备考中许多考生不经意间做好或是没做好的细节都会对大家的学习结果造成影响。今天给大家带来了托福阅读备考这3个做法让学习提分事半功倍,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读备考这3个做法让学习提分事半功倍1、备考阅读不能忽视做题技巧在托福阅读的答题过程中不仅要掌握科学的备考方法,还需要掌握一些做题的技巧。例如说在议论类型的阅读题当中,我们同学可以按照“一线三定位”方法来解答。”一线“就是议论文中存在的一条主基线,*都是围绕这条线来展开。”三定位“就是定位题干关键词、定位与题干想干的段落、定位中心思想找出论证。按照这样的方法去解答议论类型题,我们可以既又准确又快速地解答出题干的答案,也能为其他模块的考试节省下很多时间。2、备考时间有限,要尽快提高阅读速度在平时的学习、训练中积极扩大托福阅读词汇量。词汇是学习任何一门外语的基础,如果没有一定的词汇量作为基础,很难想象我们能较为顺畅地去理解一篇英文*的内容,也就更别提去提升我们的阅读速度了。托福阅读速度的提升一定是要建立在读懂*的基础之上的。平时如战时,阅读时注意力要高度集中。如果我们的思维很难与作者想表达的意图产生共鸣,从而从根本上影响我们的阅读质量和速度。长期大量阅读,语言的学习从本质上说有一个渐进的过程,这就决定了我们语言水平的提升要经过一个量变到质变的阶段,而长期大量的阅读就是其中最重要的一点。3、备考“英语化”,适应考试潮流在托福阅读的练习过程汇总,英语的思维方式。从宏观层面说,英语思维是一种较为典型的线性思维、结果思维其不同于汉语的点性思维,而我们广大学生在这一点上的相对空白,使得他们在实际的阅读中,要不断地把英文下意识地转化成中文再进行做题判断,进而大大影响做题速度。针对这一点,我们就必须要下大力气来提高我们的综合英语实力以及语言运用能力。在平时的备考中多多背诵一些习语和惯用搭配,更加深入的了解托福阅读*。托福阅读明明都读懂了 为什么还是做不对题我在任教的这几年里,总会遇到很多学生上来问我:老师,我明明都读懂了,为什么还是做不对题?每当这时候我都会有三道黑线出来。我不想直言ta其实做错题就是没读懂,因为害怕伤了ta的自尊,也害怕那么赤裸的揭露了问题的本质。我会让ta挑选出一个自己刚做错的题,让ta把对应的段逐字翻译给我听。在翻译的过程中遇到错,我就给ta调整,在这个过程中我的目的不仅仅是再一次帮他加深对于错题的理解,更主要的是想让ta发现其实做错题就是自己没有读懂,没有啥别的问题。如果你能理解我上课的中文讲解,你的逻辑其实并没有啥问题。那有为什么同学总会觉得自己读懂了呢?其实往往这样的同学只是理解了*的大意但是并不是每一句话都理解了,但是如果想要拿到阅读高分甚至满分真的是每一句话都要理解了,不然总会掉入到ETS的陷阱中。不妨自己逐字的翻译看看吧,然后在比较下参考译文,一定会发现自己理解错误的地方。做阅读会经历这么几个阶段:一篇*错5道题以上,不分题型,时间大概是25-18miny一篇;一篇错3道题左右,主要是推理 修辞目的 句子插入或者3/6,时间大概21min一篇;1-2道题错误,可能都是词汇,20min以内做完。对号入座自己是在哪个阶段,第一个阶段,该去大量背单词;第二个阶段该去理关系;第三个阶段背做错了的词汇题或者镇魂单词。掌握这3种托福考试阅读技巧 阅读不再难托福考试阅读技巧一、注重归纳能力的培养托福阅读最后一大题都是以全文意思的归纳为基础才能完成的,尤其是summary,考察的就是考生对*的整体把握。因此考生在平时练习的时候一定要注意对*段落的归纳,能够在较短的时间内把*段落的中心大意读出来,然后进行总结,最后选择出最能代表*中心含义的内容。托福考试阅读技巧二、词汇基础要扎实托福阅读有一个很大的特色就是有专门考察单词的题型,也就是托福阅读词汇题。从*中抽出一个单词,让考生选择与这个单词词义最接近最符合的。这些词汇是没有一个大纲让考生去背的,只有靠考生平时自己大量的托福阅读词汇积累,尤其是一些学术学科的词汇。托福考试阅读技巧三、逻辑关系词要牢记托福阅读中的英语句子,很多时候是要考生去理解其逻辑关系的,常见的逻辑关系有并列(and, as well),比较(than, as.as),因果(because, so, therefore, thus, result from),递进(also, furthermore),转折(but, however, yet)等等。找到这些信号词,对你的解题会有很大的帮助。托福考试阅读技巧 推断题如何解题托福考试阅读技巧一、逆向推断这类推断比较明显,往往在关键句当中有能利用的时间,地点,还有具体的取非词,找到之后针对该句的意思取个反就行。1.The nineteenth century brought with it a burst of a new discoveries and inventions that revolutionized the candle industry and make lighting available to all. In the early-to-mid nineteenth century, a process was developed to refine tallow with alkali and sulfuric acid. The result was a product called stearin.This breakthrough meant that it was possible to make allow candles that would not produce the usual smoke and rancid odor.Which of the following can be inferred from this paragraph about candles before the nineteenth century?A They did not smoke when they were burnedB They produced a pleasant odor as they burnedC They were not available to allD They contained sulfuric acid.这句话根据candles定位到第一句话,发现里面有the nineteenth century这个时间点,那题干问的是before the nineteenth century的情况,所以果断取个反选C2.This was before the steam locomotive, and canal building was at its height. The companies building the canals to transport coal needed surveyors to help them find the coal deposits worth mining as well as to determine the best courses for the canals. This job gave Smith an opportunity to study the fresh rock outcrops created by the newly dug canal. He later worked on similar jobs across the length and breadth of England, all the while studying the newly revealed strata and collecting all the fossils he could find. Smith used mail coaches to travel as much as 10,000 miles per year. In 1815 he published the first modern geological map, “A Map of the Strata of England and Wales with a Part of Scotland,” a map so meticulously researched that it can still be used today.Which of the following can be inferred about canal building?(2) Canals were built primarily in the south of England rather than in other regions. Canal building decreased after the steam locomotive was invented. Canal building made it difficult to study rock strata which often became damaged in the process. Canal builders hired surveyors like Smith to examine exposed rock strata.这道题同样根据canal building定位到第一句,在steam locomotive出现之前,cananl building一直是稳坐泰山的地位,而题干问现在canal building怎样,所以取个反,选B。托福考试阅读技巧二、正向推断这类推断适应于题干与原文关系属于抽象与具体关系(整体与部分关系),往往我们解题时要找出相应句子之间的关系。1.Another major discovery was made in Egypt in 1989. Several skeletons of another early whale, Basilosaurus, were found in sediments left by the Tethys Sea and now exposed in the Sahara desert. This whale lived around 40 million years ago, 12 million years after Pakicetus. Many incomplete skeletons were found but they included, for the first time in an archaeocyte, a complete hind leg that features a foot with three tiny toes. Such legs would have been far too small to have supported the 50-foot-long Basilosaurus on land. Basilosaurus was undoubtedly a fully marine whale with possibly nonfunctional, or vestigial, hind legs.It can be inferred that Basilosaurus bred and gave birth in which of the following locations (4)On landBoth on land and at seaIn shallow waterIn a marine environment本题问Basilosaurus在哪里哺育生命,我们发现原文里没有直接体现相关概念的定位句,但是标红句告诉我们Basilosaurus是一个海洋生物,那试想一下,海洋生物在哪里哺育生命?当然在海里了,所以选D。2.Even the kind of stability defined as simple lack of change is not always associated with maximum diversity. At least in temperate zones, maximum diversity is often found in mid-successional stages, not in the climax community. Once a redwood forest matures, for example, the kinds of species and the number of individuals growing on the forest floor are reduced. In general, diversity, by itself, does not ensure stability. Mathematical models of ecosystems likewise suggest that diversity does not guarantee ecosystem stabilityjust the opposite, in fact. A more complicated system is, in general, more likely than a simple system to break down. A fifteen-speed racing bicycle is more likely to break down than a childs tricycle.Which of the following can be inferred about redwood forests?(3)They become less stable as they mature.They support many species when they reach climax.They are found in temperate zones.They have reduced diversity during mid-successional stages.这道题也很经典,首先根据题干定位词redwood forest定位到标红句,但是仔细看一下4个选项中没有能直接体现相关意思的(比如A选项,They指代的是redwood forest,而原文指的是species的数量减少),这时候往前找更抽象的句子,发现前一句,说at least in temperate zones那这就表明下面的概念都是在temperate zones这个大环境下描述的,那么作为细节出现的redwood forest当然也应该满足这个条件。所以选C。托福阅读备考这3个做法让学习提分事半功倍