雅思听力审题技巧之错位读题法讲解 雅思听力审题技巧之错位读题法讲解,今天给大家带来了雅思听力审题技巧之错位读题法讲解,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思听力审题技巧之错位读题法讲解所以,首先问自己如下几个问题,看你是否真正的了解雅思听力考试。第一个问题:雅思听力试题在考试中什么时候可以打开呢?第二个问题:雅思听力官方给考生多长时间的读题时间?第三个问题:雅思听力的所有录音都是播放一遍吗?第四个问题:你知道听力每个section结束还有检查答案的时间吗?时间又是多久呢?如果你能不费力气地回答出这几个问题的正确答案,那恭喜你达到了对雅思听力考试了解的初级阶段。但即使知道上边四个问题的答案,可你知道上边的这些内容在听力考试中又是如何帮助考生拿到更高的分数吗?对于第一个问题,很多雅思小白甚至以为雅思听力,在中国大陆,作为雅思笔试考试的第一项,拿到试卷后可以直接打开。那今天老师就要告诉你,千万不要这么以为。如果你未按要求,提前打开试卷,考场的监考官甚至可以直接对你进行警告。当警告超过两次后,你的雅思成绩甚至都会被取消。所以请一定记住我接下来说的话,抓住第一个雅思听力考试的时间节点:Now turn to section one!这句话就是我们可以翻开听力试卷的提示音!就像在田径赛道上的发令枪一样,提示我们要迅速的打开试卷!在正确的第一时间翻开试卷,然后随之而来的是考场其他考生听到你翻卷后慌乱的跟随着你翻卷的声音,顿时让考场中的你拥有了一种敢为人先的自信,与超脱于世的惬意。再来说第二个问题,雅思官方在每个section都提供给考生30-45秒的读题时间。但问题又来了,我们都知道雅思听力前3个section,都是有两段录音和两段读题时间的,那么这30-45秒的时间又是如何分配的呢?根据老师对大量考试题目读题时间的统计,一般平均每道题的读题时间约为3-5秒。这样如果某个section让你先读前4题,那么我们的读题时间则约为4乘以3-5秒,剩下的数学难题就教给大家去计算了。第三个问题,大部分考试都知道雅思听力录音只播放一遍,而且官方也是如此介绍的,但大家是否又发现,在雅思听力的section1,经常在题目的最开头,出现一个example,example一般会在第一部分的读题时间之后出现,example涉及到的录音会先读一遍,并有独白告诉你这道题是如何做出来的。然后当听力录音正式开始之后,example涉及的录音又会和题目录音一起再读一遍。所以example的录音是播放两遍的。Example的录音会根据涉及录音长度的不同而变化较大,但从you will see that there is an example which has been done for you一直到example独白结束的那句now we should begin,一般都在30秒以上,时间长的甚至能达到约1分钟,这是将近2个section的读题时间!不知道你有没有被吓到?最后一个问题则比较简单了,做过题的同学应该都知道,每个section结束后都有半分钟的时间来检查答案,又相当于1个section的读题时间了,有没有突然觉得平常让你们觉得特别捉襟见肘的读题时间突然一下子变得如此充裕。没错!刚刚我为大家找出来的时间,都是我们要用来读题的时间!光是section1,就可以多出至少额外两个section的读题时间!Finally,现在就来介绍神奇的雅思听力审题之错位读题法。有些烤鸭们知道雅思听力要往后读题,但是在考试中依然读不完题,这主要是你没有抓住该读题的时间,或者是读题的位置不正确。错位读题法强调的核心是用多出来的时间去读你读不完的题。什么是读不完的题?在讲这个之前我们先来思考一下一些老烤鸭们考试时经常使用的做题习惯,在做section1时,都用example和section结束后的时间去读离我们最近的section1和2的题。但section1、2一般题目简单,读题量小,我们用官方给定的30-45秒完全可以读完。多出来的时间一定要用到读题量大的题目上,比如section3-4中常出现的长选项选择题,摘要题等等。这种难题出题位置多变,但多出现于section3-4中,所以如何辨别难题,也成为了我们如何有区别的重点投入读题时间的关键。所以对于熟练运用此法的考生,经常会给旁人一种在section1的时间里做其他section的题的错觉。故名错位读题法。对于经常听力读不完题的考生,只要你熟练掌握此法,定能大大提升听力审题的效率,5分以上考生可用此法将听力题目完全读完。但不同学习阶段的考生在使用此法的过程中也会遇到不同的问题,侧重点也会不同。欢迎前来环球雅思北京总校和我一起提升你的雅思成绩!雅思听力机经预测之section 2部分雅思听力Section Two雅思听力场次 20XX046 20XX0704雅思听力场景 求职雅思听力题型 填空5 单选5雅思听力内容概述 job center of compus:学校为学生提供兼职part-time job填空51. Special policy applies to overseas students.2. It will locate in the Woodside Campus.3. The enquiry office opens till 8:10 PM.4. The lawyer is only available on Tuesdays.5. University Website will show the job information.单选56. Where can find the latest news of new listed jobs?A. .B. IT faculty C. parking centre7. Employers will visit the schoolA. only in the first semester B. twice a year C. throughout the year8. The advantage of doing part-time job:A. does benefits to the full-time jobs in the future B. good recordC. to form the teamwork ability9. Student salary will beA. taxed B. paid by every week C. need to buy private insurance10. You shall contact with the boss via (建议学生准备手机)A. writing B. Email C. Mobile雅思听力Section Two雅思听力场次 20XX0921雅思听力场景 其他雅思听力题型 地图5 填空5雅思听力内容概述 home improvement plan,商场地图51. Paint Section -bottom left2. Kitchen Section -middle3. Childrens play area -between the Cafe and the Paint Section4. Bathroom Section -between the Cafe and the Tool Section5. Garden Section -between the Tool Section and Staff填空56. The attraction of Home Improvement store is(公司的优势): the low prices7. What are the benefits of working at Home Improvement Store? (员工最喜欢的): flexible working hours8. The staff must promote to the customers by giving them (必须给顾客) magazine9. What the company will offer if customers buy a new kitchen: free installation; free appliances; free delivery.雅思听力Section Two雅思听力场次 20XX0414 20XX08 20XX雅思听力场景 其他雅思听力题型 填空7 配对3雅思听力内容概述 介绍一个会所,社团填空71. Hot drinks and cakes2. 中午会提供的食物:salads3. Parent and tutor4. Story5. 运动:stretching movments6. Bring your own mat7. 人名:Mrs. Waddell. 电话号码 667812配对3a. book in advance 提前预订b. free enter 不要钱c. pay at the door 来了交d. pay after your finish 来了以后走时交e. pay in advance 提前交8. 小孩的那个-A9. 体育的那个-C10. Quiz 的那个-B雅思听力Section Two雅思听力场次 20XX0809 20XX0108雅思听力场景 场馆介绍雅思听力题型 填空6 单选4雅思听力内容概述 女导游介绍电视塔单选4:1. 集合地点:A parking place,B wait at ticket desk,C. back of the entrance2. 天晴的时候能从塔上看到什么,选 B. HILL3. people feel proud about the symbol B. landmark4. 这个塔 begin to be used as 什么选 B. conference centre,接着是一张塔的图片,有 8 个左右的功能,包括 cinema,indoor,outdoor,shop,post,cafe 等填空6:5. glass floor 玻璃地面,可以俯瞰下方6. 有一个餐厅 restaurant,你可以吃饭休息,外面有个art gallery艺术画廊7. 有 weather observing8. post office 可以买卡片寄给家人9. indoor 观景台10. 是 cinema,在这里可以看到激动人心的 film雅思听力Section Two雅思听力场次 20XX1020 20XX06雅思听力场景 其他雅思听力题型 单选6,配对4雅思听力内容概述 志愿者工作的种类很多,雇佣者(老板)支持,一个男的做志愿者原因是喜欢孩子,一个女的觉得干活干得和自己的工作一样起劲儿,负责准备伙食,而且可以远程进行服务,不必到现场,后来是一个流程先表示感兴趣,后来找问题,见其他志愿者。单选6:1. 选 C. 现在的志愿者情况?C. from a wide range of backgrounds2. 选 B. encouraged by employees3. 选 B. take care of the kids4. 选 C. 女孩儿叫 Reith - C. buy something in the supermarket5. 选 A. 女孩儿享受志愿者工作的什么方面? A. sharing opinions with other volunteers6. 选 C. Advantages of being a “virtual volunteer”? - C. no longer need to leave配对4:申请志愿程序 Process for application:7. 选 email personal information to 志愿者申请流程是先 email8. 选 prepare several interviewing questions 准备几个问题9. 选 meet other potential volunteers 和其他志愿者见面10. 选 submit/file a formal application 提交正式申请雅思听力Section Two雅思听力场次 20XX078 20XX018 20XX0110雅思听力场景 其他雅思听力题型 填空3 单选7雅思听力内容概述 说的是一个组织在澳大利亚机场检查违禁物之类的一些规定。单选71. The main aim of the service is to A. educate people2. The number of people working at Sydney airport is A. 4103. Dogs are chosen because B. They stay calm.specifically: A.have good smell B. kept clam C. easier trained4. The number of postal items that were dealt with last year amounted to A. 52,0005. People carrying items that are not allowed C. will be given a warning.6. When goods carried are found with insects, they will B. be dealt with by the customs7. A video that was checked was found with B. plant seeds雅思听力机经预测section 3部分雅思听力Section Three雅思听力场次 20XX0507 20XX0907 20XX017 20XX021 20XX雅思听力题型 填空1 多选9雅思听力内容概述 是师生讨论找工作的问题。大学生找工作应注意的因素,妇女生完孩子后返回工作的劣势,失业的人再就业的问题等。多选6 (5 选 2):1-2.高中毕业生找工作时应该着重强调自己的 What should the secondary studentemphasis?选:motivation eager to learn(说到了 enthusiasm) 我昕到那个女的问那个男的学历真的很重要吗?那个男的回答说:well,actually the qualfication doesnt mean that important,thoseemployees who have lower education than your college students got lot of workingexperiences however the students who have just graduate from schools were lack of skillsand experience,thus they maybe emphasize the charateristics of themselves likeeagerness to learn,willingness to .and easy going to each other and so on.)3-4.妇女生完小孩后再工作难的原因是?选:had little time to work for she need to take care the family hard to re-adjust towork5-6.用人单位不愿雇佣什么样的人?选:sacked from the former job unemployed for a long time(我昕见的是那个女的问,用人单位在挑选应聘者时有没有什么忌讳的雅思听力内容呢,那个男的说,公司在用人的时候 有些人是显然不会予以考虑的,比如 betray 原来公司的人,还有 quite the job onlybecause they dont like it, 因为前者有可能还会背叛现在的公司,后者肯能也会讨厌现在申请的这个工作,如果他们都成功被应聘了的 话)多选3 (7 选 3)7-9. 为什么不愿雇佣 retired worker?选:所从事的行业己过时选:hard to train选:年龄偏大填空110. The (presentations)and appearance of applicant is more important.雅思听力Section Three雅思听力场次 20XX0605雅思听力题型 单选6 配对4雅思听力内容概述 师生针对研究报告进行交谈单选621. Why it is important to complete the report.A. Go into personal profileB. Help lesson option for next semesterC. Help next presentation2. What is the tutors suggestions for the first draft of the report?A. revise some partC. Some statistics are confusing3. How did they choose course sites?A. choose one which is easy to access toB. Selected carefully in a mapC. Pick them at random4. Whats the personal aim of this field trip?A. just to apply field techniques learnedB. Measuring a tree densityC. Find out the ingredient of the soil5. Why do you want to include others data?A. make report more valid6. Which measures do you find easy to take?A.use elevator to observe the height of the landB. Measure the height of the vegetable配对4A. more training before the tripB. Reduce complexityC. Repeat it in the near futureD. Offer a wider rangeE. Organize in a better wayF. Give more details7. EquipmentB8. Data collecting sheetE9. Reference materialD10. Group work with strangersC雅思听力Section Three雅思听力场次 20XX1013 20XX0606 20XX1010 20XX雅思听力题型 填空4 多选6雅思听力内容概述 两个学生讨论关于选修课程的事,会计和日语,一个accounting course,一个是Japanese多选51-3. 女孩选择这门课程的原因是: important for the future job optional for thedegree visit off the campus4-5. the description about the course: broad focus challenging content填空 56. Lectures7. Enjoy learning vocabulary8. But it is difficult of grammar and9. Writing10. The teacher sometime .that is strict/unapproachable雅思听力Section Three雅思听力场次 20XX0111 20XX0605雅思听力题型 填空7 单选3雅思听力内容概述 男教授和一男一女两个学生讨论语言学习问题单选31:问女生学习中遇到的问题。A. German for science is too difficult.B. she doesnt grasp the skill to learn independentlyC. she is too busy to learn2. What did Ivan do in the library?A. sort out the timetableB. read newspapersC. send e-mail3: 两人学习中共同的问题。选 A. too many people in the library.表格填空6Some suggestions are given by the professor.Medium MethodsAudio develop 4. (global listening) skill to grasp key word 5. (stop the tape)to predict the contents26. 用(dictation) to develop listening skills27. prepare (note-taking)skills.Video -gesture,-8.(eye contacts)-distance between peoplecover the video 9.(subtitles)Satellite TV watch 10. (TV chat show)雅思听力Section Three雅思听力场次 20XX0816 20XX109 20XX0415 20XX雅思听力题型 填空7,配对3雅思听力内容概述 观察鲸鱼observation of whales填空71. Watch Time (观察的次数,原文说 the time of watch)2. 问题是 State of sea eg.: calm(风平浪静),or choppy(波涛汹涌) etc.3. visibility 能见度:nearest 100 metres 能见度 visibility 女的先说 50 米,男的说一百米比较好4. the presence of fishing boats 他们说还要看看有没有船接着是要记录的雅思听力内容,有:5. appearance6. behavior 给出了 appearance 然后女的说还有 behavior7. size 是 group size配对3给出四副鲸鱼的图像选出相对应名称的鲸鱼是哪个A. 体形只是 a quarter of that of blue whale, and with wavy fins on the backB. 是 with hump back fins which are wavy;C. 是 without fins;D. 是 with wavy fins on the back, and the largest one in the ocean8. minke whale 小须鲸 对应 B9. northen right whale 对应 C10. sperm whale 抹香鲸 对应 A雅思听力Section Three雅思听力场次 20XX0106 20XX0805 20XX1121 20XX 20XX 20XX雅思听力题型 填空10雅思听力内容概述 女生要求换专业,以及学习中遇到的问题及相应对策填空10Table1name of the original course: 1. Economic History.starting time: 2. last September.the courses she wants to change:the first choice: 3. Politics, but this course is very hot.the second choice: 4. PhilosophyTable 2studying problems and the possible solutions in the original course:There are three main problems:5. lectures too difficult.The first solution: record the class, and it indeed works.The second solution: suggest to take part in a 6. discussion group7. not enough tutorials.Poor performance in homeworkThe first solution: do more background readingThe second solution: ask for help from the 8. Student ServiceThen the girl says she didnt want to bother them, but the teacher says it is their duty. And the teacher wants to have a feedback to see whether the problems have been solved. So they make a appointment on 9. February 17th.But the teacher will not be here at that time, she should find the 10. Senior Advisor reflect the feedback.