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    托福独立口语题型变化趋势和答题思路分析 托福口语中独立口语TASK1虽然答题要求一直给大家很大的发挥空间,但其题目本身的出题思路和提问方式却一直在进行变化。今天给大家带来了托福独立口语题型变化趋势和答题思路分析,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福独立口语题型变化趋势和答题思路分析托福独立口语题型变化趋势分析:内容更具体以“志愿活动”为主题的新旧两道题目为例旧题目:你喜欢做什么类型的志愿活动?请给出喜欢的理由。新题目:如果要去社区敬老院参加志愿服务活动,你会做些什么?老题目对于志愿活动的内容没有限定,回答范围要广的多,而新题目将志愿活动设定在养老院,那考生在回答的时候就必须在这个前提下作答,志愿活动必须与老人有关,可以加上自己的亲身经历,越具体越好。答题思路参考:我会选择和老人聊天。在敬老院,老人没有家人陪伴,独处的时间较多,很容易觉得孤独。所以我愿意多陪陪他们,分享自己生活中点滴,也听老人们讲讲他们的故事。我有一次去敬老院,遇到一位爷爷跟我分享以前的生活,说自己小时候经常吃不饱,日子过得非常艰辛。相比之下,我意识到自己现在的生活多么幸福,感恩心油然而生。总的来说,题目问的越具体,说明对细节的考察越多,回答的时候就不能泛泛而谈,更不能跑题,难度其实加大了。托福独立口语题型变化趋势分析:题目可选择另外,现在Task1中也出现了选择题,题目会给定一个场景,让考生做出选择,并给出选择的理由。如此一来,Task1和Task2的界限就没有以前那么分明。但其实也没有必要将两者区别开来,因为两道题的实质是一样的,都要确立观点,并给出解释。例如:你觉得你的哪种品质是你的朋友们最喜欢的:善良(kindness),活泼(cheerfulness),还是聪明(intelligence)?三选一的题目,只要选择一个做具体的分析就好了,没有必要面面俱到,因为时间有限,这既不现实,也不容易深入。因为是与自己相关的话题,最好加上例子说明,让答案更有说服力。答题思路参考:在朋友们眼中,我是一个“开心果”,总是乐观向上,正能量满满。朋友们说和我带在一起总是有很多快乐的事发生,烦恼不经意间一扫而光。我想这是因为我喜欢笑,容易让人觉得亲近。记得有一句话说:你对世界微笑,世界也会对你微笑。我觉得这句话非常有道理,笑容是人类共同的语言。总的来说,题目具有选择性,可以挑选自己拿手的话题进行阐述,只要把观点说清,再加上例子说明,难度其实减小了。托福独立口语题型变化趋势分析:给出相应建议这种建议题会描述一种情景,然后要求考生给出相应的建议。例如:假设你的一位朋友不喜欢自己目前所学的商学专业,想转专业学音乐,你有何建议?有的题目要求考生给出问题的解决方案,也属于建议题。回答这类的题目,建议一定要有针对性,切实可行。答题思路参考:我会建议这位朋友三思而后行。首先,我会建议他(她)认真思考一下自己换专业的动机,然后向音乐专业的老师或者同学询问这一专业的具体情况,让自己对这一专业目前处境、未来发展方向都有一个清楚的把握后再做决定,因为唯有这样才能避免盲目行动。而且无论作何选择,我会提醒朋友对自己的选择负责,不能半途而废。总的来说,独立任务的难点之一是遇到题目不知道说什么,而短短的15秒准备时间远远不够,这就要求同学们在备考的过程中多做相应的头脑风暴练习,多写写提纲。这样思路打开了,能说的也就多了,这项能力是可以通过训练获得的。以上就是托福独立口语TASK1的题型变化趋势和答题思路分析,需要的同学赶紧来了解一下吧。托福口语黄金80题分类:Describe your favorites托福口语主要是考察考生的词汇量、语法和逻辑思维速度和能力。如果能针对一些常考易考题型先在考前做一些针对性的训练,效果可能会更加显著,托福黄金口语80题,自从放出以来已经成为了各位考友恒久追寻的一份重要资料。这份新托福黄金口语80题还是最经典的,因为他很好的总结了口语1、2题会碰到的题目的类型,可以帮助各位考友在考前有效地对于大体思路有一个预先的准备。以下是托福口语黄金80题分类:Describe your favorites,并附了参考答案,当考生们把这类题型都摸清搞懂之后,那么考场上就可以游刃有余了。1.休闲时间做什么?What do you do in your spare time? Please include specific details in your statement.03When I have leisure time, I look forward to spending it outdoors. Breathing fresh air and enjoying thenatural light of sunshine are a nice break from the closed in atmosphere of my office. Once outside in ahealthy environment, my choice of activities is limitless. Mostly I enjoy walks with friends. We like toexplore new parts of the city. Sometimes we head out of town and try a new hiking trail in the woods. Theoutdoors is a great place to meet other like-minded people who are interested in fitness. Recently, I metsomeone on a walking trail. During our walk we found out we are both sighed up for golf lessons at thelocal club. In addition, he is interested in joining my friends and I in forming a volleyball team. Theoutdoors offers a great opportunity to spend free time alone or with friends.When I have time to kill, I usually like to surf the internet to pay close attention to new fashion trade. Such as the fashion week, respectively, new york fashion week, paris fashion week, London fashion week and milian fashion week. The rest of time, I usually go to the library to find some valuable books and a park to relax myself. There are many books to my taste, such as fashion magazines, inspirational books, and professional books. These books can make me healthier and energetic. And last thing Id like to do when I am free is to eat out with my family members. You may be surprised to know that I have tried all the restaurants in our community!2. 我最喜欢的工作If you get a chance to choose a job, what will you do? Whats your reason for choosing this job? Please give your statement and include specific examples and details in your opinion.Well In my opinion, the most ideal career for me is to be a journalist. You know what? I have dreamed tobe a journalist since I was still in middle school. Journalists never tell lies, and always seek for truth. I wantto be a man just like that. Besides, I often feel shy when Im talking to others, and as I know journalists areall good at communicating because good communication skill is very important while theyre doinginterviews. I want to possess this kind of skill myself, so thats why I want to be a journalist as an idealcareer.3. 选择高薪职业还是能够得到自我满足的职业?If you have a chance to choose your job, would you like to choose a job with high salary or that can get personal satisfaction? Why?I agree with that one should choose a major that suits his/her interests. First of all, if you force yourself tolearn something you dont like, then you cant be fully devoted to learning it well and may even feel bored. As a result, it will lower your study efficiency and cant prepare you very well for future development.Furthermore, the demand of job market definitely changes more frequently than your interests do. Youmay find a job popular after you graduate, although it may receive poor recognition by the society whenyou entered college. So its wise to choose a major you are interested in.Personally speaking, I would like to choose a job which can provide me a high personal satisfaction. Firstly, success for me is a kind of process rather than a result such as a plenty of money. Money and reputation are incidental results to my success. So a high personal satisfaction can let me enjoy this process. Secondly, a high personal satisfaction can give me lots of passion to continue my job. In other words, passion and satisfaction of a job are dynamic to my career not money.4. 选择好找工作的专业还是自己感兴趣的专业? Subject which will lead to better job or subject which you are interested. Which subject will you choose? Why?I will definitely choose a major which will lead to a better job in the future. I bet the most common reasonfor us attending university is to find a good job with bright future and decent pay when we graduate, likefinance and marketing for example. I love literature, but I chose journalism to be my major in theuniversity. Journalism is much more practical than literature. You can see this from the fact that thenumber of authors is much less than the number of journalists. I could not deny the fact that satisfyingour interests will make our life more enjoyable, but it has to take a good job as a prerequisite because weneed to make a living first. Compared to surviving, everything has to be placed in the second place.I surely prefer to choose a major which is easy to find a good job in the future, like finance or marketing for example. No one could deny that the most common reason for us attending university is to get well prepared for a good job in the future. So whether or not it will lead to a good job, should be put into the first place when we choose our major. If we find a good job with decent payment, we can use the money we have earned from it to satisfy our interests then.5. 我最喜欢的电影类型?Which is your favorite type of movie: action, drama, or others? Please include specific details and examples in your explanation.My favorite type of movie is romance comedies. The charming actors such as Hugh Grant or Brad Pitt aresome of the most attractive actors in the world. Whenever they have new movies coming out i will pay forthe ticket price and watch them in the movie theatres, i just like the way to fantasize about my life when iwatch their movies. And the second reason may be more important. Watching this kind of movies is justlike reading a book which teaches me how to love and to be loved. Moreover, the recent movies arealways what girls talk about and I do not want to be out of date when we are having a casualconversationMy favorite kind of movie is loving movie. Such as Titanic, a wonderful movie, captured many young peoples hearts with its fascinating music and touching plots. A word comes to my mind, it is love that makes the world go round. Watching this kind of loving movies is just like reading a text book which teaches me how to love and be loved. Moreover, we can learn more from it, such as loyalty and treasure.6. 我最喜欢的休闲方式 Choose one of your favorite methods to relax and explain why it is your favorite. Please include specific details in your explanation.7. 我离开家乡最想念的?Everyone has to leave home sometimes. What do you miss most when you are away from home? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.It is my mother whom I miss most when I am away from home, for example, studying in the universitywhich is 1400 miles away from my born city of Beijing. The dishes in schools cafeteria was awful, and Ibecame 3 kilograms thinner than I was in the high school. So I miss the food my mother cooks for me,especially spaghettis which is her signature dishes.It is my parents whom I miss most when I am away from home, for example, I usually lodging in the university. I miss the food my parents cook for me, and I miss their laugh. In the university, I have to handle problems by my own efforts, by my own decision at most of the time, it definitely improves my independent ability. What the most important of all, to be frank, I deeply understand their pain about life. Thus, I miss them a lot.8. 一年中最好的时间是?What is your best time in a year? Please state your reasons and include specific examples and details in your explanation.Spring Festival may be the most important celebration event in China, which symbolizes the beginning ofa new year. It allows us to depart from bad luck and all displeasure together with the past as well as longfor a much better future. In addition, the festival provides all Chinese people in the world an opportunityto gather with family or friends, enjoying delicious food, watching TV celebrating programs, sharingexperience in the past year and receive best wishes from each other and so on.9. 我最喜欢的房间?Describe your favorite room. Your statement should include specific examples and details.My favorite room is the living room. I like lots of open space and a sense of expansiveness, of freedom.Also, its a place where I can look around and not feel agitated or confined. All different but natural colorshave such a lovely warm effect that I would never get tired of it. Everything is in harmony- large digitalTV on the wall, glass-made tea table, beautiful plants, couch and sofa, a good book, a good wine. It givesme a sense of satisfaction and away from hurly burly. It is at times a place to contemplate and at times aplace to share with friends. In a word, it is graceful, refined, comfortable and restful.My favorite room in my house is my study room. There are various books in my study room, such as fashion magazines, inspirational books and so on. Also there is a computer in my study room. The reasons why it is my favorite room is because in my spare time I usually like to surf the internet to pay close attention to new fashion trade or find some valuable books to recharge myself. These books can make me healthier and energetic.10.描述我最想学习的一门技术,为什么?Describe some kind of skill that youd like to learn most. Why? Please include specific examples and details in your explanationWell, the skill that I want to command is to repair large-scale machines, which is of great help in myscientific research. Firstly, if I can repair apparatus in my laboratory all by myself, I wont depend onothers. Asking others for solution usually costs considerable time and money. I even have to please themin order to solve the problem as soon as possible. In addition, if I master the skill of machine-reparation,Ill be more familiar with the machine and working principle and can offer help to others. Thats why Iwant to learn the skill of machine-reparation.The skill I want to learn most is cooking as the following reasons. Firstly, Im going to study abroad, so cooking is very necessary for me when i live alone. As we all know that it is very costly for me to eat out always. So cooking is a economical way. Secondly, if I could cook well, I would cook for my foreign friends. Let them know the culture of cooking in my country. Besides these, I can do some part time jobs to earn my pocket money.托福口语黄金80题分类:Describe events/your experiences1. 我做过的最重要的决定 -Describe the most important decision that you have made in your life. Why was it important to you? Use specific examples and details to support your explanation.The most important decision that I have ever made is when I was 19 years old. I chose chemistry as mymajor in my college. Its of great importance because it determines what I will learn and what I will do thenext four years. What is more, it partly determines my future career for the rest of my life. After fouryears of study, I think I made a right decision, because I do like chemistry and have learned a lot of skills. Ialso have learned how to create an idea and implement it in my study and scientific research, which is animportant ability during my lifetime.Personally speaking, the most important decision that I have made in my life is to choose marketing as my major in university, as we all know that marketing is a kind of major which cuts across the boundaries of many different disciplines, so in order to learn it well, I have to learn various subjects such as international trade and brand management. Whats more, im little timidity in front of challenges such as doing the presentation and negotiation, I guess most of the people may have this kind of stage fright, So marketing is a major can definitely anneal myself. During the studies in university, I learned hard and practiced as much as I could. Finally, I got the highest GPA in my grade.2. 我的人生目标-Everyone has a goal to fulfill. Whats your goal and explain why you want to fulfill this goal. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.To tell you the truth, my aim is to be a journalist as my future career. And I have partly achieved it. Youknow what, I have dreamed to be a journalist since I was still in middle school. And then I chosejournalism as my major in university though my parents strongly opposed to that. During my time in theuniversity, I worked hard and practiced as much as I could. Yesterday afternoon, I received a phone call. Itwas from China Daily which is one of the most famous newspapers in my country. They provided me anoffer to be a journalist in their newspaper! its like a dream come true.Frankly speaking, I would like to be a teacher as my future career. I have dreamed to be a teacher since I was still in the primary school. Cuz training is my cup of tea. I am very glad and proud of to share my knowledge and views with others. Well, secondly, with the fast speed of development in China, the demand of professional talent is a pressing issue, so I would like to contribute my effort to the development of China. As my father always tell me to do something


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