2022五年级英语寒假作业答案 五年级英语寒假作业答案Page 1-2I. 1. My name is 2. Im 3. Im in Class , Grade . 4. is my best friend.5. is my English teacher. 6. There are people in my family.7. His name is 8. Shes 9. Hes a/an 10. I have a.11. Yes, I do. 12. Yes, I do.13. OK. Lets be good friends.II. long - short tall - short sad - happy new - oldsmall - big fat/thick - thin old - youngIII. 1. I am 2. is not 3. let us 4. he is 5. she is 6. what is 7. who is8. you are 9. it isIV. 1. a new friend in our class. 2. What class is he in?3. Where do you live? 4. What is his house number?5. big bright eyes and short hair. / short hair and big bright eyes.V. 1. American 2. thirteen 3. teachers 4. brown 5. sisterPage 3-4I. playing the piano reading a book flying a kite painting a pictureII. 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. CIII. 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. CIV. Australia, Rabbit; New Zealand, Duck; China, PandaV. D. E. C. B. A.Page 5-6I. 1. u, r 2. e, a 3. i, r 4. e, r 5. o, r 6. o, o 7. a, i 8. e, r 9. o, o 10. r, a1. pupil 2. doctor 3. actress 4. teacher 5. singer 6. dancer 此题答案可视学生具体情况而定。11. e, i 12. a, e 13. u, eII. 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. AIII. 1. Whos he2. Whats your father/What does your father do/Whats your fathers job3. How old are you 4. Where are you from5. Whats her name 6. How old is sheIV. 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. BPage 7-8I. 1.穿蓝衣服的女人 2.墙上的地图 3.长头发的女孩 4.中间的男孩5.右边的书 6.左边的男人 7.双胞胎兄弟8.彼此看起来像 9.向学习 10.在将来II. 1. introduce my friends to you 2. a girl in Class Two3. Where do they work 4. What is her job5. Is she a doctor 6. We love, father, mother.III. Childrens Day in Childrens Day inJune 1st October 1st November 23rd May 5thChildrens Day in Childrens Day inIV. 1. E 2. I 3. F 4. D 5. C 6. G 7. B 8. H 9. A 10. JV. 1.What, is; What, does, your, do; What, fathers, job2. Does, like, Yes, does/No, doesnt 3. comes, from4. Where, are 5. Where, does, come, fromPage 9-10I. 1. I D 2. E G 3. B A 4. H F 5. J CII. 1. likes painting 2. doctor father 3. friend/father Chinese4. policewoman mother 5. eyes noseIII. C E A B DIV. 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. CPage 11-12I.waiter tiger doctor student farmer teacupsII. 1.Whos, Whose 2. too, to, two 3. right, write 4. know, NoIII. 1. teacher 2. farmer 3. driver 4. nurseIV. 1.Whats your mother/ What does your mother do/ Whats your mothers job2. Is his father a singer3. Is he a/an(postman以外的表示职业的单词)4. Whats her dad/What does her dad do/Whats her dads jobV. 1.There are four people in Lisas family. 2. They are both students.3. Shes eleven. 4. Hes a teacher./He teaches English.5. Shes a nurse. 6. Yes, they do.7. Yes, she does.Page 13-14I. 1. ten 十 2. but 但是,可是 3. dear 亲爱的 4. dog 狗 5. on 在上II. 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. DIII. 1. woman 2. mother 3. boy 4. uncle 5. daughters6. sister 7. She 8. WeIV. 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. CtenAmericastudentplaying footballthirty-sixAmericateacherplaying basketballV.VI. 1.Yes, she does. 2. Shes a reporter.3. She likes taking care of the pets. 4. Lucys cup is pink.5. No, it isnt.Page 15-16I. 1. park, hospital, school, zoo2. umbrella, mirror, mop3. skirt, coat, jacket4. mine, yours, ours, theirs, his5. knife, spoon, plate6. America, Canada, England, Singapore, France, Germany, AustraliaII. 1. of 2. Whose 3. What 4. at 5. that6. Whats 7. away 8. forIII. 1. A. does 2. B. her 3. C. away 4. B. sendsIV. 1. Whose drum is that/this? 2. Is he a policeman?3. Who are they? 4. They are Peters.5. What is his mother/ Whats his mothers job? 6. Yes, she does./ No, she doesnt.V. 1. Her name is . 2. Shes a/an .3. Hes . 4. Yes, they do.5. Im in Grade . 6. There are students in our class.7. Yes, I do./No, I dont. 8. Yes, I do./No, I dont.Happy Knowledge1.玩 2.踢,玩 3.演奏,弹 4.播放足球运动员; 运动场, 操场; 游戏室, 娱乐室;剧场, 儿童游戏室, 玩具小屋; 游戏时间, 娱乐时间Page 17-18I. 1. Li Yans drums 2. jacket3. grandfather and grandmother 4. bus driver5. kind and beautiful 6. mineII. 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. A 12. BIII. 1. your 2. His 3. those 4. Peters 5. mine 6. yours 7. herIV. 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. BV. Good, morning, Its, an, has, it/hers/his, that, yours, mine, Whose, goPage 19-22I. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. C. 1 5 CBBAC 6 10 AACBB 11 - 15 BACBB. G, A, H, E, J, B, I, F, C/D, D/C. 5, 2, 4, 3, 1. 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A. 1. Does, like, Yes / No, does / doesnt 2. Is, No,nbsp; isnt 3. Whose4. What, do. E, I, A, H, C, D, B, G, J, F. 1 5 ××Page 23-26I. 1 4 EAFHB 5 9 ICJDGII. 1 5 BACBC 6 10 BCACAIII. 1 5 DIAFG 6 10 BHEJCIV. 1, 9, 10, 2, 37, 5, 8, 6, 4V. 1. box 2. eraser/rubber 3. shoes 4. trousers/jeans 5. dog 6. watch 7. drums8.jacket 9. grandmother/grandma/mother/aunt 10. noseVI. 1. EGAFDCBH 2. FBAGCEDVII. 1 5 ××Page 27-30I. 1.× 2. 3. 4.× 5. 6.× 7.× 8. 9.× 10. 1-4 AHBCF 5-10 EIDGJ. 1 5 ABABB 6 10 CCACB. 1 5 EDBAC 6 10 IJFAG. 1, 2, 4, 3, 510, 9, 7, 8, 6. 1. candles 2. pizza 3. mugs/cups 4. ice cream 5. dolls/puppets 6. driver7. policeman 8.fathers/grandfathers/uncles 9. drums 10. beautiful/pretty/nice.1. DAEFCGB 2. EGABDFH.1 5 ××寒假学习计划书怎么写时光飞逝,转眼间,又一个学期过去了,我们迎来了我们期盼已久的寒假,迎来了我们的一份快乐。当然,这快乐不是每天玩电脑看电视的“快乐”,而是合理安排假期时间,劳逸结合得到的快乐。下面就是我的寒假计划,请大家多多点评。一、认真完成老师留的每一项作业在假期中,我们要以学习、实践和玩耍这三方面入手,当然,学习还是最重要的。所以,我们要认真完成老师留的每一项作业,做到玩耍和学习两不误。二、多参加一些社会实践活动在学习之余,我们不能每天都在家里看电视,要多走出家门,参加一些有意义的社会实践活动。三、阅读一些有益的书籍长约两个月的寒假,我们不能只想着玩耍,还要多读一些好书,开阔我们的眼界。真正做到“敏而好学,不耻下问”。四、走出家门,去户外锻炼身体假期生活,当然少不了强健体魄。我们要充分利用假期时间,增强自己的抵抗力,让自己的身体更健康。五、对下学期要学习的内容进行预习我希望能在假期里,了解下学期要学习的内容,并进行预习,同时也要复习上学期学过的内容。假期生活就像一个色彩丰富的鹅卵石,少了一分紧张的色彩,也多了一分轻松的喜悦。小学生寒假安全教育注意事项一、交通安全1、自觉遵守交通规则,不在公路上跑闹、玩耍。2、横穿公路要走斑马线、人行天桥等,不得随意横穿。3、不得在马路上骑自行车。4、遵守公共秩序,排队等车,车未停稳不得靠近车辆,上下车时不拥挤。5、文明乘车,乘车时要系好安全带或抓牢扶手。不坐破旧车辆。二、注意水的安全不要到河边、水库、池塘、水井等危险的地方玩耍,到这些地方必须有家长陪同。三、电的安全1、要在家长的指导下使用家用电器。2、不要乱动、乱接电线、灯头、插座等。3、不要在标有“高压危险”的地方玩耍。四、注意火的安全1、不准玩火,不得携带火种,发现火灾不得逞能上前扑火,要及时报告大人或报警(119)小心、安全使用煤气、液化气灶具等。3、燃放烟花爆竹时一定要注意安全,做到不放。五、注意饮食安全1、自觉养成良好的个人卫生习惯,饭前便后勤洗手,防止传染病的发生。2、购买有包装的食品时,要看清商标、生产日期、保质期等,“三无”食品、过期食品一定不要购买食用。3、生吃瓜果要注意洗干净后才可食用,不吃腐烂、变质的瓜果。严禁吸烟、喝酒。4、不暴饮暴食,防止消化不良。六、注意精神安全1、远离网吧。在家里上网要听从父母的指导,不登录、不查看不健康的网站,上网时间要有节制。2、不要涉足营业性电子游戏室、台球厅、录像厅、卡啦OK厅、歌舞厅等娱乐场所。3、不参加不健康的娱乐活动,不听、不信、不传、不参与封建迷信活动,坚决抵制邪教活动。4、不购买、不借阅内容不健康的书刊、报纸、光碟、录像带;不看低级趣味的电影、电视。多读健康的书刊,多看乐观的节目。培养文明行为,抵制消极现象,促进扶正祛邪、扬善惩恶社会风气的形成、巩固和发展。七、注意其他方面的安全1、不要轻信陌生人,陌生人敲门不要开防盗门。2、外出旅游或走亲访友,万一迷路不要惊慌,要呆在原地等候父母回找或及时拨打110,请求警察叔叔的帮助。3、观看比赛、演出或电影时,排队入场,对号入座,做文明观众。比赛或演出结束时,等大多数人走后再随队而出,不可在退场高峰时向外拥挤。4、睡觉前要检查煤气阀门是否关好,防止煤气中毒。5、不得玩易燃易爆物品和有腐蚀性的化学药品。6、不偷不抢,不拉帮结伙,打架斗殴。7、加强自我保护意识。遇到敲诈勒索、拦路抢劫及时告诉父母或打电话报警。不接受陌生人不被陌生人的甜言蜜语所迷惑,防止被拐骗、拐卖。下面是几个常用紧急电话,同学们一定要记住:警情110、火警119、急救120。此外,要充分利用寒假的时间,注意劳逸结合,时时注意、处处警惕,平安就一定会来到我们身边,健康就一定会常伴我们左右。同学们,希望大家从现在开始,树立安全意识,过一个平安、健康、愉快而又充实的寒假!