雅思阅读14类题型解题技巧之配对题 Matching(搭配题)是IELTS 最常考的题型之一,每次考试至少有一组,下面给大家带来了雅思阅读14类题型解题技巧-Matching(配对题)3种),下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读14类题型解题技巧-Matching(配对题)3种1.MATCHING(作者及其观点搭配题)1. 题型要求在原文中,就一个主题,若干人或组织提出了若干个观点,题目要求将观点与其提出者(作者)搭配。这种题型一般比较难,主要表示现在:没有顺序性,即题目的顺序与原文的顺序是不一致的。*题材多样,有的比较偏。作者提出的观点一般比较抽象,不好理解。*句式复杂。一般句子都比较长,有很多都是复合句、并列复合句、多重复合句,造成大家理解上的困难。考试中,A类一般考得比较多,考一组,共五题左右。G类一般考得比较少。1. 解题步骤(1) 在原文中将作者及其观点用线划出。作者都包含大写字母,有的还有年代,表明是什么时候提出来的观点,所以一般都比较好找。他的观点在他的名字之前或者之后。表述观点一般有两种方法:A. 观点在作者的名字之前;例如:In terms of time, women perform approximately 90 per cent of child care tasks and 70 per cent of all family work and only 14 per cent of fathers are highly participatant in terms of time spent on family work(Russell 1983)B. 观点在作者的名字之后;例如:Demo and Acock(1993) in a recent study, also found that women continue to perform a constant and major proportion of household lab across all family types.(2) 看题目的第一个观点,最好读懂它的意思,或者找出其中几个关键词。做这种题型,应该一道题一道题的做。先看题目的第一个观点,最好能读懂它的意思。否则,找出其中的几个关键词。(3) 将此观点与原文划线处一一对应。意思相同的或关键词对应上的即为答案。答案确定后,在原文观点处写上此题的题号。原文的每个观点只能与一个题目相对应,所以将已经与某题目对应的观点做上标记,在做其它题目时,就不用看这个观点了。(4) 依此方法做其它题目。NOTICE:1. 每个题目只能选一个选项。每个题目只能和原文的一个观点对应,而该观点肯定是由一个人或组织提出来的。2. 有些选项可能会用两次以上。在原文中,可能会有作者提出两个或更多的观点,而这些观点都出现在题目中。所以,有些选项可能会用两次以上。雅思3. 有些选项可能用不上。有的作者虽然在原文中提出了观点,但这些观点没有出现在题目中,所以有些选项可能会用不上。4. 第一题往往对应*的后几个观点,最后一题往往对应*的前几个观点。出题者为了颠倒黑白,混淆是非,考生造成障碍,第一题往往对应*的后几个观点,最后一题往往对应*的前几个观点。这个规律的准确率在80%以上。我们可以利用这个规律,在找第一题的答案时,重点看*的后几个观点。在找最后一题的答案时,重点看*的前几个观点。2.Matching(从属关系搭配题)1. 题型要求本节主要介绍从属关系搭配题。从属关系搭配题是搭配题中最常靠的类型。选项中的元素和题目中的元素是从属的关系,要求根据原文,将每个题目与相应的选项搭配。请看下面中文阅读例子:雅思原文:介绍中国四个直辖市的情况。(略)题目要求:将直辖市的特征与相应的城市搭配。选项:A 北京市 B 上海市 C 天津市 D 重庆市题目:1 狗不里包子 2 黄浦大桥 3 天安门 4 十八街麻花答案:1 C 2 B 3 A 4 C考试中,A类和G类一般都是每次必考,考两组,共十题左右。有时也考一或三组。2. 解题步骤(1) 仔细阅读题目要求,搞清选项和题目之间的关系。虽然都是从属关系,但也有很大的不同。有的是汽车制造公司和它们的设计特点,有的是俱乐部和它们举办的活动等等。所以在做题前一定要仔细阅读题目要求,搞清选项和题目之间的关系。(2) 先把题目从头到尾看一遍,尽可能多记些关键词。做这种题,通读一遍原文一般是不可避免的,但最好只读一遍原文。能做到这点的前提是:在读原文之前,先把题目从头到尾看一遍,记住尽可能多的题目中关键词。这样,在读*时,就知道要找什么东东。这一步是做这种题型的关键,否则,就会造成反复地读原文,浪费时间。(3)从头到尾快速阅读原文,遇到所记住的关键词或其对应词,当即解答该题。从头到尾依顺序快速阅读原文,在阅读原文时,注意寻找所记住的题目中的关键词,如果关键词是专用名词或很生僻的词,一般在原文中出现的就是该词本身,否则会有同义词或同义表述的对应。所以即使记不住,在阅读原文时,可以采用边读*边看选项的方法。选项常常是一些专用名词,包含大写字母。这时,在阅读原文时,应特别注意包含大写字母的地方,注意其前后的词是否与所记住的关键词相同或相对应。在阅读原文是,要特别注意原文中一些有特别标记的词,如反复出现的词、括好里的词、引号里的词、黑体字、斜体字,这些词常常是题目中的关键词或其改写。因为在读原文之前,已把题目从头到尾看了一遍,所以最好只读一遍*就能做出绝大多数的题目。比如一组6个题目,能找到4-5个。(4)解答没有匹配上的题目。由于有的关键词没有记住,或者有的与原文没有对应上。读完一遍*后,有的题目没有找出来。比如一组6个题目,1-2个没能找到。这已是很不错的表现了。对于这1-2个题目,可以有如下的解决办法:A) 如果没有印象在*的某个部位,阅读原文的该部分,确定答案。B) 如果没有一点感觉,但时间比较充裕,再快速读一遍原文,寻找这几个题的答案。C) 如果没有一点感觉,而且时间比较紧张,可以放弃。NOTICE1. 大多数情况下,每个题目只能选一个选项。除非题目有提示:Note, for some questions you will need to write more than one letter.若没有有类似要求,应该是每个题目只能选一个选项。2. 有些选项可能会用两次以上。绝大多数的搭配题,有些选项可能用两次以上;在搭配题中,这是普遍存在的现象。3. 有的选项可能用不上。在搭配题中,并不是所有的选项都会用上,这也是普遍存在的现象。不要因为这个怀疑自己的答案。4. 第一题的答案往往在*的后部,最后一题的答案往往在*的前部。从属关系的搭配题是没有顺序性的。5. 注意题目的答案要求要注意题目要求你在答题纸上写什么。如题目要求为:Write the letters for the appropriate company in boxes 9-14 on your answer sheet.SC if it is Scaled CompositesR if it is RenaultGM if it is General MotorsF if it is FiatB if it is Boeing那么,你在答题纸上写的答案只能是SC、R、GM、F、B中的一个。如果写成Scaled Conposites就错了。3.Matching(因果关系搭配)1.题型要求同从属关系搭配题一样,也有一个选项的集合一个题目的集合。题目是一些(effects)或问题(problems),选项是原因(causes)。所以这种题目实际上是找原因。与从属关系搭配题不同,因果关系搭配题有顺序性,而且题目在原文中的出处常常集中于几个连续的段落。所以,一般这种题型比从属关系搭配题要容易一些。考试中,A类和G类都不是每次必考。2.解题步骤(1) 不用先把题目从头到尾看一遍,而应该一道题一道题地做。既然有顺序性,就没有必要先把题目从头到尾看一遍,而是先从第一段做起,先找第一题的答案。找到后,再找第二题的答案,第二题的答案肯定在第一题的答案之后。(2) 先找出题目中的关键词,再到原文中去找它的对应词。(3) 仔细阅读关键词所在的句子,确定正确答案。因为是因果关系搭配,在确定答案时,要对表示因果关系的词特别敏感,搞清句子中描述的因果关系。NOTICE1. 做题时,要特别注意原文中表示因果关系的词。我们把考试中经常出现的表示因果关系的词给大家总结一下:A. 连词:Because, since, as, for, therefore, so, thus, why;B. 动词:result in, result from, follow from, base.on., be due to;C. 名词:basis, result, consequence, reason;D. 介词: because of,thanks to;E. 副词: as a result, consequently.在文中寻找答案时,要特别注意上述表示因果关系的词。同时,掌握这些词,对大家写作也有好处。2. 要注意一因多果在因果关系搭配题中,有的选项也可能会用两次以上,即有两个结果是同一个原因,我们称之为一因多果。原文中的表述常常是这样的:原因A,结果1。结果2。在两个结果之间没有说出新的原因,这说明结果1和结果2的原因是一样的,都是结果A。雅思阅读机经真题解析-Travel AccountsTravel AccountsYou should spend about 20 minutes on Question 14-26 which are based on Reading Passage below.A There are many reasons why individuals have traveled beyond their own societies. Some travelers may have simply desired to satisfy curiosity about the larger world. Until recent times, however, trade, business dealings, diplomacy, political administration, military campaigns, exile, flight from persecution, migration, pilgrimage, missionary efforts, and the quest for economic or educational opportunities were more common inducements for foreign travel than was mere curiosity. While the travelers accounts give much valuable information on these foreign lands and provide a window for the understanding of the local cultures and histories, they arc also a mirror to the travelers themselves, for these accounts help them to have a better understanding of themselves.B Records of foreign travel appeared soon after the invention of writing, and fragmentary travel accounts appeared in both Mesopotamia and Egypt in ancient times. After the formation of large, imperial states in the classical world, travel accounts emerged as a prominent literary genre in many lands, and they held especially strong appeal for rulers desiring useful knowledge about their realms. The Greek historian Herodotus reported on his travels in Egypt and Anatolia in researching the history of the Persian wars. The Chinese envoy Zhang Qian described much of central Asia as far west as Bacteria (modern-day Afghanistan) on the basis of travels undertaken in the first century BC while searching for allies for the Han dynasty. Hellenistic and Roman geographers such as Ptolemy, Strabo, and Pliny the Elder relied on their own travels through much of the Mediterranean world as well as reports of other travelers to compile vast compendia of geographical knowledge.C During the postclassical era(about 500 to 1500 CE), trade and pilgrimage emerged as major incentives for travel to foreign lands. Muslim merchants sought trading opportunities throughout much of the eastern hemisphere. They described lands, peoples, and commercial products of the Indian Ocean basin from east Africa to Indonesia, and they supplied the first written accounts of societies in sub-Saharan west Africa. While merchants set out in search of trade and profit, devout Muslims traveled as pilgrims to Mecca to make their hajj and visit the holy sites of Islam. Since the prophet Muhammads original pilgrimage to Mecca, untold millions of Muslims have followed his example, and thousands of hajj accounts have related their experiences One of the best known Muslim travelers. Ibn Battuta, began his travels with the hajj but then went on to visit central Asia, India, China, sub-Saharan Africa, and parts of Mediterranean Europe before returning finally to his home in Morocco Fast Asian traveler; were not quite so prominent as Muslims during the postclaaical era, but they too followed many of the highway.and sea lanes of the eastern hemisphere. Chinese merchants frequently visited southeast Asia and India, occasionally venturing even to east Africa, and devout Fast Asian Buddhists undertook distant pilgrimages Between the 5th and 9th centuries CE, hundreds and possibly even thousands of Chinese Buddhists traveled to India to study with Buddhist teachers, collect sacred texts, and visit holy sites. Written accounts recorded the experiences of many pilgrims, such as Faxian, Xuanzang, and Yijing. Though not so numerous as the Chinese pilgrims, Buddhists from Japan. Korea, and other lands also ventured abroad in the interests of spiritual enlightenment.D Medieval Europeans did not hit the roads in such large numbers as their Muslim and east Asian counterparts during the early part of the postclassical era, although gradually increasing crowds of Christian pilgrims flowed to Jerusalem, Rome, Santiago de Compostela (in northern Spam), and other sites. After the 12th century, however, merchants, pilgrims, and missionaries from medieval Europe traveled widely and left numerous travel accounts, of which Marco Polos description of his travels and sojourn in China is the best known. As they became familiar with the larger world of the eastern hemisphere and the profitable commercial opportunities that it offered - European peoples worked to find new and more direct routes to Asian and African markets Their efforts took them not only to all parts of the eastern hemisphere, but eventually to the Americas and Oceania as well.E If Muslim and Chinese peoples dominated travel and travel writing in postclassical limes, European explorers, conquerors, merchants, and missionaries took center stage during the early modern era (about 1500 to 1800 CE). By no means did Muslim and Chinese travel come to a halt in early modem times But European peoples ventured to the distant corners of the globe, and European printing presses churned out thousands of travel accounts that described foreign lands and peoples for a reading public with an apparently insatiable appetite for news about the larger world. The volume of travel literature was so great that several editors, including Giambattista Ramusio, Richard Hakluyt, Theodore de Bry, and Samuel Purchas, assembled numerous travel accounts and made them available in enormous published collections.F During the 19th century, European travelers made their way to the interior regions of Africa and the Americas, generating a fresh round of travel writing as they did so Meanwhile, European colonial administrators devoted numerous writings to the societies of their colonial subjects, particularly in Asian and African colonies they established. By midcentury, attention was flowing also in the other direction. Painfully aware of the military and technological prowess of European and Euro-American societies, Asian travelers in particular visited Europe and the United States in hopes of discovering principles useful for the reorganization of their own societies. Among the most prominent of these travelers who made extensive use of their overseas observations and experiences in their own writings were the Japanese reformer Fukuzawa Yukichi and the Chinese revolutionary Sun Yat-sen.G With the development of inexpensive and reliable means of mass transport, the 20th century witnessed explosions both in the frequency of long-distance travel and in the volume of travel writing. While a great deal of travel took place for reasons of business, administration, diplomacy, pilgrimage, and missionary work, as in ages past, increasingly effective modes of mass transport made it possible for new kinds of travel to flourish. The most distinctive of them was mass tourism, which emerged as a major form of consumption for individuals living in the worlds wealthy societies. Tourism enabled consumers to get away from home to see the sights in Rome, take a cruise through the Caribbean, walk the Great Wall of China, visit some wineries in Bordeaux, or go on safari in Kenya. A peculiar variant of the travel account arose to meet the needs of these tourists: the guidebook, which offered advice on food, lodging, shopping, local customs, and all the sights that visitors should not miss seeing. Tourism has had a massive economic impact throughout the world, but other new forms of travel have also had considerable influence in contemporary times. Recent times have seen unprecedented waves of migration, for example, and numerous migrants have sought to record their experiences and articulate their feelings about life in foreign lands. Recent times have also seen an unprecedented development of ethnic consciousness, and many are the intellectuals and writers in diaspora who have visited the homes of their ancestors to see how much of their forebears values and cultural traditions they themselves have inherited. Particularly notable among their accounts are the memoirs of Malcolm X and Maya Angelou describing their visits to Africa.Questions 28-35Complete the table now.Write No More Than Two Words from the Reading Passage 3 for each answer.Write your answer in boxes 28-35 on your answer sheet.TIMEDESTINATIONTRAVELERPURPOSEClassical eraEgypt and AnatoliaHerodotusTo obtaininformation on281st century BCCentral AsiaZhang QianTo seek29Roman EmpireMediterraneanPtolemy, Strabo,Pliny the ElderTo gather30Post-classical eraEasternHemisphereMuslimsFor business and315thto 9,hcenturiesCEIndiaAsian BuddhistsTo study with32and for spiritual enlightenmentEarly modern eraDistant places ofthe globeThe EuropeansTo meet thepublicsexpectation for theoutside19thcenturyAsia, AfricaColonialadministratorTo provideinformation on the33theyconquerBy the mid-centuryof the 1800sEurope and UnitedStatesSun Yat-scn,Fukuzawa YukichiTo learn34for the reorganization oftheir societies20thcenturyMass tourismPeople from35countriesFor entertainmentQuestions 36-40Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.Write your answers in boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet36 Why did some people travel in the early days?A. to do research on themselvesB. to write travel booksC. to have a better understanding of other people and placesD. to study local culture37 The travelers accounts arc a mirror to themselves,A. because they help them to be aware of local histories.B. because travelers are curious about the world.C. because travelers could do more research on the unknown.D. because they reflect the writers own experience and social life.38 Most of the people who went to holy sites during the early part of postclassical era areA. Europeans.B. Muslim and East Asians.C. Americans.D. Greeks.39 During the early modern era, a large number of travel books were publishedA. to provide what the public wants.B. to encourage the publics feedback.C. to gain profit.D. to prompt trips to the new world.40 What stimulated the market for traveling in the 20th centuryA. the wealthyB. travel booksC. delicious foodD. mass transport*题目:Travel Accounts篇章结构体裁说明文题目旅行游记结构A段:概括人们旅行的多种原因以及旅行游记的作用B段:古典社会时期大帝国形成后,游记成为一些地区著名的文学流派C段:后古典主义时期,贸易和朝圣成为旅行的主要原因D段:12世纪后,中世纪欧洲商人,传教士和朝圣者开始大规模游历并寻找更多商业机会E段:近现代初期,欧洲人为旅行主导群体并出版大量游记F段:19世纪,欧洲创作新一轮游记,并以其军事和科技实力吸引亚洲游客前去旅行学习G段:20世纪新型旅游蓬勃发展,奇特旅行游记-旅游指南出现,同时,民族意识增强试题分析Question 28-35