如何攻克雅思阅读选择题 被动刷题不可取, 制霸雅思阅读选择题需主动出击。给大家带来了如何制霸雅思阅读选择题,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。被动刷题不可取 制霸雅思阅读选择题需主动出击雅思阅读选择题出题模式一:句子1:It seems that the viewer can sense the artists vision in paintings, even if they cant explain why.题目:下面哪个选项与上句意思一致?A mostly favour works of art which they know well.Bhold fixed ideas about what makes a good work of art.Care often misled by their initial expectations of a work of art.Dhave the ability to perceive the intention behind works of art.那么应该90%的同学可以做对,正确答案是D。如果做不对的同学,请你踏踏实实去背背YOYO的核心2000词或是学术核心词汇566吧。但是,选择题的实际出题模式是这样的:雅思阅读选择题出题出题模式二:这篇*的标题是:Neuroaesthetics题目:Angelina Hawley-Dolans findings indicate that peopleA mostly favour works of art which they know well.Bhold fixed ideas about what makes a good work of art.Care often misled by their initial expectations of a work of art.Dhave the ability to perceive the intention behind works of art.原文出题点:Angelina Hawley-Dolan, of Boston College, Massachusettes, responded to this debate by asking volunteers to view pairs of paintings - either the creations of famous abstract artists or the doodles of infants, chimps and elephant. They then had to judge which they preferred. A third of the paintings were given no captions, while many were labelled incorrectly-volunteers might think they were viewing a chimps messy brushstrokes when they were actually seeing an acclaimed masterpiece. In each set of trials, volunteers generally preferred the work of renowned artists, even when they believed it was by an animal or a child. It seems that the viewer can sense the artists vision in paintings, even if they cant explain why.出题模式一,其实就是雅思选择题的本质所在。出题模式二是正常的雅思考试的出题模式,配上抽象的主题和很多看似简单又读不懂的无关信息,以此来加大考试的难度,这就是雅思考官出题的套路。出题模式一和二一对比,大家就明白了,其实选择题,真正的难点在于:同学们往往不能准确定位出考官的出题点到底是哪一句子。烤鸭们一般可以大概定位到题目出题“面”- 段落,但是,却不能准确定位“点”-出题的句子。所以,很多同学常常有需要读一整段或是两个段落来解一个选择题的错觉。简言之,雅思阅读选择题的解题关键是:一定要能够准确点位出题点!这样,就可以有效排除很多干扰信息了。而在仅有的一个句子中,去读懂,再去识别选项的同义替换,这样选择题的难度就大大减小了。那么,问题来了?如何锁定出题点呢?如何做到从“面”到“点”的准确定位呢?定位选择题的出题点,可以根据题目的提问方式,来进行分类,每类题目的出题点和出题规律一般都是比较固定。雅思选择题的提问方式和出题点位置,一般可以分为以下几大类:雅思阅读选择题出出题规律1:实验看结果1.考查实验相关的题目,一般重点都是考实验的结果,重点直接去文中快速锁定实验的结果,一般表结果的关键词是:findings, .found that., It seems that., it would seem that.正常来说:当讲到某个实验的时候,文中的行文顺序:WHY该实验的背景/目的-HOW该实验如何进行-WHAT实验对象在实验做了什么或是如何表现的-Results/Findings。所以,当提到某个实验时,一般会有2-3句来讲实验的why, how和what,结果往往放在最后。解题时,直接快速跳到实验后边去看实验的结果。如上题所示:题目问Angelina Hawley-Dolans findings indicate.(他的实验结果表明.), 文中,段落前几句描述的都是跟实验相关的内容,到最后一句It seems that., 才是结果。考生们在做题前,如果能够非常清晰的了解这个特点的话,就可以高效准确的解题了。雅思阅读选择题出题规律2:例子看观点2.题目考查具体例子的,一般都是问例子说明或支持的观点,重点看原文例子的前后句。举例都是为了说明观点的。如果段落开头就是例子的,则需要看例子所在段落的前段的主要观点,观点的位置一般在上段的最后部分,提出一个观点,然后下段用例子证明。一般例子讲完后,在例子后边会再次总结一下观点。简言之,出现例子的重点看例子前后的句子。雅思阅读选择题出题规律3:主旨细节要分清3.如果题目提问中出现段落的,如果是问段落大意,就看段落主题句,快速把握段落主旨。出现段落,但不问主旨的,一定要先定好段落中具体细节,再解题。如: According to the eighth paragraph, how was the geography of the region significant? 题目中提到第8段,但是不能看一整个段落解题,还要定位到关键词geography 所在的句子,理解后再做题。雅思阅读生词预判之定义句生词预判之定义句在雅思阅读中,如果生词是句子或段落所解释的定义,理解句子或段落本身就是推断词义。例如: anthropology is the scientific study of man。由定义可知,anthropology就是“研究人类的科学”。In slang the term "jam" constitutes a state of being in which a personfindshimself or herself in a difficult situation。同样,从雅思阅读上下文的定义可知jam一词在俚语中的意思是“困境”。定义句的谓语动词多为:be, mean, deal with,beconsidered, to be, refer to, be called, be known as, define, represent,signify,constitute等。雅思阅读模拟试题This reading test contains 10 questions. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. To make it more authentic, download the test and do it with pen and paper.Read the passage below and answer questions 1-10.What you need to know about Culture ShockMost people who move to a foreign country or culture may experience a period of time when they feel very homesick and have a lot of stress and difficulty functioning in the new culture. This feeling is often called culture shock and it is important to understand and learn how to cope with culture shock if you are to adapt successfully to your new homes culture.First of all, its important to know that culture shock is normal. Everyone in a new situation will go through some form of culture shock, and the extent of which they do is determined by factors such as the difference between cultures, the degree to which someone is anxious to adapt to a new culture and the familiarity that person has to the new culture. If you go, for example, to a culture that is far different from your own, youre likely to experience culture shock more sharply than those who move to a new culture knowing the language and the behavioural norms of the new culture.There are four general stages of cultural adjustment, and it is important that you are aware of these stages and can recognise which stage you are in and when so that you will understand why you feel the way you do and that any difficulties you are experience are temporary, a process you are going through rather than a constant situation.The first stage is usually referred to as the excitement stage or the honeymoon stage. Upon arriving in a new environment, youll be interested in the new culture, everything will seem exciting, everyone will seem friendly and helpful and youll be overwhelmed with impressions. During this stage you are merely soaking up the new landscape, taking in these impressions passively, and at this stage you have little meaningful experience of the culture.But it isnt long before the honeymoon stage dissolves into the second stage sometimes called the withdrawal stage. The excitement you felt before changes to frustration as you find it difficult to cope with the problems that arise. It seems that everything is difficult, the language is hard to learn, people are unusual and unpredictable, friends are hard to make, and simple things like shopping and going to the bank are challenges. It is at this stage that you are likely to feel anxious and homesick, and you will probably find yourself complaining about the new culture or country. This is the stage which is referred to as culture shock.Culture shock is only temporary, and at some point, if you are one of those who manage to stick it out, youll transition into the third stage of cultural adjustment, the recovery stage. At this point, youll have a routine, and youll feel more confident functioning in the new culture. Youll start to feel less isolated as you start to understand and accept the way things are done and the way people behave in your new environment. Customs and traditions are clearer and easier to understand. At this stage, youll deal with new challenges with humour rather than anxiety.The last stage is the home or stability stage this is the point when people start to feel at home in the new culture. At this stage, youll function well in the new culture, adopt certain features and behaviours from your new home, and prefer certain aspects of the new culture to your own culture.There is, in a sense, a fifth stage to this process. If you decide to return home after a long period in a new culture, you may experience what is called reverse culture shock. This means that you may find aspects of your own culture foreign because you are so used to the new culture that you have spent so long adjusting to. Reverse culture shock is usually pretty mild you may notice things about your home culture that you had never noticed before, and some of the ways people do things may seem odd. Reverse culture shock rarely lasts for very long.QuestionsDo the following statements agree with the information given in the article?In boxes 1-10 on your answer sheet writeTRUE if the statement agrees with the informationFALSE if the statement contradicts the informationNOT GIVEN if there is no information on this1) Some people will find the process of adapting to a new country easier than others.2) Knowing about these four stages will help people adjust to a new culture more quickly.3) People can ease culture shock by learning about the language and customs before they go to the new culture.4) Culture shock is another name for cultural adjustment.5) The first stage is usually the shortest.6) In the first stage, people will have a very positive impression of the new culture.7) Many people will leave the new culture while they are in the second stage.8) By the third stage, people do not experience any more problems with the new culture.9) In the fourth stage, people speak new language fluently.10) Reverse culture shock is as difficult to deal with as culture shock.参考答案Answers1) TRUE2) NOT GIVEN3) TRUE4) FALSE5) NOT GIVEN6) TRUE7) NOT GIVEN8) FALSE9) NOT GIVEN10) FALSE如何攻克雅思阅读选择题