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    新目标九年级英语单元知识点及配套练习Unit 1 How do you study for a test?1、 一般现在时<特别是单数第三人称作主语>;2、动词作主语的形式<现在分词和不定式>;3、介词后面的动词形式<ing>;4、What about+ing;How about+ing;5、too+形<副>+to<不定式>;6、find+宾语+宾语补足语;7、notat all;8、get+形容词;9、某些动词后面的动词必须用ing;10、unless条件状语从句if条件状语从句,or并列句;11、insteadinstead of;12、listen to13、ask<sb>for<sth>;14、for example;15、have fun<doing sth>16、end upwith>17、spoken English; Englishspeaking peoplecountries18、make mistakes19talk to<with>sb20、why dont you<we,they +动词原形?= why not+动词原形?21、laugh at22、first of all23、to begin with24、later on25、be afraid of sth<doing> be afraid todo sth be afraid that从句26、in classout of class /after class27、take notes28、get an"A"in English29、<sb>be impressed by<with>30、have trouble doing sth.<回见15>31、lookup32、make up a conversation33、around the world34、deal with35、stay<keep>+形容词36、go by37、decide<not>to do sth38、主语+last<延续>for long39、regard sb<sth>as/hink of sb<sth>as40、complain about sth41、compare sth to sth把比作;compare sth withsth把与进行比较42、physical problems43、break off44、in a positive way45、study for a test46、learn a lot inthat way47、keep an English notebook48、区别:sound,voice,noise49、区别:loud,aloud,loudly50、find sb./sth.+宾语补足语;find it +宾语补足语+for sb.to do sth.51、try one's best to do sth.52、with the help of =with one's help53、much too 与too much练习:1. Everyone _<want>to study English well.2. _<listen> to English every day _ <help> him a lot.3. How about _ <be> a musician?That's great!4. The stone looks too big for her to move. <1>译成汉语;2用sothat改写。5. I found it hard for me to improve spoken English.<译成汉语>6. In order to improve your English,you should practice_ <speak>English every day.7. Hurry!Or we'll be late!<同义句改写> 1If we_ _ ,we _ _ late.If we_,we _ _ late. 2Uless we_ ,we _ _late.8. Why not _<have >a try ?Why _you _<have> a try?9. _<Eat> more vegetables _<stay> _<健康>.10. Do you have any trouble_<get> along with your classmates?11. Listen!How sweet that girl's _<sound /voice /noise> is!12. Don't shout _<loud/aloud/loudly>at others!13. I'm always_ tired because I always have_ work to do.<选择:A. much too;too much B. too much; much too C.many too; too many D. too many; many too>14. 选词填空注意时态、语态和词形变化:instead of;have fun;end up;make mistakes;laugh at;later on;be afraid of;take notes;look up;deal with;complain about(1) You may _ the new words in the dictionary.(2) We _ with the children in the park yesterday.(3) Be careful!Try your best not _.(4) He always _the weather and his bad health.(5) We should learn _ all kinds of problems in a positive way.(6) _ in class is a good habit.(7) The sports meeting _ with our school song.(8) She spent almost all her spare time playing the piano ,_ she became a great pianist.(9) Most children _ their fathers.(10) _ taking a taxi, he went there on foot.(11) Don't _ him. After all,he has realized his mistakes. Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.1、 描述过去习惯做某事:主语used to<不定式>2、区别下列句型:used to<不定式>be used to<介词>be used to<不定式>be used for sth<doing>3、notanymoreno more;notany longerno longer4、hardly<ever>=veryseldom=almostnever5、复合词:a fifteen-year-old boy6、对某人而言做某事是的:It's<形容词>for sb. todosth7、be able to do sth与can8、give up<+ ing>9、 affordsth<to do sth>10、be interested in sth<doingsth>11、in front of与in the front of12、be terrified of<与 be afraid of 相近13、go to bed<sleep>14、on the soccer team15、worry about sb<sth> /be worried about/worrythat从句16、allthetime17、take a bus to<某地> = go to<某地>by bus18、go right<straight>home19、start high school20、spend+time<money>on sthdoing sthIt takes<took>sb.+时间+to do sth 物cost<某人>+钱人 pay 钱 for 物。21、dailylife22、be stressed out23、look like<介词>24、get good<bad>grades25、look after=take care of26、as+形<副>+as sbcancouldwant1ikewouldlikeas+形<副>+aspossible27、cause problems<trouble> to sb.28、get into trouble with sb.29、in the end=at last=finally30、make a<difficultgood/bad>decision31、a boys' boarding school32、head teacher33、to ones surprise34、even though<if>引导条件状语从句35、take pride in sb<sth>=be proud of sb<sth>36、pay attention to<介词>37、非谓形式<ing和不定式>作主语时,谓语用单数形式。38、alone与lonely39、chat onlinewith sb. about sth.40、mind的用法41、区别:die,dead;与death42、as well与as well as43、be patient with sb.sth.练习:1. We used to play here.<1>改写成否定句;2变成一般疑问句。2. Mr.Smith used to smoke, but now he doesn't smoke any more.<译成汉语>3. I have been used to the weather here.<译成汉语>4. The bricks<砖> are used to build a wall.<译成汉语>5. Umbrellas are used for keeping off rain.译成汉语6. Our basket wasn't there any more.<同义句> Our basket_ _ _ there.7. It hardly ever snows in Hainan Island, _ _?8. 对一个年仅八岁的孩子来说照顾宠物狗并不是一件容易的事情。 _ isn't easy for_ 8-year-old child _ _ _ a pet dog.9. Was Litz interested in _<play> the piano at his very young age?10. He spends all his spare time _<paint> .<同义句>It _ all his spare time _ _.11. How much did it cost you to fly to Harbin?<同义句>How much did you _ _to Harbin?12. 她尽可能经常回家去看望父母。She _ _ _her parents as_ as_ _ .13. Helping others _<make>him _<feel>very happy.14. Parents always take _<自豪> in their children.<同义句>Parents are always_ 自豪_ their children.15. You made a good _<决定>!16. I don't mind _<stand> here.17. Chinese as well as English _<be>very important.18. <改错>How long has Lu Xun died?19. My dog's _<死>made me very sad.20. He didn't use to_ <eat> western food,but now he is used to _<eat> it.21. 选词填空注意时态、语态和词形变化:no longer;be able to;give up;be terrified of;worry about;stressed out;look after;in the end;to one's surprise;even if;pay attention to;(1) My sister is too young _ herself.(2) _smoking!It's bad for your health.(3) Try your best.I'm sure you will_ make progress in English.(4) Thanks to the electricity,people were _afraid of the dark.(5) He was too _to say a word.(6) He tried many times but failed again and again,_ he had to give up.(7) Human beings should_ protecting our environment.(8) _,Mr Gao worked it out only in two minutes.(9) It was getting dark,I began to_ my parents,they hadn't come back yet.(10) I'm sure to go to see you tomorrow,_it rains.(11) Most people _tigers and lions.Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose theirown clothes1、被动语态<特别是含有情态动词>2、谈论"同意"与"不同意","应该允许"和"不应该允许"。3、have<getmake>sb<sth>+过去分词4、主句动词为thinkbelieveexpect/suppose等表示主观推断的动词所接的否定宾语从句要进行否定转移5、enough的用法。6、stop to do sth.与stop doing sth.7、"So+助动词+主语"与"So+主语+助动词";"Neither<Nor>+助动词+主语"与"Neither<nor>+主语+助动词"8、借用"do<doesdid>"进行强调<教科书P24>9、already与yet10、副词置于句首引起的主谓倒装<教科书P24>11、a part-time<full-time>job12、get ones ears pierced参见313、cut ones hair14、on at>weekendson weekdays15、at this<that>age;atthe age of=at ones age of16、go to the movies17、by 10:00 p.m.18、go+-ing与do<some>-ing19、stay up20、cleanup动副短语>21、get to class late22、finish a test early23、fail<in>a test;failtodo sth;fail<in>doing sth24、take<pass>a test25、be strict with sb;be strict in sth26、the other day27、concentrate<moreon sth<than sth>28、be good for sb<sth>29、in groups<of3>;in pairs30、during the evening<the vacation>31、atpresent32、have a chance<an opportunity>to do sth<of doing sth>33、think about···;think of34、It'sa realmess!What a mess!35、at least<most>36、eight hourssleep a night 37、an old people's home38、a primary school39、at the newspaper offiee40、once a day;twice a week;three times a month41、have<take>+一段时间+offto do sth.42、answer+宾语;reply to+sb<sth>43、agree with sb<an idea>;disagree with sb.44、get<be>in the way of45、have nothing against sb<sth>46、be serious about sth.47、quite a few;very few48、come out<多义>49、区别:put on,wear,dress接人作宾语与in50、learn from;learn about51、be good for/to/at/with练习:1. People use English widely all over the world.<变成被动语态>English _ widely _ all over the world.2. You can't take the books out of the library.<同上>The books _ _ _ out of the library.3. Someone saw him go out just now.<同上>_ _ _ _ _ out just now.4. The Grate Wall _ _<build> by millions of people about 2,200 years ago.5. The trees have been planted by the students from Class Two.<译成汉语>6. 这儿不许抽烟!Smoking _ _ here.7. He thinks.Teenagers aren't allowed to get their ears pierced.<合并为一句>He _ _teenagers _ allowed to get their ears pierced.8. Bob hasn't passed the exam,_ _ _<我也没有>9. It looks so fine today._ _ _<是啊,的确不错!>10. Be quiet!Here _!<选择:A. come the teacher;B. does the teacher come;C. comes the teacher;D. the teacher comes>11. He was able to play the guitar at his age of five.<同义句>He _ _the guitar _ he_ _ .12. After the work,he'll have 5 days off to go on a vacation.<译成汉语>13. He had his hair _<cut/cutted/to cut/cutting>.<同义句>He asked somebody_ his hair in a barber.14. The patient is too weak to _<穿衣服> himself.<同义句>The patient is _ weak _ he _ _ himself.15. 选词填空注意时态、语态和词形变化:stay up;clean up;at present;think of;at least;agree with;come out;quite a few;be supposed to;every five days;(1) Look!How heavy the rain is!But it _rain yesterday.(2) _too late so often is bad for your health.(3) A traffic accident happened on Dongfeng Road that day._people were injured.(4) What does your father_ your new look?(5) So many flowers _in spring.(6) _,more than 10,000 missing people haven't found yet.(7) There are_ 100 people in the hall.(8) Although so many people_ you, I don't think it's a good idea.(9) Usually,the flight from Chengdu to Paris runs once_.(10) The classroom must_ at once!Unit 4 What would you do ?1、谈论假设情况.2、if的用法;<1>引导真实条件状语从句; <2>引导虚拟条件状语从句;<3>作"是 否"讲,引导宾语从句。3、What if+陈述句?意为:如果该怎么办或怎么样呢?4、else与other5、rather than/would ratherthan/ would···rather than···6、add···to<into>···7、medical research8、belatefor9、get pimples10、be confident of sb<sth> have confidence in sb11、in publicin a public placethe public12、How confident are you?13、give aspeech to sb.15、have a cold<fever16、with<without><ones>permission/give sb. permission to do sth.17、introduce sbto sb18、do<make>a survey about sth19、in lots of different situations20、notin the slightest=notat all>21、plentyof=lots of都可用于可数与不可数名词22、get along<on><wellbadly>with sb23、make speeches24、at lunch time25、in fact26、come top27、let sbdown28、come up with=think of>29、the restof30、befacedwith<by>31、know of=hearof32、have lots of experience doing sth33、give sbadvice on34、coverwithbe covered with35、fall downstairsgo upstairs36、find/find out/look for37、offer sbsthofferto do sth.38、hide sth<sb>from sb.39、get nervous<get+形容词>40、区别:say,speak,tell,talk41、区别:borrow与lend42、by accident/by mistake练习:1. I don't know if he _ <come>.If he _ <come>,I _<tell> you.2. If I _ <be>you,I _<go> to his party.3. You _<see>the star if you_ <come>a little earlier.4. What if you add some more salt to the soup?I think it would be more delicious!<译>5. You should do more rather than _<say>.6. 未经许可,不得把书带出阅览室。Books _ _ _ _ out of the reading room.7. It doesn't matter at all.<同义句> It _ matter _ _ _ .8. Plenty of the water _ _ be polluted.9. We must _ who did it.<look for/find/find out>10. He was so nervous that he couldn't _ say,speak,tell,talka word.<同义句> He was too nervous _ _.11. I don't think the dress is _ _ <够有创意的>.12. Where was the book _ <借的> from?13. How long has he borrowed the dictionary? <改错>14. 茶是无意之中被发明出来的。Tea _ _ _ _ .15. 选择填空。have confidence;introduce;plenty of; get along;in fact;come top;let sb.down;come up with;cover with;get nervous(1) How do you _ with your classmates?(2) Now please allow me _ myself.(3) When I make speeches in front of a group, I always _.(4) Finally,he _ a good idea.(5) Mt. Qomolangma _ snow all the year round.(6) You should study hard,or you will _ your parents _.(7) The sun looks the same size as the moon. _,it's far bigger than the moon.(8) If you _ on yourself,you are sure to succeed.(9) She has good grades,she always _ in exams.(10) Human body needs _ water. Unit FiveIt must belong to Carla.1、用情态动词表达推测。2、belong to<+名词/代词宾格>3、at the picnic/have a picnic/go on a picnic4、much too+形<副>/too much+不可数名词5、<1>have som idea ofsth<或从句> <2>have no ideaofsth或从句6、during the concert7、symphony hall8、have a try/try to do sth/try doing sth/try one's best to do sth.9、at ones appointment with sb/make<fixhave, break>anappointmentwith sb10、Its crucial that从句11、make up<30of> count30of>12、thefinal exam13、原因状语从句:because+从句/ because of+名诃性词语14、run<chase>after sb<sth>15、catch a bus16、in Bell Tower neighborhood17、There be sb<sth>doing sth +地点=Sb<sth>bedoing sth +地点18、get+in<into,out ofoffon><+交通工具>19、be careful ofsth20、wake up<动副短语:use upend up,clean up,eatup动副短语接宾时,该宾语的位置问题·>21、pretend<not>to do sthpretend+从句22、attempt sth attempt to do sth<=try to do sth>23、 play the violin at the concert·24、 joke about sth play jokes on sb<about sth>25、 call the police26、 have a test on27、 be anxious for <about> sb<sth>/be anxious to do sth28、 telephone sb/phone sb/call sb/ring sb/call<ring> up sb/give sb a call练习:1. There must be something wrong with my computer.<先译成汉语,再转换成否定句和反意疑问句>2. They might have arrived in Beijing.<同上>3. The earring is Mary's.<同义句>The earring _to _ .4. 这本字典是她的吗?_ the dictionary _to _?5. Do you know anything about the Olympic Games?<同义句>_ you have _ _ of the Olympic Games?6. I don't know.<同义句>I have _ _.7. He didn't go to work because he was ill.<同义句>He didn't go to work because of _ _.8. There must some people swimming at the pool.<同义句>Some people_ _ _ at the


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