托福口语训练如何一人独立完成 托福口语训练如何一人独立完成?自学备考口语提升要点分析。今天给大家带来托福口语训练如何一人独立完成,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语训练如何一人独立完成?自学备考口语提升要点分析托福口语得分不等于英语口语水平首先认为大家需要明确的一点是,托福口语的得分和大家的英语口语水平并不能完全划上等号。很多同学可能觉得,我的英语口语水平越高,托福口语的得分自然也就会越好。从大方向上来说这种说法并没有错,因为托福口语考试的确是在很大程度上考察大家的口语水平。但考生把两者之间简单的划上等号也是不对的。托福口语是托福考试的一部分,有着明确的题目要求和答题限制,这和大家日常用英语对话是两回事。通俗一点说,托福考生不但要能够张口就来,更需要头脑思维速度和语言组织能力能够跟得上口语表达才行。有些同学平时用英语和别人交流没什么问题,但到了托福口语考试中就会觉得束手束脚,很多话题根本就不知道怎么说,这其实就足以说明托福口语和英语口语两者之间的区别了。而对于在家自学备考,完全靠自身努力来提升托福口语的同学来说,了解这种区别是很有必要的。因为大家的备考时间有限,学习精力也不可能完全都放在托福口语这一门科目上,因此考生在备考口语时需要有更明确的目标。说得功利一些,考生的首要目标并非提升英语口语水平,而是提高应对托福口语考试的能力以确保拿到高分。许多同学在备考中不知不觉偏离了学习重心,这其实是非常危险的。虽然看似英语口语水平有所提升,但其实对于托福口语考试来说却没有太大帮助,这样的备考显然并不符合大家的预期。托福口语自学备考提分要点解析那么,托福口语部分的独立备考如何才能实现提分目标呢?认为以下几个要点大家需要重视:1. 标准化的语言组织和规范套路自学备考口语的托福考生首先需要了解的一点是自己练口语和报名上培训班最大的差别之一就是缺乏系统性的教学,因此很多时候考生对于标准规范化的口语回答结构是缺乏了解的。回答问题没有固定的框架和套路,想到哪里说到哪里,这样的口语答题结果看似自由发挥了但其实实际效果并不是很好。因此,自学备考口语,大家首先要做的就是整理出一套相对标准化的口语答题规范套路,以确保无论是面对什么话题,无论是解答独立口语还是综合口语,都能够套用这些标准说出也许不算出彩,但至少能够保证稳定得分中规中矩的回答。这对于自学备考的同学来说才是确保托福口语得分稳中求胜的正确思路。大家如果缺乏自己构建规范的能力,参考来自官方和权威教学机构的高分口语范文,通过这些范文和高分回答来总结摸索出属于自己的口语回答套路,也是一种比较有效的学习方式。2. 控制答题时间把握节奏的能力托福口语答题有着明确的时间限制,而这种时间限制不仅意味着大家不能超时要在规定时间内说完自己想说的话,也同样要求考生不能太快说完以致于在时间限制到来前出现太长时间的空白。简单来说,来不及说完或是说得太快无话可说都是托福口语的大忌。如果大家上托福口语的培训班,如何控制答题时间把握节奏基本上都是必教的一课。但自学备考口语的同学显然享受不到这种福利,因此大家就需要自己来寻找和积累填充回答内容或是提升回答速度的经验技巧。建议大家在初步具备完整进行口语各类题型的回答能力之后就开始着手进行口语回答时间方面的训练,每次解答都做好时间记录,通过大量练习来训练自身对口语回答节奏的掌控能力,为考试做好准备。3. 临场实战的抗干扰能力最后这个备考要点自学训练的同学很容易忽视,因为缺乏实战经验的情况下大家可能压根就想不到,那就是托福考场口语回答时的干扰问题。可能在大部分同学的心目当中但凡是考场都应该是安静肃穆的,然而托福考试却并非如此。托福考试中因为进场时间先后、有无遇到阅读听力加试等原因,哪怕同一个考场当中考生之间的考试流程进展也会存在很大差异,再加上一些考场设施老旧,耳机等设备隔音效果较差,考生在实际进行口语回答时很可能遇到其他考生答题时无意识中产生的干扰。这种干扰对于想要集中精神认真答题的同学来说是相当严重的。而为了避免干扰,建议大家最好在备考阶段就适当加入一定的抗干扰训练,比如寻找一些带有噪音的环境来进行自己的口语还有听力训练,尽早为习惯和适应考场环境做好准备。总而言之,托福备考选择在家自学不报名参加培训班的同学并不在少数。而这些同学在备考口语时因为缺乏对练的机会的确存在一定劣势。但这种劣势并非无法弥补,上文中提到的这些备考要点如果大家能够引起重视并做好准备,想要靠自己练好托福口语拿到高分,其实也是完全能够实现的。托福独立口语高频话题资深讲师批改分享:高校学生学经济本期托福独立口语高频话题Should all high school students take economic classes?学生对此话题的表述答案Well, I do think it is quite necessary for our high school students to take some classes about economics. The first reason is our society if full of economic knowledge, like when we are going to buy some daily supplies here in the supermarket or our parents received salary shares every month . If we can not handle the balance between the incomes and expenses, we are going to bancrupt some day. The second reason is, it is quite good for our self-development to know how to use money, to make money. My father have told me there are two things we should learn to handle, the money and the time. Therefore, I do think it is quite a good idea to let all high school students to take economics classes.资深讲师批改意见语法方面出现的错误(Grammar)1 well (delete)2 The first reason is ourthe first reason is that our3 or our parentsor when our parents表达部分存在的问题(Expression)1 economic knowledgeeconomic influence/factors2 the incomesincome3 is, it is quite goodis that it is quite good4 told me there aretold me that there are5 the money and the timemoney and time6 quite a good idea to let all high school studentsquite a good idea for all high school students此高频话题高分口语模板分享I do think that it is quite necessary for a high school student to take some classes about economics. The first reason is that our society is full of economic influence, like when we go and buy daily supplies in the supermarket or when our parents receive their salary shares every month. If we cant handle the balance between income and expenses, we are going to bankrupt some day. The second reason is that it is good for our self-development to learn how to use money to make money. My father had told me there are two things we should learn how to handle: money and time. Therefore, I think it is a good idea for high school students to take economic classes.托福独立口语高频话题资深讲师批改分享:最开心的一天本期托福独立口语高频话题Describe a day that you enjoy the most or is the most special to you.学生对此话题的表述答案I still remember the day I got my college entrance exam result. That day is very special for me, most importantly, thats because its a good proof that allthe hard work in my high school is deserved. I have worked more than 15 hours a day in the last year of my junior high. Its very tireless and exhausted to me, but I insisted it and I finally got the good score, whats more, I think it is also means I will have a very bright future, because I can go to the best university in our country. That would give me a better chance to find a good job.资深讲师批改意见语法方面出现的错误(Grammar)1 for meto me2 the good scorea good score表达部分存在的问题(Expression)1 most importantly, thats becausemore importantly, it is 2 good proof to proveproof3 the hard work in my high school is deservedthe hard work in high school was rewarded4 junior highhigh school5 tirelesstiresome6 insistedpersevered此高频话题高分口语模板分享I still remember the day I got my college entrance exam result. That day is very special to me. Most importantly, it is proof that all the work in high school was rewarded. I have worked more than 15 hours a day in the last year of high-school. It was very tiresome and exhausting to me, but I persevered and I finally got a good score. Whats mroe, I think it also means that I will have a very bright future, because I can go to the best university in our country, and that will give me a better chance to find a good job.托福独立口语高频话题资深讲师批改分享:大学教育的目标本期托福独立口语高频话题Ensuring students a good job or improving their overall abilities, which one should be the goal of college education?学生对此话题的表述答案Well, I definitely think that the college education should be aimed at improving the students overall abilities, because you know teaching a student about all the skills and the knowledge that could help them overcome all the difficulties they will meet in the rest of live. Well just help them pave the way for success in the future career. Moreover, just getting a job after graduation doesnt garantee a long-term success in the career. For instance, high GPA and the skills in interview may just ensure the students a good job. But without all the social skills and work ability, it hard for them to be promoted to a high position.资深讲师批改意见发音部分需注意的几个词(Pronunciation)1 overall abilities2 guarantee3 career语法方面出现的错误(Grammar)1 the college educationcollege education2 because (delete)表达部分存在的问题(Expression)1 you know (delete)2 rest of liferest of their lives3 the skills in interviewinterviewing skills此高频话题高分口语模板分享I definitely think that college education should be aimed at improving the students overall abilities. Teaching students about all the skills and knowledge that can help them overcome the difficulties they will need in the rest of their lives will help pave the way for the success in their future careers. Moreover, just getting a job after graduating doesnt garantee a long-term success in their career. For instance, a high GPA and interviewing skills may ensure a good job, but without all the social skills and work ability, it is hard to be promoted to a high position.托福口语训练如何一人独立完成