雅思口语成绩差无外乎这几个原因 雅思口语成绩差, 无外乎这几个原因。今天给大家带来了雅思口语成绩差原因,希望能够帮助到到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语成绩差 无外乎这几个原因雅思口语低分原因:1. 套用固定结构现在很多雅思口语考官都已经知道考生已经准备好了第二部分,所以考官会更多的把时间集中的放在第三部分,问的题目越来越难来判断考生的真实水平。在第三部分的回答时,建议考生套用一定的结构:句话,直接回答问题。很多考生喜欢绕来绕去,如果这样的话,考官会认为考生并不会回答问题,而是在拐弯抹角。第二句话,考生可以套用there be句型,可能是原因,或者情况。然后在第三,第四句话将具体的两个原因或情况进行详细阐述。最后两句话,考生可以将这个话题引到自身的经历。2. 使用难的单词很多时候,我发现很多考生在说话的时候都会说一句或甚至几个单词的时候就卡住了。当问到是什么原因的时候,很多考生会说不会用英文表达,或者是某个单词不会说。其实,在真正的英语交流中,我们会发现很多的外教讲话时英语的用词是非常简单,这就是英语交流的精华。在真正的日常交流中,外国人并不会去追求一些难的单词,而更多的是用最简单的词汇和语法结构将自己的意思表达出来。所以,建议考生不要去追求用什么难的单词,而是想方设法用自己已经会的表达把意思表达清楚即可。即使是在第三部分,题目非常的难,考生也可以很好的回答其中80%的题目。3. 模仿标准答案在最近一段时间里,已经很少有新题出现。所以大多数考生会选择去一一的准备考过的题目(主要是雅思Part 1和Part 2)。所以,我们可以看到,大多数考生在准备的时候,都会选择去找一本雅思口语的标准答案书,然后把这些答案背下来。其实,如果这样的话,分数在大多数情况下反而会更低。这主要是因为很多的标准答案的用词比较难。所以,如果考生的英语发音,英语语言的组织能力不够好的话,如果用这么难的词,考官一听就能听出来考生是事先备好的。综上,雅思口语低分原因主要有套用固定结构、使用难的单词、模仿标准答案,如果要拿雅思口语高分的学生,一定要避免哦。感谢阅读!雅思口语考试的应试技巧避免个人演讲首先,你尽可能地多说,让考官少说,但也不要走上极端,把两个人的交谈变成一个人的演讲,要注意分寸。我们每一个考生不应期望着考官会问到我们已经准备好的问题,但是如果幸运地遇到,千万不要地把自己准备好的答案滔滔不绝地背诵出来,给人一种明显背书的感觉。这是一种最危险的做法,当他知道你在背诵事先准备好的答案,他会打断你而改变另一个话题。而你则可能会失去这个好机会而陷入困境。另外,在交谈过程中,考生也会被问到自己不熟悉的话题。有些考生过于紧张,会出现冷场现象,这时千万不要沉默,没反应,或苦思冥想。这样不仅没有解决问题,反而给考官留下一种不会表达自己的印象。考生应尽量控制谈话、试着改变题目;对比较难回答的问题,尽量偏离它。同学们在备考的时候注意多总结一些雅思口语模板,最好接受雅思口语辅导,对于大家的口语很有帮助。熟用常用短语、短句Good morning;Goodafternoon;Pleased to meet youAs you can see frommy CV.Perhaps I can beginby telling you about.Recently, Ive beenstudyingat .Recently, Ive beenworkingat .The reason Im tak-ing the test is because .Would you like toknow about .Before that I wordedat .At the moment Imstudyingat .Have I answeredyour question? Is thereanything else you wish toknow?避免深奥答案千万不要刻意用一些深奥或复杂的字来解释事情。不要以为这样可以加深考官的印象,一个简洁明了的答案绝对比一个复杂难懂的答案好。但要指出的是,简单的答案并不等于短答案,答案太短会使整个面试有太多的停顿,而考官也要大伤脑筋多想问题,你面临的问题也就会更多。所以说小马过河雅思还是建议大家最好参加一下雅思口语辅导班,尽可能多的掌握雅思口语技巧,对于大家取得高分还是很有帮助的。凡事尽量说好的一面在回答问题时应表现正面的态度。考生通常都应该诚实地回答所有问题,但有一些问题,回答的时候还是应该保持比较正面,尽量说好的一面。例如问你对自己家乡的印象,就算你真的认为非常不堪,也不应说出口。雅思考试口语范文之电视智力竞赛节目Describe a quiz TV showWell, it seems that many TV channels like to present some quiz shows to the public, such as “the lucky 52” in CCTV2, “happy dictionary” in CCTV 3, and “great competition of intelligence” in CCTV 1. But here, Id like to talk about a quiz show from Shenzhen TV channel, which is named as “who is cleverer”.This quiz show brings the adults back to the primary school class, helps them recall those happy memories in the childhood, recollects those forgotten knowledge. It aims to attract audience of primary school students, as well as adults.In this quiz show, a group of primary school students and a team of adults are competing on the same stage, for those seemingly familiar and seemingly simple questions from primary school subjects. It is fun to see the embarrassment of those adult competitors unable to answer those easy questions, and it is also fun to see those primary students showing off their knowledge in front of their adult competitors. Altogether, there are 10 questions for each competitor, and those adults who can answer right all the 10 questions may have a chance to get the prize: 50 thousand YMB , but if he fail, he has to say to the audience, “wow, I am not so clever as a primary school student” and then he is replaced by another adults.Wow, its so funny that after so many years education, almost no adults could win the game and get the prize. And its so interesting that this quiz show can bring so many parents and children in front of their TV sets to enjoy their get-together. I like the feeling of watching this kind of TV programs.雅思口语考试part1范文之平时去哪儿玩63. What do you usually do when you go out? ( 5 - 6 )I usually go to the nearest net bar with some of my friends. We spend many hours playing games or surfing the net. In addition, net bars are a great place for social gatherings. There we meet otheryoungsters and just hang around talking, and generally having a good time.63. What do you usually do when you go out? ( 5 - 6 )I usually go shopping with my mother. The reason for this is simple. We ladies usually need a lot of clothes to make us look beautiful, so we love to go shopping. Often we dont actually buy anything, but just go window-shopping, looking at all the clothes and comparing prices and quality.63. What do you usually do when you go out? ( 7 - 8 )I usually go to watch a football game with some of my friends. We go to one of the local stadiums where our favorite team will be playing. I love the excitement and suspense. It seems that I often loose my identity in such a large crowd, and go crazy about the smallest of things.