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    五年级英语PEP下册Recycle 2学习评价附答案、听力材料Exercise One I. Listen and match.听录音,根据录音内容将下列人物和相关的图片连线.II. Look and write.看图片,写出短语的相应形式.III. Look and write.看图片,根据图片内容将所缺单词填在横线上,使短文完整、正确.Today our class is very busy.Look! ZhangPengand Mike are _. Sarahis _. ChenJieand Amy are_.WuYifan_.What are John and Miss White doing? They_.We are all having fun.Exercise TwoI. Listen and write.听录音,根据录音内容将所缺单词填在横线上,使句子正确、完整.1. What are you _? Im watching the cartoon.2. Its _ evening. Mr Black is _.3. Today is _. Were _.4. What is Tom doing? Hes _.5. Look! Chen Jie is over there. Shes _.6. Hello. _. Can I speak to Chen Jie, please?II. Look and write.看图片,根据图片内容,将所缺单词填在横线上,使句子完整、正确.III. Read and answer.读短文,根据短文内容回答下列问题.Dear Jack, Im Zhang Peng. Im doing my homework at home now. Its evening in China. My mother is cooking dinner. My father is reading a book. My brother is counting insects. My sister is answering the phone. My grandma is watching TV. My grandpa is watering the flowers. They are all busy. What about you?Yours, Zhang Peng1. How many people are there in Zhang Pengs family?2. Whats Zhang Pengs brother doing?3. Whats Zhang Pengs grandpa doing?4. Whats Zhang Pengs mother doing? 5. Whats Zhang Peng doing?学习评价参考答案Exercise OneI. Listen and match.听录音,根据录音内容将下列人物和相关的图片连线.II. Look and write.看图片,写出短语的相应形式.play chesswatching insectswriting a reporttaking picturespicking up leaveshaving a piiccatch butterfliesIII. Look and write.听录音,根据录音内容将下列人物和相关的图片连线.Today our class is very busy. Look! Zhang Peng and Mike are playing chess. Sarah is writing a report. Chen Jie and Amy are reading books. Wu Yifan is cleaning a board. What are John and Miss White doing? They are doing an experiment. We are all having fun. Exercise TwoI. Listen and write.听录音,根据录音内容将所缺单词填在横线上,使句子正确、完整.1. What are you doing? Im watching the cartoon.2. Its Sunday evening. Mr Black is sleeping.3. Today is Saturday. Were having a piic.4. What is Tom doing? Hes drawing pictures.5. Look! Chen Jie is over there. Shes writing an .6. Hello. This is Mike. Can I speak to Chen Jie, please?II. Look and write.看图片,根据图片内容,将所缺单词填在横线上,使句子完整、正确.Cats can climb the tree. The cat is climbing the tree. Giraffes can run. The giraffe is running. Birds can fly. The birds are flying. Kangaroos can jump. The kangaroos are jumping.Monkeys can swing. The monkeys are swinging. III. Read and answer.读短文,根据短文内容回答下列问题.1. There are seven. 2. Hes counting insects.3. Hes watering the flowers.4. She is cooking dinner. 5. Hes doing homework. 听力材料Exercise OneI. Listen and match.听录音,根据录音内容将下列人物和相关的图片连线.Its Sunday evening. Sarah is listening to music. Her mom is answering the phone. Her dad is doing the dishes. Her grandpa is watching TV. Her grandma is reading a book. Exercise TwoI. Listen and write.听录音,根据录音内容将所缺单词填在横线上,使句子正确、完整.1. What are you doing? Im watching the cartoon.2. Its Sunday evening. Mr Black is sleeping.3. Today is Saturday. Were having a piic.4. What is Tom doing? Hes drawing pictures.5. Look! Chen Jie is over there. Shes writing an .6. Hello. This is Mike. Can I speak to Chen Jie, please?


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