Global ABAP Naming StandardsGlobal SAP Development Architecture Document Revision HistoryTABLE OF CONTENTS1.AUTHORIZATION GROUPS62.BACKGROUND JOB73.BDC SESSIONS94.DATA ELEMENTS105.DEVELOPMENT CLASS116.DOMAIN127.DIALOG PROGRAM138.DIALOG INCLUDE149.ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS1510.FUNCTION GROUPS1611.FUNCTION MODULES1712.FUNCTION MODULE INCLUDES1813.EVENTS1914.LAYOUT SET2015.LOCK OBJECT2116.LOGICAL DATABASE2217.MESSAGE CLASS2318.MESSAGE NUMBER2419.MODULE POOL FOR SCREENS2520.PROGRAM NAME2621.SCREENS2822.STANDARD TEXT ID2923.STANDARD TEXT NAME:3024.STYLES3125.SUBROUTINE POOLS3226.TABLES3327.TABLE FIELDS3428.TABLE GROUP3529.TABLE INDEX3630.TABLE STRUCTURE3731.TABLE VIEWS3832.TEXT ELEMENTS3933.TRANSACTION CODES4034.VARIANT4135.WORK ID4236.FILE NAME4337.SIGNAL FILE NAME4438.STANDARD FILE LAYOUT4539.INFOSET QUERY4640.USER GROUP4741.IDOC FILE PORT4842.XML FILE PORT4843.SEARCH HELP4944.LSMW PROJECT NAME5045.LSMW SUBPROJECT NAME5146.LSMW OBJECT5147.LOGICAL SYSTEM FOR INTERFACES5248.CLASSES5349.BOR OBJECTS (BUSINESS OBJECT REPOSITORY) AND RELATED COMPONENTS5450.RFC CONNECTION FOR INTERFACE5451.ALE PORT FOR INTERFACE5552.LS PARTNER PROFILE FOR INTERFACE5553.ALE DISTRIBUTION MODEL5554.SAP USER ID FOR INTERFACE5655.SAP USER ID FOR BATCH JOB5656.SAP USER ID FOR WORKFLOW561. Authorization GroupsABAP/4 Authorization Group is a means of assigning ABAP/4 Programs for access protection. The system checks that a user belongs to an authorization group when Starting or editing a program,Maintaining attributes, Using other program development utilitiesSAP R/3 Requirements:An Authorization Group name must begin with a Z. and may be a maximum of 8 characters long.Standard:Authorization group naming standards are controlled by the Security Administrator and will allow foreasier maintenance of security profiles.Format:Zxnxxxxx|Unique Identifier|Sequential Indicator|Functional DescriptorIdentifierPosition DescriptionValuesMeaning1IdentifierZIdentifies as a custom Authorization Group2Functional Descriptor(A-Z)(see functional descriptor of program naming standard)3Sequential Indicator1 - n1 is highest level of authority. Incrementing value decreases authority.4-8Unique Identifier00000 - ZZZZZAssigned by Security Administrator.Example:1.ZG12.ZG2The first group, ZGL1, would have the greatest access. It would include access specific to that group, as well as all the same accesses of the second, third, and fourth groups below it. Likewise, the access granted to group 4 would not have any of the authorization roles in those groups above it.2. Background JobPositionDescriptionValuesMeaning1-3Locationchar3 character standard Celestica locationALL GlobalAMR AMERICAEUR EuropePAC Pacific AsiaCUK UKCIR IrelandCIT ItalyCCA CanadaCUS U.S.ACheck the complete list in Celestica Intranet4-6SystemFix valueAlways SAP7-8Module or Functional DescriptionBWBusiness Information Warehouse FIFinancial accountingGLGeneral LedgerHRHuman Resources IMInventory managementCOCost AccountingMSMerchandise management system (MMS)MMMaterial ManagementPCProduction (PPC)SPPersonnel PlanningPMPlant maintenancePBPublishingPPProduction PlanningQSQuality assurance (QSS) or Quality managementSDSalesUTGeneral System/Utility programsSMService ManagementCSCustomer ServiceAOAPOCMCRMZZProgrammer work ABAP 9Separator_Always underscore 10Program TypeIInterface ProgramCConversionEEnhancementRReportFFormMSystem MaintenanceUSystem UpdateOOthers11Data FlowIInboundOOutboundBBothNNot applicable12Separator_Always underscore13 - 15Customer Code3 chars3 chars customer nameALL- More than one or All customersXXX Not for any customerSee the next section for list of customers, this list will be updated regularly.16 - 19SAP Pant4 chars4 chars plant from SAP table T001W20 - 32Job Description12 charsUp to 16 charactersExample:1.CUKSAPSD_II_SUN4203NVOICE2. CTOSAPMM_IO_LUC6102SALEORDER3. BDC SessionsStandard:Naming convention for BDC sessions will vary depending on the needs of a customer. In many cases, the naming conventions for BDC sessions need to be worked in conjunction with the Security Administrator.Considerations:BDC session names do not require unique names.BDC security may be set up based on the name of the BDC session.A BDC session with a Company Code embedded in the name may be beneficial.In many circumstances, end-users will be required to process BDC sessions; this should be taken into account when establishing BDC naming conventions.4. Data ElementsStandard:DO NOT create new data elements, use standards SAP data elements where it is possible. New data elements must be activated for better tracking purposes. Where possible, use the same name as the domain associated with the data element. If there is a conflict, name the data element in a meaningful manner. SAP does create Data Elements that begin with a Z, so custom Data Elements should begin with ZZ.Data element names should have a maximum of 8 characters. SAP generated programs or functions may use this dictionary object definition for SELECT-OPTIONS and PARAMETERs, which may be up to 8 characters long.Format:ZZxxxxxx|descriptionIdentifierPosition DescriptionValuesMeaning1-2TypeZZUses ZZ3-8descriptionX (upto 6 chars)A meaningful name describing the data elementExample:1.ZZORDER2.ZZNUMBER 5. Development ClassFormat:Zxxx|Unique IdentifierCustom IdentifierPosition DescriptionValuesMeaning1Custom IdentifierZAlways Z2Program TypeBWBusiness Information Warehouse FIFinancial accountingGLGeneral LedgerHRHuman Resources IMInventory managementCOCost AccountingMSMerchandise management system (MMS)MMMaterial ManagementPCProduction (PPC)SPPersonnel PlanningPMPlant maintenancePBPublishingQSQuality assurance (QSS) or Quality managementSDSalesUTGeneral System/Utility programsSMService ManagementCSCustomer ServiceAQABAP QueryCRMCRMAPOAPOZZProgrammer work ABAP Example:1.ZMM2.ZUT6. DomainStandard:DO NOT create new domains where it is possible. New domains must be activated for better tracking purposes. Where possible, use an existing Domain. If that is not possible, name the Domain in a meaningful manner. SAP does create Domains that begin with a Z, so custom Domains should begin with ZZ.Domain names should have a maximum of 8 characters. SAP generated programs or functions may use this data dictionary object definition for SELECT-OPTIONS or PARAMETER and the allowable length for the variable is 8 characters.Format:ZZxxxxxx|DescriptionCustom IdentifierPosition DescriptionValuesMeaning1-2Custom IdentifierZZAlways ZZ3-8DescriptionX (upto 6 chars)A meaningful name describing the data elementExample:1.ZZDATE2.ZZTIME7. Dialog ProgramStandard:The name has to begin with SAPD. The fifth character must be a Z.Format:SAPDZxxx|Unique Identifier|Functional DescriptorIdentifierPosition DescriptionValuesMeaning1-5IdentifierSAPDZCustom Module Pool for Dialog6Functional Descriptor(A-Z)(see functional descriptor of program naming standard)7-8Unique identifier00-ZZtwo digit alpha-numeric to uniquely identify Example:1.SAPDZV012.SAPDZH01For HR only:MP99xxxxx|Unique Identifier|Functional DescriptorIdentifierPosition DescriptionValuesMeaning1-3IdentifierMP9Custom Module Pool for Dialog4Fix number9Always 95-7Number(0-999)Info Type8-9Unique identifier00-4010 program statement20 PBO30 PAI40 Subroutine 8. Dialog IncludeStandard:INCLUDES for dialog programs have to begin with the last 5 characters of the module pool name. It should then be followed by a three digit identifier. Format:DZxxxxxx|Include identifierIndicates as custom Dialog Module pool Include Position DescriptionValuesMeaning1-5IdentifierDZxxxIdentifies as custom Module Pool include6-8Include IdentifierTOPData Fields IxxScreen Input, where nn is a two-digit alpha-numericOxxOutput, where nn is a two-digit alpha-numericFxxForms, where nn is a two-digit alpha-numericExample:1.DZM01I012.DZM01O019. ENHANCEMENT PROJECTSThe R/3 enhancement concept allows you to add your own functionality to SAPs standard business applications.Standard Format:Enhancement project names should begin with Z followed by the application area and the last 4 digits of the module pools name. The last 2 digits should be a unique identifier.ZXXXXXXX|Last 4 of Module Pool NameUnique Identifier|Application AreaCustomer Position DescriptionValuesMeaning1IdentifierZPermanent2Functional Descriptor(A-Z)(see functional descriptor of program naming standard)3-6Last 4 of Module Pool NameXXXXModule pool name7-8Unique Description(up to 29 chars)Describe the enhancementExample:1.ZSZM01012.ZMZM020110. FUNCTION GROUPSConsiderations:When function modules are called, the system loads the whole function group into main memory.A maximum of six developers can maintain function modules within a function group at any one time.Standards:The naming standards will ensure the custom Function Groups will not conflict with present or future SAP delivered function groups, as well as serve to identify groups of related function modules by functional area.When a Function Group is created, SAP creates a program with the naming convention SAPLxxxx, where xxxx is the name of the function group.Format:Zx(up to 29 chars)|Unique Descirption|Functional DescriptorIdentifierPosition DescriptionValuesMeaning1TypeZCustom function Group2Functional Descriptor(A-Z)(see functional descriptor of program naming standard)3-31Unique Description(up to 29 chars)Describe the function moduleExample:1.ZFGETCUSTOMER2.ZMDISPLAYTOTAL11. FUNCTION MODULESStandards: Function module names should begin with Z Format:Z_xx(26)|Primary Table name|Functional Descriptor|Always underscoreIdentifierPosition DescriptionValuesMeaning1IdentifierZPermanent2Separator_Always underscore3Functional Descriptor(A-Z)(see functional descriptor of program naming standard)4-30Descriptionx(26)Purpose of function moduleExample:1.Z_UFTP2.Z_S_GET_SALE_ORDER12. FUNCTION MODULE INCLUDESStandard:INCLUDES for custom programs have to begin with the last 5 characters of the module pool name, and end with a three digit combination identifying the type of include member. Uses include names as generated by SAP in workbench.13. EVENTSStandard:SAP events are used to establish a dependency between two processes. Use an SAP Event to generalize types of jobs that will be released periodically; use the Event parameter to restrict Events to specific jobs.Format:Zx_(up to 29 chars)|Primary Table name|Separator|Program TypeIdentifierPosition DescriptionValuesMeaning1IdentifierZZ for custom EVENT2Functional Descriptor(A-Z)(see functional descriptor of program naming standard)3Separator_Always underscore3-32Description(up to 29 chars)Descriptive String - identifying the job being triggeredExample:1.ZS_RUN_JOB2.ZM_CREATE_SCHEDULE14. Layout SetStandard Format:Zx_x(12)|Descriptive Identifier|always underscore|Functional DescriptorCustom IndicatorPosition DescriptionValuesMeaning1Custom IndicatorZCustom Indicator2Functional Descriptor(A-Z)(see functional descriptor of program naming standard)3Separator_always underscore4-15Descriptive IdentifierUp to 12 charsSAP Layout set nameExample:1.ZM_PO2.ZS_SALE_ORDER15. Lock ObjectStandard Format:EZX(7)|Primary TableCustom IdentifierPosition DescriptionValuesMeaning1-2Custom IdentifierEZAlways start with “EZ” for custom developed Lock Object3-10Primary TableX (up to 7 chars)The name of the primary table entered in the primary table field of the Lock Object create screenExample:1.EZORDER2.EZCHEQUE16. LOGICAL DATABASEStandards:When creating a LDB, the entry field allows for 3 characters to be input. The first two characters are the name of the logical database and the third character is the application area the LDB belongs. When attaching an ABAP/4 Report to a LDB, the LDB consists of 2 characters and a separate field to identify the application area, which must be in table TAPLT.Format: Zxx|Application area from table TAPLT|Unique IdentifierCustom IdentifierPosition DescriptionValuesMeaning1Custom IdentifierZCustom developed2Unique Identifier0-ZUniquely identifies the LDB3Application Areaentry must exist in table TAPLTThe Application Area the LDB is to be associated. Entry must be in table TAPLTExample:1.Z1M2.ZIF17. Message ClassStandards:The message class will begin with a Z and the 2nd character will be the application ID. When a need arises to define a new message ID the following convention should be used.Format:Zx|Functional DescriptorCustom IndicatorPosition DescriptionValuesMeaning1TypeZCustom developed2Functional Descriptor(A-