雅思二战失败原因总结分享 雅思二战失败 ,为什么考得还不如第一次?今天给大家带来了雅思二战失败原因总结分享 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思二战失败 为什么考得还不如第一次?我们为什么竟然有可能准备了很久,但成绩还是下滑呢?这里面基本上,有3种可能。第一种:临场崩盘。这种情况多见于听力部分,分数急剧降低。有可能平时练习的时候还是8分上下,但一到考试的时候,分数就滚落到了5分左右。这种情况,往往是因为专业词汇的影响,也就是在其中的某一片,因为对于这个主题的专业词不熟悉,结果大脑不断走神,完全听不懂原文在说什么,结果就是一整个听力的section全部沦陷。这最常见于这种单词基础不是特别扎实的小伙伴,而且这些小伙伴大多数分数在6分一下,绝不会特别高,主要就是单词的原因。第二种:复习不得法一直在狂做题,我们在初高中就养成了这么一种习惯,这是什么学习?学习=做题。于是题海战术就成了我们准备任何一个考试的不二选择,但是说实话,仅就准备雅思考试来说,这是一个挺2的方法。因为雅思考试的侧重点,与国内的考试不尽相同,中国的考试大多是在考的什么知识点都知道,雅思考试考的是知识的运用。这就好比我们在学游泳,中国的考试靠的就是书本上的知识,书本上写的是游泳的要领。而雅思就是pong一脚把你踢下水,然后说30秒后游到对岸就算及格。当考一个又一个枯燥的知识点的时候,其实我们是在通过做题的方式来记忆不同的知识点。但是,我们都知道游泳这东西光看书本没有用啊,要实战才行!一个又一个孤立的知识点扔给我们,就像是告诉我们书本上的知识,然后一次又一次把我们扔到3-15米深的游泳池,我们只能一次一次的淹死。游泳该怎么学,应该现在浅的池子里学习怎么漂浮,然后学习手臂的滑行,该怎么蹬腿,这都是实践出来的!雅思也该这么学,就是通过背单词,做听写,跟读等方式,让自己的能力一点一点的提升,然后最后再通过做题来巩固和实践,这才是对的!是的,当你走了一条弯路的时候,成绩就不会,也不应该提升的。尤其对于分数低的同学来说,更是这样。第三种:平台期。在雅思考试中是有两大平台期的,第一个平台期是在6分以下,第二个平台期是在9分以下。在平台期内,有可能努力得方向是正确的,也有可能1-3月内,分数都没有太大的变化,尤其对从低分提升上来的同学来说更是这样。因此,在这两个平台期,两次考试之间只有少许波动都是正常的。这个时候要的不是密集的参加考试,而是耐下心,只要坚持学下去,自然就好了。雅思写作解题思路之现代化农业的利弊Modern technology such as chemical fertilisers and machinery, provide people with cheaper food, but it causes negative impacts on peoples health. Do you think the advantages of it overweight its disadvantages?支持正方Large scale production by machinery focuses on efficiency at the cost of quality -? lose the taste of nature, e.g. home-?made produces are more popular and expensive worldwide.Some technology is damaging to human health, e.g. pesticide. What is more, to prevent food from turning spoiled, many producers use chemical preservers, harming peoples health.Bio-?technology, if not well handled with full responsibility, will threaten food security, e.g. some producers use growth hormone to feed poultry and livestock.Certain irresponsible countries are exporting sizeable genetically modified food to other less developed countries, and even go so far as to monopolise food market at those countries. It is worth noticeing that the effect of genetically modified food, whether benign or malign, is not yet determined.支持后者Mass production made it possible for food producers to limit their cost, and sell food in much larger quantity and with much cheaper price than before.It also means that more options are largely available to consumers, since the sizeable production and efficient transport eliminated the barrier of distance, e.g. Canadian people can enjoy pineapples in winter. 国家进口食物的利弊论据共享题国家进口食物的利弊Counties should produce food for all population and import food as little as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?雅思考试大作文范文之增加商业文化交流是否有益题目:Some people claim that the increasingly frequent business and cultural communications are positive whereas others hold a different opinion. Discuss.范文:Although a slight mention of the past pastoral life arouses a nostalgia and reminiscent beauty, which is unexceptionally characterized by isolation and somewhat disconsolation, various and frequent communications in business, education, scientific research, and even the daily life are flooding the existent values, ideas, and ideals. Inevitably, this social phenomenon provokes a storm of commendation and criticism as well.Frequent communications in various fields among cultures and people undoubtedly benefit individuals life. Almost every citizen becomes the beneficiary of the communications. People around the world today are able to enjoy otherwise unavailable products and services. For instance, it is due to the international communication in business that people in China can such high quality products as Mercedes Benz from Germany, Titoni watch from Switzerland, and IBM computers. All these cases demonstrate one thing: communications contribute human beings.Not only are diverse array of communications in the international spectrum positive to individuals, they also have been exerting significant favorable influences on family life. It was virtually incredible to imagine an international family five decades ago, but today on account of the rapid development of communications and transportations, religion and racial discriminations have almost entirely “gone with the wind”. It is no longer an “abnormal” thing that a Chinese husband with a Japanese wife. Such international family, as scientific research warrants, is a welcome development in terms of both biological and political elements.In fact, the advantages of communications are also shaping and reflecting the general human civilization development. If God, as Bible says, created different languages among men, then men all over the world today are able to work together, pray together, and struggle for freedom together. The communications are actually a process of globalization. This is the trend of sustainable development. With communications, people become brothers and sisters rather than enemies. With communications, there will be peace rather than war. With communications, the mundane mortals will eventually retrieve the paradise that our forefathers lost and get renascence.Admittedly, the communications might have some negative influences. But the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, the communications should be advocated and encouraged with the utmost enthusiasm.雅思考试大作文范文之警察配枪题目:Unlike other countries, police in UK does not carry guns. Some think it leaves citizen unprotected. Others think it reduces the overall violence in UK society. Discuss.8分范文:This should be a familiar scene in a Hollywood detective movie: an American police officer, armed with a pistol in case of a sudden strke from a misty corner, patrols a dark alley in search of the criminal element.In the meantime, his UK counterparts has to do the same job with merely a short baton in ha12 He is like a fearless knight fighting for honour against enemies armed with guns with only his lance. Naturally, the ending will always be unfavourable to him. Or the ending will always not be to the delight of the spectators.Police, as protectors of his people , should do what they can, and use whatever means they can, to keep people out of harms way. But in the UK, police are on duty without carying a gun, which is a very bad idea. They are handicapping themselves.Generally speaking, gun is recognized as a emblem of power and justice of police. It is clear that a police with gun on is able to prevent those potential criminal activities. For instance, a pistol on the belt works effectively to stop crimes range from those robbery, theft, and rape and it can also force the criminals to be arrested.Furthermore, gun serves for a reliable friend while the police crashs into a emergent situation like gun fighting or commotion. Guns are not expected to be employed to finish off the chaos but to help the police survive before the reinforcement comes.Meanwhile, the violence rate is rising in UK due to the global terrorism. Unlike the ordinary gangster and robbers who is armed daggers and knives, a large number of international terrorists are equipped with semi-auto rifles and massive destruction weapons. Proper measures must be taken to limit the uneven contrast of power and the great efforts should be made to protect civilian from the harm of terrorist attack. However, there is an old saying “combat poison with poison”, say, an overall upgrading of UK police equipments couldnt be better to meet the needs. It is all necessary that every police carries a pistol while they are on duty, that would be the practicable way to ensure the public security in Briton.As a consequence, having carry guns by police will evidently benefit people in UK, and of which will lead to a more steady and harmonic society. If there must be a controversy, it would go to whether the government should place a curb upon the possible abuse of gun.雅思二战失败原因总结分享