托福写作必备核心词汇表述汇总 托福写作必备核心词汇表述汇总 ,这些功能词要会用。今天给大家带来了托福写作必备核心词汇表述汇总 ,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作必备核心词汇表述汇总 这些功能词要会用托福写作观点的表述The author: discuss introduce argue conclude suggest recommend propose appealThe speaker:1.point out say tell2.disagree disapprove refute rebut reject object to oppose counter3.doubt question challenge4.cite mention quote refer to5.suggest put forward illustrate show explain托福写作反驳关联套句1.This directly contradicts what the passage indicates.2.This is entirely oppose to the writers expectation.3.This is where the speaker disagrees with the writer.4.This was another part where experience contradicted theory.5.not as the passage puts it, .托福写作指代*信息的抽象名词1.reason cause basis ground motive motivation2.example instance3.evidence date fact proof basis foundation4.explanation account5.definition description clarification托福写作指代讲座信息的抽象名词1.studies researches2.finding discovery3.alternative explanation theory4.counter-example counter-evidence5.claim assertion托福独立写作素材:领导特质托福写作素材:领导特质What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.托福独立写作范文:The qualities of a good supervisor are too numerous to name. It also depends on the situation. Supervisors who work in an academic situation may have different qualities from those who work in a business company. Generally speaking, however, all good supervisors must have the qualities of effective communication, fair treatment, and role models.First, a good supervisor communicates well. A supervisor gives instructions and directions to his or her supervisees as to what work to do and how to do it. Then instructions and directions must be clearly communicated so that they can be followed. If they are not clearly formulated and explained, the supervisees may feel at a loss at why they have to do something and how to do it. (I know of somebody who gets angry easily when his employees fail to follow his instructions. However, he often gives vague instructions and is unwilling to clarify his requirements, which makes it difficult for his supervisees to follow his instructions.) Thus, a good supervisor is effective in communicating his or her instructions and is willing to clarify things for his or her supervisees.Second, a good supervisor shows fair treatment of employees. The supervisor treats all his or her employees with equal respect and shows no favoritism. Otherwise, some employees may have a sense of unfairness and demonstrate performance less than ideal. Even though the supervisor may have or develop some personal feelings about or personal relationship with an employee, he or she does not let such feelings or relationship affect his or her judgment and treatment of the person. Instead, the supervisor evaluates each employees performance against the same set of criteria and rewards or punishes each employee on the basis of objective assessment.Finally, a good supervisor sets an example for employees. In other words, a good supervisor sets the standards for his or her employees by his or her own behavior. Well goes an English proverb, “Example is better than percept.” A good supervisor must do what he or she requires the subordinates to do. For example, if the supervisor works hard, it is likely that his or her employees will work diligently as well. Likewise, if the supervisor always gets work done on time, the employees must feel pressured to finish work on time, too. Therefore, a good supervisor acts professionally if he or she expects the supervisees to act in a professional way.In short, the main qualities of a good supervisor are effective communication, fair treatment, and role models. Most supervisors have effective communication skills but sometimes forget fair treatment of employees or fail to set an example for them. Good supervisors should check themselves, every once in a while, to make sure that they are practicing these qualities.托福独立写作范文:出国读书托福独立写作题目:出国读书Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home counties. Why do some students study abroad? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.托福独立写作范文:Studying in ones home country offers unique benefits. For example, the home country provides best education in some subjects that other countries do not offer. However, it is important to study overseas for at least part of ones higher education. By studying abroad, students can acquire a new language, get to know another culture, and pursue good programs.The most obvious advantage of studying overseas is learning a new language. It is important to be bilingual or even multilingual nowadays. For example, international communication is essential for our global economy. For many students who choose to study in English-speaking countries, they can easily pick up English if they are actively engaged in speaking English. Even for those who have had a good grasp of English in reading and writing, they can still improve their spoken English after exposure to an English-speaking environment.As important as learning a new language is becoming acquainted with a new culture. Cultures differ from one another and they are even diametrically opposite on some points. By studying overseas, students become familiar with other ways of life and learn to respect them. For example, to students from some cultures, privacy is a relatively new concept. The students may choose to tell their course grades to their classmates in the foreign country and ask them for similar information. In turn, they may feel disappointed or even shocked to receive no answer and be told that this is privacy. After a while, however, they have a better understanding of the concept of pervasive privacy in the foreign country.Last but not least, we are able to undertake excellent programs in the foreign country where we choose to study. Some programs may not be available in the students home country. For example, a student who is interested in American literature may find that no university in his or her country offers this program. Other programs are available in the students home country but not on a par with similar programs in a foreign country. This can be illustrated by MBA programs of American universities. A number of counties offer MBA programs, but many think that American universities offer the best MBA programs. This accounts for the fact that the majority of MBA holders have obtained the degree from American universities.Studying abroad can be rewarding. Not only can students acquire a new language and know more about a different culture, but they can pursue excellent programs as well. Indeed, studying in a foreign country is a worthwhile experience.托福写作备考策略之独立话题1.Somestudents prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous small assignments, whereas others prefer to have their grades determined by only afew large ones. Which do you prefer and why?2.An effective leader tries to make others feel they are parts of a decision.3.If a city has an amount of money, which option listed in the following do you prefer?Build a public garden to provide quiet environment to benefit allBuild a sports field for students in high school which doesnt have its own.4.Governmenthas done enough to educate people the importance of a balanced lifestyle and healthy eating.5.In the past,people were more interested in improving their neighborhoods than they are today.6.In the past,young people depended on their parents for making decisions. Today young people are better able to make decisions on their own.7.It is better to relax by watching TV or reading a book than by doing physical exercises.8.We should state our honest opinions even though people may disagree with us.9.In order to succeed in a new job, the ability to adapt oneself to the new environment ismore important than excellent knowledge.10.People spend too much time communication through social media and text messages.11.There is noreason to be rude to another person.12.Technology designed to make peoples life simpler in fact make peoples life morecomplicated.13.Movies andTV programs made in your own country are more interesting compared to moviesand programs made in other countries.14.It is as important for older people to study and lean new things as it is for youngpeople.15.To remain happy and optimistic whenever you fail is more important than to achieve success.16.It is important to know what is happening around the world, even if it does not affect your personal life.实用方法介绍丨1.常用论点/理由针对独立写作的常见话题,大致可归成三类:个人类(关于学习、工作、休闲、做人的选择);古今类(题目中有明显的now past 让考生判断现在和过去在某一方面的比较);决策类(题目中通常有government这个词出现,讨论政府的投资或者政策,有些题目虽然没有government这个词出现,但如果涉及的是有社会影响力的话题,也可以划为政府类,比如 A/D Professional athletes such as the football playerand basketball player deserve high salaries that they are paid.)1)个人类常用理由学知识、练技能、拓展视野.工作机会、赚钱.交朋友、陪伴家人. (合作、沟通) .品质(自信,独立,坚持,乐观 ) / 兴趣爱好身体健康、放松心情.省时间、省钱、省精力.2)古今类常用理由现代社会的优点:教育: 先进全面鼓励个性工作:种类丰富机会多医疗:治愈缓解更多疾病技术:网络电子产品汽车公共设施:便利的交通娱乐购物餐饮法律制度:保障个人权利媒体:揭露真相传播信息人与人:互动频繁、方便经济进步:更充裕的钱和无助世界和平:更少的战争伤亡现代社会的缺点:环境问题(污染,能源消耗)生活压力(学习,工作)欺骗敲诈3)决策类常用思路注:除了使用个人类常用理由,针对决策类这种和政府相关有社会影响力的题目,建议多角度讨论,一下是常见的讨论角度:1.大众 individuals对我们有什么用?(放松健康省钱知识关系等等)是不是我们每个人都需要的?(大多数/ 小众)2. 相关群体relativegroups题目中谈论到的比如artists,scientists, athletes 等等3. 企业companies企业有钱,可以代替政府去投资有利可图的领域4. 社会 SocietyEconomy(tourism), culture, safety, improvement 丨2.对比段通常来说,托福独立写作的论证写3段,上文介绍了最基本的常用理由,但有时候,因为各种原因只想出2个理由的时候,可以写一段对比段,即把对比论证写一段。具体案例参考第三部分的机经详解丨3.让步段除了对比段之外,让步段也可以解决只有2个理由缺少第三个段落的问题。具体案例参考第三部分的机经详解丨4.拆分法/分情况讨论针对一些比较抽象的独立写作话题,我们可以分情况讨论,或者对于关键词进行定义和拆分,在更加具体的情况下方便论证。具体案例参考第三部分的机经详解丨5.检验论点没有标准答案,这是独立解题最自由的地方。但这并不意味着什么样的理由都可以作为论点并且展开段落的。课堂上,一些学生可以马上相处三个理由,但仔细探究,可能只有一个理由是可以作为论点的。这里说一下三个检验标准:1.支持观点 2. 论点相互不重叠 3. 易于展开丨6.灵活调整根据ETS的出题,我们知道,题目是千变万化的,为了帮助学生更好的应对,老师们会总结出一些实用方法,对学生来说,比死记硬别、生搬硬套更重要的是,在题目的练习中,去运用这些方法,并且灵活的调整。如果觉得一些常用理由不适合支持某一道题,那么就放弃这个理由;如果只想出两个理由,那么可以加一个让步段或者对比段;如果一道题直接用常用理由去支持很难,可以试着拆分法;如果完全同意/不同意很难,可以试着两边倒;如果题目中有绝对词,可以部分同意/不同意。. .实用方法在题目中的具体运用使用第一部分的9月机经部分题目1.Some students prefer to havetheir final grades determined by numerous small assignments, whereas othersprefer to have their grades determined by only a few large ones. Which do youprefer and why?观点:small assignments论点1:轻松论点2:知识(学生复习;老师备课)论点3:对比段/让步段2.An effectiveleader tries to make others feel they are parts of a decision.观点:agree论点1:来自领导的尊重要员工更快乐积极论点2:员工的参与促进想法的完善论点3:对比段3.If a city has an amount ofmoney, which option listed in the following do you prefer?1)Build a publicgarden to provide quiet environment to benefit all2)Build asports field for students in high school which doesnt have its own.版本A:观点:选1)论点1:relaxing论点2:used byeveryone论点3:让步段(承认2的好处指出显著缺点即优惠了一小部分人不公平)版本B:观点:选2)论点1:healthy论点2:mentality论点3:补充建议(允许周末开放给市民)4.Governmenthas done enough to educate people the importance of a balanced lifestyle andhealthy eating.观点:Disagree论点1: knowledge 宣传健康饮食的知识( 课程广告 )论点2: pressure 减少学习和工作压力论点3: money 建设更多更便宜的运动场所减轻人们的经济负担注:这道题,用个人类的常用理由就可以解决,那么久不用多角度思考了5.In the past,people were more interested in improving their neighborhoods than they aretoday.观点:Disagree论点1:经济进步大家有时间和精力改善社区论点2:沟通方便更好的解决社区问题论点3:普遍受过教育有能力解决问题注:三个古今类的常用理由,现代社会的优点6.In the past, young people depended ontheir parents for making decisions. Today young people are better able to makedecisions on their own.观点:Agree论点1:Internet 丰富信息论点2:Education 培养独立论点3:对比段7.It is betterto relax by watching TV or reading a book than by doing physical exercises.版本A:观点:Physical exercise论点1:health论点2:cooperation论点3:make friends论点4:release pressure论点5:让步段/对比段注:有些题目,可以相处很多个有效论点,那就选择自己觉得好写的展开版本B:观点:TV book论点1:convenience;论点2:knowledge andinspiration论点3:让步段/对比段8.We shouldstate our honest opinions even though people may disagree with us.观点:agree论点1:家庭论点2:朋友论点3:学习/工作注:用拆分法解这道题,即把说实话放在生活中的三大场景下,便于进行具体论证9.In order tosucceed in a new job, the ability to adapt oneself to the new environment ismore important than excellent knowledge.版本A:观点:Bothimportant论点1:知识 独立解决问题自信论点2:适应能力效率轻松注:两边倒的题目,两个支持对象的各写一段,每一段设立有1-2个小论点,这样不用担心字数版本B:观点:Agree论点1:get alongwith different people论点2:learn newknowledge论点3:adjustmentality注:对适应能力进行拆分,解读成和不同的人相处的能力、学习新知识的能力、调整心态的能力,这些都比固有的接触知识更重要,因为,世界一直在变啊10.Peoplespend too much time communication through social media and text messages.观点:Disagree论点1:Relaxing论点2:Improvefriendship论点3: Learning11.There is noreason to be rude to another person.版本1:Agree 常用理由 -mood - efficiency - opportunity版本2:Agree 拆分法- 家庭礼貌- 工作礼貌 - 社交礼貌12.Technologydesigned to make peoples life simpler in fact make peoples life morecomplicated.agree1) car traffic jam; air pollution2) internet too much information to handle; false and misleading3) digital devices distraction (music; games; chat; online shopping)注:把technology 拆分成三个主要方面,汽车、互联网、电子设备13.Movies andTV programs made in your own country are more interesting compared to movies andprograms made in other countries.观点:both interestingOwn country:1 共鸣理解2 喜欢的演员Foreign country:1拓展视野2精彩的画面14.It is asimportant for older people to study and lean new things as it is for youngpeople.Agree版本1:拆分法(对学习新知识诠释)1 学习健康知识2 培养爱好3 学习使用电脑上网版本2:常用理由1 mentalhealth2improve convenience3communication with young people15.To remainhappy and optimistic whenever you fail is more important than to achievesuccess.Agree1)mentalhealth2)stimulateimprovement3 )让步段(承认成功是可喜的但是生活的常态就是一直失败、努力、克服苦难、获得成功,也就是说,成功是个结果,那么占据生活主要的是那个过程,所以为了健康以及持久的成功,乐观积极更重要)16.It is importantto know what is happening around the world, even if it does not affect yourpersonal life.Agree版本1:常用理由1)relaxing2)knowledge3)communication版本2:拆分法1)medicalnews health2)political news safety3)economic news money托福写作必备核心词汇表述汇总