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    BEC高级如何短时间拿A 商务英语考试心得分享,BEC高级如何短时间拿A,今天给大家带来了BEC高级如何短时间拿A,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。商务英语考试心得:BEC高级短时间拿A考试类型:BEC Higher考试结果:A(Overall)=个人心得=听力部分:书单:剑桥BEC真题24感想:这个部分应该说是我们中国学生最怵的,当然口语的难度也不遑多让。这个部分没什么好多说的,就是多听,把真题吃透,然后总结自己错的地方。平时一定要多听,不要去听BBC,CNN之类的,就听真题的内容,之后再对比真题后面的听力文本。我的个人建议是,听力有一定基础的,只要吃透真题就可以了.BEC高级的听力如果遇到很2的口音,你平时练得再多基本是白搭,这个是大实话。阅读部分:书单:剑桥BEC真题24,SUCCESS WITH BEC HIGHER(封面是黄黑色调的)感想:中国人应该最不怕阅读吧,阅读也没啥说的,就是多练。我觉得,学英语没有捷径,题海战术对阅读才是的提升。由于我当时没有太多时间,基本只做了4本真题,以及那个SUCCESS WITH BEC HIGHER,后来发现了一个问题,SWBH那本难度太低了,和真题根本不在一个水平线上。于是就纯粹只阅读,不做题了。不过,遇到不懂的单词,我还是会拿笔圈起来。口语部分:书单:网络搜的真题感想:我口语比较好,考前基本没怎么在这块下功夫,只看了一遍真题,所以这块没什么好分享的。只想说一点,Pt.2的时候如果是你的Ptnr先回答问题,你别以为自己多捡到1分钟的时间准备,请记住,你之后一定会被要求评论你Ptnr的观点。所以,请注意听你的Ptnr说了什么。写作部分:书单:剑桥BEC真题24,SUCCESS WITH BEC HIGHER(封面是黄黑色调的)感想:这个部分两本书都有用,尤其是大作文,你只要死套PASS BEC HIGHER里面教师用书的那几个范文就OKAY了,不过范文我记得只有教师用书里有,学生用书应该是没有。小作文部分和雅思很像,但比雅思要求高,除了要写出图形的变化,还要记得一个拿A的要点,开头的时候除了写一段This graph depicts.。.之外,一定要补一句对整个图形的走势总结。比如,你可以说,在过去的几年中,物价整体是上升的,这样。然后,body部分,不能只描述,一定要做一定的分析和总结。但切忌对数据进行盲目推论。大作文部分和雅思有点不同。最简单的部分,我个人感觉,是Letter,其次是Proposal最后是Report.因为Letter的套话就占去了很多字数,需要你填满的部分就很少了。我个人不推荐只准备一种体型,这种做法是相当冒险的。因为BEC写作最看重的是一个人对话题熟悉不熟悉,如果你语言功底再好,却无法脑风暴出像样的点子的话,一样无法拿A.总之,多看真题后面的范文,不仅要看5分范文,也要看14分的,自己去感悟,为什么这些人拿不到BAND 5.另外,最最要的,一定要拿起笔写,在时间压力下去写,范文看得再多,自己不去写,永远是白搭,永远不会真正提高。词汇书:我买了一本橙皮的书,名字我忘了,好像叫什么BEC核心词汇,人民邮电出版社。但这本书的词汇太简单了。其实,你只要把真题集和SWBH那本书里生词吃透,就OKAY了。这次我拿到了A的好成绩,除了自己的努力外,我很感谢网络这个平台,在这里我学到了很多,也下载到了许多有用的资料。感谢这里的所有人!口语:关于口语的复习,我想总共就是两大部分:第一部分,总结话题。第二部分,开口说。A、总结话题。这一部分由于我当时参加了培训,所以用时比较短。当时我和我的partner是拿着上课的笔记一个一个话题一起总结的。如果两个人都很忙,不一定要天天练,你们可以一周两次,每次总结一部分话题,然后拿回去背,接下来再继续总结。建议不要拿来一个话题,照着现有的资料就开始抄写。因为有些资料关于一个话题,可能也就2点提示。而根据时间,每个人至少可以说到两点,所以在一起至少也准备4-5点。这个时候你们看到题目以后,要自己先讨论讨论关于这个话题可以说些什么。这个过程可以是中文的。因为这个时候,你都是自己主动想到的知识,最后记忆起来也是你最熟悉的。然后,你们再在笔记呀,资料上找相应的英文表达方法。其实这就帮助你们记忆了一遍了。最开始的时候,总结起来进度比较慢,因为自己的思路比较窄,后来总结多了,速度就快了,而且你会发现,很多总结过的问题,在其他话题下也是可以使用的!总结的时候,1,建议不用写完整的句子,就写那些关键的词组就可以,最后背的时候,自练,合练的时候直接说句子就可以了。这样节省时间。2,用本蓝色口语书,内容特别多,很多东西是相似的,可以参考真题选出重点的总结,背一背。在时间紧的情况下不要过于追求面面俱到。B、练习。对于有Partner的朋友们来说,练习就是两大块,自己练,两个人合练。1.我觉得自己背好说好是首要。合练是其次。即使你没有搭档,最后考试的时候,只要你脑子里有东西,嘴上说得出来,就不会显得那么没有默契。2.两个人练的时候,首先是开头结尾中间衔接很重要。这些地方是体现出你们默契的地方。其实也只有第三部分互动最多,第二部分你的partner只需要问你一个问题即可。这个时候也要注意,你要仔细听你的partener说了些什么。第一是你的问题要和她的话题相关,第二是根据她说的内容,你要尽量选择简单的问法。关于简单的问法,这个你可以和你的partner事先商量好一种统一固定的模式。你要是临场搭配的话,就更要把这个商量好。至少给自己一个心理准备。第二,如果有Partner,你们俩最开始练的时候,可以读完题以后,先用中文交流一下关于这个话题可以说的内容。比如题目是关于teamwork的。这个时候,你俩能想到的大点可能是是:communicate,time mangement,personal charactors,.不用具体化,就是练习这种现场反应的思维。到时候你们考试的时候,话题基本也就是这些,这个时候你就可以在脑子里飞快的反映出你可以说的内容。接下来,在对方说的时候,你马上在脑子里排除她正在说的内容,然后开始准备自己要说的。其实这一点基本只在第三部分用得到。你会发现,这个方法和你们共同准备话题时的方法很像,其实就是在不停地巩固练习你的思维。C、关于第二部分,当时我是套用这样一个模板,I choose tpoic A,when .what is important.(复述你选的题目是一定的,建议不要直接按照题目的说法说when.what is important,尽量简单的变化一下句式)Talking about this topic,as far as Im concerned,I have these things to consider(建议不要具体说出你有几点要阐述,一旦说到最后,发现和前面的数字不吻合就不太好,所以给一个泛泛的即可)First,A+解释Second,B+解释Third,such as C,D,is also significant.Above all,I think A,B,C,D.is important when.(这里就是总结了,ABCD就不用展开了)第二部分的作答大概是这个情况,你可以根据自己的喜好与实际情况自己改。练习的时候,建议套着模板练。而且根据考试时间,基本有45-60秒的时间来说,所以练得时候可以看着时间,答案并不是越长越好的。另外,你可以用一个小本子,正面写题目,背面就写你们总结的那些点,然后平时自己练得时候,先看题目,然后脑子里面过一遍可以说的内容,大概说三点即可。(中级的时候,说三点,有两点是展开的,第三点由于时间原因,不用展开,可以直接在罗列几个要点就可以了;或者是你每一点展开的都不多,那就可以多展开一点,这只是个模式,灵活掌握。)。这里要强调的是,你解释好题目下面的两个提示后,一定要自己再多加一点。也就是上面所说的不用展开的一点,这时候你可以罗列几个短语,说几个就行了。D、这里说一下口试的第一部分。这一部分一定是你最熟悉的,因为这等于是口试的热身阶段。没有商务方面的问题,都是问一些你来自哪里,在哪里读书这种问题。你要通过开始的这一小段,给考官留一个好的印象。同时也帮助你消除紧张感。不管你有多紧张,考官和你说话的时候,你回答问题的时候,你要尽量看着他,和他有眼神上的交流,并带点微笑。口试不仅是你与partner的互动,也是你和考官之间的互动。听力:个人觉得第一部分与第三部分相对简单,容易拿分。第二部分相对来说有难度。总的来讲,练习听力真题时候,要练习速读题目的能力。快速标记出你认为重点的提示词,定位词,这也可以帮你了解这篇听力的大概内容。A、填空。填空题基本是听到什么,就写什么。首先,标记关键词的时候,空前空后相连的词,一般都很重要。第二,拼写要准确,而且全部是大写字母!这里建议每次做完题后,都把所有的答案,用大写字母的形式写在草纸上,你要习惯这些,避免考试的时候一紧张,个别的写成小写了,或者是明明写对了,一看是大写的,怎么都觉着是自己拼错了。B、段落搭配。我觉得段落搭配题是英语能力与商务知识的结合。还是比较难的。写作:写作要多看多读例文,多动笔写。开始的时候一点思路没有,你可以模仿着写。慢慢的,你可以自己写,然后参考答案进行修改。感觉自己不上手的*,可以多写几遍。主要是体会商务应用文的写作风格,思路,还有简练的表达一件事情的方法。另外,写大作文的时候,根据题目特点,你可以灵活的把口语背诵到的内容写在里面。因为你会发现,大作文的题目很短,而字数要求又很多。这时候就需要你有一定的知识储备,高级更是如此。关于培训班:看到很多人在问,这里简单说说我的idear.中级的时候学了新东方,高级的时候就自学了。我觉得培训班还是比较注重考试技巧的,所以说回来,学了以后,你还是要应用到实际中,也就是说,最后都还要靠自己的如果你有精力,可以听一听没有时间的话,不学也不会有太大关系的。说几点小建议吧:1.相信自己!这是最重要的。不论你考BEC之前英语水平怎样,你都要自信!2.努力复习,合理规划,注重效率,贵在坚持!备考BEC的过程,也是一个自我学习能力提升的过程。3.善于总结融会贯通。表面上四个部分是分开的,其实他们都是有联系的。4.有的时候,复习了很久,自己做起题来还是觉得没什么进步。这个时候首先不要灰心,然后看看问题出在哪儿,再想办法解决。进步都是一点一滴的5.经验仅供参考,一切都要根据自己的实际情况而定6.口语一定开口说,作文一定动手写,听力一定多多听ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING!2020年商务英语写作指导:告知信息类例题:l You are a manager at an auditors called Golding Co. Your company has just merged with a competitor to become MasonGolding. You have been asked to inform staff of the change of name.l Write a memo of 40 - 50 words:.informing staff of the new name.telling them when to start using the new name.asking staff to use only the new name after that time.收购与兼并 merger and aquisition范文:As a result of our merger with MasonCo., the name of our company will be changed MasonGolding. Please start to use the new name on 1 March 20XX. You are reminded that only the new name can be used from then on.remind/ advise总结:告知用词tell notify mention express inform explain note report adviseI am writing to tell/inform you that.I am writing to explain. (tell your boss why you cannot attend)I am writing to express (my regret)例题You are the training manager of a company which has won a large export order. You have been asked to organise foreign language training for some of your staff.Write a memo to staff:explaining why the courses are necessarysaying which members of staff should attendannouncing when the courses will startWrite 40-50 words on a separate sheet.范文To: All staffFrom: the Training ManagerDate: 1 March 2005Subject: A Foreign Language Training CourseI was asked to organise a foreign language training course because of the large export order we received recently. It will start on 15 March and will last 2 weeks. Those who will deal with orders should attend this course.2020年商务英语写作指导:礼貌例如:Dear Mrs. Walters,Because you delayed so long in your response, Model GSF is off stock. If youare interested, we have some similar models on handYours truly,修改:Dear Mrs. WaltersIf I had known your needs before May 20, I could have shipped Model GSP immediately. However, the spring sale drained our stock.The Model GSK, a similar instrument, is in stock, and you could have it at the same price as the GSF. It normally sells for $10,000 more. we will ship it as soon as you give us the word.Yours sincerely(1) 使用礼貌友好的词汇A. 说“Thank you" , 例如:Thank you for your letter of yesterday.Thank you for your prompt reply.Thank you for helping us in this respect.Thank you for your information.(2)体谅对方的写作态度(You-Attitude)Writer emphasis: We are shipping your order on Friday.Reader emphasis: You will receive your order by Monday, October 10.Writer emphasis: To reduce our costs, we are changing the billing system.Reader emphasis: To provide you with clear records, we are changing our billing system.Writer emphasis: I was pleased to hear that the project was completed.Reader emphasis: Congratulations on successfully completing the projectWriter emphasis: We regret that you closed your account with us a week ago. We believe that people may come back to our bank again sooner or later since we have a good credit among our customers.Reader emphasis: A week ago you closed your account with us. Whatever the reason, we are pleased to have played some small part in your program. You are cordially invited to use our other services as occasion may require.2020年商务英语考试高级阅读材料Easy Money Hacks to Level up Your MoneyDavid CarlsonIts always a good idea to conduct regular “money checkups” to make sure you are making the most of your money.To make it a bit more interesting, I like to think of this as “hacking” your money. Small changes can make a big difference.My wife and I were leaving hundreds of dollars on the table each year by putting off reviewing our savings account. By making a small change we literally are making $500+ from interest that we were previously missing out on.Ready to level up your money? Lets walk through the list of money hacks and see which ones will work for your situation.Check your savings accountPeople love to rip on banks for making billions and billions in profits, but there is one specific thing that millions of people are doing that allows them to profit: keeping their savings in low-yield savings account. The average APY of savings accounts is 0.06%. The rate can be as low as 0.01%. Basically you are getting nothing for your money.I was one of those people.Until recently, I had a rock-bottom interest rate on my savings account. The thing was, this was an emergency fund that I was going to keep in cash long-term. It only makes sense to park it in the savings account with the highest yield.As I outlined in my post switching banks made us $500+ a year. By switching from my TCF savings account that paid 0.01% APY to a CIT Bank savings account that paid 2.30% APY, I essentially gave myself a $500+ year bump in cash flow.Even if you have minimal or no savings right now you probably have a goal of building an emergency fund. Banks make enough money, dont do them a favor by building and keeping your emergency fund in a savings account with a rock-bottom interest rate.Pay attention to credit card rewardsBefore you even think about taking advantage of credit card rewards you need to make sure you 1) arent in credit card debt and 2) dont put money on your cards that you wouldnt otherwise spend. If you are in credit card debt its important to make paying down that debt a priority. If you tend to charge things to credit cards that you otherwise wouldnt spend, it probably doesnt make sense to take advantage of credit card rewards.If you dont fall in those categories, and you pay off your card in full each month, credit card rewards could be a big win. At the very least you should be getting cash back on every purchase (heres some of the top cash back credit cards). If you take it a step further, though, some of the travel rewards credit cards can be a big win. Not only do many come with good sign-up bonuses, they also sometimes offer perks like free checked bags.If travel rewards sound like something that would benefit you (I know theyve saved my wife and I thousands on travel), heres an overview of how they can help you achieve your travel goals.Want something more specific? Heres how to save money on United Airlines flights and credit cards for American Airlines Miles.Stop ignoring cash back appsBy now youre probably aware there are a number of cash back apps out there that can save you money. But have you put off actually taking advantage of these money-saving apps?I know I wasnt on board. It didnt seem like you could actually save much. But once I saved $20 on a purchase of two pairs of shorts I was hooked.Once you have an account it truly is minimal work. Ive since saved hundreds with very little effort. Heres 10+ cash back apps you should consider (including sign-up bonuses if you use our links). I also outlined the exact (super simple) process I go through every time I shop online before pressing “finalize purchase.”Check your subscriptionsIm certain Im not the first person who has recommended you check your subscriptions. But seriously: have you done it lately?More and more services are becoming subscription-based. If you dont keep up with what you are subscribing to, you are likely wasting at least some money on services you dont use.Go through your last few months of your spend data and identify any recurring charges. Is this a service you still use? And even if you use it, is it worth the cost? Or should you be using the service?This is especially important today with so many streaming platforms. I just cancelled one of the streaming platforms I was subscribed to when I realized I had four other streaming platforms that I was also paying for. Theres only so much content you can consume.If you love magazines, heres a hack for getting free ones (not all magazine titles are included, but there is a wide selection). My wife and I get more than five magazine subscriptions free of charge using this hack.Dont leave easy money on the table with your employerNot every employer offers “easy money” to its employees, so if you get any of the following perks you absolutely should be taking advantage of them!401(k) or 403(b) matchHealth Savings Account (HSA) matchEmployee Stock Purchase Program (ESPP)These are typically perks that should be fully taken advantage of. For example, with a retirement account match you will rarely see another perk where you can get a dollar or fifty cents for each dollar you put into an account. Take advantage of it!Have a financial adviser? Make sure you arent wasting money on feesDo you have a financial adviser? Time to see how much they are costing you.Im a big fan of financial advisers when they charge for financial advice, not when they charge ongoing fees to manage your assets.The way many financial advisers charge is a percentage of your assets. For simplicity sake, lets assume they charge 1% of assets. If you have $300,000 worth of investments that your financial adviser manages, you would pay $3,000 a year to your adviser. This is why many advisers will only work with clients with a minimum amount of assets.I dont think its worth paying that, though. I think financial advisers can give great advice, but I think that advice is what people should be paying for, not ongoing asset management. I am not a Certified Financial Adviser and I cannot give individual investment advice, but I think a majority of people can keep it simple when it comes to investing and do just fine. If needed, get a CFP to analyze your portfolio, but have them do it for a one-time fee. There is no need to pay them ongoing, regular, maintenance fees, especially when these can easily reach thousands of dollars a year.Honorable mentionsCut the interest rate on your debt through refinancing or negotiating with the debt holder.Keep track of your income and expenses automatically using Tiller.Plan your Meals.Do salary research to see if you are getting paid fairly (and have a conversation with your manager if you are not).I hope you enjoyed these money hacks, and I would love to hear any money hacks you would add to the list!


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