雅思写作备考误区知多少 备考初期不用练写作?雅思写作备考误区知多少?下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。备考初期不用练写作?雅思写作备考误区知多少?雅思写作备考误区一 备考初期不用练写作雅思备考初期以打基础为重,此时词汇、阅读和听力是雅思备考的重点,但是这并不意味着备考初期完全不需要备考写作。雅思写作其实需要坚实的词汇和语法基础,大家在备考初期应该为写作打好基础,学习词汇用法和语法知识。此时雅思写作备考占用时间可以相对少一些,但是绝对不能完全弃之不顾。小站君建议大家每周写一到两篇作文,找老师批改,然后再对照范文学习思路,积累优秀表达。雅思写作备考误区二 长难句拼凑出的*一定得高分雅思写作备考误区第二点,盲目崇拜复杂句,以为用长难句拼凑出来的*一定得高分,其实并非如此。雅思写作确实是要考验大家对英语的运用能力,长难句和复杂句式可根据*需要来写,不要刻意堆砌。雅思写作评分标准中并没有关于复杂句的暗示 ,只有一项是“语法多样性及准确性”,这是要求大家在写作中注意将句子写正确,多使用不同的句式。如果大家在写作中觉得句式太过单一又不太驾驭得了长难句,建议使用不同连词将小短句连在一起,保证句式多样化。雅思写作备考误区三 只看范文不学语法雅思写作范文确实能给我们提供很多帮助,范文中有很多值得学习的地方,比如范文的写作思路,范文的用词,范文的句式等等。虽是如此,范文仍然不能代替语法的学习,想要写好雅思写作必需要有过硬的语法基础,全面了解基础语法知识,形成英语语法体系。雅思写作备考误区四 考前冲刺阶段只看机经考前冲刺阶段是备考雅思写作的黄金时期,此时写作机经也是比较重要的备考资料之一。有同学在冲刺阶段备考雅思写作的时候只看雅思写作机经预测,小站君不建议大家这样备考,原因如下:1.雅思写作机经预测并不一定准确,只看雅思机经忽略考前写作模拟练习是得不偿失的;2.雅思写作机经质量良莠不齐,网上有很多版本的雅思写作机经,不一定值得花很多时间去看;3.雅思写作机经题量大,仅依靠考前看不完,建议提一段时间前看机经,当做练习题来做,不要只依靠考前。雅思小作文流程图范文之蜜蜂的一生该流程图展示蜜蜂短暂的生命周期。请作答。雅思图表小作文流程图题型9分范文:The diagram illustrates the various stages in the life of a honey bee. We can see that the complete life cycle lasts between 34 and 36 days. It is also noticeable that there are five main stages in the development of the honey bee, from egg to mature adult insect.The life cycle of the honey bee begins when the female adult lays an egg; the female typically lays one or two eggs every 3 days. Between 9 and 10 days later, each egg hatches and the immature insect, or nymph, appears.During the third stage of the life cycle, the nymph grows in size and sheds its skin three times. This moulting first takes place 5 days after the egg hatches, then 7 days later, and again another 9 days later. After a total of 30 to 31 days from the start of the cycle, the young adult honey bee emerges from its final moulting stage, and in the space of only 4 days it reaches full maturity.雅思小作文流程图范文之废纸循环利用The chart below shows the process of waste paper recycling.该流程图展示废纸回收利用的整个循环流程。请作答。雅思图表小作文流程图题型9分范文:The flow chart shows how waste paper is recycled. It is clear that there are six distinct stages in this process, from the initial collection of waste paper to the eventual production of usable paper.At the first stage in the paper recycling process, waste paper is collected either from paper banks, where members of the public leave their used paper, or directly from businesses. This paper is then sorted by hand and separated according to its grade, with any paper that is not suitable for recycling being removed. Next, the graded paper is transported to a paper mill.Stages four and five of the process both involve cleaning. The paper is cleaned and pulped, and foreign objects such as staples are taken out. Following this, all remnants of ink and glue are removed from the paper at the de-inking stage. Finally, the pulp can be processed in a papermaking machine, which makes the end product: usable paper.(160 words, band 9)雅思小作文流程图范文之屋顶太阳能发电The diagram below shows how solar panels can be used to provide electricity for domestic use.该流程图展示家用太阳能电板如何工作。请作答。雅思图表小作文流程图题型9分范文:The picture illustrates the process of producing electricity in a home using solar panels.It is clear that there are five distinct stages in this process, beginning with the capture of energy from sunlight. The final two steps show how domestic electricity is connected to the external power supply.At the first stage in the process, solar panels on the roof of a normal house take energy from the sun and convert it into DC current. Next, this current is passed to an inverter, which changes it to AC current and regulates the supply of electricity. At stage three, electricity is supplied to the home from an electrical panel.At the fourth step shown on the diagram, a utility meter in the home is responsible for sending any extra electric power outside the house into the grid. Finally, if the solar panels do not provide enough energy for the household, electricity will flow from the utility grid into the home through the meter.(163)雅思小作文流程图范文之房屋特殊设计The diagrams below show how houses can be protected in areas which are prone to flooding.该流程图通过简洁而巧妙的设计,房屋如何免于洪水侵袭。请作答。雅思图表小作文流程图题型9分范文:The diagrams compare two different methods of defence for homes which are at risk of being flooded.The key difference between the diagrams is that they show flood protection with and without a stopbank. In either case, the at-risk home is raised on stilts above ground level.The first diagram shows how a stopbank acts as a flood barrier to stop river water from flooding homes. The stopbank is a small mound of land next to the river that is higher than the 100-year flood level, and prevents the river from bursting its banks. Nearby houses can be built on stilts to prevent flooding from rainwater, and a floodgate beneath the stopbank can be opened to allow this ponding to drain off into the river.When there is no stopbank, as shown in the second diagram, there will be nothing to stop the river from flooding. In this case, the solution is to put buildings on stilts. The height of the stilts is measured so that the floor of the house is 300mm above the 100-year flood level. This measurement is called the freeboard.(184)雅思写作备考误区知多少