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    雅思阅读备考等于刷剑雅4-11? 怎么样备考才是有效的备考呢?今天给大家带来了雅思阅读备考=刷剑雅4-11?希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读备考=刷剑雅4-11?首先,雅思作为一门语言考试,基本的词汇量是必不可少的,但是很多同学,又非常反感背单词,非常不愿意背单词。但是,你造吗?你不背单词,做雅思阅读就是以下这种感觉:我们知道賢鑜是在生活中很重要的。比如在鼙蠻和贎鬍里,有彃燊在罅鷄那里蓀墝,之前他们鏈鴊恆闳嘑傡彚槩鞷蕻賤鬡艐倏雫寛褲灣1.鞷在文中的意思?2.这篇*的最佳标题?3.作者没有告诉我们什么?4.作者为什么说“恆闳嘑傡彚槩“?怎么样上面的题目做的粗来吗?你如果不背单词,难道你做阅读不就是这个感受么?所以,小烤鸭们,我建议备考的泥萌,踏踏实实背个单词,好不好?那么,问题来了?到底有多少词汇量才能够靠好雅思阅读呢?其实,还真有人做个这个统计,雅思阅读的词汇量要求是:8000左右。什么概念?就素,六级词汇6000,六级之外多出2000,就是8000雅思词汇了。这个数字有没有吓到大家?其实,我上课的时候说背四级就够了,很多人不相信,质疑的同学可以看我的阅读微博(手把手教你雅思-阅读)之前的学员反馈阅读结课后6.5-8.5,你的战友们一定不会骗你的。氮素,后来我发现我直接让学生去背四级词汇,有些学生也很奔溃,毕竟也是蛮厚的一本。于是,报了我的班的同学都知道,我后来整理了一个雅思阅读核心高频2000词(注:2000词阅读班内部资料,为了帮助大家记忆,阅读班的福利课就是串讲核心2000词,让背单词简单高效又有趣;而且阅读班里,有词霸带大家背单词,每天两次,效果非常好。),已被N多名烤鸭,实战证明:真心核心,真心高频啊。绝对没有愧对“精忠报国”四个大字!(不好意思,激动了,尴尬中.)应该是,绝对没有愧对“核心高频”四个大字。氮素,氮素,你以为你阅读看不懂,真的全部都是词汇的问题吗?下面这个句子看得懂吗?I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard is right.单词一定都认识,但是,看不懂的同学应该是多数。(这句后文有解析)影响大家阅读的单词是一方面,还有另一方面就是语法。语法在阅读中最直接的体现就是长难句,你是否看得懂?能够看懂才是阅读实力提升的关键,其实如果烤鸭们真的会看懂长难句的话,以后到了国外,绝对可以横行霸道,各种文献资料绝不在你的话下,我经常就跟同学们说,哪怕你什么都没学会,只要学会了看长难句的方法,那么上我的课,你就值了。长难句应该怎么处理呢?请计算下题的答案:1234567890111213141516171819=?数学学霸们?算出来了吗?有没有同学发现,这个题的答案其实是0。这个题目跟长难句有什么关系?其实,我们处理长难句的智慧,跟解这题的道理是一样的。苏轼词曰:不识庐山真面目,只缘生在此山中。很多同学,看到长难句,一头就扎进去,一个词一个词的看,看到后面,把自己绕进去了,绕晕了。处理长难句,应该先站在一个宏观的角度看句子框架结构。英语语言学上把“英语”描述为藤状结构的句子,就是一串葡萄样的句子结构:可以巨多颗葡萄,但是一定是靠一个枝干把这些普通都串起来。英语句子也一样,一个句子可以有很多很多的单词,但是一定是靠一个句子主干串起来的。这个主干就是句子的主谓宾,我们在处理长难句的时候,应该第一步先站在宏观的角度,先看框架,先挑主干,就像上面的那道数学题。如果大家先从宏观的角度看一下题目,而不是一头扎下去,那么应该秒杀刚才的数学题。英语句子理解也是一样,先看主干,再看修饰成分。这样句子就会很清晰了。具体处理长难句的技巧和方法,我在课上会有详细讲解,这里就不废话了。以上是提升真正阅读实力中,大家需要做到的,其实,考试的时候,长难句处理就更简单了。考试时,先提主干,弄清大意,然后结合题目,题目问哪,就看哪!请看下面的判断题:题目.The plight of the rainforests had largely been ignored by the media.原文出处:In the face of the frequent and often vivid media coverage, it is likely that children will have formed ideas about rainforests -what and where they are, why they are important, what endangers them-independent of any formal tuition.解析:定位找到原文,原文很长,这时候不着急花时间在理解这个长难句,先看题目,题目提到的关键词是media,题目意思:雨林的情况很大程度上被媒体忽视了。所以,只用关注原文的media相关内容即可,发现跟media相关的就是:In the face of the frequent and often vivid media coverage,所以,通过这个小短语,可知媒体的报道是频繁的,而且是形象生动的报道(coverage)。因此,轻松做出答案,题目和原文是矛盾的。答案:FALSE看完这篇*,烤鸭们知道怎么备考了吧?打好基础才是提升实力的关键。(附:I think that(后面引导宾从) that(指示代词,“那个”)that(这个就是指单词“that”)that(关系代词,后加定从)that(指示代词,“那个”)student(那个学生,定从主)wrote(定从谓)on the blackboard(状语)is(宾从系动词)right(宾从表语)。宾从主干是:That that is right.)奉上一组练习:一组巨长长难句的多选题。Questions 1-5Choose FIVE letters, A-K.Below are listed some popular beliefs about genius and giftedness.Which FIVE of these beliefs about genius are reported by the writer of the text?A. Truly gifted people are talented in all areas.B. The talents of geniuses are soon exhausted.C. Gifted people should use their gifts.D. A genius appears once in very generation.E. Genius can easily be destroyed by discouragement.F. Genius is inherited.G. Gifted people are very hard to live with.H. People never appreciate true genius.I. Geniuses are natural leaders.J. Gifted people develop their greatness through difficulties.K. Genius will always reveal itself.出题点:In the mythology of giftedness, it is popularly believed that if people are talented in one area, they must be defective in another, that intellectuals are impractical, that prodigies burn too brightly too soon and burn out, that gifted people are eccentric, that they are physical weaklings, that theres a thin line between genius and madness, that genius runs in families, that the gifted are so clever they dont need special help, that giftedness is the same as having a high IQ, that some races are more intelligent or musical or mathematical than others, that genius goes unrecognised and unrewarded, that adversity makes men wise or that people with gifts have a responsibility to use them.答案解析:长难句分析:1.这个句子主干是:it is popularly believed that.2.后面跟了12个that引导的从句,可以把每个that从句分开看,每个that从句里都是一个完整的句子,理解起来应该难度不大。题目解析:Choose FIVE letters, A-K.Below are listed some popular beliefs about genius and giftedness.Which FIVE of these beliefs are reported by the writer of the text?解析:题目问的是:关于天才的一些人们认为的观点( popular beliefs):哪个跟文中的观点相符?A. Truly gifted people are talented in all areas.解析:A选项对应原文从句: that if people are talented in one area, they must be defective in another, 可知人们的观点是:天才只在某些领域有天赋,而在其他领域就是有缺陷defective的。A跟原文矛盾,错误。B. The talents of geniuses are soon exhausted.解析:对应原文:that prodigies burn too brightly too soon and burn out.原文大意:天才们太才华横溢,而使得他们会沦为“伤仲永”的结局(burn out)。B选项正确,题目是原文的同义替换.C. Gifted people should use their gifts.解析:对应最后一个that从句that people with gifts have a responsibility to use them. 选项是原文的同义替换,C选项正确。D. A genius appears once in very generation.解析:这个选项是NG选项,文中没有提到相关内容。错误。E. Genius can easily be destroyed by discouragement.解析:这个选项对应:that adversity makes men wise.原文大意:逆境(adversity)使人成才。选项跟原文矛盾,错误。F. Genius is inherited.解析:对应:that genius runs in families,意思是:天才是有基因遗传的。选项是原文的同义替换,正确。G. Gifted people are very hard to live with.解析:文中没有相关内容,属于NG的选项,错误。H. People never appreciate true genius.解析:对应that genius goes unrecognised and unrewarded, 原文大意:人才们得不到认同和应有的汇报。选项:人们没有真正欣赏天才。选项是原文的同义替换。正确。I. Geniuses are natural leaders.解析:文中没有提到相关内容。J. Gifted people develop their greatness through difficulties.解析:这个选项对应:that adversity makes men wise.原文大意:逆境(adversity)使人成才。同义替换,正确。K. Genius will always reveal itself.解析:文中没有提到相关内容。错误。正确答案:B C F H J你怕的雅思阅读信息配对题 原来如此简单当讲到配对类题型的段落信息配对题(which paragraph contains the following information?),班上就会有同学说,这是“断子绝孙”题。我一听到这种叫法,对于这种叫法,首先,我是拒绝的。这只会给考生一种先入为主的偏见(stereotypical view),考生都还不了解这个题目,就已认定这个题目很难。其次,对于种题型,雅思圈内几乎一致认为没有什么特别有效的解题方法(或考生盲目崇拜的技巧),就是看考生个人的实力和运气了。对于第二点,我也是拒绝的。段落信息配对题其实有很高效的解题策略,可以大大提高考生的正确率,下面给大家几点建议。要点1:段落信息配对题放到最后做原因:其他题目做的过程中,你必然阅读文中细节,有些细节刚好就包含其中一些段落信息配对题。这时候,直接秒杀!如:阅读班上作业讲评的作业,剑9-47页-T2P2:14.examples of different ways in which the parallax principles has been applied.15.a description of an event which prevented a transit observation.16.a statement about potential future discoveries leading on from transit observation.17.a description of physical states connected with Venus which early astronomical instruments failed to overcome.15题中a description of an event which prevented a transit observation.这道题目就和后面的一道判断题23题是重合的:23.Le Gentil managed to observe a second Venus transit.23题的判断是FALSE,因为文中D段最后一句提到:Ironically after travelling nearly50,000 kilometres, his view was clouded out at the last moment, a very dispiriting experience.通过这句话,就可以同时做出15题了:阻止观测穿越的事件就是多云(cloud)这件事情(event)。所以,放到最后做的好处就是,的确有些题目是可以直接“秒杀”的,但是,前提是你做过的题目你得记得,并且能够识别同义替换。要点2:关键词和简单词切入解题对于不能秒杀的题目(不能像刚才那样直接做出来,如上面的14,16,17),同学们需要先读懂题目,再划出关键词,然后从题目表述中较简单的词切入解题。解题时,按照*段落顺序做题。关键词这点好理解,圈出关键词,正确对应的段落要么是关键词重现,要么是关键词同义替换。考生们记住这点就好了,在做这类题目时,往往不要跟考官较真,非得把考官题目表述的那句话弄得特别清楚,然后非得特别死心塌地地一定要找到这个一摸一样的对应点。这种思路,只会害了自己,浪费了时间,降低了效率。?较简单的词,这点学生会有点疑惑,但我想说,这是解这类题型的锦囊妙计,能够帮考生大大降低题目难度。如下面的表述:a reference to the exchange of expertise between different sports.这句表述中大家一定都认识的单词是什么?我相信different sports,大家一定认识吧。那怎么利用简单词切入解题呢?跟这个题目对应的段落一定会在列举各种各样的sports,那么只要出现各种不同的sports,如:basketball, baseball, golf等就是对应这一题的。要点3:利用*结构做题一般*开头都是些介绍解释性的内容,如出现:introduction, explain(what is.), overview之类的词,不是*第一段就是*第二段。*结尾一般都是总结建议或展望未来升华类的内容,如出现:summary, future, suggestion, action之类的词的表述,一般就是*最后一两段的内容了。如上面的16题,出现future,就先去最后一段找对应,然后,这个题目又是“秒解”,16题直接对应文中最后一段的第二行:But such transits have paved the way for what might prove to be one of the most vital breakthroughs(同义替换discoveries) in the cosmos.雅思阅读考试小范围预测重复年份 20XX0109A 20XX0515题材 自然环境题型 判断 7+简答 6*大意 澳洲的气候变化无常,所以那里的生物需要很强的应变能力。有一种 P 鸟可以知道什么地方什么时候下雨,可以提前飞去找水喝。当地人为了狩猎把森林烧掉,另一种要吃 salt bush 的鸟就因此灭绝了。欧洲人来了之后大量种植 wheat,Emu 喜欢吃,所以繁殖很快。部分答案参考:判断:第一种鸟避开下雨的地方。N简答:1.Aboriginal 做了什么来方便他们打猎 lit fire2. G 鸟灭绝的原因:salt bush3. Emu 吃 wheat*题目 The power of music重复年份 20XX0109A 20XX1212材 艺术题型 段落信息配对 5+填空 4+人名配对 4*大意 音乐对人的影响。讲到了音乐的作用,与大脑的联系,不同映月表达出来的不同情绪对人类甚至动物的影响,最后谈到几个实验,证明音乐的治疗效果,以及音痴有救参考阅读:Entertainment isnt the whole storyHere in the West, we think of music as entertainment, or an accompaniment toentertainment. Most of us cant remember life without phonograph records,cassette tapes or Compact Discs and the artists we all have listened to on them.The great majority of radio stations exist to play music, and there is hardly aminute on TV - other than news shows - that doesnt have theme music,background music or commercial music. But as much as we enjoy different kinds of music, it is all of one purpose: to entertain. We have The Music Business and The Entertainment Business. Why else would we listen to music besides entertainment? In the past, and in other parts of the world today, there are definitely other reasons. The classical Master Beethoven, for example, was justly famous for being able to evoke specific emotions in his listeners, and wrote pieces that we still listen to today to evoke joy, sadness, loss and return. His piano sonata Les Adieux couldnt be clearer if he had written a short story: two lovers part, they experience their loneliness, but are joyfully reunited in the last movement. The ability of music to evoke emotions is its first and most obvious power, and we shall return to it again.Physical and mental effectsSome types of music can relax us. After a stressful work day, classical music, certain types of jazz, or our favorite ballad singer can physically relax our bodies and distract our minds from the cares of the day - at least for a while. On the other hand, loud, fast music with a strong beat can exhilarate (or bother) us. In fact, sometimes we may prefer one kind of music or artist, and at other times thats the last thing we want to listen to. So we have all experienced musics physical and mental effects on us at one time or another. In fact, the mental effect is so strong at times, a few lines from a song can keep running through our minds despite our efforts to ignore them or make them stop.雅思阅读备考等于刷剑雅4-11?


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