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    雅思大作文真题范文:房屋建筑规定的宽严问题 雅思大作文真题范文:房屋建筑规定的宽严问题?下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思大作文真题范文:房屋建筑规定的宽严问题the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?范文由小站出品:类型政府类题目In some cities, there is less control over the design and construction of new homes and office buildings. People can build in whatever style they like.Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?在一些城市,对新住宅和办公楼的设计和建设控制较少。人们可以以任何他们喜欢的风格建造。你认为利大于弊吗?范文解析本题是一道类“双边”讨论的逻辑题型题目事件中的优点和缺点都要讨论到,但是要注意逻辑上的反驳对于优缺点的反驳,基本上都是一方(缺点)的严重程度大于在这个基础上所带来的另一方(优点)这么一种思路*结构P1:引入话题+给出自己的答案(缺点大于优点);P2:支持论证优点:对个人、对国家/城市/公司(任何一个都可以)P3:此做法的缺点(注意反驳)P5:总结全文:重申中心论点。高分话题表达a respect for self-expression自我表达的尊重urban planning城市规划architectural styles建筑风格interior creations室内装潢lift their moods提升心境fulfill their emptiness填补空虚commercial goals商业目标security issues安全问题housing structure房屋结构building materials建筑材料高分结构主句+ according to their own preferences非谓语动词做主句+ because it enriches cultural life,原因状语从句It is difficult to assure.It is +adj+ to do sthconstructing different houses and workplaces can well inform cooperators or partners非谓语动词做主语范文In some cities, individuals and companies are allowed to freely design houses and offices according to their own preferences. In my opinion, although such way of construction can give people a respect for self-expression, I believe security issues and urban planning are more vital, so the demerits exceed the benefits.在一些城市,个人和公司可以根据自己的喜好自由设计房子和办公室。在我看来,虽然这样的建设方式可以让人们尊重自我表达,但我认为安全问题和城市规划更重要,所以弊大于利。On the one hand, for individuals, less control on building design and construction, including architectural styles, gardening designs, and interior creations, can satisfy their needs mainly because it enriches cultural life, fulfills their emptiness, and lifts their moods. Through such a free way, they are inspired to experience their own self-expression. As for a company, constructing different houses and workplaces can well inform cooperators or partners about their exterior and interior styles or commercial goals. Such can actually be regarded as a marketing and promotion method,thus ultimately benefiting a companys profitability.一方面,对于个人而言,对建筑设计和建造的控制,包括建筑风格、园林设计、室内创作等,较少的控制能够满足他们的需求,主要是因为它丰富了他们的文化生活,满足了他们的空虚,提升了他们的情绪。通过这种自由的方式,激发他们体验自己的自我表达。对于一个公司来说,建造不同的房屋和工作场所可以很好地告知合作伙伴或合作伙伴他们的外部和内部风格或商业目标。这样可以被视为一个营销和推广方法,因此最终受益公司的盈利能力。On the other hand, I think the problems caused by such approach deserve more attention. Firstly, security issues should be highlighted. If people follow their will to build a house without a common standard, its quality will vary greatly from home to home. For example, either mood or masonry should be viewed as housing structure, and either cement or concrete should be used as building materials. It is therefore difficult to assure whether personal house can give the homeowner a defense or cover when there is a disaster like an earthquake or a fire. Secondly, if the government does not participate in citys planning and arrangement, it reflects poor management, and may leave poor impression to travelers or foreigners.另一方面,我认为这种方法带来的问题值得更多的关注。首先,应该突出安全问题。如果人们按照自己的意愿去建造一所没有共同标准的房子,它的质量会因家庭而大不相同。例如,无论是心情或砌体都应该被视为房屋结构,水泥或混凝土都应该被用作建筑材料。因此,当发生地震或火灾等灾难时,很难确定个人住宅是否能给房主提供防御或保护。其次,如果政府不参与城市的规划和安排,就会反映出管理不善,可能会给游客或外国人留下不好的印象。In conclusion, the right to build does have some benefits, but problems seems to be more serious when people consider security issues and unshaped city images.综上所述,建筑权确实有一些好处,但当人们考虑到安全问题和城市形象不成形时,问题似乎更严重。雅思大作文写作7分范文:房屋建筑的规定是宽好还是严好?2018年12月15日的雅思写作考试已经结束,为大家带来本场雅思大作文写作真题:In some cities, there is less control over the design and construction of new homes and office buildings. People can build in whatever style they like. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?范文来自网络:雅思大作文范文Since diversity has arisen a fierce discussion among the group who wants to be different from others, and the distinctive aesthetics is being chased by more people, especially in some modern metropolises, which is reflected in the design of most building. I believe this can bring both benefits and drawbacks to the development of the cities.由于多元化在想要与众不同的群体中引发了激烈的讨论,独特的美学正被越来越多的人追求,尤其是在一些现代大都市,这体现在大多数建筑的设计中。我相信这会给城市的发展带来好处和缺点。The freedom of selecting the styles could make the society more diverse, which can embrace a variety of artists to come in and decorate the city with their talents; such phenomenon would be an effective way to promote the development of local culture and stimulate the competition between different artistic groups to inspire a more prospective cultural atmosphere. Besides, conducting the certain style in our buildings can be regarded as a release of our nature and personalities, about which most young people care in the modern world. And no one can deny that the sense of satisfaction brought by living in the building with our preference would not be replaced by other things.选择风格的自由可以使社会更加多元化,可以容纳各种各样的艺术家来这里,用他们的才华装饰城市;这种现象将是促进地方文化发展、促进不同艺术群体之间竞争、激发更有前瞻性的文化氛围的有效途径。此外,在我们的建筑中进行一定的风格可以看作是我们的自然和个性的释放,这是现代世界大多数年轻人所关心的。没有人能否认,生活在我们喜欢的建筑带来的满足感不会被其他东西所取代。However, the disadvantages in the society are looming. Nowadays, the city planners pursue a unified style in constructing an area, and the top concern for them is whether the new buildings could fit in the old ones, which might make the city look better in general, but contradicts the thoughts of former group mentioned. In addition, if a great number of styles were applied, it would have been harder and increased the cost for the later work of protection and maintenance.然而,社会上的弊端正在显现。如今,城市规划师在建设一个区域时追求的是统一的风格,他们最关心的是新建筑能否与旧建筑相适应,这可能会使城市在总体上看起来更好,但与前面提到的前一组人的想法相矛盾。此外,如果采用大量的样式,将会更加困难,并且增加了以后保护和维护工作的成本。In conclusion, what kind of styles people choose has both advantages and disadvantages, and the government should take different views into consideration, because to make our city better is the mutual purpose; to a certain extent, it can bring positive and unexpected results to give residents some freedom to meet their demands.总之,人们选择什么样的风格既有优点也有缺点,政府应该考虑不同的观点,因为让我们的城市更好是共同的目的;在一定程度上,它可以带来积极的和意想不到的结果,给居民一些自由来满足他们的需求。雅思写作真题及高分范文之:房屋的建筑规定宽严程度你怎么看?原题是:In some cities, there is less control over the design and construction of new homes and office buildings. People can build in whatever style they like. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?雅思写作真题范文:Architectures serve peoples needs for housing and meanwhile they repre sent mankinds pursuit for aesthetics. It seems that individuals have the ab solute right to build their homes and offices as whatever style they like, but in fact this is not true all the time.建筑服务于人们对居住的需求,同时也反映了人类对美学的追求。似乎每个人都有权随心所欲地建造自己的住宅和办公室,但事实上并非总是如此。Without control from the authorities, property owners can design and con struct the buildings into their favorite styles. Since individuals vary in the preference for housing, this seems to be a good way to satisfy their different needs and improve their living standard. Also, this mode encourages indi viduality and innovation, so we can expect more fascinating buildings to be erected in the city. When walking in some metropolises today, we can see many commercial buildings and cultural facilities with unique design and magnificent appearance, some of which have become the citys landmarks.没有政府的控制,业主可以设计和建造他们喜欢的风格的建筑。由于个人对住房的偏好不同,这似乎是一个很好的方式来满足他们不同的需要,提高他们的生活水平。同时,这种模式鼓励个性和创新,所以我们可以期待更多迷人的建筑在城市中建立。在今天的一些大都市,我们可以看到许多设计独特、外观华丽的商业建筑和文化设施,其中一些已经成为城市的地标。However, the complete freedom in the construction industry may cause some problems. In the construction of buildings, some builders may give priority to the appearance rather than safety and practicality. In this case, the government should intervene to ensure the buildings security and the best use of materials and land resources. In addition, as buildings constitute the landscape of the city, how they look like is not simply a personal choice particlarly in some cities that feature old buildings with cultural implica tions. If new buildings are designed freely, they may not match the overall style of the city and undermine its cultural identity然而,建筑行业的完全自由可能会带来一些问题。在建筑施工中,一些建筑商可能会把外观放在第一位,而不是安全性和实用性。在这种情况下,政府应该介入,以确保建筑的安全,以及材料和土地资源的最佳利用。此外,建筑构成了城市的景观,建筑的外观不仅仅是个人的选择,尤其是在一些具有文化内涵的老建筑的城市中。如果新建筑是自由设计的,它们可能与城市的整体风格不匹配,破坏城市的文化特色Generally, people should be able to decide how to build their houses, while in some cases, the governments regulation and coordination are required.一般来说,人们应该能够决定如何建造他们的房子,而在某些情况下,政府的监管和协调是必要的。


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