托福备考自我实力评估5级标准介绍 托福备考自我实力评估5级标准介绍 ,手把手教你判断自身实战水平?今天给大家带来了托福备考自我实力评估5级标准介绍 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福备考自我实力评估5级标准介绍 手把手教你判断自身实战水平为什么托福考生需要学会评估自身实力?很多同学可能会问,为什么我要对自己的水平有那么具体明确的把握呢,只要知道自己水平够不够参加考试不就足够了吗?在看来,这种想法是存在谬误的。首先,很多人对自身实力的评估往往取决于答题结果,特别是官方真题Official模考的结果。但这种结果只是大方向上的,具体各个考试部分以及更细节的题型是否都彻底掌握考生往往并不能准确判断出来。其次,托福备考周期一般较长,为了提升学习效率,考生在某个题型或者知识点达到符合自身预期的掌握和解题水平后,就应该及时转移到对下一个题型知识点的攻克上。很多同学明明已经学会了某些内容,却还在做针对这个内容的题目;或是实际上还没彻底搞懂某个题型,却已经急不可待地去练习其它题型了。这都是因为对自身实力评估不准所造成的结果,也往往会对大家的学习效率造成各种负面影响。而只有准确把握了自己实力的考生,才能根据学习进度随时且及时地进行调整,以确保自己始终行进在托福备考的快车道上。托福备考自我实力评估标准介绍那么接下来,就为大家具体介绍考生对自身实力评估的标准了,这个标准主要是按照大家面对托福考试各个部分考点和题型的解题水平来进行划分的,从新手到实战共分为5个级别,它们分别是:1. 新手入门这个阶段看名字就知道,属于刚开始备考不久的新手考生的。在这个阶段,许多同学对于托福考试还缺乏最基本的了解,面对很多题型别说怎么做题,可能连最基本的看懂题目要求都还做不到。换句话说,这个级别也就是还不会做题的级别。2. 看解析能看懂相对于新手入门,这个级别的同学在题型考点的理解水平上已经有一定进步了。面对各类托福题目虽然自己解题还有一定困难,或者说错误率比较高基本上都做不对,但至少在有解析作为参考的情况下能够理解基本的解题思路。当然,这个级别的考生其实还是处于学习阶段,以被动接受信息为主,有人教的话学的就会快一些,靠自己摸索可能进步就会比较慢了,总之独立作对题目还是暂时无法做到的。3. 攻克简单题目处于这个级别的考生,对于特定考点和题型已经具备了基本的独立解题能力,如果题目本身难度不高,或者知识点考得比较浅显的话,考生可以保证一定的正确率。但如果题目难度比较高,或者解题思路相对复杂,那么考生还是有很大可能出现错误的。这个阶段考生的学习任务主要以做对题目为目标,如果大家能够逐步提升对难题的解答正确率,那么就能慢慢进入到下一个级别。4. 不限时做对难题到了这个级别,考生基本上在解题正确率方面已经没有太大问题了,无论是怎样的题目大家都会具有比较明确的答题思路,能够顺利做对绝大部分的题目,遭遇难题也有一战之力。当然这个级别还是有所不足的,那就是大家面对时间限制可能会觉得不适应,限时做题的情况下因为缺乏答题节奏方面的训练,或是本身掌握的解题方式不够简单快捷,会出现做题速度偏慢来不及做完的情况。总之还是没有达到能够去参加考试的实战水平。5. 临考前的实战水准最后这个级别当然就是能够去参加考试的水准了。到了这个阶段考生已经不需要再做进一步训练了,能够在规定时间内做完所有题目,并且保证足够的正确率。如果考生在面对托福听说读写四个部分每个具体题型时都能达到这最后一个级别的水平,那么参加托福考试并拿到高分相信也就不在话下了。综上所述,托福考生在备考时,对于自身实力的进步和变化需要有准确的评估判断,这样才能让自己始终保持高效率的学习进步状态,而最终考生能否取得理想成绩,也将有赖于大家在学习过程中付出的努力和精力。托福综合写作模板:金融危机托福综合写作模板:According to some economists, a financial crisis is an unavoidable event for the global market and it happens every several years as a result of long-term economic development. During the recession, multiple social issues such as the unemployment rate, the price of commodities and even the investment in public service are affected in an adverse way. Our entire society is negatively impacted and it is the responsibility of our government to introduce solutions to these social issues. Normally, increasing investment in areas like the green industry will provide a boost in the economy as well as help with sustainable development. By upgrading the technology of environmental protection, people will not only benefit from an increase in job positions, but they will also have the chance to enjoy better living conditions as well.一、单词和词组1、unavoidable 不可避免的=inevitableOnce athletes start their sports career, intensive training is unavoidable.2、sustainable development 可持续发展The use of land is of essential importance to the survival of mankind and the sustainable development of modern society.二、句型结构By , 通过= by (1) By emphasizing the first-class quality of the products, advertisers attempt to leave a better impression on the potential buyers.(2)Advertisers attempt to leave a better impression on the potential buyers by emphasizing the first-class quality of the products.三、适用考题In times of an economic crisis, in which area should the government reduce its spending? a. libraries b. public transportation c. police.托福写作题型考点解析一、绝对题这类题目在题目中一般都会含有should一词,或者含有“应该做”或“不应该做”的意思,问你如此做应不应该。考生要根据这些“应该”和“不应该”来写作*。例如这个题目就是应不应该题:Do you agree or disagree with following statement: all school teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge.(120XX4 CN)二、比较题这类题目在考试中也是比较常见的,题目中会含有2个或者3个选项来让你选择。这些选择当中可能是不同事物的横向对比,也有可能是同一事物的纵向对比,或者是今夕对比,这种情况出现的较多。如果出现这类题目时可能会同应不应该题或者是现象证明题进行混搭,这样效果会更好一些。例如下面的题目就是比较题型:Do you agree or disagree with following statement: nowadays advertisements are more honest than they were in the past.(121214 NA)三、应不应该题这类题目在题目中一般都会含有should一词,或者含有“应该做”或“不应该做”的意思,问你如此做应不应该。考生要根据这些“应该”和“不应该”来写作*。例如这个题目就是应不应该题:Do you agree or disagree with following statement: all school teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge.(120XX4 CN)四、现象证明题在这一类托福独立写作题目中,主要是在讨论一个现在可能存在的或者是将来可能会发生的现象,问你这个现象有没有或者是会不会出现,考生按照这个思路去拓展写作*。例如下面这个题目就是一个现象证明题:Do you agree or disagree with following statement: in modern times, grandparents cannot give their grandchildren useful advice because the world of today are too different than it was in the past.(140112 CN)对托福独立写作题型和考点有了了解之后,考生就可以有针对性的进行练习和提高,在考试时做到有条不紊。托福写作模板:开头段和结尾段托福写作模板:开头段写作模板In this argument, the arguer concludes that _. To support the conclusion, the arguer points out that_. In addition, the arguer reasons that_.This argument suffers from several critical fallacies.In this argument, the arguer recommends that_.To justify this claim, the arguer provides the evidence that _. In addition, he cites the result of a recent study that _. A careful examination of this argument would reveal how groundless the conclusion is.In this analysis, the arguer claims that _. To substantiate the conclusion, the arguer cites the example that_. In addition, the arguer assumes that _. This argument is unconvincing for several critical flaws.In this argument, the arguer advocates that _. The recommendation is based on the observation that_. Meanwhile, the arguer assumes that_. The argument is problematic for two reasons.The conclusion in this argument is that_. In support of this prediction, the arguer claims that _.Moreover, the arguer assumes that_. This argument is fraught with vague, oversimplified and unwarranted assumptions.托福写作模板:结尾段写作模板In summary, the conclusion reached in this argument is in valid and misleading. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to prove that_. Moreover, I would suspend my judgment about the credibility of the recommendation until the arguer can provide concrete evidence that_. Otherwise, the arguer is simply begging the question throughout the argument.To conclude, the argument is not persuasive as it stands. Before we accept the conclusion, the arguer must present more facts that_. To solidify the argument, the arguer would have to produce more evidence concerning_.As it stands, the argument is not well reasoned. To make it logically acceptable, the arguer would have to demonstrate that _. Additionally, the arguer must provide evidence to _.To sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains. To strengthen the argument the arguer would have to provide more evidence concerning that_.In conclusion, the arguer fails to _. To strengthen the argument, the arguer would have to provide evidence that_. To better evaluate the argument, we need more information about that_.托福备考自我实力评估5级标准介绍