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    二战GRE327刷分经验真实分享 一战搞不定GRE不丢人, 二战327刷分经验真实分享,今天给大家带来二战327刷分经验真实分享,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。一战搞不定GRE不丢人 二战327刷分经验真实分享话不多说,其实复习大家的方法应该都差不多吧。单词:红宝+3000, 大二下的时候买了本旧红宝,每天没事的时候就翻两页,结果花了两个月才看完一遍,结果因为期末考试和数模,差不多有两个月都没看,其实没记住几个单词,但对于消除自己对GRE单词的畏惧感还是有一定作用。到了大三上的时候,觉得时间紧迫就用langlib背了一遍词汇,后面觉得不够用,买了本新红宝来背,因为自己定力不够,所以什么杨鹏之类的方法对我不太适合,基本上就是上午复习前一天的5个list,下午背新的5个list, 不会的单词用金山词霸里面的那个生词本记下来,晚上就重点背不会的单词, 差不多花了大半个寒假,记了90%的单词(每个单词的所有意思都记得住才算)。然后考前差不多5个星期的时候,听别人说3000还不错就买了一本,边复习其他单项边背,差不多也应该是花了两个星期记了90%。基本上到考前一天为止,我个人认为单词不能停,每天把那些难词拿来看几遍,也花不了多少时间。阅读:其实阅读个人感觉应该是我的强项,那个“爱一个美女好难”还是很有指导意义的,只不过把NO题换成36套就行了;基本上就是早晚做lsat, 难句+36套;我差不多花了2个星期来复习,到最后lsat 12分钟内,应该就错1,2个,36套也差不多做了三遍。填空:填空花了一个星期时间,把黄皮书做了两遍(只是做原题),每道题分析什么逻辑之类的,因为新东方教我的那个老师说1个ex最好5分钟以内弄完,所以我做填空的速度还是很快的,当然到后面发现1分钟1道差不多就够了。 据说蓝皮书不错,但是我直到考前才知道有这个东西,所以也没有看。作文:如果致力于3或者3.5的同学可以看一下我的方法)我花了11天来准备作文,主要是感觉写作一直不是自己的强项,所以就拖呀拖,拖到离考试还有3个星期了,发现不能拖了才硬着头皮开始复习AW。首先花了1给星期把argu题库里面的错误都找了出来,其实开始可能比较慢,到了90多以后重复的题就多了,中间每天写2-3道题,基本上最后感觉自己已经是一个思维定势了,每篇写出来都差不了多少。 然后花了4天的时间准备issue(4天应该是完全用在issue上面), 其实issue写了两道题后,发现自己确实水平上差距有点大,再加上也没有更多的时间来准备了,就每天花点时间背两个题材,然后看几道题一直到考前为止,差不多看了70多道题。最后考试的时候基本上都写了个500多字,3.5的成绩应该说对于只复习10多天的人还是比较理想的。数学:因为是理科生再加上数学也一直是我的优势科目,所以开始也没有太注意数学,但是因为个人长期以来养成了粗心的毛病,做kaplan的时候发现有几套错的挺惨的,就买了本数学高分突破来看,把后面的题都做完了,其实我觉得应该看OG就足够了。最后考试的时候,那道考好像是什么五,六边形的题,其实我考试那天早上还专门背了从5边形-9边形的单词,结果因为是最后一个Q,看到这道题的时候完全忘了,只能猜了个答案,看成绩应该是猜对了吧,话说这几个单词除了八边形其他的基本上都没什么规律。经验:第一个V肯定是很重要的,因为当天自己衣服穿多了,再加上考场外艳阳高照,做第一个V的时候感觉全身都不舒服,导致长阅读看着看着自己都有点走神,也导致了我的第二个V可能是NORMAL或者EASY,因为第二个V好像只有一个三空,而且阅读题也很简单,基本上不仅可以找出正确答案,陷阱也可以看出来。其实只要第一个V最好了第二个V是HARD,上160就很容易了。所以说不管怎么样,做好每道题吧。)最后:其实我发现貌似一个考场的人做的题都是一样的,只是顺序不一样,考完了和两个同学交流的时候,发现我的第一个Q,是他们的第二个Q,他们的第二个Q是我的第一个,其实如果可能的话,可以在中间10分钟的时候和认识的人交流一下,反正没什么坏处。其实因为自己高考考的还不错进了个实验班,从大一开始就知道自己可以保研,但是出于想换个环境的想法以及对考研政治的厌恶(主要是以前中考的时候,不管题目多简单政治都考得很差,这种情况一直延续到大学的毛概,马克思)最后决定出国。其实GRE给我的不只是一个分数,确实锻炼了自己的意志,以前不管高考,四六级都没背过单词书,这次居然把红宝背完了,到最后的时候看红宝都对我来说可以说是一种享受。最后,我没有考过老G,但是我觉得新G也不是传说中的这么难,祝大家都能考出理想的分数吧,毕竟考试对于咱中国学生来说从来就是a piece of cake.GRE考试备考词汇之表示态度的词complete disbelief完全的不信任disdainful轻蔑的harshly disdainful苛刻的蔑视disenchanted清醒的disinterested不感兴趣的dismay沮丧;惊慌agitated dismay不安的沮丧dismissal拒绝careful dismissal谨慎的拒绝distrustful不信任的endorsement认可whole hearted endorsement完全赞同enthusiastic热心的envious嫉妒的,羡慕的frustrated失意的hesitance犹豫不决idealistic理想主义的indifference漠然,不关心absolute indifference绝对的漠然complete indifference完全的漠然indifferent不关心的interest兴趣mild interest适度的兴趣interested感兴趣的naive天真的neutrality中立scrupulous neutrality谨慎的中立GRE考试备考词汇之高频形近词101. dismiss / remissremiss: If someone is remiss, they are careless about doing things which ought to be done. (FORMAL)102. contend / consent / constant / content / contemptcontend: If you have to contend with a problem or difficulty, you have to deal with it or overcome it.If you contend that something is true, you state or argue that it is true.(FORMAL)If you contend with someone for something such as power, you compete with them to try to get it.consent: If you give your consent to something, you give someone permission to do it. (FORMAL)contempt: If you have contempt for someone or something, you have no respect for them or think that they are unimportant.103. hunch / bunch / crunchhunch: If you have a hunch about something, you are sure that it is correct or true, even though you do not have any proof of it.(INFORMAL)crunch: If something crunches or if you crunch it, it makes a breaking or crushing noise, for example when you step on it.If you say that something will happen if or when it comes to the crunch, you mean that it will happen if or when the time comes when something has to be done.104. gauche / gaudygauche: If you describe someone as gauche, you mean that they are awkward and uncomfortable in the company of other people.gaudy: If something is gaudy, it is very brightly-colored and showy.105. meritorious / meretriciousmeritorious: If you describe something as meritorious, you approve of it for its good or worthwhile qualities. (FORMAL)(联系merit)meretricious: If you describe something as meretricious, you disapprove of it because although it looks attractive it is actually of little value. (FORMAL)106. blithe / litheblithe: You use blithe to indicate that something is done casually, without serious or careful thought.lithe: A lithe person is able to move and bend their body easily and gracefully.(=supple)107. enclose / disclosedisclose: If you disclose new or secret information, you tell people about it.108. compliment / complementcompliment: A compliment is a polite remark that you say to someone to show that you like their appearance, appreciate their qualities, or approve of what they have done.complement: If one thing complements another, it goes well with the other thing and makes its good qualities more noticeable.109. austere / astuteaustere: If you describe something as austere, you approve of its plain and simple appearance.astute: If you describe someone as astute, you think they show an understanding of behavior and situations, and are skilful at using this knowledge to their own advantage.(机敏;狡猾)110. pretentious / tendentious / contentioustendentious: Something that is tendentious expresses a particular opinion or point of view very strongly, especially one that many people disagree with. (FORMAL)contentious: A contentious issue causes a lot of disagreement or arguments. (FORMAL)GRE考试备考词汇之高频形近词111. causal / causticcaustic: A caustic remark is extremely critical, cruel, or bitter. (FORMAL)112. slight / blight / plight / delight113. fret / flat / flagfret: If you fret about something, you worry about it.114. daunt / haunt / vaunt / flaunt / saunter / gauntdaunt: If something daunts you, it makes you feel slightly afraid or worried about dealing with it.vaunt: If you describe something as vaunted or much vaunted, you meanthat people praise it more than it deserves. (FORMAL)flaunt: If you say that someone flaunts their possessions, abilities, or qualities, you mean that they display them in a very obvious way, especially in order to try to obtain other peoples admiration.saunter: If you saunter somewhere, you walk there in a slow, casual way.gaunt: If someone looks gaunt, they look very thin, usually because they have been very ill or worried.115. morbid / moribund / mordantmorbid: If you describe a person or their interest in something as morbid, you mean that they are very interested in unpleasant things, especially death, and you think this is strange.moribund: If you describe something as moribund, you mean that it is in a very bad condition. (FORMAL)mordant: Mordant humor is very critical and often mocks someone or something. (FORMAL)116. tepid / torpid / turbid / turgid / timid / intrepid /tepid: If you describe something such as a feeling or reaction as tepid, you mean that it lacks enthusiasm.torpid: If you are torpid, you are mentally or physically inactive, especially because you are feeling lazy or sleepy. (FORMAL) (= lethargic)turgid: If you describe something such as a piece of writing or a film as turgid, you think it is boring and difficult to understand.timid: Timid people are shy, nervous, and have no courage or confidence in themselves.intrepid: An intrepid person acts in a brave way.117. proliferate / prolific / prolix / profligateproliferate: If things proliferate, they increase in number very quickly. (FORMAL)prolific: A prolific writer, artist, or composer produces a large number of works.(?产的)prolix: using too many words.profligate: Someone who is profligate spends too much money or uses too much of something. (FORMAL)118. doubtable / redoubtableredoubtable: If you describe someone as redoubtable, you respect them because they have a very strong character, even though you are slightly afraid of them.119. impair / repair120. obtrude / obtuseobtrude: When something obtrudes or when you obtrude it, it becomes noticeable in an undesirable way. (LITERARY)(强?)obtuse: Someone who is obtuse has difficulty understanding things. (FORMAL)


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