雅思图表作文写作指导之:写作结构的重要性 今天和同学们来分享一下雅思图表作文写作指导之:写作结构的重要性,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思图表作文写作指导之:写作结构的重要性首先,雅思小作文图表题大致有5大类型:线图、饼图、柱状图、表格和混合图。(地图题和流程图为另一种小作文,这里不做介绍。)图表题一种为静态、一种为动态。图表题主要考察的是考生对于数据的分析归纳及表达,总的来说,混合图会比其他图表题描述上复杂一些。雅思图表作文结构之:主体自然分段因此,根据不同类型的图表作文,可以进行自然分段。混合图表一般为2组图表结合,表述内容不同,可以根据图表进行自然分段。那么其他类型的单个图表,则可以按照图表的主题、数据的特征及数据主次关系进行分段。那么在主体段落,建议考生按照数据情况自然分为两段。主体部分的内容分段,力求数据分明,简单明了。举个例子,剑雅4的第一篇小作文题目为1999年澳大利亚不同家庭贫困的比例,一共有6组数据,分别有单亲家庭、失独家庭、有子女家庭及单身等,比较明显的数据显示是单亲及失独家庭的贫困比例,而其他家庭类型的贫困比例相对小,且低于平均数。此时,可以将*结构自然分段为4段,第一段转述题目,第二段分析单亲及失独家庭数据(平均值以上),第三段分析其他家庭(平均值以下),第四段总结。雅思图表作文结构之:总分结构说完*的主体,我们再来看整体框架,一般来说,建议考生以总分结构来分段,自然段依然是总分结构。正文有了自然分段,小作文一般以3-4个自然段分段比较合理。在每个段落中加上自然过渡句。首段为全文的概述,比如转写题目和稍作总结,进入第二段,首句就可以一句概括:从图表可看出单亲家庭更容易导致贫困。接下来进行论述,以数据分析为主。同样第三段也是总结和数据分析结构。最后一段可总结可不总结。要注意的是,一般来说第二段的数据处理要重视主要数据,并不是所有数据都需要罗列,分清主次,懂得取舍是雅思图表作文数据处理的关键。雅思图表作文结构之:句子结构说完分段和框架结构,我们来说说句子结构,在雅思图表作文的句型结构上,考生大致以总结句和论述句两种句型为主,总结句也就是概括性句子,要求直白,突出重点即可。一般以简单句为主,陈述语气,符合雅思写作评分标准的流畅度要求即可。重点是之后的论述句,考生可以以不同的句型进行描述,衔接,想要达到6-8分的雅思写作中水平,那么这种衔接首段的把握就很重要。比较直白的衔接有一些词可以运用:similarly, bycontrast, conversely, to a lesser / greater extent等。当然,描述趋势变化也是一种自然的衔接,仅仅用个体在数字上的增减变化来描述,不如总整体的趋势上去描述来的自然流畅。所以,考生要明白,雅思图表作文的数据对于论述的意义,是支持某种事实或结论,而不只是作为数据罗列凑字数的。同时,这种数据描述非常适合使用复杂句,比如各类从句,并列、转折等。雅思写作素材之工作和社会类职业 Occupation1 在城市工作1. Cities are the centres of progress and development. Multinational companies also abound in these places.城市是进步和发展的中心,跨国公司也经常聚集于此。2. Due to these reasons, cities are able to offer more job opportunities to people.由于这些原因,城市能够为人们提供更多的工作机会。3. There are several advantages of working in a great and thriving metropolis.在兴盛的大城市工作有很多好处。4. Big corporations provide good training programs to their employees. Some even send chosen individuals to be trained in other countries.这样的大公司能够为员工提供很好的培训项目,一些公司甚至还将员工派往国外接受培训。5. To maintain a certain standard of services, companies get the best people from among a pool of applicants.为了保证服务的标准,公司会从一堆申请人中挑选最合适的人。6. They only hire those with the best academic standing or most impressive work experiences.他们只会雇佣那些学术背景最好,工作经历最有吸引力的人。7. Life in cities is fast-paced, which, may put more stress on an individual.城市的生活节奏很快,这会给个人带来更多的压力。8. Cities provide better opportunities in terms of earnings, work benefits, training programs and work experience.城市的工作在收入,福利,培训项目以及工作经历方面都会有更好的机会。9. On the other hand, there are also higher job requirements, more competition and more stress.另一方面,它也同样有更高的工作要求,更大的竞争和更大的压力。2 天赋与勤奋孰轻孰重1. There are people blessed with natural talents, whether this ability concerns the sciences, the arts, or other fields of interest.一些人生来就具备某些天赋,不管是在科学,艺术还是其他领域。2. This leads some people to think that being blessed with natural talent is the most important factor in achieving success.这使得一些人认为天赋是获得成功最重要的因素。3. Individuals with natural capabilities have more advantages over those with no talents.天赋强的人确实比没有的天赋的人更有优势。4. If the talented person does not exert any effort to work hard at improving his skills or talents, then these will all be wasted.如果一个有天赋的人并不努力工作以提高技能,那他的天赋也终会荒废。5. Mastery of any field of work or art requires hard work.任何工作领域的熟练掌握都需要努力的工作。6. An individual should hone his talent to improve it or make it better.人们应该磨练他们的天赋,以求使它达到更高的水平。7. To illustrate, a singer who practices everyday and puts his heart to improving his talent, will eventually become more effective and intense.举例来说,一个歌手每天练习,倾注心血来提高他的天赋,他终将变得更加有效率,技巧也会加强。8. Hard work allows people to achieve new heights of success.辛勤的工作使得人们在成功的道路上更创新高。9. Hard work, coupled with passion and perseverance, will help a person to be more successful and to be recognized.辛勤的工作,加上热情和毅力,会使人更加成功,也更被人承认。雅思写作素材之媒体类宏观定义点pros and cons of media 媒体的好与坏mass media 大众传媒bring reality to the public 把现实展现在我们的面前penetrates every corner of our life 渗透到我们生活的每一个角落educate / entertain people of all age 教育、娱乐各年龄段的人the perniciouseffect of the media 传媒的有害影响pornography 色情big packs of lies 一箩筐谎言trick the public 欺骗大众unable to distinguish good from bad 没有辨别是非的能力rely on powerful communication technologies to spread their messages 依靠强大的通讯技术传播信息the pros and cons 事物的利与弊 weigh up the pros and cons 权衡利弊得失penetrate (vt.)渗透,打入(团队、集体等)try to penetrate new markets 试图打入新市场pernicious (adj.)(尤指潜移默化的)有害的,恶性的the pernicious influence of TV violence on children电视暴力对儿童潜移默化的媒体的作用promote connectedness and a new international community that transcends parochial political barriers促进了人们之间的可联系性,也促进超越狭隘政治障碍的国际社会的发展saturateglobal cultural reality with formulaic TV shows and mindless advertisements以程式化的电视节目和毫无思想性可言的广告渗透了全球文化to a large extend, the global cultural flows of our time are generated and directed by global media empires在很大程度上,全球媒体帝国生产和指挥着我们这个时代的全球文化流动the volume and extent of cultural transmissions in the contemporary period have far exceeded those of earlier eras当代文化传播在数量和程度上都大大超过了以前的各个时期viewers must fill in the blanks in continuously updated inputs观众在不断更新的涌入信息的面前必须填补自己未知知识的空白parochialadj.只关心本地区的,地方观念的saturate (with) (v.)使充满、饱和saturate the market 市场饱和formulaic (adj.)套话的,公式化的input (n.)(思想、知识、时间、信息的)投入,输入一些媒体相关词汇侵犯隐私 violate on someones privacy新闻界 the press印刷媒体(如报纸、杂志)the print media报道新闻的机构 news outlets电子媒体 the electronic media时事 current affairs丑闻 scandals无处不在 prevalent / ubiquitous / pervasive媒体炒作 media hype有误导性的 misleading诈骗性的 fraudulent虚假的 false夸大事实 exaggerate things不客观的,不公正的 unobjective如实的报道 factual accounts可信的 reliable客观公正的 objective and balanced信息量大的 informative娱乐性强的 entertaining有新闻价值的 newsworthy监督 scrutiny (n.) / scrutinize (vt.) / monitor (vt.)揭露 expose / reveal道德准则 code of ethics / code of conduct历年雅思写作真题范文解析之:环保与消费题目是:In many countries today, people buy a range of household goods ( television, microwave, oven and rick cookers) Is it a positive or negative development?雅思写作真题范文及解析:首段,转述改写题目并阐述自己的观点。交代一下背景,现代社会大多数家庭购买家用电器,带给人们便捷的生活体验,解放了人们的双手。不过同时,这些家用电器也带来了一些负面影响,比如环境问题。总的来说,家用电器的普及是利大于弊的一件事。In contemporary society, most families are capable to afford home appliances such as television, microwave, oven and so on. It is generally accepted that those technological goods have brought great convenience to our life although they do generate negative effects on environment.在当代社会,大多数家庭都有能力购买电视机、微波炉、烤箱等家用电器。人们普遍认为那些科技产品给我们的生活带来了极大的便利,尽管它们确实对环境产生了负面影响第二段:阐明第一个观点,也是核心观点,家用电器对于人们的好处,这是作文的重点。开头首句就直接点题。然后说明原因,由近及远,由小及大,第一点:家用电器的普及提升了人们的生活品质。举例说明,比如电视、微波炉等,当然可以说空气净化器、空调、吸尘器等。第二点是从经济学上来说,生产家用电器带来了工作和产业升级。考生也可以说其他原因,比如现在是污染问题越发严重,装修中的有害物质、城市中的空气质量,有了家用电器比如空气净化器,确实能够改善家中的环境问题。家用电器甚至可以缓解家庭矛盾(谁在家做家务常常会引发矛盾)。In terms of merits of using domestic appliances, the most obvious is that peoples quality of life has been boosted. Take TV as an example; watching TV is a preferable means of relaxation for people to spend their leisure time and release stress, with amusing programs, entertainment news as well as soap operas shown on the screen. Another case is that the application of microwave, oven and rock cookers in the kitchen saves housewives from heavy housework and even assists them in cooking delicious meals efficiently. Furthermore, consumers demands for electric appliances stimulate the development of manufacturing industries, which creates more job opportunities and bring the government increasing tax revenue.就使用家用电器的优点而言,最明显的是人们的生活质量得到了提高。以电视为例;看电视是人们用来消遣和释放压力的一种较好的放松方式,娱乐节目,娱乐新闻和肥皂剧在屏幕上播放。另一个例子是,微波炉、烤箱和岩石炊具在厨房的应用,使家庭主妇从繁重的家务劳动中解脱出来,甚至帮助她们高效地烹饪美味的饭菜。此外,消费者对电器的需求刺激了制造业的发展,创造了更多的就业机会,为政府增加了税收。第三段,谈家用电器对环境的影响。说到对环境的影响,主要还是在于生产上,比如生产大量的家用电器会消耗很多电量、生产家用电器会产生有害物质等。甚至会造成部分资源浪费。典型例子:空调和冰箱的使用会排放氟利昂,这是一种对于大气造成破坏的有害气体。However, it must be admitted that the worldwide use of household appliances inevitably contributes to environmental degradation. To commence with, in an attempt to maintain these devices function, a great amount of electricity has to be consumed, which is largely generated from fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum. In the long run, the scarcity of natural resources will become a tough issue for human beings. In addition, harmful gas emission is another big concern. As a matter of fact, in the use of fridge and air conditions, Freon (a kind of chemical gas) is emitted into air, leading to the destruction of ozone layer.然而,必须承认,世界范围内使用家用电器不可避免地造成环境退化。首先,为了维持这些装置的功能,必须消耗大量的电力,而这些电力主要是由煤和石油等化石燃料产生的。从长远来看,自然资源的稀缺将成为人类面临的一个难题。此外,有害气体排放是另一个大问题。事实上,在使用冰箱和空气条件下,氟利昂(一种化学气体)被排放到空气中,导致臭氧层的破坏。最后,总结并再次强调自己的观点,人们购买和使用家用电器是好事,不过也希望今后的家用电器产品能够更加环保。In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, it is a positive development that people can purchase various electric appliances. However, environment-friendly technology should be adopted in its production to protect environment.总之,在我看来,人们可以购买各种电器是一个积极的发展。然而,在生产中应该采用环保技术来保护环境。雅思图表作文写作指导之:写作结构的重要性