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    雅思写作如何避免非正式表达 有些同学在雅思写作中会习惯性地使用一些非正式的口语化表达,其实是雅思写作误区,应该有意识地加以避免,那么该如何避免非正式表达?下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。4种雅思写作误区解读|如何避免非正式表达不少参加雅思考试的考生们,平时也会热衷于看美剧、英剧,看剧过程中,往往会渐渐习得英文中日常口语的表达,我们可以将其称为非正式表达。有些同学会觉得这些用语十分地道,所以就在写作中使用。这其实是一种雅思写作误区。雅思写作要求的是严谨而清晰的表达,使用非正式用语是一种减分行为。那么,如何避免非正式表达带来的雅思写作误区呢?雅思写作误区1:用词过于口语化如以下表格所示,在雅思写作中要避免使用这些过于口语化的词汇或短语,要学会更加清晰地陈述观点。口语化词语 正式替换词 cuteadorableyeahyes moviefilm IntroducePresentKind of/sort ofType oflet allow、permit MaamMadam另外建议大家避免使用:1)一些俚语,比如:cool,dude,humongous2)一些单词的简写,比如:TV ,phone,fridge3)一些无意义的短语,比如:you know ,you might be thinking ,Think about it4)一些口语化的情感副词,比如:pretty,very,too雅思写作误区2:过于感性,带有煽动性正式写作力求客观准确。考生应针对写作话题呈现一种公正平衡的观点。1)尽量避免使用第一和第二人称,如you和your,因为这样会使你的作文过于私人化和情感化。2)不要使用We should all.,因为这等于设想每个人的行为都是一样的,而事实并不是这样。3)I think that.应该提供强有力的理由去解释你为什么这样认为。4)I like/I love sth. 应该重点给出自己喜爱的理由。举例:I love Osmosis Jones because it teaches children about the human body.应改为:Osmosis Jones is a powerful teaching tool that shows children how the human body works.雅思写作误区3:用词含糊,表述笼统1)不要使用一些模糊词,如good,bad,nice可以用一些更加生动的词语替代,如beneficial,deleterious,pleasant2)在列举的结尾不要使用 etc.或et cetera如果你觉得很有必要加上et cetera来暗示其他没有列出的例子的重要性,可以考虑直接加上这些例子。3)不要使用一些如a few, a little或enough这些模糊词,最好是通过更加具体的描述,如以准确的数字或数量来替代。4)不要使用太笼统的词,如everyone,always, never, all雅思写作误区4:忽视标点符号的重要性很多人花费大量时间和精力学习范文,背诵语句,却忽视了标点符号。写作中,一定要正确使用逗号,冒号,分号,连字符等,如此会让考官一目了然,更加清楚句子间的关系和结构。1)在正式写作中尽量少用括号、感叹号、破折号。2) 避免使用,以and来代替。另外,需要注意的是,在正式信函中,美式英语会使用冒号来称呼对方,如Dear John: 而英式英语会用逗号,如Dear John,雅思小作文真题解析及范文雅思小作文题目:The graph shows the development of a particular college campus from 1975 to 2002 and the proposed development of 2020.Summarize the details. Select and report the main features and make comparisons where relevant.雅思小作文范文解析:本次雅思写作出乎意料地又考了地图题,是本年度第6次出现地图题目(1月1次、4月1次、6月2次、8月1次)。所以建议考生谨慎对待地图,不要抱有侥幸心理。此题是关于一间大学校园的变化。年份为1975, 2002, 2020,使用过去时态和将来预测。写作主线可以按照时间分别描述,也可以以变化为主线来分段。雅思小作文范文:The two maps compare changes in the layout of a specific university campus in 1975, 2002 and 2020.In 1975, four main areas could be noticed in each corner of the university with several trees between them.1975年,在大学的每个角落都可以看到四个主要区域,它们之间有几棵树。In the north-western corner a sports center was situated, surrounded by a road which intersected another road leading to a lecture room in the south-eastern part. A library lay in the south-western end and to its opposite side, there was a drama room and a music room boarding a big car park.在西北角,一个体育中心坐落在一条路的周围,这条路与另一条路交叉,通向东南方的一个演讲室。在西南端有一个图书馆,在它的对面,有一个戏剧室和一个音乐室,在一个大停车场上。In 2002, one striking change was that the sports center had been removed and an indoor one is planned for 2020. Also the road running across the campus was demolished in order to make way for a science building in the center. But another new road will be build to connect the indoor sports center with the former library which had been divided into two so that half part served as an IT room. While the lecture room had become twice as large as it was in 1975, the original drama room was turned into a geology room, the place before which was gained by the car park, so its capacity was enlarged.2002年,一个显著的变化是体育中心被拆除,一个室内中心计划在2020年建成。此外,为了给中心的科学大楼让路,穿过校园的道路也被拆除了。但是另一条新的道路将会被修建起来,将室内运动中心和以前的图书馆连接起来,图书馆被分成了两部分,一半作为一个IT室。虽然百家讲坛比1975年大了一倍,但原来的戏剧演播室被改成了地质演播室,原来的地方被停车场占了,所以容量变大了。In summary, great changes had occurred as this university had more constructions over these years.综上所述,随着这所大学近年来建筑的增多,发生了巨大的变化。2018年10月27日雅思大作文写作范文解析雅思大作文解析:本题是针对“年轻人休闲时间”的分配问题,两方观点:一方认为家庭占据的时间外出娱乐时间。另一方反对此观点。要求讨论双方并且给出自己的观点P1:引入话题+给出自己的答案(赞同第二个观点);P2:支持论证第一个观点:此建议的好处P3+P4:支持论证第二个观点+论证自己的观点P5:总结全文:重申中心论点。雅思写作高分表达:a closer family bond 亲密的家庭关系harmonize with sb 与某人和谐相处traditional responsibility 传统责任favorable relations 良好的关系interdependent society 互相依赖的社会age difference 年龄差tax evasion. 偷税friend circle 朋友圈Alienated friendship 疏远的朋友关系gets conceivably futile 变得无用as to how young people should spend their leisure time 介词+宾语从句advising most young individuals to do sth is not suitable 非谓语结构做主语Too much interaction will make their relationship counterproductive, negatively but easily . 副词位于句尾做状语there can provide a relaxing environment in which. 介词+which定语从句There are differing views as to how young people should spend their leisure time. Many individuals contend that they should use it more on family and less on entertainment , but others argue otherwise. I agree with the latter view although it is important to accompany ones parents.关于年轻人应该如何度过他们的闲暇时间,有不同的观点。许多人认为,他们应该更多地在家庭生活中使用手机,而不是在娱乐中使用手机,但其他人则不这么认为。我同意后一种观点,尽管陪伴父母很重要。On the one hand, if most young people stay more at home, they will likely form a closer family bond. It is reasonable to believe that parents desire for positive family ties becomes stronger as their age grows, and such anxiety can better be alleviated by the way children harmonize with them. Additionally, the traditional responsibility of caring for the elders inculcates and encourages young adults to value family. Over time, favorable relations will be developed and bring wellbeing to family in return.一方面,如果大多数年轻人更多地呆在家里,他们可能会形成更紧密的家庭纽带。我们有理由相信,父母对积极的家庭关系的渴望会随着他们年龄的增长而增强,这种焦虑可以通过孩子与他们和谐相处的方式更好地减轻。此外,照顾老人的传统责任灌输和鼓励年轻人重视家庭。随着时间的推移,良好的关系会得到发展,给家庭带来幸福。On the other hand, advising most young individuals to just stay at home during their vacation is not suitable in todays interdependent society. First, communication between young and old may particularly be hard because age difference has varied effects on kinds of lifestyle, choices of recreation, and ways of thinking. Too much interaction will make their relationship counterproductive, negatively but easily . Recently, my mother and I are at an impasse after quarrelling about the punishment for tax evasion.另一方面,在当今这个相互依存的社会,建议大多数年轻人在假期呆在家里是不合适的。首先,年轻人和老年人之间的交流可能特别困难,因为年龄差异对各种生活方式、娱乐方式和思维方式有不同的影响。太多的互动会让他们的关系适得其反,消极但容易。最近,我和妈妈就逃税的惩罚争吵不休,陷入了僵局。Second, some young people will mostly reduce pressure if they spend more time entertaining themselves like drinking a little in a bar. Admittedly, there can provide a relaxing environment in which they temporarily forget unpleasant events encountered at work. Finally, young peoples friend circle will be difficult to maintain if there is less frequency in socializing. Alienated friendship gets conceivably futile once they are in trouble.其次,一些年轻人如果花更多的时间娱乐自己,比如在酒吧里喝点酒,他们大多会减轻压力。诚然,有一个放松的环境,他们可以暂时忘记工作中遇到的不愉快的事情。最后,如果年轻人的社交频率较低,他们的朋友圈就很难维持。疏远的友谊一旦陷入困境,就会变得毫无意义。In conclusion, although family is a vital part of life, I think more importance should still be attached to entertainment during ones leisure time, considering stress reducing and friendship keeping.综上所述,虽然家庭是生活中很重要的一部分,但我认为在一个人的闲暇时间,考虑到减轻压力和保持友谊,更应该重视娱乐。2018年11月3日雅思写作真题回忆及参考范文:犯罪类雅思大作文范文解析:许多罪犯的受教育程度很低。 有人认为减少犯罪的最佳方法在监狱中加强教育,这样他们可以在释放后找到工作。你同意还是不同意这个观点?雅思大作文范文:Even though the life quality in most of the modern cities of different regions in the world has been highly improved, sadly, many kinds of crimes also can be heard and seen every now and then. In this case, some hold the idea that criminals should be given proper education while in prison in order to deter crimes and be blessed with more chances of employment after they are released. Personally speaking, I am in favour of the above statement.尽管世界上不同地区的现代城市的生活质量都有了很大的提高,但不幸的是,很多犯罪行为也时常被听到和看到。在这种情况下,一些人认为罪犯应该在监狱里接受适当的教育,以遏制犯罪,并在他们获释后有更多的就业机会。就我个人而言,我赞成上述说法。It is my belief that nurture, not nature, is responsible for malignant and antisocial behaviours. The main factor for most offenders committing crimes again, once they have been released from prison, is due to the lack of rehabilitation whilst in jail. It is noticeable that most of prisoners take their majority of time for doing nothing after being locked behind the bars. In this way, it is predictable that their skills for making a living can hardly be improved during the time they have served. This fact has been testified by some statistics which indicates over 45% of those who are released still only have to rely on their previous skills and knowledge, which were not supporting enough in the first place to apply for jobs.我相信,造成恶性和反社会行为的是后天的培养,而不是天生的。大多数罪犯一旦从监狱释放后,再次犯罪的主要原因是在监狱中没有得到康复。值得注意的是,大多数囚犯在被关进监狱后,大部分时间都无所事事。这样,可以预见的是,他们的谋生技能在服役期间几乎得不到提高。这一事实已被一些统计数据证实,超过45%的被释放的人仍然只能依靠他们以前的技能和知识,而这些技能和知识在申请工作时首先是不够的。If lawbreakers shall be categorized according to their interests and hobbies and be retrained to the corresponding courses, they are likely to be equipped with knowledge and updated skills for their future job. However, alternatives to using rehabilitation to offer more employment chances would be much less efficient. One option might be based on the idea that to have more supervision when they are back into society. This solution would hopefully impede them from taking any chances and hinder them from reoffending because they are being so closely watched. However, I doubt that it might put too much strain on the authorities and worse yet, it might lead to discriminations which weakens chances of being employed.如果将违法者按兴趣爱好分类,并重新进行相应课程的培训,那么他们很可能具备未来工作所需的知识和技能。然而,使用康复治疗来提供更多就业机会的替代方案的效率要低得多。一种选择可能是基于这样一种想法:当他们重返社会时,有更多的监督。这一解决方案将有希望阻止他们冒险,并阻止他们再犯,因为他们受到如此密切的关注。然而,我怀疑这可能会给当局带来太多压力,更糟糕的是,这可能会导致歧视,削弱就业机会。To sum up, to ensure that all criminals entering prison are given the chance to retrain with useful skills will hopefully ensure them a job after they have served their sentence. By doing this, it will help them reintegrate back into society and give them some means of supporting themselves financially.综上所述,确保所有进入监狱的罪犯都有机会接受有用技能的再培训,这将有望确保他们在服刑期满后找到工作。通过这样做,它将帮助他们重新融入社会,并给他们一些手段来支持自己的经济。雅思写作如何避免非正式表达


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