gre考试写作分数提升技巧分享 gre考试分数提升非常重要,很多学子希望可以提升gre写作考试分数,今天给大家带来了gre考试写作分数如何提升呢,希望能够帮助到到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。gre考试写作提速法则介绍gre考试写作分数如何提升呢1. GRE写作考试有练习题:为了达到公平,公布了它考试的所有写作练习题,那么为了达到能和native speaker一起竞争,考生应该在考前对所有题目都进行预习(节约考试时的审题时间),并通过100-150个提纲的写作了解GRE写作的一般结构,通过30-50篇写作来练习自己的写作思路和表达。对练习题中的题目越熟练,对考试越有利。2. GRE写作考试的评阅是计件工作制的:每个评卷人对你*的评阅非常快,不可能对每个细节都很仔细地去看。考生应该迎合评卷人的评卷思路,用最规范的结构和最清晰的表达来体现自己的思路:首段要鲜明地提出观点,中间段落层次要拉开,每段的开始应该就是该段的topic sentence。3. GRE写作的评分是整体评分(holistic scoring):首先,从公布的各分数段评分标准看,其评分主要注重以下三个方面:、逻辑分析能力(要求insightful);、*的组织(要求well-organized);、语言能力(要求standard written English; concise; varied structure等)。但是也强调,gre考试评分是整体的,而不是各个角度分别评分。这就说明,虽然中国考生的语言能力偏弱,但是只要能在其他两个角度上给评卷人非常impressive的感觉,一样可以拿到6分。因此,在短期内尽力提高语言能力的同时(语言能力的培养不是一天两天可以完成的),我们在复习时应该尽可能地对题目进行深入的分析,学习高分作文的*结构,通过这两个方面的突破来迅速提高作文整体的分数。4. GRE写作两个部分在总分中的权重是一样的:由于AA的写作不牵涉自己观点的展开,只须指出作者逻辑上的漏洞,因此在经过训练以后,写起来并不困难;而AI的写作需要自己展开自己设立的观点,不但需要逻辑上的洞察能力,还需要论证观点的能力,语言组织的能力,因此对于中国考生来讲比较困难,难以短期内有较大提高。但是这两个部分在总分中的权重是一样的,因此考生的策略应该是尽量提高AI部分的写作能力而力保AA部分满分(或高分)。因为如果AA部分满分的话,AI部分只需争取在4分以上就可以保证整体作文分数在5分以上。二. 的评分标准以及作文分数的计算参照评过分的范文,我们不难发现:无论是ISSUE还是ARGUMENT在评分标准上都有共同之处,即:第一,观点要有深度,论证要有说服力;第二,组织要有条理,表达清晰准确;第三,语言流利,句式复杂,词汇丰富。这三条分别说的是行文的“思想性”、“结构性”和“表达性”,众多高分作文的考生大凡都在这三个方面做得很好,我们理所当然也要从这里入手,采取“各个击破”的方法解剖GRE作文的本质,从而得到一个理想分数。高分GRE写作提纲举例指导3 、"It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than tospend it on long-term research that might help future generations.".期问题长远研究都要重视1、诚然,我们应当把钱用在当前的社会问题上,如:发展经济,解决失业、犯罪 poverty, disease, war等,因为这些社会问题可能严重危害人们的生命、财产安全;vaccinate the children in poor African coutri es where hygiene conditions are unqualified2、然而,我们同时也应当将钱用于长期的研究很多问题不能马上解决,用于长期研究才能根治,如环境问题,需要植树造林为未来长远规划,环境才能从根本上得以改善;如科学研究不是一朝一夕的事long-term research devotes to resolving or prev enting social problems that might occur to our descendants; preserve the environment from deteri oration is easier than resolving those already emerged enironmental problems which jeopardize the ecosystem.果只顾眼前,不顾未来,对后代生活造成严重影响,不搞节能研究,能源问题Immediate, existing problems 好比急性疾病对于人体一样常常关系到社会的稳定,经济的运行,国家的存亡,解决不好后果十分严重。比如失业问题引起政府税收增加,不利于企业发展,事业人经济紧张,购买力下降进一步阻碍经济发展。附加的贫富差距引起社会阶级对立,矛盾加剧的话引起社会动乱,有些问题是短时间内不能解决的,需要长期几代人不懈的努力与规划。提高人的道德素质需要一点一滴的逐渐培养不可能一下子解决,预防制度的完善需要长期的研究与实践,这些与 human nature有关的问题从来没有被解决过。当代人对于后代有责任,比如环境的恶化,能源的消耗,对后代造成了不良影响,需要研究未来的能源危机与对策。需要针对环境的恶化做出补救措施,而且生态的恢复也是一个长期过程。3T "It is more important to allocate money for immedi ate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations."与其花钱进行可能有助于后代的长期性研究,还不如把钱花在迫在眉睫,已经存在的社会问题上。花钱解决现在的问题很合理,特别是很紧急的问题。如:tsunami有些问题不是现在就能解决的。需要长远的规划。贫困问题、犯罪问题,有关 human nature 的问题从历史上看从来没有真正得到解决过。我们对未来负有责任。 A一方面,我们的行为造成了他们的损失。能源上,环境上。B 从道德上说,人与动物的区别在于我们会感情上认为应对后代负责。When we enjoy the fruits of industrialization and democracy, we are, on the other side, confronted with social problems brought by as another consequence of this process.Firstly, immediate, existing social problems that ba ffled us deeply need to be resolved as quickly as possible so to restore a sound society and improve its healthy development.However, many present social problems cannot be resolved immediately as we hoped.Furthermore, neglecting long-term researches that may help future generations, overemphasizing to focus on the present problems, may result in incomp lete resolution to these social problems, which can merely be an expedience rather than a resolution.高分GRE写作提纲举例指导9"Academic disciplines have become so specia lized in recent years that scholars ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use.".分同意1、承认现代学科研究确实专业化很强,学科之间互不了解领域之间不了解,同领域的不同方向之间不了解2、学科研究确实需要让更多的人理解,促进交流,相互启发define wider audience as people of other disciplines within the same field or relevant field; physics and mathematics; chemistry and biology; achievenments in one discipline can shed light on other discipline3、但研究也不需要让非该领域的所有人都理解define wider audien ce as people outside academic field; the re search on computer science; people still can benefit from the application of those ideas even though they do not un der stand the underlying principles9T "Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use.".年来学术领域更加专业化,以至于学者门的研究只作用于很小范围内的人群。除非学者们的研究能适合大范围的人群,他们的想法才有用。 现在确实 increasingly narrow. 如:原来 Aristotle 什么都研究,现在的物理学家只关注于问题 such as 一个核子如何作用。原来 Confucius 对于国家的各个领域都研究,现在的教育家只研究哪一种教学方法对一群特定学生起作用。 但科学家们之间有相互合作。如:Watson and Click DNA 有些领域即使在很小范围内研究,也能服务于社会。Game theoryAs a matter of fact, the more specialized the ideas, the less accessible to them. However, specialization does not have any impact on the value of scholars ideas. Actually, it is not necessary for the public to under stand all abstruse ideas scholars hold. For example,most people do not know how the CPU is running in the personal computer, but this does not hamper them to using computers.高分GRE写作提纲举例指导8 、"It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public.".分同意1、承认为了获得政治领导权 win the political game需要withhold informaion to gain political power; disclose every personal flaw, shortcoming, foibles opponents will take advantage; no need to be complete honest2、关系到 classic information of the government要保留 national defence,attack on drug dealers3、但在关系到人民利益的时候隐瞒信息会对人们造成危害,使政府失去信任 the panic caused by SARS derived from China in 2003 was mostly initia ted by the closure of information by the government of Beijing. Lots of citizens are not available to take measures to protect from this deadly disease.It is always impossible for the political leaders to reveal everything to the public, especially some the information which can affect the national security. Different nations are competing and even antagonistic. Revealing some information could has no help for the solution but poses negative impact on the stability of a country. Unidentified illnessWithholding information should not be the excuse for political leaders to abuse their power.Withholding information at their will could provide the chance of corruption, 在不威胁国家安全,社会稳定情况下,政府行为应该尽可能透明,接受监督。【题目】 "It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public."【翻译】对于政治领导者来说,向人民大众隐瞒信息通常是必要的,甚至有益的。少数和多数的关系之 true lies, the truth is out there.【提纲】1、向人民大众隐瞒一些信息在一些情况下是有必要的,甚至是有宜的,例子,政府准备到某个 state 进行人们生活质量的考察,之前就很有必要不要告诉大家,因为如果告诉了 the public ,那么那个state 的领导可能会做一些表明工作,那么考察到的就不是真实情况了【这是看的别人的例子,实在没想出来】2、在一些情况下告诉 the public 实情还能帮助政府度过危机【例子就是 SARS 在2002 年在中国,如果不告知民众,那么很有可能大家不知道如何预防这种 virus,使得更多的人染上它,但告知后,人民在政府的领导下,降低了感染上这种 virus 的人数,成功的控制了 virus】3、总结.导对公众有所保留一、适当的保留是必须的,无论是上台前还是上台后 imcompatible 。但长期不行。二、在上台前,诚实是无用的美德 Before the political leader is elected, honesty is not a useful virtue for candidates1.民众不信任,给对手留空隙2.没办法完全保证承诺能实现,布什的减税计划因 911 而没实现三、上台后有时隐瞒信息也是必要的。After being elected, it is advantaged to conceal some information for the leader either.1.国家安全,国家安全会议2.经济利益,海带丰收3.公众容易恐慌,禽流感传闻四、on the other hand, people in any democracy will throw down the gauntlet to the goverments blackout, or put it bluntly, so-called fooling the public, in the long run.1、民主社会,人民才是主人2、 empirical evidence of economy,持续通胀 counterproductive3、长期欺骗只有 downfall, abuse, subversi on of administration8T 个体和整体 政治类 "It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public." 8 . 政治领导们在公众面前有所保留是必要的,甚至是必须的。 在某些情况下,封闭信息是需要。A 如国防 national defense,抓捕犯人 culprit等B 有时群众了解的信息可能是片面的,引起骚动,还不如不了解 Admittedly, sometimes it is necessary for political leaders to keep the public from know something, such as countrys top secret, which is indispensable and helpful for a country in defending aggression and keeping safety. 公开信息更有利于群众与政府的互动,更利于帮助政府把事情办好. 如:现在很多地方的政府网站,以及摄像头等。 公开信息还有一个优势:防止权力的腐败 反面说:引起腐败,and therefore bring detriment to society.Firstly, political leaders, in a democracy regime, will harm the proper right of people as they withhold information from the public.Secondly, withholding information from the public will result in corruption in the government, and therefore bring detriment to society.gre考试写作分数如何提升呢