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    17条超实用的GRE背单词技巧经验汇总 GRE背单词的方法因人而异,每个人可能都有最适合自己的背诵方法。今天给大家带来17条超实用的GRE背单词技巧经验汇总,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。【高手分享】17条超实用的GRE背单词技巧经验汇总1.每天睡前小结一下当天背词的心得体会,以后才能越背越顺。2.第一遍坚持循环方法,一定要把每个步骤做到,做好。如果每天时间不充裕可采用26天,每天2个list的方法。3.第一遍不要管英义、派生、同根、同义反义等项,着重记忆主词条、中义和助记法。4.第一遍时大可忽略,而且初期阶段对此着意太多,可能会影响后期做真题时的效果。5.可先看一小部分真题(例如20道),意在体会类反题所反映出来GRE对单词的考法,使背词时更为有的放矢。6.不要在主词条附近留下任何标记,意在将“场景记忆效应”减至最低。7.时刻保持激情,积极思考适于自己的任何助记法(不择手段)。8.可先不背com、con、dis、im、in、un开头的词,待其他的词汇背完后再集中记这些,会发现轻松很多。9.S开头的单词示所有词汇中最难背的部分(词短、难拆分、助记法少),背时可视情况放慢进度,耐心记忆。10.“节奏”是最重要的,背时节奏正确则势如破竹,不对则很容易长时间盯着同一页而思想不集中,什么都没看进去,所以应该在list1时就摸索最适合自己的节奏(即背每一个词、每一页的速度),摸索到了就要时刻注意按此速度均衡记忆。11.可用各种记号标示自己对某词的记忆状况,但种类不宜超过三种,且千万不要记在主词条附近(参照上述第6条)。12.优势在于收词全且分类很明晰好用,但对核心词汇部分并没有继续细分重点,建议在背完两三遍后对照的词频表,突出记忆常考、主考词汇。13.如果听觉记忆比较强,可在空余时段听听小站教育的MP3(推荐前者)。14.绝不要厌恶甚至废弃词根词缀记忆法,当你背了很多遍后会感慨着发现,真正牢靠高效的仍是这种最古老最正统的记忆法。15.不要纠缠在“第一遍到底背那本书更好”这个老问题,在任何一本书上勤奋耕耘,都定能收获巨大,等到词汇背到60%-70%以上后,再考虑用逆序、音序、分类等其他手段巩固记忆。16.背词闲暇时可自己总结一下所记内容,如“动物”、“药,剂”、“似(某动物)的”、“格言”等,不要一味依赖前人总结的东西。17.情绪不好时、烦躁时听听音乐,特别是“When you believe”、“Everybody hurts”、“Hero”、“In the end”、英雄交响曲这种唤人坚强向上的。GRE词汇精选:高频形近词131. faction / fiction / factitious / fictitiousfaction: A faction is an organized group of people within a larger group, which opposes some of the ideas of the larger group and fights for its own ideas.e.g. A peace agreement will be signed by the leaders of the countrys warring factions.factitious: produced by humans rather than by natural forcesfictitious: Fictitious is used to describe something that is false or does not exist, although some people claim that it is true or exists.132. calamity / calumnycalamity: A calamity is an event that causes a great deal of damage, destruction, or personal distress. (FORMAL)(=disaster)calumny: Calumny or a calumny is an untrue statement made about someone in order to reduce other peoples respect and admiration for them. (FORMAL)(=slander)(污蔑,诽谤(的话)133. team / teemteem: If you say that a place is teeming with people or animals, you mean that it is crowded and the people and animals are moving around a lot. (=swarm)134. callow / callouscallow: A callow young person has very little experience or knowledge of the way they should behave as an adult.callous: A callous person or action is very cruel and shows no concern for other people or their feelings.GRE词汇精选:高频形近词139.put something. to rest 解决,处理Definition: to settleor finish, especially a question or discussionExample: Their smilingfaces put to rest any rumors of an impending separation between the couple.140.make demands on 需要Definition: require somethingof someoneExample: Her homeworkfrom school makes considerable demands on her time at night.141.short notice 临时通知Definition: quicklyand without a timely notification of other peopleExample: He called themeeting on such short notice that we had no time to prepare.142.devoid of 没有Definition: havingnone ofExample: I wentsearching for a knife, but the kitchen was devoid of anything sharp.143.put something at stake 把.处于险境Definition: To risksomethingExample: Because hewas a reckless gambler, he was willing to put a lot of large amount of money atstake.144.border on 邻近,近乎Definition: to be verynear to a particular qualityExample: His bizarrebehavior at the party scared the guests and borders on the insane.145.at the root of .的原因,.的真相Definition: to be thecause of somethingExample: He believesthat his students lack of interest in this class lies at the root of his recentdrop in performance.146.in light of 根据,鉴于Definition: because ofa particular factExample: In light ofyour good driving record, weve decided to overlook this minor traffic offense.147.snap up 抢购,把.抢到手Definition: toimmediately take advantage of an opportunityExample: By 10oclock, most of the best holiday discounts in the store had been snapped up.148.shore up 支持,巩固Definition: to givesupport or help to something that is having problems or is likely to failExample: He called foraction to shore up the ailing university by reaching out to private donors andwealthy alumni.149.rule out 排除Definition: to stopconsidering something as a possibilityExample: Theinvestigators ruled out their prime suspect after he was proven to be out ofthe country at the time of the crime.GRE词汇精选:高频形近词150.a priori 未经观察分析地,既定地Definition: intuitively known without examination or analysisExample: Theres no a priori reason to think your expenses will remain the same in a larger city.151.ad hoc 临时安排的Definition: done onlywhen needed for a specific purpose, without planning or preparationExample: To keep thepolice force on the streets, the mayor and the city council made an ad hocdecision to increase the salaries of law enforcement officers by ten percent.152.bona fide 真正的Definition: Honest;genuine; acting without the intention of defraudingExample: In order toreceive a refund for your returned purchase, you will need to show the salesclerk a bona fide receipt for the item.153.percapita 每人,按人分配的Definition: based oncalculations that show the average amount for each person affectedExample: The countrysrecent wealth was indicated by a rise in per capita income.154.status quo 现状Definition: thepresent situation, or the way that things usually areExample: The newcompany president has plans to change the status quo and turn the business intoa new organization.155.viceversa 反之亦然Definition: theopposite of what has been saidExample: Should I cometo your house for dinner or vice versa?156.ad-lib 即兴演讲Definition: to act orspeak without preparing, to improviseExample: I lost thenotes for my talk and had to ad-lib.157.drop out of 中途退出Definition: to leavesomething such as an activity before youhave finished what you intended to doExample: She wasinjured in the first round and had to drop out of the competition.158.lose out to 输给Definition: to lose acompetition to someone or somethingExample: Bill lost outto Sally in the election for student government president in a very close race.159.bear the stamp of something 具有.的迹象Definition: Be clearlyidentifiable withExample: Every work ofmaster watchmaker inevitably bears the stamp of his craftsmanship.160.strip away 去掉Definition: to removeor peel something from someone or something.17条超实用的GRE背单词技巧经验汇总


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