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    习题选择1 The summer holidays are _soon.A come B comes C coming2. Each of us_a good plan for the holidays .A have B has C had3. The weather gets warm .Everything_ back to life .A come B comes C came4. Fall_ after summer ,It is the harvest season ,and the farmers are busy_.A come to harvest B come harvesting C comes harvesting5. Its cool and the leaves fall from the trees ,The cold weatner _.A comes B came C is coming6.If you plan to travel_ you holidays .youd better_out the weather in different places in August .A. in ; find B on ; finding C on ; find7.I _ go to school on foot,but sometimes by bike.A usually B seldom C never8 I_ walk to school,I ofen go by subwayA usually B seldom C never9 I _go to school by subway,Ialways take a bus.A usually B seldom C never10 What about _ there by bus ,Tom ?A to go B going C go11 Hurry up ! Its time for leave . -OK ,_.A Im coming B I came C I will come 12 Tom likes _ snowmen in winter .A make B makes C making D to make13 Must I finish my homework now ? -No,you_.A may not B mustnt C can not D neednt14 Find the answer _ the question ,Please .A of B to C for15 The flowers smell _ .A well B good C bad16 Leo likes _ ,but he doesnt like _ now .A hike ; hiking B hikes ; hiking C hiking ; to hik17 Lucy and Lily _China next week .A is ; visit B are visiting C is visiting D are visit 18 It,s time _ class . Come on !A to B for C of19 I _ go to school by subway . I always take a bus . A often B seldom C never20 I _ walk to school .I often go by bus .A never B usually C seldom 21 _do they have ball games . Four times a year .A How often B How long C How many22 Many students take a bus or walk to school .Very _ students ride _ .A few ; bike B many ; bikes C few ; bikes23Excuse me .may I borrow _Renai Project English workbooks ?A few B a few C little D a little24 Great ! You must like English very much . Yes . Its easy and interesting .What do you _ it ?A think about B think over C think of25 Excuse me .may I _ many workbooks ?A borrow B lend C take26 Are there any boats _ the river ?A in B on C above27 There are some apples _the tree .A in B on C of28 There are some birds_the tree .A in B on C of29 There is _with my kitchen fan .A wrong something B something wrong C anything wrong33 Whats your present _KangKangs birthday ?A to B for C with30 Maria , what would you like to do _ KangKangs birthday ?A in B on C at31 Oh ! Polly ,Can you _ English ?A say B speak C talk32 KangKang is _at playing soccer, While Michael does _in basketball .A well ; good B good ; well C good ; good33 Its warm . Its good season for _kites .A flying B fly C flies34 Itscool .Its good time to _hills .A climb B climbing C climbs35 Very _ students ride bikes on the street .A few B a few C little D a little36 He looks happy because he loves _ .A swimming B swim C to swim37 There is a picture _the wall .A on B in C at38 There is a window _ the wall.A on B in 79 Excuse me . where is the Peoples Hospital ? Tuen left and walk _. and youll see it _ your right . A in ; on B on ; in C on ; on80 Our teacher often tells us _ late for class . A not B not to be C dont be81 I wont go home _ he comes every time . A until B or C but82 She is afraid of the dark . She will not go to bed _ her mother comes back .A after B when C until83 Walk _ this street , and you can find it . A in B alone C on84 _ I _ the bus ? No ,Its not far . A Need ; to take B Do ; need to take C Do ; need by85 Its good _the teacher _ the blackboard . A help , to clean B helping , cleaning C to help , to clean 86 Dont throw your socks everywhere ._. A put them up B Put them away C Put away them 87 _ go goating with the teachers next Saturday ? Thats great ! A Why dont B why not C Why not88 He was born _ German parents . A to or of B 不填 C into 89 He was born _ a very musical family . A of B to C into D 不填 90 _ were Lilei and Lucy born? They were born in London on October 10th A When B Where C When and Where91 What day is the _ day of a week ? Its Saturday . A seven B sixth C seventh92 My birthday is next Sunday .My friends plan _ a birthday party for me . A have B to have C to be93 _ today ? Its December 24th .A What day is it B Whats the date C What date94 Whats the first day of a week ? Its _. A Sunday B Monday C Satuday95 Whats the second day of a week ? Its _ . A Monday B Wensday C Friday 96 Whats the shape _ your pen ?用所给的单词的适当形式填空 。begingogamelistenwatch(1) Xiao Min usually gets up at seven oclock .He has breakfast at half past half seven and then _1_ to school . Classes _2_at eight oclock in the morning and (2) finish at three oclock in the afternoon . after school , Xiao Min usually plays _3_with his classmates . at about half past six ,he has dinner with his family. Then he _4_TV for a little while .In the evening he reads books or _6_to music . He goes bed at half past nine . (3) Can you tell me how _(get) to the train station ? I want to take a train to Dalian.(4) Here is a ticket for _(speed) , sir !(5) Excuse me , which is the way to your home ? Go _ (cross) the bridge and turn right . Youll see a tall building.My home is next to the building .(6) We must keep _(wait ) for three hours to catch next bus .(7) Here is a birthday card for you with our best _ (wish) .(8) Ill take a photo of your when you are _ (dance).(9) Please be _(care)when you do your homework .(10) Whats on the table ? There_ (be) much meat on the table .(11) He is always_(friend) to me . We are good friends .(12) Its good to help children and old people _ (across) the road (13) .Play, fly, high, can not, teach Kate and Cathy are good friehds. They often 1 table tennis together. They like 2 kites, too. They often run with the kites. The kites fly very 3 . Kate 4 play basketball when she was ten, but she can play basketball very well now. Cathy couldnt play basketball one year ago, and she still cant now. Kate often 5 her to play basketball. 1 _ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_(14) Tom usually_ (get) up at 6:00 , but _ (get) up at 5:30 this morning .(15) Thank you for _ _ (ask) me your party .句型转换。1 He likes apples , too .He apples .2 They seldom go to the library (对划线局部提问)。_ _ _ they go to library .3 Its time to have lunch .(改为同意句)Its time _ _ _ .4 KangKang often rides a bike to school .(改为同意句)KangKang often _ _ _ _ _5 Youd better go to Fuzhou by bus .(改为否认句) You _ _ _ go to Fuzhou by bus . 6 Why dont you play basketball with us ? (同意句型转换)Why _ play basketball with us ?7 Tom has some books .(改为一般疑问句) 。_Tom _ _ books ?8 I sit in front of her .(同意句型转换)She _ _ me . 9 Put your book here , please .(改为否认句)_ _ your book here , please .10 There is something wrong with the piano (同意句型转换)The piano _ _ .11 There are many apples in the box .同意句型转换(1) There are _ _ _ apples in the box .(2) The are _ _ apples in the box .12 Take the second turning on the left. 同意句型转换 _ _ at the second turning .13 Put them here, please . 改为否认句_ _ them here , please .14 Where is the supermarket ? 同意句型转换 _ can I _ _ the supermarket ?15 They dont play basketball before the rain stops . 同意句型转换 They _ _ basketball _ the rain stops . 16 When is your birthday , Jim ? 同意句型转换 When _ you _ , Jim ?17 Li Lei can speek English .(用 two years ago 改写成否认形式)Li Lei _ _ speak English two years ago .18 I want to take these flowers to the party .(同意句型转换)。I _ _ to take these flowers to the party. 19 Could you help me ,please ?(肯定回答) Of course, _ _.20 Tom cant come to the party today because he hurt his right leg .(对划线局部提问)_ _ Tom come to the party today ?21 With the teachers help , I can dance now .(同意句型转换)_ _ _ _ the teacher , I can dance now .22 What other things can you do ? (同意句型转换) _ _ can you do ?23 He buys his wife a nice dress .同意句型转换 He _ a nice dress _ his wife .24 The computer doesnt work .(同意句型转换) There is _ _ with the computer .25We took turns to sing this sang .(同意句型转换) We took turns _ _ this song . 26My father bought a bike for me yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)_ you father _ a bike for you yesterday?27Jane sang an English song at Kangkangs birthday party(改为否认句)Jane _ _an English song at Kangkangs birthday party.28We celebrated my fathers birthday by having a party.(对划线局部提问) _ _ you _ your fathers birthday?29my uncle often has lunch in the factory.(用yesterday改写) My uncle _ lunch in the factory _.30Tom got up at 5:30 this morning.(对划线局部提问)_ _ _ Tom _ up this morning? 29 Its a special way to visit old friends(同意句型转换).Its a special way _ _ old friends .30 I like fall best .(同意句型转换)。My _ _ is fall .33 Its cold in winter ?对划线局部提问 _ _ _ _ in winter ?34 In China ,Spring returns in March .同意句型转换In China ,Spring _ _ in March .35 Nothing is difficult for her .同意句型转换_ is easy for her .36 Sunday comes before Monday .同意句型转换Monday _ _ Sunday .37 Its nice and bright today .对划线局部提问_ the weather _ today ?38 He usually returns home on Sunday .(同意句型转换)He usually _ _ home on Sunday .39 There was a heavy rain yesterday .同意句型转换It _ _ yesterday .用方框所给单词的适当形式填空。一I , far , light , show , minute , only , thank , to , right , findA: Excuse me , could you _1_ me the way _2_ the bookstore ?B: Certainy . Go alone this road and turn_3_ at the traffic _4_ . Then go straight on .Youll _5_ it next to the posx office .A: Is it _6_ from here ?B: No , it is_7_ about ten _8_ walk .A: Many _9_ .B: _10_ pleasure .二Make, have, be, begin, bring, come, recite, perform, breathe It 1 kangkangs birthday party last Sunday. His friends all 2 to his party and 3 many presents for him. Jane 4 a card for him. At the part, Helen 5 a Chinese poem while Tom 6 magic tricks. At last, kangkang 7 out the candles in one 8 . Afterthat, they 9 to eat the birthday cake. Every one 10 a good time at the party.1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_ 8_9_ 10_ 完形填空:Dear David , Please come to my home for supper at six this evening. Now let me tell you _1_to get to my home . When you walk out of school , you shoud _2_the No. 2 bus and then _3_at Xinhua Road . Then _4_right into Dongfeng Street and walk_5_ . Take the first turning _6_the left .My home is_7_ the third building on the right .There is a big tree_8_ the building . You cant _9_it . I live_10_ the fifth floor .And Ill wait for you at the gate . 1 A why B how C when ( ) 2 A drive B get on C take ( ) 3 A get off B get on C get out ( ) 4 A turn to B turn C turning ( ) 5 A on B up C down ( ) 6 A in B on C of ( ) 7 A on B in C at ( ) 8 A in front of B in the frond of C at ( ) 9 A find B miss C look for ( ) 10 A in B on C at7 / 7


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