托福阅读提分如何打好基础 托福阅读提分如何打好基础?这3个要点不可不知,今天给大家带来了托福阅读提分如何打好基础,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读提分如何打好基础?这3个要点不可不知汇总背熟阅读热门词汇如果想要把自己的阅读速度提升,其中有一个最要的因素即为词汇。在大家备考托福过程中一个词汇也在经历不断累积的过程,而在积累词汇过程中考生要学着整理这些词汇,特别是针对那些最容易在阅读*里出现的高频词汇一定要多做归纳整理,再针对这些词汇出现的语言环境提升掌握能力,如此一来大家对阅读词汇的了解也会提升。打好语法基础看懂长难句大家在做托福练习的过程中能够感觉到许多语法内容知识点都已完全融入到了阅读和听力的一些题目中。想要应对好这些题目,最关键的是好句子的结构分析。提升句子结构,就是指将主谓宾结构部分和定状补修饰成分准确把握。做到这一点看上去简单,但实际处理时却仍有一定难度。特别是当考生处理一些长难句复杂句时,如何完全分析出句型结构也需要针对练习,而阅读速度则能在这些练习中获得提升。提高阅读速度掌握速读技巧在阅读的过程中大部分同学都会出现一个问题:自己在词汇和语法上都是有基础的,但想要提升阅读速度却会变得一场困难。假如你也有这种问题,那么建议你可以去调整一下自己的阅读方法了。大多数考生在阅读时,都有先看完*完全理解后再开始答题的习惯,而这种做法很容易造成考试时间的紧张。在此需要提醒大家,托福考试作为一门语言考试,考察最重要的还是大家的答题能力,而不是阅读能力。所以,考生不需要清晰地把全文的每一个细节都彻底了解。建议大家的阅读理解方式是,首先仔细阅读*段落的第1、2句,把握住段落主旨大意,然后快速浏览其余部分。通过这样的方式阅读,既能加快阅读速度,又能让大家对*的结构思路更有把握。托福阅读真题回忆学科分类:艺术题目:Photography and Pictorial Weekly内容回忆:第一段描述electrotype这种新兴科技使得杂志能够更快的被打印出来,并使得Pictorial weekly这种型号较大的新闻杂志发展起来,该杂志往往有很多的illustration插画。第二段描述使得pictorial weekly发展起来的第二个关键因素就在于photography。daguerreotype这种早期的相片的出现使得早起相片里常见的人像广为流传,能让艺术家在离肖像模特十分远的地方也能够按照杂志里的图片做出画作。 第三段说明照片对于杂志的影响不单单在于提供了插画的主题上,还使得艺术家在创作插画时会模仿早期相片的感觉。因为人们觉得,比起艺术作品,相片更能够传递真实感。第五段说,插画的主题从comic变得更为formality.虽然comic的倾向仍然在部分杂志里有所保留,但是新的趋势是更为注重节制,礼节(propriety).词汇题:1.Plentiful- abundant2.Emergence-development3.Routinely-often4.Distinctive-characteristicPassage Two学科分类: 生物题目:Effects of Predation on distribution of species内容回忆:*共四段。第一段讲了有实验表明当被引入了predator的时候,prey就会被predator捕食殆尽,然而因为是人为条件下的结果,我们有理由认为在自然环境中并非如此。因为predator会失去自己的food resource之一,所以会选择将prey保留到可持续的水平。第2段说明了捕食影响物种分布的第一种方式是prey switching。在某种prey比较少时,就会转向其它的猎物。例如lynx和wolf是它两个predator。 当hareshoe这种新的prey被引入当地时,hareshoe大量繁殖,lynx的数量也大幅上升。但hareshoe随后出现了周期性的上升和下降,而每当其上升时,lynx的数量上升,而其数量下降时,lynx就会转而去吃原来是wolf的猎物caribou。因此通过转换,lynx自己的数量稳定的同时可以让hare shoe有时间恢复。 第3段讲predator可能通过阻止更为voracious的predator来控制prey数量。例如有一种鸟栖息在一种树的树顶上,食用一种bug, 该鸟类数量下降的同时发现该bug数量也在下降,而树长得比较繁茂。推测虽然这对树不利,但可能是该鸟可以保护该bug不受到其它更为competitive的动物的捕食。第4段说明还可以通过reduce pressures between two species来影响物种的分布。存在两个物种竞争时,一般一种会淘汰另一种,随后占取所有资源。Predator可以控制两者的数量到较低的水平,使其中较弱的一方不至于被灭绝。词汇题:1.modify =change2.recover=to return to normal3plex=complicatedPassage Three学科分类:历史题目:The electricity system in the United States内容回忆:第一段说商业和科技的结合不仅导致了一些用具和物品的产生,也促进了一些大的系统的发展,例如20世纪初美国的电网。电力的采用不仅促进了电力公司的发展,替代了传统的能源,对社会各个方面也有较大的影响。第二段先说电灯的使用更加安全,不易引起火灾,也促进了一些需要精细运作的产业,利用新闻业在晚间可以使用电灯照明。其次说发电机的比起传统的能源*要更加便利,使得用电力发电的机器操作起来也更加的有效,和profitable.第三段说明电网的发展对美国工业的地理分布产生了巨大的影响。原来的能源需要靠近水或煤,但是现在的地点就更为集中在城市,因为城市的电网集中。第四段说明公众用了很长时间决定电力最终归私有而非归国有。导致的结果是城市里的电网系统的高度发展,而1920s为止,仍有大片的农村地区是没有电的,因为电力公司认为在这些广袤少人的区域发展电力是不划算的。词汇题:1.preeminent =main2monplace=usual3.endure = survive托福阅读真题及答案学科分类:BIO题目:Body temperature内容回忆:*共8段。第1段动物需要保持体温,还需要将热量传输到表面皮肤。表面的温度低于内部才会产生热量的传输。第2段产生热量的是少部分器官,比如人体中的chest,abdomen,brain产生的热量就占所有热量的72%。第3段运动的时候,会产生更多的热量,要比平时多上十多倍的热量,主要是肌肉产生。第4段说的内部温度也不是都一样的,inner的温度保持恒定,但是器官直接也有温度差,可能会有0.5度的差别。第5,6段主要讲热量是怎么传输到表面的。最后两段主要内容讲到,体温会根据日常的活动调节,不同的动物会不一样。比如夜行动物在夜间体温高,白天低。词汇题:1.uniform = constant2. considerably = greatly3. significance= importance4. roughly = approximatelyPassage Two学科分类:BIO题目:The north long-neck turtle内容回忆:第1段介绍了生活在澳洲热带的long-neck turtle,它们的栖息地非常地特殊,会随着干湿两季的不同,改变栖息地;第2段讲到研究者们找了两年也没有找到这种龟的栖息地,但是当地的土著人知道,他们知道这种龟会将蛋产在水下。为了验证这个说法,研究者在水下放了很多radio transmitter,turtle下蛋的时候,transmitter会附在蛋上,结果真的发现,long-neck turtle会在水下14-17米的泥下下蛋;第3段讲为什么turtle会选这里下蛋,这和它们生存的环境有关,它们生存的环境没有稳定的水,干湿两季是主要原因。第4段讲到 为什么这种龟下蛋在水下,蛋可以生存下来,不同于别的蛋,它们的蛋特别抗压。词汇题:1.ingenious = comprehensive2.feat = achievement3.bizarre = strange4.unpredictable = viablePassage Three学科分类:Biology题目:The day length and reproductive time in animal内容回忆:第1段提出 动物一般都会在食物充分的时候生产,如果食物不够,后代不足以生存,那动物如何判断呢。有很多的环境线索,其中最重要的是日长,日长不但影响动物繁殖和生产还影响动物的迁徙和冬眠;第2,3段讲到这日长影响动物的理论在1900初提出,后来在1920年得到论证,通过研究者多年观察某种鸟类迁徙过程,发现其都是固定时间生产和迁徙,发现比起时间,日照和温度的影响更大;第4段讲热带因为日照季节差别小,所以不根据日照生产,但是人工条件下发现日照还是有影响的;最后讲到日长对动物繁殖生产有影响,但是影响不同。一般大的哺乳动物怀孕4-7月,但是马要怀孕11月。词汇题:1.formulate = investigate2.invariable = always3.retained = keptPassage Four学科分类:History题目:The United State interstate highway system内容回忆:第1段提出北美高速系统的建立,在1956年提出,1990年建立。主要还提到这个系统的三好处,加速,安全等等;第2段讲到缺点,路的选择少,要绕,所以更费燃料,造成更大污染;第3,4段讲这对老城区的巨大伤害,因为规划站在whole state的角度,对个别城市和古老社区考虑不周,造成破坏和萧条;第5段讲到造成了new order,更多中心在郊区发展起来,更多人会在周末假期出去玩。最后说到highway system和subway系统的重和。词汇题:1. alter = change2. integrated = combined3. hasten = sped up托福阅读机经小范围预测生物类:Title:Extinctions at the End of the CretaceousIt has long been recognized that the dinosaurs disappeared from the fossil record at the end of the Cretaceous period (65 million years ago), and as more knowledge has been gained, we have learned that many other organisms disappeared at about the same time. Themicroscopic plankton (free-floating plants and animals) with calcareous shells suffered massively.The foundation of the major marine food chain that led from the minute plankton to shelled animals to large marine reptiles had collapsed. On land it was not only the large animals that became extinct. The mammals, most ofwhich were small, lost some 35 percent of their species worldwide. Plants were also affected. For example, in North America 79 percent did not survive, and it has been noted that the survivors were often deciduousthey could lose their leaves and shut downwhile others could survive as seeds. As in the sea, it seems that on the land one key food chain collapsed: the one with leaves as its basic raw material. These leaves were the food of some of the mammals and of the herbivorous dinosaurs, which in turn were fed on by the carnivorous dinosaurs. Furthermore, it is most likely that these large dinosaurs had slow rates of reproduction, which always increases the risk of extinction. Crocodiles, tortoises, birds, and insects seem to have been little affected. The two first named are known to be able to survive for long periods without food, and both can be scavengers (feed on dead material). Indeed, with the deaths of so manyother animals and with much dead plant material, the food chain based on detritus would have been well-supplied. Many insects feed on dead material; furthermore, most have at least one resting stage in which they are very resistant to damage. In unfavorable conditions some may take a long time todevelop: there is a record of a beetle larva living in dead wood for over 40 years before becoming an adult. Some birds were scavengers, but the survival of many lineages is a puzzle.What happened in the biological story just after these extinctionswhat is found in and just above the boundary layer between the deposits of the Cretaceous and those of the Tertiary (65C2.6 million years ago), termed the K/T boundary For a very short period the dominant microorganisms in marine deposits were usually diatoms and dinoflagellates(both single-celled types of plankton).The importantfeature for the survival of both these groups was the ability to form rotective cysts (sacs around organisms) that rested on the sea floor. Above these, in the later deposits, are the remains of other minute plankton, but the types are quite different from those of the Late Cretaceous. In terrestrial deposits a sudden and dramatic increase in fern plant spores marks the boundary in many parts of the world; ferns are early colonizers of barren landscapes. The fern spike (sudden increase), as it istermed, has been found also in some marine deposits (such was the abundance of fern spores blown around the world), and it occurs in exactly the same layer of deposit where the plankton disappear. We can conclude that the major marine and terrestrial events occurred simultaneously.Many theories have been put forward for the extinction of the dinosaurs, but most of them can be dismissed. Since 1980 there have been more focused, but still controversy-ridden, investigations. In that year Louis and Walter Alvarez and colleagues from the University of California published their research on the amounts of various metals in the boundary between Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks (K/T boundary) in Italy, Denmark, and New Zealand. Theyhad found, accidentally, that a rare metal, iridium, suddenly became very abundant exactly at the boundary and then slowly fell away. This phenomenon, known as the iridium spike, has now been identified in K/T boundary deposits in over a hundred other sites in the world. Iridium occurs in meteorites and volcanic material, but in the latter case it is accompanied by elevated levels of nickel and chromium. These other metals are not especially abundant at the K/T boundary. The Alvarezes concluded th