雅思阅读解题技巧之快速阅读训练 今天给大家带来了雅思阅读解题技巧之快速阅读训练,希望能帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读解题技巧之快速阅读训练1. 快速泛读(fast extensive reading)平时要养成快速泛读的习惯。这里讲的泛读是指广泛阅读大量涉及不同领域的书籍,要求读得快,理解和掌握书中的主要内容就可以了。要确定一个明确的读书定额,定额要结合自己的实际,切实可行,可多可少。例如每天读20页,以18周准备考试的时间计算,就可以读21本中等厚度的书(每本书约120页)。2. 计时阅读 (timed reading)课余要养成计时阅读的习惯。计时阅读每次进行510分钟即可,不宜太长。因为计时快速阅读,精力高度集中,时间一长,容易疲劳、精力分散,反而乏味。阅读时先记下“起读时间”(starting time),阅读完毕,记下“止读时间”(finishing time),即可计算出本次阅读速度。随手记下,长期坚持,必定收到明显效果。3. 略读 (skimming)略读又称跳读(reading and skipping)或浏览(glancing),是一种专门的,非常实用的快速阅读技能。所谓略读,是指以尽可能快的速度阅读,如同从飞机上鸟瞰(birds eye view )地面上的明显标志一样,迅速获取*大意或中心思想。换句话说,略读是要求读者有选择地进行阅读,可跳过某些细节,以求抓住*的大概,从而加快阅读速度。据统计,训练有素的略读者(skimmer)的阅读速度可以达到每分钟3000到4000个词。阅读时,先把*粗略地浏览一下,看看*中是否有自己工作和学习需要的或自己感兴趣的资料和信息,然后确定这篇*是否值得细读。在查找资料时,如果没有充分时间,而又不需要高度理解时,就可以运用略读技巧。“不需要高度理解”并非指略读时理解水平可以很低,而是说略低于一般阅读速度所取得的理解水平是允许的。一般阅读的目标是在保持一般阅读速度的条件下,获得尽可能高的理解水平,通常达到70%或80%。略读时,理解水平略低一些是预料之中的事,平均理解率达50%或60%就可以了。 略读有下列四个特点:(1)以极快的速度阅读大量材料,寻找字面上或事实上的主要信息和少量的阐述信息(2)可以跳过某个部分或某些部分不读。(3)理解水平可以稍低一些,但也不能太低。(4)根据*的难易程度和达到的目的,不断灵活地调整阅读速度。略读可以运用下列技巧:(1) 要利用印刷细节(typegraphical details),如书或*的标题、副标题、小标题、斜体词、黑体词、脚注、标点符号等,对书和*进行预测略读(preview skimming)。预测略读要了解作者的思路、*方式(模式),以便把握大意,有关的细节及其相互关系。(2) 以一般阅读速度(200250wpm),阅读*开头的一、二段,力求抓住*大意、背景情况、作者的*风格、口吻或语气等。(3) 阅读段落的主题句和结论句。抓住主题句就掌握了段落大意,然后略去细节不读,以求得略读速度。(4) 注意转折词和序列词。转折词如however, moreover, in addition等;序列词firstly, secondly等。(5) 若无需要,不必阅读细节。4.寻读 (Scanning)寻读又称查读,同略读一样,寻读也是一种快速阅读技巧。熟练的读者善于运用寻读获得具体信息,以提高阅读效率。寻读是一种从大量的资料中迅速查找某一项具体事实或某一项特定信息,如人物、事件、时间、地点、数字等,而对其它无关部分则略去不读的快速阅读方法。运用这种方法,读者就能在最短的时间内掠过尽可能多的印刷材料,找到所需要的信息。例如,在车站寻找某次列车或汽车的运行时刻,在机场寻找某次班机的飞行时刻,在图书馆查找书刊的目录,在文献中查找某一日期、名字、数字或号码等,都可以运用这种方法。作为一种快速寻找信息的阅读技巧,寻读既要求速度,又要求寻读的准确性。具体地说,寻读带有明确的目的?段整段的文字直接映入大脑,不必字字句句过目。视线在印刷材料上掠过时,一旦发现有关的内容,就要稍作停留,将它记住或摘下,既保证寻读的速度,又做到准确无误,所以寻读技巧也很有实用价值。寻读与略读不同。略读时,读者事先对材料一无所知,而寻读则是读者对材料有所了解的情况下进行的。例如,寻读电话号码簿,读者知道受话人的姓名,还知道电话号码簿是按姓的字母顺序排列的。这样,在寻找Jackson的电话时,就可以利用书页上方的标识词,再按姓的字母顺序很快翻到以J开头的书页,从而找到Jackson名下的电话页码。为了有效地进行寻读,读者应运用下列技巧。(1) 利用材料的编排形式。资料多半是按字母顺序排列的。如词典、索引、邮政编码簿、电话号码簿以及其它参考资料簿等。当然并非所有资料都是按字母顺序排列的。例如,电视节目是按日期和时间排列的。历史资料是按年代排列的,报纸上的体育版面是按比赛类别(足球、排球、网球)排列等等。不管资料*怎样,它都是按照某种逻辑方法排列的。例如,要知道某事是何时发生的,要查日期;某事是谁做的,要查人名等。(2) 利用章节标题和说明。寻读之后,首先看看*标题或章节标题,确定*是否包含自己所需要的材料,或者哪一部分包含哪些材料,这样可以直接翻到那个部分,进行寻找。(3) 抓提示词。读者找到包含所需信息的章节,准备寻读。这时,要留心与那个具体信息有关的提示词。例如,在报纸体育运动版上寻找某田径运动员的某项运动成绩,他的国名是提示词。在百科全书上寻找纽约市的人名,翻到New York City那一章后,population, census, inhabitants 等词就是提示词,找到提示词,就可以采用一般阅读速度,获得所需要的信息。阅读冲刺丨雅思阅读真题解析Exercise 3 : No free LunchQ1: According to JAMA, each physician can obtain $8,000 to $ 13,000 per year from pharmaceutical industrys drug promotion.问题: 为什么不是 TRUE。文中说制药厂在每个医生身上花了这么多钱为什么就不能反过来说这些医生得到这多钱呢?解答: 这笔费用是制药厂的促销费用,并不一定是医生实际得到的。Q3: The more expensive the drug, the better its healing effect.问题: 为什么选 F?我们定位在第六段:yet the more expensive drugs, which are heavily marketed to doctors, are far more frequently prescribed.没有提到药的疗效,也没有直接驳斥原文啊?解答: 也是在第 6 段,在你定位那句话的前面几句都在讲此事。甚至举例说一种 2 块钱一粒的药疗效没有价格只有几分钱的另一种药好。Q6: Goodman has never received any perk from drug salesmen.问题: 为什么选 F 啊?解答: 第 3 段首句。Exercise 4 : London SmogQ1: In 1952, London was the most densely populated city in the world.问题: 我怎么也找不到*中的定位。解答: 文中第 2 段,more people lived closer together in London than in any other modern city Q2 Q3要理解原文“Ships often returned from the less-populated northern British Isles empty, except for the crew. To weather the rough seas around the coast, marinersfilled their holds with what became known as sea-coal, carbine mares.” 回航的船为了抵御海岸边的风浪,水手们在货舱内装满了一种煤。让船更重,而稳定。Q5: Less than 3,000 people would die within one week in 1952-1953 if it were not for the coal smoke.问题: 为什么不是 TRUE?第 5 段不是说的很清楚这是因为“coal smoke"造成的?解答: 题目说“如果没有煤烟,在那一周死亡的人数会少于 3000”;原文说“一周内死的人比正常情况下多出 3000 多”,正常一周的死亡人数原文没提。Q8: Smoking, as well as polluted air, can result in lung cancer and other ailments.问题: 文中对应的是倒数第 3 段最后一句,为什么不是 NG?解答: *最后一段说吸烟和喝酒会引起这个病,但这些嗜好却不是引起城区这些病一直维持的主要原因,而开头说的是环境对身体的影响,于是可知-环境也会导致这样的病。雅思阅读全真练习系列:new weapon to fight cancernew weapon to fight cancer1. British scientists are preparing to launch trials of a radical new way to fight cancer, which kills tumours by infecting them with viruses like the common cold.2. If successful, virus therapy could eventually form a third pillar alongside radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the standard arsenal against cancer, while avoiding some of the debilitating side-effects.3. Leonard Seymour, a professor of gene therapy at Oxford University, who has been working on the virus therapy with colleagues in London and the US, will lead the trials later this year. Cancer Research UK said yesterday that it was excited by the potential of Prof Seymours pioneering techniques.4. One of the countrys leading geneticists, Prof Seymour has been working with viruses that kill cancer cells directly, while avoiding harm to healthy tissue. "In principle, youve got something which could be many times more effective than regular chemotherapy," he said.5. Cancer-killing viruses exploit the fact that cancer cells suppress the bodys local immune system. "If a cancer doesnt do that, the immune system wipes it out. If you can get a virus into a tumour, viruses find them a very good place to be because theres no immune system to stop them replicating. You can regard it as the cancers Achilles heel."6. Only a small amount of the virus needs to get to the cancer. "They replicate, you get a million copies in each cell and the cell bursts and they infect the tumour cells adjacent and repeat the process," said Prof Seymour.7. Preliminary research on mice shows that the viruses work well on tumours resistant to standard cancer drugs. "Its an interesting possibility that they may have an advantage in killing drug-resistant tumours, which could be quite different to anything weve had before."8. Researchers have known for some time that viruses can kill tumour cells and some aspects of the work have already been published in scientific journals. American scientists have previously injected viruses directly into tumours but this technique will not work if the cancer is inaccessible or has spread throughout the body.9. Prof Seymours innovative solution is to mask the virus from the bodys immune system, effectively allowing the viruses to do what chemotherapy drugs do - spread through the blood and reach tumours wherever they are. The big hurdle has always been to find a way to deliver viruses to tumours via the bloodstream without the bodys immune system destroying them on the way.10. "What weve done is make chemical modifications to the virus to put a polymer coat around it - its a stealth virus when you inject it," he said.11. After the stealth virus infects the tumour, it replicates, but the copies do not have the chemical modifications. If they escape from the tumour, the copies will be quickly recognised and mopped up by the bodys immune system.12. The therapy would be especially useful for secondary cancers, called metastases, which sometimes spread around the body after the first tumour appears. "Theres an awful statistic of patients in the west . with malignant cancers; 75% of them go on to die from metastases," said Prof Seymour.13. Two viruses are likely to be examined in the first clinical trials: adenovirus, which normally causes a cold-like illness, and vaccinia, which causes cowpox and is also used in the vaccine against smallpox. For safety reasons, both will be disabled to make them less pathogenic in the trial, but Prof Seymour said he eventually hopes to use natural viruses.14. The first trials will use uncoated adenovirus and vaccinia and will be delivered locally to liver tumours, in order to establish whether the treatment is safe in humans and what dose of virus will be needed. Several more years of trials will be needed, eventually also on the polymer-coated viruses, before the therapy can be considered for use in the NHS. Though the approach will be examined at first for cancers that do not respond to conventional treatments, Prof Seymour hopes that one day it might be applied to all cancers.(665 words)Questions 1-6Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? For questions 1-6 writeTRUE if the statement agrees with the informationFALSE if the statement contradicts the informationNOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage1.Virus therapy, if successful, has an advantage in eliminating side-effects.2.Cancer Research UK is quite hopeful about Professor Seymours work on the virus therapy.3.Virus can kill cancer cells and stop them from growing again.4.Cancers Achilles heel refers to the fact that virus may stay safely in a tumor and replicate.5.To infect the cancer cells, a good deal of viruses should be injected into the tumor.6.Researches on animals indicate that virus could be used as a new way to treat drug-resistant tumors.Question 7-9Based on the reading passage, choose the appropriate letter from A-D for each answer.7.Information about researches on viruses killing tumor cells can be found(A) on TV(B) in magazines(C) on internet(D) in newspapers8.To treat tumors spreading out in body, researchers try to(A) change the body immune system(B) inject chemotherapy drugs into bloodstream.(C) increase the amount of injection(D) disguise the viruses on the way to tumors.9.When the chemical modified virus in tumor replicates, the copies(A) will soon escape from the tumor and spread out.(B) will be wiped out by the bodys immune system.(C) will be immediately recognized by the researchers.(D) will eventually stop the tumor from spreading out.Questions 10-13Complete the sentences below. Choose your answers from the list of words. You can only use each word once.NB There are more words in the list than spaces so you will not use them all.In the first clinical trials, scientists will try to 10 adenovirus and vaccinia, so both the viruses will be less pathogenic than the 11.These uncoated viruses will be applied directly to certain areas to confirm safety on human beings and the right 12 needed. The experiments will firstly be 13to the treatment of certain cancersList of Wordsdosage responding smallpox virusdisable natural ones injectdirected treatment cold-like illnesskill patients examinedAnswers Keys:1.答案:FALSE (见第2段:If successful, virus therapy could eventually form a third pillar alongside radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the standard arsenal against cancer, while avoiding some of the debilitating side-effects. Virus therapy 只能避免一些副作用,而不是根除。)2.答案:TRUE (见第3段,特别是最后一句: Cancer Research UK said yesterday that it was excited by the potential of Prof Seymours pioneering techniques. )3. 答案:NOT GIVEN (文中没有提到virus可以抑制肿瘤细胞再生长)4. 答案:TRUE (见第5段第3、4句: 这里“cancers Achilles heel”指 “If you can get a virus into a tumour, viruses find them a very good place to be because theres no immune system to stop them replicating.” Achilles heel的意思是“唯一致命弱点”)5. 答案:FALSE (见第6段第第1句:Only a small amount of the virus needs to get to the cancer.)6. 答案:TRUE (见第7段:Preliminary research on mice shows that the viruses work well on tumours resistant to standard cancer drug. , which could be quite different to anything weve had before." )7. 答案:B (见第8段第1、2句:Researchers have known for some time that viruses can kill tumour cells and some aspects of the work have already been published in scientific journals. Journal意思是“日报、期刊、杂志”)8. 答案:D (见第9段第1句:Prof Seymours innovative solution is to mask the virus from the bodys immune system, “mask”的意思是“掩盖、隐蔽、伪装”, 在这里和 “disguise”同义。)9. 答案:B (见第11段第2句: If they escape from the tumour, the copies will be quickly recognised and mopped up by the bodys immune system. “mop up”这里与 “wipe out” 同义,意思是“消灭、歼灭”。)10.答案:disable (见第13段最后1句:For safety reasons, both will be disabled to make them less pathogenic in the trial, but Prof Seymour said he eventually hopes to use natural viruses. )11. 答案:natural ones (见第13段最后1句:For safety reasons, both will be disabled to make them less pathogenic in the trial, but Prof Seymour said he eventually hopes to use natural viruses. )12. 答案:dosage (见第14段第1句:The first trials will use uncoated adenovirus and vaccinia and will be delivered locally to liver tumours, in order to establish whether the treatment is safe in humans and what dose of virus will be needed.)13. 答案:directed (见第14段最后1句:Though the approach will be examined at first for cancers that do not respond to conventional treatments, )雅思阅读解题技巧之快速阅读训练