详解托福听力3种主要题型出题思路和应对方法 详解托福听力3种主要题型出题思路和应对方法, 主旨题细节题要这么做。今天给大家带来了详解托福听力3种主要题型出题思路和应对方法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。详解托福听力3种主要题型出题思路和应对方法 主旨题细节题要这么做托福听力基础理解题题型分类介绍托福听力题中属于基础理解类的题型有三类,分别是内容主旨题,目的主旨题和细节题。之所以说这三种题型属于基础理解题,是因为这些题型本身并不要求考生做太过的思考,只需要结合自己听到的内容就能直接反馈出答案。如果按照阅读题的说法,那就是这些题目都可以直接在*中找到对应的答案。因此,这三类题目从解题难度上来说其实是比较低的,考生只要在做听力时没有出现遗漏,记住了各类主要关键信息,就能较为顺利地做好这类题目。托福听力内容主旨题题型思路讲解内容主旨题(gist-content)问的是考生对于听力素材主旨的理解,也就是对某个对话或是讲座的主题大意的认知。这类题目的提问形式一般有:What problem does the man have?What are the speakers mainly discussing?What is the main topic of the lecture?What is the lecture mainly about?What aspect of X does the professor mainly discuss?而想要做好内容主旨题,其实思路也是非常简单的。那就是重点听好听力素材开头和结尾部分,因为按照老外的一贯思路,这些地方都会是主旨题内容集中阐述的位置,考生只要认真听好这两个部分,那么做对内容主旨题就是十拿九稳的了。另外,大家也需要注意内容主旨题中可能出现的一类干扰选项,就是讲到一些特别细节内容的选项,这类选项看似本身没什么问题,但其实偏向细节而非主旨,所以必然是错误的,大家可以注意一下。托福听力目的主旨题题型思路讲解目的主旨题(gist-purpose)考察大家对于听力素材中某人提到特定话题或是做出某些行动的目的的理解,这个题型难度要稍高于内容主旨题,但其实也高得有限,同样可以通过加强听力精度和做笔记详细程度来应对,这类题目的提问形式主要有:Why does the student visit the professor?Why does the student visit the registrars office?Why did the professor ask to see the student?Why does the professor explain X?关于目的主旨题,考生需要注意两点。第一点是如果是有关对话的目的,那么这个目的和之后对话讨论的内容可能并没有直接联系。比如学生去找教授是要问考试成绩的事情,而教授解答后可能会顺便问一下学生的功课问题,之后一大段内容都是有关具体功课的讨论。而问题则是一开始学生找教授的目的是什么。这里许多同学容易混淆,所以需要搞清楚。第二点是在许多学生和工作人员的对话材料中,一般都是以学生需要得到某种帮助而展开的,比如咨询问题申请服务等等,大家也需要把这个对话中学生最初的目的给记录下来,之后很有可能目的主旨题就会问到。托福听力细节题题型思路讲解细节题(detail)没什么好多说的,就是问对话中的各类细节内容,这类题目的难度完全取决于考生对具体细节信息的记忆和记录水平,理论上记得越全面细节题做起来就会越简单。细节题的提问形式一般如下:According to the professor, what is one way that X can affect Y?What is X?What resulted from the invention of the X?According to the professor, what is the main problem with the X theory?通过以上提问方式可以看到,细节题更多出现在讲座类听力题中,而考生想要做好细节题,需要重点训练的是对细节的分辨能力,也就是哪些细节可能考到,哪些细节实在太细其实并不会用来出题。这其中具体的衡量标准需要大家自己去总结体会,这里不做展开详述。还有一点需要提醒大家,那就是不要因为细节题选项中提到了听力素材里的特定关键词就去选择这个选项,这类以突出特定关键词作为诱饵的陷阱选项在细节题中是很多的,考生需要结合题目整体分析再做选择。另外如果大家发现自己很不巧地没有把解答细节题的关键信息给记录下来,那么应对方法就是通过分析选项,寻找其中和听力素材主旨关联更大的选项来进行判断,这也不失为一种较为有效高命中率的应急解题思路。总而言之,托福听力基础理解类的这3种题型,其实正确解答还是相对容易一些。结合上文具体内容,还请大家能够认真学习听力题不同题型的应对技巧和解题思路,确保这些难度较低题型的稳定得分。托福写作模板:你想发明什么东西If you could invent something new, what product would you develop? Use specific details to explain why this invention is needed.托福写作模板范文参考:I live in a place where the environment is being degraded alarmingly and the desert is expanding rapidly. Subsequently, the people around here are suffering a lot from this vicious environmental vicissitude. So to change the current situation is a great challenge for the people living here. I believe to invent an electronic plant grower is significant to curb the environmental degradation.Firstly, weather condition is too severe to grow any plants here. It is not efficient for us to afforest in such a vast area either. Furthermore, if the plants could not get the basic supplies like water, amicable weather conditions, it is almost impossible for plants to survive. The invention of electronic plant grower could be scientific enough, when it plants grass or trees, it will automatically put solid ice and other trace elements which could enhance the viability of plants. Thus, the newly planted plants could easily survive in it.Secondly, the electronic plant grower could do a lot of onerous works in the field and tolerate unfavorable weather. It can extend to the most remote place to work where there are no residents at all, but could build up effective protection barrier to mitigate sandstorm. Furthermore, the electronic plant growers consume no water, which is precious resource in the desert. They can work day and night and take full time of planting season to plant as much as plants.Thirdly, to afforest in such a vast and tough area, it needs numerous manpower for planting in short season and taking care of the plants. As an advanced robot, the invented electronic plant growers could reduce the pressure of manpower and keep the live human away from the life limit area.To rehabilitate the environment is important more than anything else here, but the environmental rehabilitation could not do without some high-tech duplicate of human being like electronic plant grower. So I expect its birth with great hope.托福写作模板:童年是人生中最重要的岁月Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A persons childhood years (the time from birth to twelve years of age) are the most important years of a persons life. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.托福写作模板范文参考:A persons childhood years are indeed the most important years of his life and I agree with this statement.The initial years of childhood are the time when a person learns a lot about himself and his family and the society. A childs mind is impressionable and he imbibes values and behavior that he gets to see around him. So the role of his family and school is of utmost importance.It has been seen that children who get the love and support of their parents and teachers in their childhood turn out be mature and emotionally balanced teenagers and adults. On the other hand, if we look at the childhood of criminals and other antisocial elements, we will find that most of them have been through tough times as children. They were deprived proper care and upbringing. Delinquents also have a history of abuse in their childhood many a times.Children are always inquisitive and willing to learn. When they are provided a stimulating environment in which they can develop their talents and learn to enjoy their work, they become good citizens who are an asset to the nation. Family is the most important institution in a childs formative years because parents are childrens role models. Children develop their ethics, moral values and temperament in tune with what they see in their parents and elder siblings. The type of personality that a child develops is difficult to change later.So I firmly believe that childhood is a vital part of a persons life that plays an important role in shaping his future.托福写作模板:提高免费互联网服务The government should offer internet access to all of citizens at no cost.托福写作模板范文参考:With the advent of the information age, internet and advanced technological gadgets are becoming more and more accessible, actually they are now as important as basic necessities in life like water supply and electricity. When it comes to the question of whether government should provide free internet access to all citizens, personally I am in favor of this initiative based on the following reasons.Admittedly, providing free internet access to the public in schools, shopping malls, tourist spots and even households might incur some financial burden to the city since the government has to invest in the infrastructure and networks and even dedicate staff members to maintain the operation, however, it is well worth the effort and financial resource to provide such service.First off, internet now is an indispensable part of peoples lives, and we simply cannot live and work without it. Providing free internet service can make peoples lives more convenient and bring efficiency to working places. For example, college students can utilize internet to send emails to inquire professors about certain issues in the academics, use different kinds of online service to assist their study. Internet makes it possible for professors to involve multimedia in the their classrooms, making the class more interactive and engaging. Also, businessmen can capitalize on the internet and monitor various data like management cost, profit, asset and liability, ultimately they can avoid certain financial loss and make more profit. Generally, internet makes lives more convenient, citizens can use location based apps to find restaurants, museums, sports centers, etc. Apart from that, internet brings a more connected community and facilitates interaction between citizens and businesses. More importantly, a city with free internet access in public places will see its popularity boosted and attract people to move in or visit.Additionally, providing free wifi access to everyone is a very conducive tool for empowerment and social engagement, shortening the gap between the rich and the poor, the underprivileged and the privileged. Actually, internet access, cell phone contracts, and data plan can be very expensive and not very affordable to people with lower incomes. Providing free internet service to these people gives them life changing opportunities, like job hunting, on-line course, and even health advice. Consequently, providing free internet service can be a great tool for empowerment and social involvement.To conclude, providing free internet service to citizens has lots of benefits since internet makes peoples lives more convenient and brings efficiency to working places, more importantly, providing free internet service can be a great tool for empowerment and social involvement.