牢记3个方法轻松搞定托福阅读词汇记忆 托福阅读考试对词汇量的需求很大,而考生词汇量不足的问题会对阅读解题产生很大影响。今天给大家带来了牢记3个方法轻松搞定托福阅读词汇记忆。希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。牢记3个方法轻松搞定托福阅读词汇记忆图像植入法很多人背单字无法成功的致命伤在于用了“翻译式背诵法”,但若仅是不断地复诵单词,是很容易忘掉的。试着回想小时候学习中文的过程,中文的汉字是不是往往会与相关画面一同浮现脑海。以此经验为据,即可得知背单字最直接的方式应该是图像植入、搭配意境,以达到背诵的最佳效果。用这种方式背单词之后,下次要用某单词时就不必再搜寻脑中字库,单词将自然浮现,达到“不思而中”的境界。例如:"Beset:包围 "这个词,有的同学反复记了多次,总是记不住,看到背单词资料中某个”一群狮子围住一辆汽车“的图片就很快记住了,这就是图片的作用,对我们记忆有很强的刺激效果,不知不觉就记住了。四面楚歌法面对“有若无,实若虚”,明明背过好几次却完全想不起来的单词,你会需要用到“四面楚歌”之法。 在每个看得到的地方都放一个背不起来的难词,字体要大。单词务必配合情境场合。例如厕所就不适合放Yummy(美味)这个单字。让单词出现在绝对有时间、绝对看得到的地方。例如:学生对于不喜欢上的课,可以在教室黑板两侧各列五个单词;经常使用计算机的上班族,可以下载自动换桌面的程序,把单词设成桌面,一次一个单词,绝对不怕你看不到。碎片时间法大部分的人,在一天当中有许多时间是被当作无用碎片来处理的;例如学生不专心上课、上班族摸鱼聊天、通勤族坐在车上发呆等等,这些被浪费掉的零碎时间若能善加利用,背单词的成效会很惊人,尤其是等车时间,更是最值得被利用的“碎片时间”。 该如何利用这些时间?你需要两个诀窍来配合学习:1.卡片:一张卡片上只写一个单词,而且字体要“斗大”。卡片越大越好,正面写英文单字,反面写中文意思,以不能直接瞄到答案为原则。2.少量多餐:时间少、单字少、多复习。背单词最忌“常立志,发宏愿”,愿太大不仅自己没办法负荷,还会打击信心;反而是应该“立志长”,维持背单字的信念,持续不断地背下去。配合这二个诀窍外,还需注意以下三个Tips:1. 单词:一次不能背太多个,容易搞混。2. 时间:一次不需用太长的时间来背,碎片时间恰好可以拿来利用,但必须常常复习。3. 累积:例如学生利用每节下课时间背四个单字,背的时候也可顺便复习之前已经背过的,一天大约背32个,不需花费太大的力气,一年就可以背一万个单字了。即使最后忘掉一半,成绩仍然可观。托福阅读转折句提供的答题线索下面举两个例子进行具体分析。例1:In Europe, before the introduction of the mechanical clock, people told time by sun (using, for example, shadow sticks or sun dials) and water clocks. Sun clocks worked, of course, only on clear days; water clocks misbehaved when the temperature fell toward freezing, to say nothing of long-run drift as the result of sedimentation and clogging. Both these devices worked well in sunny climates; but in northern Europe the sun may be hidden by clouds for weeks at a time, while temperatures vary not only seasonally but from day to night.Why does the author provide the information that ”in northern Europe the sun may be hidden by clouds for weeks at a time, while temperatures vary not only seasonally but from day to night”? To emphasize the variety of environments in which people used sun and waterclocks to tell time To illustrate the disadvantage of sun and water clocks To provide an example of an area where water clocks have an advantage oversun clocks To counter the claim that sun and water clocks were used all over Europe托福阅读试题解析:(1) 通过题干定位到文中最后一句话中but的后面,but一词表明后面的内容是与前面是转折关系,后面说:但是在北欧,太阳可能一下被乌云遮住几个星期,同时气温也不仅只随着季节变化,早晚也有温差。(2) 定位句之前有转折,通常都是对前文的否定,所以看一下but前说了什么以明确否定的内容。前面说这两个设备在晴天时都能很好地工作。由此可以判断否定的对象应该就是这两个设备。(3) 到底是哪两个设备呢? these提示我们要向前找,所以看一下上一句话,发现其中有个分号,可能分号前后各说一种设备。发现前面说的是太阳钟,后面说的是水钟,两个设备明确了。(4) 结合这两句话,可以看出but后逗号前的内容正是对太阳钟的否定,逗号后面的内容正是对水钟的否定。因此答案为含有负面信息的B项。例2:The undisputed pre-Columbian presence in Oceania of the sweet potato, which is a New World domesticate, has sometimes been used to support Heyerdahls “American Indians in the Pacific” theories. However, this is one plant out of a long list of Southeast Asian domesticates. As Patrick Kirch, an American anthropologist, points out, rather than being brought by rafting South Americans, sweet potatoes might just have easily been brought back by returning Polynesian navigators who could have reached the west coast of South America.Why does the author mention the views of “Patrick Kirch”?(3) To present evidence in favor of Heyerdahls idea about American Indians reaching Oceania To emphasize the familiarity of Pacific islanders with crops from many different regions of the world To indicate that supposed proof for Heyerdahls theory has an alternative explanation To demonstrate that some of the same crops were cultivated in both South America and Oceania解析:(1) 题干问作者为什么提到PK这个人的观点。回到文中进行定位,发现最后的一整个长句说的就是PK的观点。提取一下主要信息点,PK的观点是:甘薯不是被南美洲人带来的,而可能仅仅是被到过南美的波利尼西亚人带回来的。(2) 提到PK对甘薯*的观点目的是什么呢?句首的as表示正像、正如,因此这句话与前面是一个顺承关系,前面说,但是这只是东南亚驯化的很多植物外的一种。句中的this提示我们还要向前看,并且句首的however表明后面的信息与前面是转折关系,而后一句话句首的as又表明与上一句话是顺承关系。由此判断出定位句与前文存在转折关系,所反驳的就应该是however之前的观点。(3) 看however之前说了什么,这句话比较长,提取主要信息,主要说的是H的理论(太平洋岛上的人*于美洲印第安)的证据是美洲驯化的甘薯出现在了大洋洲。(4) 美洲印第安人也就是定位句中的南美州人,所以我们找到了however的转折点,前面说甘薯用来证明太平洋岛居民源于南美,后面说甘薯不是被南美洲人带来的,也就是说不能被用来证明太平洋岛居民源于南美。(5) 综合以上分析,PK的观点就是为了说明之前支持H的理论的证据可能有误。所以,选择C项。托福阅读备考四个阶段练习重点托福阅读备考初级阶段-打牢词汇和语法基础在托福阅读的备考过程后中,基础阶段不扎实,就不能保证阅读部分拿高分。基础阶段包括词汇和语法,词汇和语法量是决定你能否看的懂*的基础。在词汇备考方面,基础词汇的用法要会用,专业词汇也不能忽视。在语法方面,尤其是长难句部分,长难句理解不了会影响做题。可以通过托福阅读练习来分析材料,从中获取词汇并熟悉句子理解方法。托福阅读备考强化阶段-提高答题能力在强化阶段,主要以托福阅读题目练习为主,提高自己的托福阅读*的能力包括精读和泛读;通过做题还要提高做题能力,做题能力包括根据题目关键词定位的能力,分析原文,进行选择的能力;除了阅读能力和做题能力还需要,还需要强化分析总结的能力,通过分析总结才能快速提高托福阅读。托福阅读备考冲刺阶段-熟悉各种技巧通过强化阶段的做题,能力提高之后,就要提升自己的阅读部分的技巧。阅读部分的技巧包括,阅读的技巧和做题的技巧。阅读的技巧包括,速读,跳读,略读和结构扫描法,而做题的技巧包括定位的技巧,分析的技巧,选择选项的技巧。这些技巧都是从强化阶段的刷题分析总结中来,或者大家也可以参考网上的一些经验分享,掌握技巧。托福阅读备考考前阶段-模考进入状态在考前几天一定要按照考试的时间上机进行模考,最重要的是适应高强度的做题。有些考生在备考中做的很好,但是一到考试就不行,主要就是因为让你在那坐4个小时,高强度的做题不适应。因此模考就是让考生进入考试状态,适应考试强度。托福阅读否定事实信息题之虚假信息套路一、自相矛盾第一种情况是选项信息与原文相矛盾,错误表述文中的信息或观点。例如下题:According to paragraph 6, all of the following statements aretrue of plants in the alpine zone EXCEPT: Because they are low, they are less exposed to strong winds. Because they are low, the winter snow cover gives them moreprotection from the extreme cold. In the equatorial mountains, they tend to be lower than inmountains elsewhere. Their low growth form keeps them closer to the ground, where thereis more heat than further up.这道题的选项1改写原文“ avoid theworst rigors of high winds”;选项2对应原文“take advantage of the insulation provided by a winter snow cover”;选项4对应原文“make use of the higher temperaturesimmediately adjacent to the ground surface”;选项3中的“lower”与原文之中“the low growth form is lessprevalent”相矛盾,因此该选项为虚假信息,选作本题的答案。二、无中生有第二种情况是选项信息在原文中没有被提及。同学们可以比较容易地辨别出在原文中完全没有提到的选项,但大家务必注意此类出题方式经常会使点小心机,也就是选项的部分信息是对原文信息的重复,但是另一部分却出现了新概念或脑补了新信息。例如:PASSAGE EXCERPT: “The causes of this population rebound are consequences of otherhuman actions. First, the major predators of deer-wolves, cougar, andlynx-have been greatly reduced in numbers. Second, conservation has beeninsured by limiting times for and types of hunting. But the most profoundreason for the restoration of high population numbers has been the gate of theforests. Great tracts of lowland country deforested by logging, fire, or bothhave become ideal feeding grounds of deer. ”(TPO4: Deer Populations ofthe Puget Sound)Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 5 as a factor that has increased deerpopulations? A reduction in thenumber of predators Restrictions on hunting The effects of loggingand fire Laws that protectedfeeding grounds of deer选项1与原文“First, the majorpredators of deer-wolves, cougar, and lynx-have been greatly reduced innumbers”相对应;选项2对应原文“Second, conservationhas been insured by limiting times for and types of hunting”;选项3对应原文“Great tracts of lowland countrydeforested by logging, fire”;选项4中的后半部分信息“feeding grounds of deer”是对原文 “ or both havebecome ideal feeding grounds of deer”中的原词重复,但是选项前半部分新添加了原文没有的信息“laws that protected”,这仍然属于无中生有的虚假信息,因此这道题应该选择最后一个选项。三、答非所问最后一种情况是需要大家特别注意的,即答非所问。选项可能重复*中的信息,且没有添加原文不存在的信息,然而它却并没有回答问题,因此仍然属于虚假信息的范畴。例如:PASSAGE EXCERPT:“Thesame thing happens to this day, though on a smaller scale, wherever asediment-laden river or stream emerges from a mountain valley ontorelatively flat land, dropping its load as the current slows: the waterusually spreads out fanwise, depositing the sediment in the form of a smooth,fan-shaped slope. Sediments are also dropped where a river slows on entering alake or the sea, the deposited sediments are on a lake floor or the seafloorat first”(TPO1: GROUNDWATER)All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 3 as places thatsediment-laden rivers can deposit their sediments EXCEPT A mountain valley Flat land A lake floor The seafloor在做这道题的时候我们很焦灼地发现每一个选项都在原文中出现了(下划线部分),而且都没有添加任何原文不存在的新信息。此时一定要冷静,将选项与题干进行核对。题目中问的是河流所携带的砂石会在什么地方沉淀,而原文“wherever a sediment-laden river or stream emerges from a mountainvalley onto relatively flat land, dropping its load as the currentslows ”表明水流从mountain valley 流出,流至相对平坦的地面时水流速度减慢从而逐渐沉淀砂石。当我们理解这句话就会知道mountain valley是水流出的地方而不是sediments沉淀的地方,也就是说选项1并不是针对题目的正确信息,因此它是被“EXCEPT”的对象,答案为选项1。