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    gre考试写作水平如何更快提升 gre考试是很多学子的难题,那么如何考好gre写作考试?今天给大家带来gre考试写作水平如何更快提升,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。gre考试写作水平如何更快提升gre写作考试提分方法一:大量阅读阅读*考生必须了解语言的真实性和优美性,通过理解示范文本的语言内容和逻辑,学习如何在写作中使用词汇和句型。在阅读中,你有机会将语言与其内容和思维方式联系起来。范文范文范文中的一个词、短语或句型,因为在特定的语言环境中,你可以感受到它的确切内涵、外延和用法通过不断地积累这些好单词和句子的用法,你写单词和提炼句子的能力将稳步提高。因此,对于考生来说,不背课文范本,该怎么用呢?从宏观上看,要从示范文本即论证体系上细化*的结构和逻辑层次。从微观的角度,我们应该从模型文本中提取语言点(单词、短语、句型)。阅读历史、哲学、政治等相关书籍,为GRE写作储存必要的知识。gre考试写作有其独特的魅力,因为它涉及到大量的哲学观点、宗教、政治、艺术、社会问题、历史现象,要求考生有合理的洞察力分析和论证,如何做到有洞察力,必须对哲学观点有一定的了解,这样你就可以自然地进行彻底的分析和论证。这是非常有说服力的,同时也为知识储备中的相关课题铺平了道路。gre写作能力,gre备考要多久否则,就不可能开始,无话可说。例如,在gre的问题部分,有一个真正的主题:“仪式和仪式有助于定义一种文化。没有他们,社会或群体的自我意识就会减弱,“仪式和仪式有助于建立一种文化,否则,人们对社会或群体的归属感就会减弱。如何理解仪式?西方社会对人有什么影响?为什么仪式和归属感有什么关系?如果我们不了解宗教,我们会感到无助。GRE写作,对论题写作有很高的要求,所以储存你的名人故事,积累相关知识是非常重要的。在漫长的历史中,大量的例子是你最有说服力的例子。这个链接也是GRE考生最麻烦的部分,不能举例支持自己的观点,所以就让自己发短信吧。张似乎只有苍白的论据,缺乏说服力。因此,要读更多的历史,积累更多的例子,就要关注那些重要的哲学家、科学家、艺术家、政治领袖和商界领袖的生平事迹和主要贡献。例如,本期杂志的主题是:“真正有深度的思想家和富有创造力的艺术家总是与他们的时代和社会格格不入。”真正有影响力的思想家和富有创造力的艺术家总是与他们的时代和社会节奏格格不入。如果你在这个话题上没有必要的思想家和艺术家的例子,*难免缺乏说服力。因此,阅读历史,积累写作材料,特别是论据材料,是GRE作文获得高分的重要环节。GRE写作改进方法二:研究练习库、大纲写作、练习论点部分有242个问题。首先,我们应该熟悉每个主题,因为主题是从242个主题中随机抽取的。对于每一个论题,我们都可以找出主要的逻辑错误,即论题的大纲。同时,我们为每个逻辑错误准备一组语言例程。这本书的论证部分详细分析了每一个逻辑错误。它还提供了详细的攻击框架和优美的论证语言。写出242个主题的大纲。写10-15篇完整的*(如果你的语言能力较弱,你可以增加写作量)。找搭档帮你改正错误,以后再重写。Issue部分练习题一共243个题目,写提纲对于这一部分的备考是至关重要的,也是最占用时间、最核心的一个环节,gre写作能力,gre备考要多久每一个题目的提纲力求详细,不用去写开头段和结尾段,就写正文各段你的各个分支观点,也就是正文部分的论证过程,除了论证以外,写完后想想可以用些什么论据,把支持论证的论据也写上。这里,再次强调的是,一定要较为详细的写Issue提纲,否则,在考场如果遇到没有思考过的题目,很容易乱了阵脚,临场去想,导致失败。此外,题目必须考前按题材分类去写提纲,看懂,知道对立面和大致写作思路,往往论据在同类的很多题目中通用;写完提纲后,再写20-40篇完整的*(语言能力弱的话,尽量多写)。GRE作文范文:独立思考What most human beings really want to attain is not knowledge, but certainty. Gaining real knowledge requires taking risks and keeping the mind openbut most people prefer to be reassured rather than to learn the complex and often unsettling truth about anything.2018年GRE作文范文参考:What does most human beings want is not discovery and change but reassurance.Although discoveries and changes are the real impetuses of human civilization, most people prefer reassurance than innovations and changes in that in this world most people are conservative and the discoveries and changes would sometimes harm some ones benefit, which based on the obsolete systems.On the one hand, in fact, most people value what they have obtained much more than what would be gain through new ways. This conservative kind of thinking in some sense is very common indeed since trying new ways always means taking risks of losing the present benefit. Take many Chinese workers for example. In China now,during the transformation of economy system, many factories and companies are under the danger of bankruptcy due to their rigid ways of thinking. And the workers in these companies or factories do not have positive attitudes neither. They ignore, or we can say give up, the better chance such as leave the old companies and find a new one which would be more suitable or quite for a short time to study some new skills; but stay where they are to wait for reassurance from the companies or government. the reason for this kind of behaviors is that they are fear for losing the jobs, whish however have little points after all. Simply put, they think they can survive if they keep the salary, but maybe lose everything when taking risks. Actually, these people fail to see the wealth behind changes and discoveries. No pain, no gain. One reluctantly loses something, he/she would not gain more important and valuable.On the other hand, discoveries and changes would bring new systems and value and moral standards, which would necessarily break the outdated ones. In this sense,discoveries and changes could harm some ones or some classes benefit. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the resistance against new things and the preference of reassurance to the obsolete system. The Industry Revolution is just a case in point.The significant change had brought human beings into a new stage of both material and spirit; but during the revolution, many people hold the point of view that the change is very dangerous to human civilization. Such individuals included peasants,old noble men and some government officials. The fundamental reason for this situation was that such a profound and overall change shook the old social and economy system and thus those depended on such a system felt they were threatened.For example, the peasants lost their lands and the old noble men lost their taxes from the peasants; even the government officials, were in the fear of losing their positions.Thereby, for the men who would still receive benefit from the obsolete system, they would prefer reassurance than changes and discoveries.It is true that sometimes changes and discoveries would bring some damage to the present society; yet they would automatically build a new one full of vigor and creativity. So people should not be restrained with the conservative ideas and open their minds to see the future benefit they would gain from the new system built by changes and discoveries. Anyway, new things are always prior to the old ones.GRE作文范文:新创意Truly innovative ideas do not arise from groups of people, but from individuals.When groups try to be creative, the members force each other to compromise and, as a result, creative ideas tend to be weakened and made more conventional. Most original ideas arise from individuals working alone.2018年GRE作文范文参考:I agree with the speaker on that truly innovative ideas arise from individuals.Nevertheless, it is unfair to claim unilaterally that the groups tend to weaken creative ideas without thinking of their positive effects on the ideas; it is equally important for groups to examine, modify, or even reject the ideas.First of all, truly innovative ideas are destined to arise from individuals in that inter-personal thinking process is so far impossible. This is to say, when we sit still and have a cluster of phenomena, theories, statistics and so forth of a certain issue in our mind, we are thinking it over yet with no assistance at all. After all it is impossible for one to intrude into others mind. Following this principle, innovative ideas spark off during the process of meditation, and they are the produced by ones own effort. It is equally possible, however, for people to be inspired by each other, yet this is by no means assistance in thinking. Clues, hints, inspirations are to remind people of things ignored or taken for granted, but have nothing to do with the process of thinking, that is, to sort out the whole vision and draw conclusion. In one word, innovative ideas arise from meditation, which is solely limited within one body, one brain. Therefore innovative ideas are always the product of individuals work.Nevertheless, it does not suggest that innovative ideas then have nothing to do with group work, and actually it is just the opposite. When a novel thought is brought up, it is of great importance to fully evaluate its validity, feasibility, and consequences if carried out. This point need no further illustration if we think of a father who resolutely stops his 6-year-old son from playing matches. The kid might have intended to try something new, driven by an innovative idea, yet the whole house might have caught fire also since the boy is incapable of dealing with accidents. This is the same case in academic fields. In a chemistry lab for example, a novel route design of synthesizing a new compound is never carried out without further evaluation. Practical conditions such as equipments, reagents, and economic efficiency, namely yield per cost, are always taken into consideration and sometimes restrict the application of those ideas.This is to say, innovation is usually good but not always practicable. This claim is fully demonstrated in the political field. Governors of all levels must take holistic views of the situation and make balanced decision in order to avoid mistakes; innovative ideas alone cannot justify their practicability and goodwill to others. For instance, when we look back, the development of plastic industry has resulted in great loss in the global ecosystem. Thus we see the disastrous consequences of carrying out such innovative yet premature ideas.Hence, it is necessary for the groups to assess, remedy, and conclude the value and use of innovative ideas. All innovative ideas should be brought to discussions. With the clash of skeptical attitude of others to the advocating behavior of the thinker, fallacies made in a haste can be easily found and eliminated, which rectifies, sometimes supplements the idea. I dont agree with the speaker on his/her judgment of group work as compromising, weakening and conventionalizing innovation. Group work promotes those justified and useful innovative ideas and rejects those invalid, sometimes dangerous ones, as we see the case between father and son, in a chemistry lab, in all nations around the world. Only after the group censorship can the innovative ideas be carried out and benefit people, and this is the time when its innovativeness is fully appreciated.In conclusion, I concede that most original ideas arise from individuals, yet I believe the group effort on these ideas should never be downplayed. It is the group that judge,reject or develop these ideas; this process is equally important with the innovative thinking.GRE作文范文:成功Success, whether academic or professional, involves an ability to survive in a new environment and, eventually, to change it.2018年GRE作文范文参考:Many wonder the intrinsic impact of industrial revolution over the last century. Is it a blessing or a curse? Ever since the invention of steam engine, mass production enabled factories to make out products in a madly efficient manner, while machines also supplanted innumerous traditionally skilled artisan, forcing them out of work. Gone are the days when they boasted of their craftsmanship that they assumed to be able support their family all their life. Consumers became more aspiring to novel design instead of durability as goods were made to be discarded.Hundreds years later, with the first installation of integrated circuit on the chip, another profound turnover took place. Now the computer pervades our life so much that one may find himself half illiterate in absence of input skill. This time, thousands of jobs were created in Silicon Valley, transforming some of the few into billionaire over one night. Nevertheless, the original inventor might not expect that the ensuing slow down and thus recession in IT sector would approach so soon in less than 10 years, which is obviously less than a presumable 15 years time normal for a periodical change.Positive or negative, one mark that characterizes the technological bombardment indicates a constant fact: changes exist ubiquitously and operating at an ever-increasing tempo; those who fail to catch up with the torrent of change would ineluctably engulfed by billows, floating no where and eventually dissolve as negligible bubbles.Favors as well as opportunities goes to who adapt to the contemporary trend. Fully recognizing this axiom, long before the scientists announced accomplishment of sketches of human genes or earlier successful cloning of Doris, candidates preparing for university admission have smelt the sense. Today, in the U.S., biology and its branch disciplines become the first choice for top students of senior high, determining that this subject, foretold as the third wave in technology, could bring them brilliant future as “Bill Gates” dreamt the same in the previous wave.In addition to academic realm, respect would be paid to people who though deprived of their past secure professions, choose not to be a loser in the whimsical society. Like the artisans who lost jobs, a vast number of skilled laborer in Chinas city of Wengzhou have undergone darkness and depression in those old days. However, after years of endeavor and refinement, they prove their value again. By accurately posit the economic trend and market demand, they play an active role in almost all economic sectors, garments, catering and lodging, hi-tech industry, you name it.While ability honed in surviving the fickleness of the world makes the path through success shorter, it is essential for the more ambitious to acquire the pith of reformist and lead the trend. In this way, it could help him distinguish from the mediocracy and platitude. This is absolutely not an easy task. Inborn insight and foresight are needed to tell uncommon out of the commonplace; extraordinary perseverance and encouragement is a must to face the coming challenges against his iconoclasm. Very few people crowned with triumph possess this quality, whether the Nobel Prize winner or those who makes coverage on the Times.In sum, as shown in the course of history, success, whether academic or professional,involves an ability to surviving in a new environment and-, eventually, -to change it.Now some elite persons have again forecast that another social change is impending.Are you ready for that?gre考试写作水平如何更快提升


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