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    托福独立口语高频词汇整理 托福独立口语高频词汇整理归纳 描述细节要会用这些词汇。今天给大家带来了托福独立口语高频词汇整理,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福独立口语高频词汇整理归纳 描述细节要会用这些词汇托福独立口语人事物描述类常用词汇汇总食物常用表达词汇地方菜local dish四大菜系之广东菜Cantonese cuisine法国菜French cuisine荤菜meat diet素菜vegetables咖喱饭curry rice炒饭fried rice粥porridge锅巴crispy rice打卤面noodles with gravy刀削面sliced noodles凉面cold noodles in sauce烩面Stewed noodles阳春面plain noodle蛋花汤egg and vegetable soup混沌汤wonton soup宫保鸡丁Kung Pao chicken北京烤鸭Peking roast duck火锅Hot pot包子Baozi烤乳猪Roast suckling pig#FormatImgID_0#职业常用表达词汇会计accountant演员actor地勤人员Ground Service、Ground Staff广播员announcer建筑师architect艺术家artist副教授associate professor宇航员astronaut服务员attendant汽车技工auto mechanic理发师barber棒球选手baseball player清洁工,垃圾工bin man拳击手boxer经纪人broker (agent)屠夫,肉商butcher木匠carpenter漫画家cartoonist出纳员cashier厨师chef化学师chemist建筑工人construction worker厨师cook海关官员customs officer#FormatImgID_1#牙科医生dentist设计师designer医生doctor推销员door-to-door salesman房地产经纪人real estate agent记者reporter船员,水手sailor售货员salesman salesperson :科学家scientist秘书secretary歌手singer士兵,军人soldiery统计员statistician测量技师surveyor裁缝师tailor计程车司机taxi driver教师teacher导游tour guide翻译translator兽医vet (veterinarian的简写)作家writer托福考试口语复习讲义Task 1If you had to volunteer for a project, which one would you choose? Cleaning up the city, creating bicycle trails, or planting trees? Use details and explanations in your response.Task 2When preparing for exams, some students prefer to study by themselves, others prefer to study with a group. Which method do you prefer? Give examples and details in your explanation.Task 3阅读中学校要开设wring center。因为帮学生提高论文水平并且提供好的工作机会,听力中女生表示同意,因为教授经常希望看到好*,但他们并没有时间帮助学生修改论文,另外学生不仅可以在writing center赚钱,还能做一些毕业后想做的事,既帮助别人修改了论文,还积累了经验,简历也更丰富。Task 4阅读中讲stimulus diffusion,指不同文化相遇,把其中一些根据自身文化的要求改造并利用。Lecture中教授提到了north russia人们驯养驯鹿。5000年前north russia遇到south russia的养马的文化,north russia觉得很好也想这样,但是north russia太冷不适宜养马,所以就加以更改开始驯养他们以前打猎的鹿用来骑。Task 5学生下周要和教授去纽约战士研究成果并且希望遇见同领域专家,但生物系只给宾馆费,他可以坐飞机,很快,但是随着日期临近机票越来越贵,也可以坐火车,虽然便宜但是要一天,会错过历史复习。Task 6两种生蛋保持水分的方式,一种让蛋壳方便水进入,在水下生蛋,比如青蛙在水中生蛋,另外是建造retain moisture的蛋,里面可以有包含液体的小包,提到了生活在干旱地区的一种蛇。Task 1If you had to volunteer for a project, which one would you choose? Cleaning up the city, creating bicycle trails, or planting trees? Use details and explanations in your response.I would choose to plant trees. Firstly, planting trees is beneficial for our environment. Nowadays the air condition becomes worse and worse, which causes many diseases. Take China for example, many people die of lung cancer due to the air pollution. If we plant many trees, they will help absorb some poisonous gases. In addition, planting trees is very practical. As a student, I dont have enough professional knowledge to create bicycle trails, while planting trees is easier for me to do. I remember last year our classmates organized such an activity. We all did a good job.Task 2When preparing for exams, some students prefer to study by themselves, others prefer to study with a group. Which method do you prefer? Give examples and details in your explanation.I prefer studying by myself. Because it is very efficient. If I study with a group of people, its very easy to distract my attention. Last weekend, my friends and I did homework together. At first, we all paid our attention to studying. After a while, I met a question. So I asked them to help me. Then we talked about this question. But gradually, our topic got away from homework but focused on latest entertainment news. We spent the whole afternoon doing homework but finally only did a little part of it.Task 3Reading: 学校要开设wring centerReason 1:帮助学生提高论文水平和提供好的工作机会Reason 2:提供好的工作机会Listening:女生同意Reason 1:教授经常希望看到好*,但他们并没有时间帮助学生修改论文Reason 2:学生可以在writing center赚钱,还能做一些毕业后想做的事,既帮助别人修改了论文,还积累了经验,简历也更丰富Task 4Reading:stimulus diffusion,指不同文化相遇,把其中一些根据自身文化的要求改造并利用。Listening:教授举例north russia人们驯养驯鹿。5000年前north russia遇到south russia的养马的文化,north russia觉得很好也想这样,但是north russia太冷不适宜养马,所以就加以更改开始驯养他们以前打猎的鹿用来骑。Task 5Problem: 生下周要和教授去纽约战士研究成果并且希望遇见同领域专家,但生物系只给宾馆费Solution 1:可以坐飞机Solution 2:可以坐火车My recommendation:Solution1,因为飞机很快。如果坐火车的话,要花费一天,会错过历史复习。坐飞机虽然贵,但我可以早些买票,就会便宜点。Task 6两种生蛋保持水分的方式。第一种,让蛋壳方便水进入,在水下生蛋,比如青蛙在水中生蛋。第二种,建造retain moisture的蛋,里面可以有包含液体的小包,举例生活在干旱地区的一种蛇。托福考试口语复习讲义托福口语最经典的错误My teacher gave interesting assignments and motivating the students.很显然,这属于混用语法结构的一个典型错误。这会使句子产生歧义。My teacher gave interesting assignments and motivating the students.很显然,这属于混用语法结构的一个典型错误。这会使句子产生歧义:难道是说My teacher gave interesting and motivating assignments to the students? 因为本句中 interesting和motivating 是平行结构.或者是My teacher gave interesting assignments and motivated the students? 因为亦可以理解成gave和 motivated是平行结构.所以错误使用语法会带来许多意想不到的麻烦。当我们重复使用一个短语或单词的时候,不仅会给人以词汇量过小的感觉,有时甚至也会造成误解。我们来看一个例子:My teacher wrote the assignment on the chalkboard. The assignment was on the chalkboard until the teacher erased the assignment after we had all done the assignment.事实上这句话的观点会更加清晰,如果我们将重复的词替换为其他表达的话。我们再来看看改进后的表达:My teacher wrote the assignment on the chalkboard. She erased the board after we had all completed the task.其中 assignment 被替换为 task; teacher 变为了she; chalkboard 被改为了board. 不但句子显得更加生动活泼不刻板,信息量也比原来要多了。托福考试口语复习讲义话题引起When it comes to, I have to say there are many (I want to tell you about), such asbut these are not my choices. For , I vote for I personally think I personally dont think .话题总述方式(How1)Chicken soup helps to fight a cold.Special chemical stops a cold from getting worse.People can get enough protein and be healthy by eating tofu, eggs, nuts.Food gives people the chances to learn more about other cultures.We use internet to communicate in many different ways.It is good way to do sth影响 (How2)Overeating has negative/great impact on human beings health.状态(How3)it is good/unhealthy for sth/sb (not)to do目的 (Why1)the ancients used stone or wood to make tools.I am writing a paper for my English class.起因 (Why2)Chocolate causes pimples.Eating too much and not exercising can cause us to gain weight.Using too much of the energy may cause the problemThe cause is stress or not getting enough sleep.Adding fattening things like butter to bread can raise the number of calories we eat.We eat because we are hungry.The reason why Americans love pizza is uncertain.May be thats why there are fewer people than I thought.The mistake may lead to a serious accident.Thanks for Chinese paper invention, people use money made of paper条件 (Why3)Without paper invention our lives would be very difficult.If I get tired, my mother will let me get some sleep.托福考试口语复习讲义时间 (When)People like to eat junk food when/before/after they are happy, sad or worried.地点(Where)I prefer eating in Chinese restaurants where I can enjoy the Chinese way of life状态描述 (What)It is a belief that it is wonderful/terrible experience that /for sb to(learn more about myself, see the world in a new way, change the way people work, learn, behave)Food is life for sb to do sthChicken soup is a good cold remedy.Soccer is one of most important games in the worldNo one could work with greater intensity than Edison.It is hard to imagine what life today would be life without computers.A plays important/great part on (change the way people work, learn, behave, Communicate/the way of living/ the crime rate)数量/程度 (How many/much)There are seismic changes in the way people communicate/talk/behave.Theres been a tremendous improvement in (socially security) over the last a few years, due to A经过描述:The government began to think about introducing a new law.What we eat becomes a part of usThe government decides to introduce a new law to 话题的展开:科学/数字展开:(搬出科学家并举出百分比,数量,分数等说明事实的数字)A study in 2002 showed thatIt has been found thatAccording to a group of specialists who carry outAbout/more than/less than 40% of the restaurants in this city is local.解释展开:(就是把你说的第一句话,再进一步说清楚)如:Food is life.解释It gives people the nourishment we need to stay alive and be healthy.分例展开:(这些分例通常形成一个整集)如:people enjoy variety of sports in the USA(主题句)分例1in warm weather, people enjoy water sports.分例2When the first snow comes, people delight in freezing fun分例3Americans also enjoy indoor sports whatever the weather实例展开:(就是要举出具体的时间,地点,人物或具体的状态的例子)如:Internet changes the way people communicate with each other(主题句)实例I remember when I was a kid, I wrote people letters. Now its not the same, you know, just sitting home before my laptop and chat with people all over the world through the internet.并列衔接:Not all Americans play sports for fun; some Americans see sports as a religion.Not only do Americans play sports for fun, but they treat sports as a religion as wellBesides playing sports for fun, Americans see sports as a religionAmericans do not just play sports for fun; they see sports as a religion.疑问衔接:(后面有时需要科学证据)How does a food have impact on humans childhood memories? Professor Wansink believes that Do man and women choose different kinds of food? Wansinks research at the University of Illionois says “Yes”话题结束:To communicate with sports nuts, it helps if you talk sports.What a relief to have security guard around us.So 以下就是实战中如何运用这中方法击毙随机的高难话题的实例,简单问题更不在话下。问:What impact has the recent news about Beijing Olympics boycotting had on you?战略先不管3七2十1从话题引起入手,然后率先考虑的话题点尽量和改变做事方式、文化、朋友、(个人或国家乃至世界的)发展、等好说的话题进行连接,以不变应万变。答:When it comes to talking about “Beijing Olympics boycotting”, I have to say there are many I want to tell you about. Beijing Olympics must and will succeed.The Olympic Games is one of most important games in the world. It changes the way that people view the cities and even the countries. Maybe thats why it had so great an impact on the development of the cities in which they were held.Not only do the Olympics provide a new look for the countries, but they give people all around the world the chance to learn more about other cultures as well. When the OG are held in the western world, people learn about some different ideas there. Similarly, East provides people its typical foods, sports and the special way of life.But why do some leaders boycott Beijing Olympics. There are some different ideas, but China is one of the fastest developing countries in the world, which makes some of the others admire or even become jealous of her success. But one answer is for sure: they dont want a strong China appearing in the world.托福口语表达中一般将来时用法解析A表示说话人对于将来的看法、假定和推测的句子中常由动词assume,be afraid,be/feel sure, believe, daresay, doubt, expect,hope,know,suppose,think,wonder等来引导或与副词per-haps,possibly,probably,surely等连用,但也可以不用这些副词:(Im sure)hell come back.(我肯定)他会回来。(I suppose)theyll sell the house.(我想)他们要卖房子。(Perhaps)well find him at the hotel.(也许)我们会在旅馆里找到他。Theyll(probably)wait for us.他们(很可能)要等我们。一般将来时可以与时间连用,也可以不连用。这里有时也可以用 be going to,但后一种用法使动作的可能性显得更大些,而且如果没有时间时动作可能会发生得更快些。Hell build a house(他要盖房子)仅意指这是我的看法而不含有什么时候开始盖房子的概念。但 Hes going to build a house(他打算盖房子)则意指他已经做出决定,很可能不久将着手盖。B同样,一般将来时用来表示通常认为将要有的习惯性动作:Spring will come again.春天将重返人间。Birds will build nests.鸟要筑巢。People will make plans.人们将制订计划。Other men will climb these stairs and sit at my desk.其他人会爬上这些楼梯,坐在我的桌旁。(以上各句中也可分别用will be comingfile:/C:/DOCUME1/LIXIUF1/LOCALS1/Temp/OOY5$4OW5H%608%609%25(9$)T67M.gifilding/making/climbing/sitting。)C一般将来时常用在带条件从句、时间从句的句子中,有时用在带目的从句的句子中:If I drop this glass it will break.如果我把这个杯子掉到地上,它就会摔碎。When it gets warmer the snow will start to melt.天气变暖时,雪开始融化。Im putting this letter on top of the pile so that hell read it first.我把这封信放在那堆上面,这样他就会先看它。注意:在if从句或时间从句中,即使句子是指将来,也不用将来时:He will probably be late.他很可能要迟到。但是说:If he is late如果他迟到It will get warmer soon.天气很快会变得暖和起来。但是说:When it gets warmer在天气变暖和的时候


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