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    雅思阅读判断题Y_N_NG到底怎么做 关于雅思阅读题型中的判断题,国内的英语考试只会给yes和no,但雅思阅读考试的判断题中却偏偏多出一个not given,今天给大家带来了雅思阅读判断题Y/N/NG到底怎么做?希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读判断题Y/N/NG到底怎么做?关于Y/N/NG中的:Yes1.题目是根据原文同义表达,通常是同义词之间的替换或者是同义结构。雅思阅读真题举例:原文:According to the survey of 20XX, men are taller than women.题目:The survey of 20XX finds that women are smaller than men.定位词:年代20XX,考点词:taller(同义结构)原文:Frogs are losing the ecological battle for survival, and biologists are at a loss to explain their demise.题目:Biologists are unable to explain why the frogs are dying.定位词:biologists 学科类的专有名词,生物学家,考点词: unable(同义词)2. 题目是根据原文中的话来推断出来。雅思阅读真题举例:原文:On 13 July 1907, Baekeland took out his famous patent describing his Modern-day plastic preparation, the essential features of which are still in use today.题目:Modern-day plastic preparation is based on the same principles as that patented in 1907.定位词:年代1907,考点词:same(句子意思推断答案)关于:No题目与原文的意思相反: 通常是反义词, 否定词(no/never/not)+同义词,或者是反义结构雅思阅读真题举例:原文:Eating hamburgers is beneficial to peoples health.题目:Eating hamburgers is bad for peoples health.定位词:Eating hamburgers,考点词:形容词bad原文:Data showing the scale of the nickel sulphide problem is almost impossible to find.题目:There is plenty of documented evidence available about the incidence of nickel sulphide failure.定位词:nickel sulphide,考点词:plenty of 介词短语做形容词2.原文中是几个条件得出一个结论,条件以并列的方式出现,常用both.and., and, or 或者also等, 题目却出现must 或者only,表示只有这个条件就可以得到结论。雅思阅读真题举例:原文:Since the Olympics began, 36 out of 58 gold medals have been won by the athletes from China and USA.题目:Only the competitors in China have won the gold medals in the Olympics.定位词: Olympics,考点词:only3.原文是某种理论或者是感觉,比如theory, feel等,而题目是事实或已经被证明,常有fact 或者prove等词。雅思阅读真题举例:原文:The professor feels/guesses that H7N9 can transmit from people to people.题目:The professor proves that H7N9 can transmit among the people.定位词:H7N9,考点词:proves4.原文和题目使用了表示不同频率或者范围的词汇。比如: 原文中用most,题目中用all或者few;原文中用sometimes,题目中用often之类的词; 原文中用possible而题目是impossible等。雅思阅读真题举例:原文:Most people in the class are from Shanghai.题目:All the people in the class are from Shanghai.定位词:Shanghai考点词:All5.原文中包含条件状语if/unless/Provided that(假如) 或者是in 和 with介词短语表示条件状语,题目却去掉了这些表示条件状语的部分。雅思阅读真题举例:原文:The Internet is a hazardous tool in the hands of small children.题目:The Internet is a dangerous instrument.定位词: Internet,考点词: dangerous原文: Lily can ride the bike with the help of her mother.题目: Lily can ride the bicycle.定位词:Lily考点词: cannot Given1.题目在原文中找不到依据。切记不能光凭自己的知识理解来判断,即使出现题目中说“地球是方的”。2. 题目的范围比原文的范围小。(如果反过来,就是T)雅思阅读真题举例:原文:Tea is good for peoples health.题目:People can get benefits from Green Tea.3. 题目中有比较结构,原文中无比较结构。雅思阅读真题举例原文:And the future? It is anticipated that, in the years to come, leisure facilities spending will account for between a third and a half of all household spending. Whilst it is difficult to give exact figures, the leisure industry will certainly experience a long period of sustained growth.题目:In future, people will pay less for the leisure facilities they use than they do today.定位词:leisure facilities考点词:less4. 题目中有表示趋势的词或词组,而原文却无法找到相关的表达。雅思阅读真题举例:原文:The future, we are told, is likely to be different. Detailed surveys of social and economic trends in the European Community show that Europes population is falling and getting older. The birth rate in the Community is now only three-quarters of the level needed to ensure replacement of the existing population. By the year 2020, it is predicted that more than one in four Europeans will be aged 60 or more and barely one in five will be under 20. In a five-year period between 1983 and 1988 the Communitys female workforce grew by almost six million. As a result, 51% of all women aged 14 to 64 are now economically active in the labor market compared with 78% of men.题目:The rise in the female workforce in the European Community is a positive trend.定位词:European Community female workforce(专有名词)考点词:positive这道题引出:如果原文没有提到,也只能是NG。或者,题目中表示现在情况,而原文表示将来或者过去,也是NG,反之亦然。5.主体动作发生的时间段不一样,导致信息无法判断。雅思阅读真题举例原文:Since the early years of the twentieth century, when the International Athletic Federation began keeping records, there has been a steady improvement in how fast athletes run, how high they jump题目:There was little improvement in athletic performance before the twentieth century.定位词:年代twentieth century考点词:little,before6. 题目中句子的主语或宾语和原文中的主语和宾语进行了“偷天换日”, 因此无法判断,为NG。雅思阅读真题举例原文:In the last 20 years, scientists have detected an increasing variety of toxic contaminants in the North, including pesticides from agriculture, chemicals and heavy metals from industry. These are substances that have invaded ecosystems virtually worldwide, but they are especially worrisome in the Arctic.题目:Industry in the Arctic has increased over the last 20 years.定位词:Arctic,20 years考点词:increased对于Y/N/NG这类题目,还有1项黄金法则,不妨在时间紧急又太纠结的时候用起来:题目中若出现must,only,all,most及always等极端绝对化的词语,答案是80%是F,20%是NG。雅思阅读真题举例原文:Hydroelectric power is at present the earths chief renewable electricity source, generating 6% of global energy and about 15% of worldwide electricity. Hydroelectric power in Canada is plentiful and provides 60% of their electrical requirements. Usually regarded as an inexpensive and clean source of electricity, most big hydroelectric projects being planned today are facing a great deal of hostility from environmental groups and local people.题目:Canada uses the most hydroelectric power in the world today.定位词:Canada ,hydroelectric power考点词:most雅思阅读冲刺模拟试题Rogue theory of smell gets a boost1. A controversial theory of how we smell, which claims that our fine senseof odour depends on quantum mechanics, has been given the thumbs up by a team ofphysicists.2. Calculations by researchers at University College London (UCL) show thatthe idea that we smell odour molecules by sensing their molecular vibrationsmakes sense in terms of the physics involved.3. Thats still some way from proving that the theory, proposed in themid-1990s by biophysicist Luca Turin, is correct. But it should make otherscientists take the idea more seriously.4. “This is a big step forward,” says Turin, who has now set up his ownperfume company Flexitral in Virginia. He says that since he published histheory, “it has been ignored rather than criticized.”5. Most scientists have assumed that our sense of smell depends onreceptors in the nose detecting the shape of incoming molecules, which triggersa signal to the brain. This molecular lock and key process is thought to liebehind a wide range of the bodys detection systems: it is how some parts of theimmune system recognise invaders, for example, and how the tongue recognizessome tastes.6. But Turin argued that smell doesnt seem to fit this picture very well.Molecules that look almost identical can smell very different such asalcohols, which smell like spirits, and thiols, which smell like rotten eggs.And molecules with very different structures can smell similar. Most strikingly,some molecules can smell different to animals, if not necessarily to humans simply because they contain different isotopes (atoms that are chemicallyidentical but have a different mass)。7. Turins explanation for these smelly facts invokes the idea that thesmell signal in olfactory receptor proteins is triggered not by an odourmolecules shape, but by its vibrations, which can enourage an electron to jumpbetween two parts of the receptor in a quantum-mechanical process calledtunnelling. This electron movement could initiate the smell signal being sent tothe brain.8. This would explain why isotopes can smell different: their vibrationfrequencies are changed if the atoms are heavier. Turins mechanism, saysMarshall Stoneham of the UCL team, is more like swipe-card identification than akey fitting a lock.9. Vibration-assisted electron tunnelling can undoubtedly occur it isused in an experimental technique for measuring molecular vibrations. “Thequestion is whether this is possible in the nose,” says Stonehams colleague,Andrew Horsfield.10. Stoneham says that when he first heard about Turins idea, while Turinwas himself based at UCL, “I didnt believe it”。 But, he adds, “because it wasan interesting idea, I thought I should prove it couldnt work. I did somesimple calculations, and only then began to feel Luca could be right.” NowStoneham and his co-workers have done the job more thoroughly, in a paper soonto be published in Physical Review Letters.11. The UCL team calculated the rates of electron hopping in a nosereceptor that has an odorant molecule bound to it. This rate depends on variousproperties of the biomolecular system that are not known, but the researcherscould estimate these parameters based on typical values for molecules of thissort.12. The key issue is whether the hopping rate with the odorant in place issignificantly greater than that without it. The calculations show that it is which means that odour identification in this way seems theoreticallypossible.13. But Horsfield stresses that thats different from a proof of Turinsidea. “So far things look plausible, but we need proper experimentalverification. Were beginning to think about what experiments could beperformed.”14. Meanwhile, Turin is pressing ahead with his hypothesis. “At Flexitralwe have been designing odorants exclusively on the basis of their computedvibrations,” he says. “Our success rate at odorant discovery is two orders ofmagnitude better than the competition.” At the very least, he is putting hismoney where his nose is.(668 words Nature)Questions 1-4Do the following statements agree with the information given in thepassage? Please writeTRUE if the statement agrees with the writerFALSE if the statement does not agree with the writerNOT GIVEN if there is no information about this in the passage1. The result of the study at UCL agrees with Turins theory.2. The study at UCL could conclusively prove what Luca Turin hashypothesized.3. Turin left his post at UCL and started his own business because histheory was ignored.4. The molecules of alcohols and those of thiols look alike.Questions 5-9Complete the sentences below with words from the passage. Use NO MORE THANTHREE WORDS for each answer.5. The hypothesis that we smell by sensing the molecular vibration was madeby _.6. Turins company is based in _.7. Most scientists believed that our nose works in the same way as our_.8. Different isotopes can smell different when _ weighdifferently.9. According to Audrew Horsfield, it is still to be proved that _could really occur in human nose.Question 10-12Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passagefor each answer.10. Whats the name of the researcher who collaborated with Stoneham?11. What is the next step of the UCL teams study?12. What is the theoretical basis in designing odorants in Turinscompany?雅思阅读小范围预测*题目 The history of Russian Ballet重复年份 20XX0114 20XX0418 20XX1124题材 发展史题型 判断 6+填空 7*大意 芭蕾舞发源于意大利,从 17世纪后传入俄 国后一直欣欣向荣。出了很多优秀的艺术家和作品,外国舞派也对俄 国芭蕾舞发展有着影响。后期以戏剧味发展主流,一直讲到本世纪 70 年代的发展。*题目 Aquaculture in New Zealand重复年份 20XX0114 20XX1031 20XX1124 20XX0212题材 农业题型 小标题 7+人名理论配对 3+句子填空 3*大意 新西兰水产养殖,介绍了新西兰一种新型保护海底动物多样性兼顾商业运作的方式一 aquaculture , 其发展遇到的问题及前景。部分参考答案:小标题14. vi (一个受益的村庄)15. vii (companys profit)16. 选含 limitation 的那项17. 选含 concerns to environment 的那项18. 选含 alternative explanation 的那项19. 选含 research 的那项20. 选含 science and business 的那项填空题24. polyculture/aquaculture25. commercial partner26. market value/high price*题目 Expert in musician重复年份 20XX0130 20XX0517题材 人文社科题型 选择 4+判断 6+填空 4*大意天赋是遗传先天的还是靠练习,主要以音乐为例。讨论坚持不懈对成功的作用和他们的关系。首先探讨了毅力是否是成功的必要条件,并阐述了众多学家就此提出的各类观点。在论证天才是不是也需要坚持不懈时,举例了莫扎特一个人坚持找工作的过程。最后证明了坚持不懈和成功的关系密切。部分参考答案:选择:1. whats the definition of talent in the first paragraphbrain structure different from others2. what can we learn from violin players?Not sure the change of brain size is the cause of effect of practice3. the result of findings by experts suggestTalent may have little to do with .判断题:1. ericssons study has influenced other researchers. NG2. the other areas have one thing in common. Y3. whose who becoe world scale practice regularly every day NG4. anyone who practiced over 10.000 will become a talent N5. current learning and cognitive skills support the practice theory Y


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