雅思写作1周救命攻略请查收 复考也不慌!雅思写作1周救命攻略请查收,大家带来雅思写作1周救命攻略请查收,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。复考也不慌!雅思写作1周救命攻略请查收即将上考场的烤鸭们几家欢喜几家愁。喜的是终于可以考试了,愁的是长时间没有好好备考,担心自己是不是能顺利出分。所以今天,塔塔老师专门写了一篇*,来传授给大家,一周时间内,写作如何“自救”。Day 1 确认写作答题流程马上要考试的你,是否清楚写一篇作文共分为几个步骤?答案是四步。在正式备考的第一天,你一定要明确在考试中你需要做哪些。第一步:审题。拿到一道题,首先你需要判断这道题属于什么题型,要求讨论的是什么话题。第二步:构思论点。根据题目要求尝试构思正方和反方的论点。第三步:安排结构。根据找到的论点安排合适的结构,可分为单边讨论和双边讨论不同的情况,可以通过提纲呈现。第四步:完成作文。根据写完的提纲,完成每段内容和语言的组织。如果你对这些步骤没有任何概念,可以掏出一本剑桥雅思真题,看看考官范文的标准是什么,里面需要包含那些内容。Day 2 模拟自测在明确了写作流程之后,在制定自己的备考规划前,要先找到自己在写作上的主要问题。这个时候最主要的方式就是做一次模拟考试。找完整的一个小时(一定要计时!),完成一整套作文真题(一道小作文+一道大作文)。完成作文了以后,有条件的话,可以找老师或出分较高的同学帮你进行批改,如果只有自己,那么可以通过和范文比对的方式来自测。通过本次练习(自测或他人批改),能够找到自己的问题,可以具体到审题准确度、构思论点的速度、结构安排的合理性以及语言表达质量。Day 3-4 针对问题查漏补缺有了前一天的模拟自测后,你能够真实地发现自己的薄弱点。此时,就要针对自己的情况解决问题了。举个例子,如果你是一个找论点困难户,那么你可以在剑桥雅思书或小站雅思APP上找到考试真题,先不着急写全文,可以只做构思训练。一般来说,完成第一篇时完成一道题目的提纲可能需要7-8分钟。但是在你又尝试完成几道题的提纲后,你会发现,构思时间会慢慢缩短至5分钟以内。在1个小时内就能集中训练找论点的技能。同样地,如果是英语表达问题居多,你可以尝试进行汉译英的句子翻译练习。以6分为目标的烤鸭,需要重点练习三大类从句名词性从句、定语从句和状语从句的表达。句子的*可以从高中阶段的语法书上获得。Day 5 第二次模拟自测经过了前两天的查漏补缺,第五天可以进行第二次的模拟测试(同样也需要计时)。通过这次练习,一方面检验自己这两天的学习成果;另一方面,也为了再次确认目前的状态是否能够在考试中有较高的完成度。如果有时间的话,可以将其他笔试科目也一并进行测试,能更真实地还原考试当天的情况。Day 6-7预测题练习快考试了,一些流程性的的问题也解决了,剩下的就是结合预测题,最大程度地为后面的考试做好演练了。这时,同学们可以利用好小站雅思APP上的考试机经,进行提前刷题。机经上的题目都*于历年考试真题,是结合近期考试题,对下次考试进行的预测。拿到预测题后,可以先想中文思路,会写的可以跳过,不会写的动笔完成提纲。如果考试考到相似的题目,即可作为素材使用。考前最后一天,不要熬夜!以饱满的精神状态参加第二天的考试当然了,大家一定要认识到,这个7天救命攻略只是最大程度上帮大家合理安排好考前一周的时间,而不是完全之策。如果你幸运地还有足够多的备考时间,比如1个月,那么你完全有时间系统复习,提升能力。20XX年12月2日雅思写作小作文原创范文及解析雅思写作真题范文之小作文:The pie charts below show the proportion graduate with science degree and art degree in a company in 1990 and 20XX.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main feature, and make comparisons where relevant.写作范文及解析如下:1.范文解析:本次小作文是一个动态的饼图。注意主要信息点总体趋势,极值和数据的对比。2.雅思小作文范文The two pie charts compare how many graduates in a specific company earned three different levels of Science and Art degree in two years(1990 and 20XX).In 1990, the proportion of graduates holding first degree of Art and Science was the same, both accounting for exactly 18%. By contrast, these figures enjoyed a significant growth by 20XX when they represented at 24% and 27% respectively,outnumbering that of Master of degree, including Art and Science.As many as 25% and 20% of graduates in 1990 received their Master Degree of Art and Science separately, a little higher than that of the First and PHD Degree . However, Master Degree of Art since then suffered a sharp drop of up to 10% while the fall of the Master of Science Degree slowed to 17% in the year 20XX.It is noticeable that far fewer graduates in this company had received PHD of Science and Art within this decade, all below 12%. There was a only 1% rise in PHD of Science(from 7%-8%) but the 1990-20XX period witnessed a slight fall from 12% to 9% in that of Art.Overall, although most graduates had Master of Degree in 1990, the First Degree predominated ten years later, with the percentage of PHD Degree always remaining the lowest across this 10-year period.(196words)3.高分表达:How many graduates earned 多少毕业生获得了.Both accounting for 两者都占据.(独立主格)outnumber 数量上超过It is noticeable that 值得注意的是The .period witnessed a fall. 某一段时间 有一个下降趋势20XX年12月2日雅思写作大作文真题范文及思路解析题目是:Too much money is spent in maintaining and repairing old buildings, some people think that they should be knocked down and give way to the modem buildings. To what extent do you agree or disagree?老建筑应该被推倒,让位现代建筑吗?在什么程度上你是同意或者是不同意的呢?雅思写作思路解析:本周雅思作文是关于老建筑物的价值及其是否该拆除,这是个绝对的老题,老雅在雅思写作教学和讲座中曾多次以本题为例讲雅思写作的基本思路。那么城市中的老建筑物是否应该拆除?可能有些同学会用一边倒的思维方式来思考这个题目,认为不应该拆除老建筑物,因为这些建筑物有历史和文化价值,应该保留。这个思路不错,但接下去怎么写呢?这些同学可能就开始懵圈了,因为实在很难找到保留老建筑物的其他理由了。其实,如果打开思路,我们就会发现,对某些人来说,城市里的老建筑物是应该拆除的,因为抛开历史文化价值,这些老建筑物的确没有实用价值,它们占据着城市的有限空间,既不能居住,也不能为我们的生活提供任何便利,同时维护不好的话,还可能给居民带来危险。因此,就本题而言,我们可以开始论述应该拆除老建筑物的理由,然后再论述保留老建筑物的理由(同时回答老建筑物对我们的重要意义),最后得出结论:保留老建筑物也许并不能给我们带来实际的生活好处,但其历史和文化价值是不能忽略的。雅思写作范文:Every city has old buildings. Now the question is: how to deal with these old buildings? Some people think they should be pulled down and replaced with new ones, while others believe they should be preserved and protected.There are a host of reasons why the urban old buildings should be removed. To start with, the old buildings are no longer suitable for people to live in, therefore they should be destroyed and give way to new buildings so that people, especially young people in the cities have more living spaces. Secondly, the old buildings can cause inconveniences for the city dwellers. Since there is not a direct route through the old buildings, people sometimes have to go to and off work by making a long detour around them, and in this way much of their time is wasted. Finally, the old buildings may give rise to safety problems. More than 100 people, for example, are killed or injured each year in my city, just because of the collapse of some ancient buildings.Yet old buildings - at least some of them - are significant historically and culturally, and hence should be protected from being destroyed for any reason. They deserve to be well-kept and preserved because they carry some important messages about the city or the whole nation. The Summer Palace, for instance, is a perfect reminder of how the imperial family in the Qing Dynasty in feudal China were living and hence has great cultural significance. Such old buildings, if well preserved, can become a tourist spot and attract thousands of visitors from all over the world.We all need a memory of our past. Many old buildings do have historical and cultural value which tells us who we were. We need to take good care of these buildings and keep them as long as possible so that they can tell the stories of the city or the nation to the future generation. Of course, those old buildings with little value ought to be pulled down, especially when they pose safety problems to people.(346 words)高分词汇和表达pull down 摧毁,拆掉replace 取代preserve 保留a host of 众多的city dweller 城市居民make a detour 绕道give rise to 引发collapse 倒塌deserve 值得reminder 提醒物imperial 帝王的feudal 封建的pose 形成20XX年12月2日雅思考试写作真题大作文高分范文给大家带来20XX年12月2日场的雅思写作大作文高分范文,社会类话题,题目是:Too much money is spent in maintaining and repairing old buildings, some people think that they should be knocked down and give way to the modem buildings. To what extent do you agree or disagree?推倒古老建筑,让位现代建筑,你在哪些程度上是同意的或是不同意的呢?请看高分写作范文,范文来自雅思哥。雅思写作范文:It is easy to notice that there are many old buildings in modem cities today. While some people think they should be removed to make way for new ones, I tend to believe most of them should be better protected.In the contemporary age, there is a constant debate over preserving history versus making progress. In terms of the old buildings, many people assert that they should be better protected while others claim that they should be knocked down to make way for new ones.It is widely acknowledged that many old buildings are protected today because they are culturally valuable to a nation. Like a native language, many historical buildings form a cultural identity and keep a unique record of a country, so they possess significant value to research into the past and play an important function in the education of future generations.Moreover, old buildings, if utilized and preserved properly, could actually contribute to economic development. For example, Westminster Abbey in London, the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Forbidden City in Beijing, as icons and landmarks of the city and nation, attract a large number of tourists every year, which brings millions of dollars in revenue for the government.Nevertheless, we are not advocating equal treatment for all old buildings, and some of them do need to be torn down, partly because of safety concerns, and partly because they need to be replaced to meet the need of social development, such as raising the utilization rate of land. Despite this, many more historical buildings deserve our protection and we should not be blind to their worth; otherwise, we will regret loss in the years to come.In summary, I believe that the protection of old buildings does not stand in the way of progress at all; instead, they play an indispensable role in reflecting history, and creating values in modern life. Governments should think carefully before making a move and deep awareness of conservation of ancient architecture should be highly promoted as well.20XX年12月2日雅思写作大作文原创范文带来20XX年12月2日雅思写作真题大作文范文,题目是:Too much money is spent on looking after and repairing old buildings. Some people think money should be spent on building new modern buildings.To what extent do you agree or disagree with these views.本题讨论因为花在保护老建筑物的钱太多,所以钱应该花在新建现代建筑物上。其实本题的本质是在变相考察不保护老建筑物的弊端和建筑现在建筑物的优势。1.范文解析:题目类型是议论文的一种观点类是To what extant do you agree or disagree类型,可以采用双边讨论,也就是5段式作文。特别需要注意的是,题目中让讨论的不是:是否应该保护古老历史建Buildings, whether they are old or modern, is more than just a place where human beings could escape from bad weather. Therefore, financial aid should never only be provided to the construction of modern buildings.Just catering to the growth of urban sprawl is exactly what empowers the investment in modern buildings to be worthwhile. As an ever increasing number of people flood into cities for a better quality of life, both skyscrapers and high-rise buildings could accommodate the growing population, an effective and efficient solution to housing shortage in cities. With the infrastructure improving at the same time, this will also attract more investors and create and enhance way more job opportunities, thus energizing and bolstering the urban economy. In this case, financing the protection and preservation of old buildings is less preferable than that of modern ones.However, such commitment to sponsor new buildings turns out to be in fact far more pricey. This is principally because when constructing a brand new building, building materials such as bricks, glass, steal , wood and so on are required and even worse more building wastes that are usually toxic are then have to be headed to the landfill. In addition to these material cost, the burden it imposes on resource scarcity and pollution could be prohibitively expensive, and in other words, never could these problems be resolved by money alone. By stark contrast, conserving traditional buildings consumes less and thereby proves to be both economical and environmental friendly.Compared with conventional buildings, modern, high-tech buildings are also a financial failure in a sense. They do not enjoy as much special aesthetic value and historic significance as old ones do and what is worse is that they are so similar around the world that fewer visitors are willing to come and that fewer investors to establish new business. Old buildings, as a cultural heritage on the other hand, could attract millions of people and bring countless dollars and jobs for the locals. Therefore, maintaining them is not a money waster but rather a money-maker.In conclusion, conducive as it is to urbanization, the creation of new buildings is not as inexpensive as the conservation of old ones and maybe the coexistence of both is by far the best, ideal result.(339 words)原创来自小站邢睿赢老师3.*结构P1:引入话题+表明观点(不同意)P2:承认现代建筑物的优势:可以缓解房屋短缺和吸引投资来论证P3:指出其弊端之后:现代建筑物会恶化资源短缺和环境污染来论证P4:进一步指出:新建筑物不能像老建筑物那样促进旅游业的发展来论证P5:总结(总结分论点+重申观点)4.高分话题表达(范文中已用红色标注) More than 不仅仅是Escape from 拜托;免受.之苦Urban sprawl 城市扩张Empower .to do sth 使能够(enable的同义词)Worthwhile 值得做的。,an effective and efficient solution to sth 一个高效的的解决办法Flood into 大量涌入With infrastructure improving 随着基础设施的完成(独立主格结构)Energizing and bolstering 加强urban economy 城市经济Preferable 更合适的Prohibitively expensive 价格高的离谱Financial failure 财务上的失败Money-maker 赚钱的生意;摇钱树Conducive 有益的5.高分结构Whether they are old or modern 不管是旧的还是新的what empowers sth to be worthwhile 使得某事值得做An effective and efficient solution to 概括性同位语With infrastructure improving 独立主格结构This is principally because 这主要是因为.Never could these problems be resolved by money alone. 不能只依靠钱来解决。 倒装结构。What is worse is that 更糟糕的是。(主语从句)Conducive as it is 尽管是有益的。(状语从句的倒装)