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    托福写作开头段高分写法思路解读之重述法实例讲解 托福写作开头段高分写法思路解读, 重述法实例讲解,今天给大家带来托福写作开头段高分写法思路解读,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作开头段高分写法思路解读 重述法实例讲解托福写作开头段重述法写作思路简介所谓重述法,即是对关于这个话题的当前现状的重述。考生在审完一篇作文的题目要求,有时候脑子里一时之间可能想不出应该如何展开思路,这种时候大家就可以用重述法来进行开头段落的撰写。托福写作开头段重述法实例讲解实例1:Nowadays, people are facing more and more work-related stress. State the possible reasons for this phenomenon and make some recommendations about how to combat it.思路分析:本题的话题关于压力,那考生可从当前社会现象来考虑这个问题,考生不难想出当下对压力这一现象的情况,即很多人都在承受着或多或少的压力。可用it is generally believed that 形式主语的句型。开头段参考:It is generally believed that white-collar as well as blue-collars workers are suffering from psychological and physical stress stemming from work.实例2:Environmental problem is too big for individual countries and individual people to address. In other words, we have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is at an international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?思路分析:本题话题为环境问题,考生也可用重述法对当前环境问题进行重述,这时,可以用In modern society/ At present, 等表时间的介词短语来引导一个叙述句型。开头段参考:In modern society, environment related issues have confronted ecological scientists, government agencies and the general public.人手一份的托福写作高分模板A or B托福写作模板-开头An increasing number of people begin to realize/ complain/ question that.OR: The majority of people tend to have a favorable/ an unfavorable attitude towards somethingOR: X.X.X has now caused wide public concernOR: When it comes to. people often consider.The thing is, which X.X.X, A or B, (is a more efficient mean of learning/ what do we mean by)? People may give various answers to this question.OR:Ask people and they may give a diverse of answers based on their individual value systemsSome believe that while others/ some claim On balance, my favor goes to A.托福写作模板-正文To begin with, I concede that B serves as an independent factor in (a successful education)/ is of great value/ B is superior to A sinceAfter all,However compelling these cases may sound, B is not without its problems.OR: However compelling these cases may sound, they cannot overshadow the significant role thatA plays in X.X. For example,In this sense,Therefore, too much emphasis on B is actually dangerous/ harmful and may go contrary to our primary purpose ofOn the other hand, A can address/ respond to some peoples needs that B cannotFor one thing, For another,托福写作模板-结尾In the final analysis, it is true that both A and B are part and parcel of X. However, considering the potential problems resulted from B and the great benefits of A, I believe it is sensible to (choose A)托福写作解析:超实用写作攻略托福写作解析之内容简单化托福写作内容简单化是考生在构思托福作文时应遵循的原则。考生不论是在练习时还是在考场上都应当牢记这一点。许多考生在作文上败下阵来就是因为花费了大量的时间和精力追求内容的新颖别致,却忽略了托福考试的目的。ETS主要是考查考生对于英语语言的语用和理解上面,并不需要考生多么复杂或者高级的英语表达方式。考生在写作时只要保证自己的内容符合逻辑,能够言之有理、言之成理、切题即可,还是应该把注意力放在如何追求语言的得体性上。因此,考生在构思内容上不用花费太长的时间,在认真读题并将其理解透彻以后,可以简单列个提纲,作为写作过程中内容的提示。从而能够一气呵成地完成托福*,使得*内容更加的流畅。托福写作解析之结构模式化托福写作解析的第二大策略是结构模式化,这也是最核心的一条策略。针对托福考试中可能出现的题型按照固定的结构模式进行训练。托福写作一般有三种结构模式,一是一边倒的结构模式,这一模式又可分为两种,一边倒和修正型一边倒。一边倒是说考生在*中完全同意一种观点,只需要列举几个理由,并展开讨论,不会由于内容复杂而产生逻辑的混乱,而缺点在于相对单一的内容会使考生觉得没有太多话可写。修正型一边倒的写法是指考生即可以写赞成这种观点的理由,也可以谈反对它的理由。第二种是折衷的写法,考生可以先写赞成一种观点的几点理由,接着写赞成另一种观点的理由,最后考生就自己的情况,明确表示最终赞成哪一种观点。托福写作解析之语言包装化做到内容简单化和结构模式化,考生就已经向TOEFL高分作文的目标迈进了一大步,如果考生还能在语言的细节上下一些功夫,托福作文的分数就会更上一层楼,这也就是我们接下来要讲的托福写作解析内容:语言要包装。前面我们已经说过,托福作文的测试重点是考生的语言能力,因而在语言细节上下一点功夫就可以让考生展示自己的语言修养。作文中语言的包装主要应从以下六点入手:语法方面的包装,词汇的包装,文化移入,引用名人名言,地道的英语习语,文体意识。托福考试复习攻略之托福写作十大高分句型盘点01定语从句这应该算是写作中最常用的一种句型之一。适当地运用定语从句可以给你的*增色不少。例:Bad books contain evil thoughts. In them, there might be much description about violence, superstition, and sex. Bad books, in which there might be much description about violence, superstition, and sex, contain evil thoughts.02状语从句在写作当中运用的最多的是以下五种状语从句,即原因状语从句,让步状语从句,条件状语从句,时间状语从句和目的状语从句。1. 原因状语从句:常由because, as, since和for引导例: Nonetheless, I am still in favor of space travel, for its merits far outweigh demerits.尽管如此,我还是赞成太空探险,因为它的好处远远大于坏处。2. 让步状语从句:常由although, though, even though/ if, as long as和notwithstanding引导例: Although this view is wildly held, this is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.尽管这一观点被广泛接受,很少有证据表明教育能够在任何地点、任何年龄进行。3. 条件状语从句:常由if, on the condition that和providing that引导例: If you want to achieve something or intend to fulfill one of your ambitions, you must work hard, make efforts and get prepared.假如你要取得成就或要实现你的雄心壮志,你必须努力工作、艰苦奋斗、准备好条件。4. 时间状语从句:常由when和while引导例: When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习。5. 目的状语从句: 常由so that和in order that引导例: Millions of people have to spend more time and energy on studying new skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in job market.成千上万的人们不得不花费的精力和时间学习新的技术和知识,使得他们在就业市场能保持优势。03宾语从句例1: Some people claim that government should be mainly responsible for the environmental pollution.一些人认为政府应对环境污染负主要责任。例2: Many experts point out that, along with the development of modern society, it is an inevitable result and there is no way to avoid it.许多专家指出这是现代社会发展必然的结果,无法避免。04同位语从句例1: It is an undeniable fact that environmental pollution becomes increasingly serious.环境污染变得越来越严重是不可否认的事实。例2: No one can deny the basic fact that it is impossible for average workers to master those high-technology skills easily.没有人能否认这一基本事实:对于一般工人来讲,轻松掌握这些技术是不可能的。05主语从句例1: What has caught our attention is /It is noticeable that the environment in both the rural and urban areas is deteriorating.值得注意的是农村和城市的生态环境都在不断恶化。例2: It is universally acknowledged that environmental pollution becomes one of the most serious problems in China or even the world as a whole.众所周知,环境污染问题是中国乃至世界面临的最为严重的问题之一。06强调句It is + 被强调的内容 + that例: It is cars and factories that release a great deal of gases, polluting the environment.汽车和工厂排放大量的废气,使得环境被污染。07倒装句例: Only if the government take some appropriate measures, will this intractable problem be tackled.只有政府采取适当的措施,这个棘手的问题才能被解决。08被动语态例: Every means should be tried to protect the environment on which people live.人们应竭尽全力来保护我们赖以生存的环境。09分词结构包括现在分词和过去分词。例1: Tourism, which is a rising industry, has become the major source of economy, playing crucial role in many Asian countries.旅游业是一个新兴的行业,它成为经济的主要, 在很多东南亚国家起着尤为重要的作用。例2: To be more specific, government should stage some relevant laws or regulations to severely punish the factory producing a great number of pollutants and the people littering or spitting deliberately.具体来说,政府应该出台相关法律法规对制造大量污染物的工厂及故意乱扔垃圾随地吐痰的人进行严惩。10插入语一种独立成分,与句子的其它成分一般没有语法上的关系,大都是对一句话作一些附加说明或解释。它通常由一个词、一个短语或一个句子构成,位置较为灵活,可置于句首、句中或句末,一般用逗号或破折号与句子隔开。例1: Computer, an indispensable part in our life, has brought us great conveniences.电脑,我们生活中必不可少的一部分,给我们带来了极大的方便。例2: College students, lacking social experience, are easily cheated.大学生,没有社会经验,容易上当受骗。


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