雅思写作范文及思路点拨分享 怎样写好雅思作文呢?今天就给大家带来了雅思写作范文及思路点拨,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作范文及思路点拨:儿童玩游戏有没有好处?考鸭们都知道,雅思写作话题有一个历史题库。*就为大家梳理历年雅思写作真题范文:Some people think people working in creative arts should be financially supported by government. Others think they should find financial support from other resources. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.20XX年10月31日社会类雅思写作真题雅思写作题目讲解要注意这道题目需要大家进行双边讨论,分别说明政府支持艺术家和其他资源支持艺术家的理由。这道题目的难点在于观点不容易找,建议考生们可以多举出一些例子来进行说明。雅思写作参考范文The realization of basic human needs such as enough clothing and food makes it necessary for a more advanced spiritual enjoyment from art. For those who devote themselves to creating aesthetic works and pleasure, I think they should be supported by both government and other resources.基本的人类需求,如足够的衣物和食物,使我们有必要从艺术中获得更高级的精神享受。对于那些致力于创造美学作品和快乐的人来说,我认为他们应该得到政府和其他资源的支持。The government, as the central power that can accumulate a wealth of resources and execute them more systematically, should take the main responsibility to fund the artists. Most of the museums and art galleries are run and managed by governments and artists can be financially supported if the government makes it more accessible for artists to have their works of art exhibited. The authority can also issue some policies or regulations favoring the creation of innovative works of art, such as the reduction of tax levied on the artists and more subsidies for the encouragement of their contribution.作为能够积累大量资源并更系统地执行这些资源的中央权力机构,政府应该承担起为艺术家提供资金的主要责任。大多数博物馆和艺术画廊都是由政府管理和管理的,如果政府能让艺术家更容易地让艺术家们展出他们的作品,那么他们就能得到经济上的支持。当局还可以颁布一些政策或法规,支持创新艺术作品的创作,例如减少艺术家的税收,以及鼓励他们的贡献。It is also true that the financial support from governments alone can hardly guarantee a decent pay or income for the artists. Funding from the governments sometimes has to be allocated to the areas that are more concerned with the welfare of most of the citizens, such as health insurance and government loans for the students from disadvantaged families. In this case, the financial support from other sectors such as big companies or some non-governmental organizations can fit in. Some companies can carry out a series of exhibitions to raise more funds for artists and it is advisable for them to help publicise the works of artists on some media.同样的事实是,仅靠政府提供的财政支持很难保证艺术家能得到体面的收入或收入。政府提供的资金有时必须分配给那些更关心大多数公民福利的领域,比如医疗保险和来自弱势家庭的政府贷款。在这种情况下,大公司或一些非政府组织等其他部门的财政支持可以适应。一些公司可以举办一系列的展览来为艺术家筹集更多的资金,他们也可以在一些媒体上宣传艺术家的作品。To sum up, if joint efforts from both governments and other resources are made to fund those who are engaged in the field of art, chances are that the artists will be better-off and create more valuable masterpieces that can elevate peoples spiritual world.总之,如果两国政府和其他资源共同努力,为那些从事艺术领域的人提供资金,那么艺术家们很可能会变得更富有,创造出更有价值的杰作,从而提升人们的精神世界。雅思写作范文及思路点拨:高中毕业生Gap year的优缺点考鸭们都知道,雅思写作话题有一个历史题库。*就为大家梳理历年雅思写作真题范文:School leavers go travelling or work before they go directly to university. Are there more advantages or disadvantages on their study?20XX年11月7日教育类雅思写作真题雅思写作题目讲解主体段一:选择旅行和工作可以帮助他们更好地发觉自己的兴趣,决定未来的专业方向主体段二:选择旅行和工作的缺点是工作任务很难接手,而且不连续学习容易分散精力,对以后的学习不好雅思写作参考范文Before the beginning of university, students who wish to continue with their education face two probable choice-either suspend their study for a year to obtain work and travel experience, or go directly into university. I will analyze the pros and cons of these two choices below.在大学开始之前,希望继续接受教育的学生面临两种可能的选择要么暂停学习一年,获得工作和旅行经验,要么直接进入大学。我将分析下面这两种选择的利弊。A years time to work or travel before university has been popular among young people in recent years. In fact, students can obtain several good points by doing this. To begin with, students can enhance their life skills and maintain a balance between their studies and work from the one yeat experience. They will become more independent during this meaningful process. Also, they can identify career preference and areas of interests during travelling, which will help them to decide their major in university.近年来,在大学前工作或旅行的时间在年轻人中很流行。事实上,通过这样做,学生可以获得几个好分数。首先,学生可以提高自己的生活技能,在学习和工作之间保持一种平衡。在这个有意义的过程中,他们将变得更加独立。此外,他们还可以在旅行中确定职业偏好和兴趣领域,这将有助于他们在大学里决定自己的专业。However, one years work or travel also has its obvious disadvantages. Coming fresh out og high school, students do not have a clear understanding of the harsh realities of the world. They are not in a strong position to undertake early employment. Besides, young people are not able to make a correct career decision. Choosing a career requires sufficient knowledge of ones own strengths, aptitudes and the trends in job market. Most young adults lack such knowledge. Moreover, travelling and working will divert young peoples attention from their previous objectives. If students give up the opportunity of being educated and pursue other ventures, they will lose their willpower to learn something carefully and patiently. The side effect of disengagement from schooling might not be significant in the first several years, but it will surly disadvantages them a lot in a long run.然而,一年的工作或旅行也有其明显的缺点。刚从高中毕业,学生们对现实世界的残酷现实没有一个清晰的认识。他们在早期就业方面没有很强的能力。此外,年轻人不能做出正确的职业决定。选择一个职业需要充分了解自己的优势、能力和就业市场的趋势。大多数年轻人缺乏这样的知识。此外,旅行和工作将使年轻人的注意力从以前的目标转向。如果学生们放弃了接受教育的机会,去追求其他的事业,他们就会失去耐心去学习一些东西。在最初的几年里,脱离学校教育的副作用可能并不显著,但长期来看,这将会使他们长期处于不利的地位。To conclude, work or travel before university has its advantages and disadvantages. In fact, the disadvantages outweigh advantages.总之,在大学之前工作或旅行有其优点和缺点。事实上,缺点大于优点。雅思写作范文及思路点拨:Team spirit的培养考鸭们都知道,雅思写作话题有一个历史题库。*就为大家梳理历年雅思写作真题范文:The best way to teach children to cooperate is through team sports at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?20XX年11月14日教育类雅思写作真题雅思写作题目讲解题目*结构:5段首段:导入话题,改写题目,表达立场主体段1:团队运动为孩子创造了合作的机会和环境。主体段2:团队运动能鼓励孩子遵守团队纪律,互相欣赏。主体段3:团队运动可能会削弱合作,而且很多其他活动也能提高合作精神。结尾段:总结上文,重申立场。雅思写作参考范文Cooperation has strongly been advocated by many schools, possibly because good teamwork spirit is regarded as shared trait among successful groups. It is believed that organizing children to do team sports is the best way to teach cooperation. My view is that team sports are of great significance to the cultivation of teamwork spirit, despite the fact that children can learn to cooperate through many other methods.许多学校都大力提倡合作,可能是因为良好的团队精神被认为是成功团体的共同特征。认为组织孩子参加团体体育是教合作的最好方式。我的观点是,团队体育对于培养团队合作精神有着重要的意义,尽管事实上孩子们可以通过许多其他的方法学习合作。Team sports are known for the ability that it can improve childrens teamwork spirit. In the team environment, members need to know how to communicate with each other and discuss strategies to beat rivals, which can prepare students for both academic performance and career development. If there are no team activities provided for children, they may feel lonely and isolated from the outside world. Undoubtedly, introducing more team sports to children contributes to cultivating their cooperation spirit.团队体育以能够提高孩子的团队合作精神而著称。在团队环境中,成员需要知道如何相互沟通,并讨论击败竞争对手的策略,这可以让学生为学业表现和职业发展做好准备。如果没有为孩子们提供的团队活动,他们可能会感到孤独和孤立于外面的世界。毫无疑问,向儿童引入更多的团队运动有助于培养他们的合作精神。Another advantage of team sports is that it can encourage children to obey team rules. When they are playing together, they have to follow some certain instructions; otherwise activities or games may not be gone smoothly. In addition, children are more likely to help each other and realize the merits of others id they are occupied with team sports.团队运动的另一个优势是它可以鼓励孩子遵守团队规则。当他们在一起玩的时候,他们必须遵循一些特定的指令;否则,活动或游戏可能不会顺利进行。此外,孩子们更可能互相帮助,并意识到其他人的优点,他们被团队运动所占据。Meanwhile, it should be admitted that team sports are not the only way to cooperation. If the team fails, children may blame their teammate, which is harmful to both teamwork spirit and their friendship. Clearly, there are many other social activities that can improve childrens cooperation, including singing in a chorus and participating in unpaid community service.同时,我们应该承认,团队体育并不是唯一的合作方式。如果团队失败了,孩子们可能会责怪他们的队友,这对团队精神和他们的友谊都是有害的。很明显,还有许多其他的社会活动可以改善孩子们的合作,包括合唱和参与无偿的社区服务。To sum up, team sports provide a good environment for children to cooperate and encourage them to follow instructions, although we have to acknowledge that some other activities are also the methods leading to teamwork spirit.总之,团队运动为孩子们提供了良好的合作环境,并鼓励他们遵循指导,尽管我们必须承认,其他一些活动也是团队精神的培养方法。雅思写作范文及思路点拨:父母角色差异化问题考鸭们都知道,雅思写作话题有一个历史题库。*就为大家梳理历年雅思写作真题范文:In some countries, the role of a mother differs in some ways from the role of a father. Why do you think these differences exist? How might parental roles develop in the future?20XX年11月21日政府类雅思写作真题In some countries, the role of a mother differs in some ways from the role of a father. Why do you think these differences exist? How might parental roles develop in the future?雅思写作题目讲解题目类别:政府职能类提问方式:观点类分析:这类题目属于政府职能类考题,但是和艺术和体育结合在了一起,所以难度有些增加。考生们一方面可以从政府的职能出发,说政府的钱来自纳税者,所以应该投在更加重要的领域,也可以从投资社区艺术和体育或者学校艺术和体育的优缺点出发进行布局谋篇。雅思写作参考范文One of the government duties and responsibilities is to pour its funds to the area of sports and art which can add spice to peoples life. The discussion centers on whether the fund should be allocated to campus sport and art or to the professional counterparts in communities. From a more holistic point, I am in favor of the view that social sports and art events are supposed to receive more government financial aid.政府的职责之一就是将资金投入到体育和艺术领域,这可以为人们的生活增添趣味。讨论的重点是该基金是否应该分配给校园体育和艺术,或者分配给社区的专业人士。从更全面的角度来看,我赞成社会体育和艺术活动应该得到更多政府财政资助的观点。If governments spend more grants in professional sports and events, the value and benefit of sports and arts can be appreciated by more public. A larger number of people ranging from the sports enthusiasts and art fans can be found in communities and the well-funded sports and art events can cater for their needs and bring them more physical and mental enjoyment. Therefore, the core value presented by sports and arts can be better realized and admired by the public. By comparison, sport and art in school are in the subordinate place, which are usually regarded as pastime by most students and teachers.如果政府在职业体育和赛事上投入更多的资金,体育和艺术的价值和收益就会被更多的公众所欣赏。体育爱好者和艺术爱好者可以在社区中找到更多的人,而资金充裕的体育和艺术活动可以满足他们的需求,让他们在身体和精神上得到更多的享受。因此,体育和艺术呈现的核心价值可以更好地得到公众的认可和赞赏。相比之下,学校的体育和艺术处于从属地位,这通常被大多数学生和老师视为一种消遣。The sports and art events in community can also boost communication and interaction in neighborhood. People tend to go out their doors to view or participate in the various sports or arts events if the government pours more money into communities. And they can share their understanding when enjoying the work of art or cultivate a sense of belonging when taking part in sports events.社区里的体育和艺术活动也可以促进邻里之间的交流和互动。如果政府向社区投入更多资金,人们往往会出门观看或参加各种体育或艺术活动。在参加体育活动时,他们可以分享自己对艺术作品的理解,或培养一种归属感。On the other hand, sport and art events in school are also worth government attention. Schools are usually short in funds and the financial assistance from government can make school life more diverse and colorful. However, the fund allocated to schools can generate fewer benefits and other non-government organizations can donor some amount of money to meet the requirement.另一方面,学校的体育和艺术活动也值得政府关注。学校通常资金短缺,政府的财政资助可以使学校生活更加丰富多彩。然而,分配给学校的基金可以产生更少的利益,而其他非政府组织也可以捐助一些资金来满足这一要求。To conclude, the government should sponsor the sports and art activities in community even if schools are also in need of financial support.总之,政府应该资助社区的体育和艺术活动,即使学校也需要财政支持。雅思写作范文及思路点拨分享