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    雅思考官教你的4大写作提分点 雅思考官教你的4大写作提分点,今天就给大家带来了雅思考官教你的4大写作提分点,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思考官教你的4大写作提分点Answer all parts of the question这一点很多老师在我们的公开课中都有强调,可惜很多宝宝们还是花费大量的精力在词汇句式的堆砌上。忽略这一点的重要性。Task Response是四项评分标准中最容易提高的一项,考官明确说明,如果你的*没有回答全部问题,你的TR这一项的分数不会高于5。Timing and Blocking怎样在20分钟与40分钟中完成一篇结构充实的小大作文?考官教我们做做数学题你可以计算一下你要分几段,每一段几句话,每句话大致多少单词,从而完成两篇150字以及250字的*。A topic sentence for each paragraphMake sure that each paragraph has a topic sentence!这一点相信所有的雅思写作老师都强调过,但是我们在批改作文的时候还是发现很多宝宝忽视了这一点的重要性。这个中心句要直接明了,不要太模糊,让考官读完就是到你这段要讲什么。一个中心句加三个展开论述句,这是考官给的结构建议。Use synonymous and paraphrase高频词的同义词替换是写作词汇部分提分的重要技巧。不要重复用相同的词,同义词的使用会向考官展现你词汇运用的range。这里考官强调注意一下替换词的“性质”。想表达positive的词义就用positive的词去替换,反之用negative。学姐给大家举个例子,表示“影响”的词,effect多用作积极意思,而impair多用作消极层面的影响。替换influence 的时候要选对性质。如果你的词汇量没有那么大,那就学会掌握paraphrase的技巧,用一句话去解释你想说的词,顺便还能用个从句或者分词结构增加一下句子多样性。最后考官强调,想在写作中拿高分,你一定要知道考官的expectation是什么。即使是一个native speaker, 如果他对雅思考试完全不了解,他也不一定能拿到很好的分数。因此掌握雅思考试的评分标准至关重要。如果你还不了解雅思考试的评分标准,请一定要仔细看学姐发过的关于雅思评分标准解读的*。雅思评分标准详解IELTS writing adviceOne of the main problems is that the students dont address entire questions, and you cant get over 5, if you dont address all the questions for task response.On the day, when you get your question, read it thoroughly, examined it, dissect it, what it is asking you to do, and probably ask you to do the minimum 2 things, maximum 4 things, make sure you cover all the elements of the question.Timing is essential, you are only given 40 minutes roughly for writing task2, writing task1 is 20 minutes. Plan your work, take the time, take at least 2 to 3 minutes to plan your work before you actually start writing. Also you can do the math. Writing the task1 and you are asked to write 150 words, if you break 150 words down into 4 paragraphs, thats 35 words per paragraph.Generally sum, if there are 10 words per sentence. So if you are writing a 3-sentence-paragraph thats 30 words, if you need to write 50 words in one paragraph thats 5 sentences. So you can block it, my first paragraph is going to be 3 or 4 sentences, my last paragraph is going to be 2 to 3 sentences, so you can block it out see it first before you write it.Make sure that each paragraph has a topic sentence, it jumps out as the reader when they read your piece of writing, if you have a strong topic sentence, it jumps out, it sends a message that you know what actually it is what you are writing about, and also that helps you focus on that paragraph. One topic sentence, one paragraph, 3 supporting sentences, based on that topic sentences.Referring from repeating the same word over and over again, there are many synonyms for the same word, use themThe use of increase once, use go up and then use rise or decrease, go down, fall, try not to repeat vocabulary.The words for business or businesses, ok, then you can talk about companies, cooperations, ask yourself is the word I want to substitute to, it is positive or positive words, if it is the positive words, you replace with the positive words, for the negative words replace with the negative words.You dont necessarily have to have a broad range of vocabulary just to score high on the writing test, as long as you have the ability to paraphrase, so even you dont know the specific word, you can describe that meaning of that word.When you sit down and if you dont take it seriously on the day, even if you are a native speaker, you probably wont do as well as you thought you would, so you have to go with the mind said.that this is the exam and I have to meet their criterial of that exam, know what the expectation is and meet that expectation as best as you can, and it is not out of reach for anybody really but have the babble that what the expectation is. Read the question(笑)exactly.雅思作文:常用来表达看法与立场的英式短语句型Functional Expressions:Expressing Thoughts and opinionshave mixed views on(人们)各持不同的看法实战例句It has been around fifteen years since the Internet was first introduced into British households but people still have mixed views on whether it is a positive or negative influence on society.从因特网第一次走进英国家庭到现在已经有将近十五年了,但人们至今关于网络对社会产生的影响究竟是积极的还是消极的仍然意见不一。常见的反义短语或句型reach consensus on.(人们) 对某事达成一致意见例句I will be difficult for people to reach a consensus on this issue.要让人们对这一事件达成统一的意见是十分困难的。I take the view that.我所持的看法是例句I take the view that free education should be available to financially needy people.我所持的看法是应该时那些财务紧张的人们提供免费的教育。be of the opinion that.(某人的) 个人意见是 (注意不能遗漏句型中的介词of)例句They are of the opinion that morality cannot be legislated.他们的意见是道德是不能由法律来规定的。be a highly charged issue是一个引起激辩的话题实战例句Euthanasia is a highly charged issue in many European countries.安乐死在许多欧洲国家都是一个备受争议的话题。常见的近义短语或句型ignite fierce debate引发了激烈的争论例句The songs lyrics ignited fierce debate last year.这首歌的歌词在去年引发了激烈的争论。be a well-established fact(某事) 是为人们所共知的事实例句It is a well-established fact that very young children learn best by rote.人们普遮公认低龄儿童更适合通过机械记忆来学习。The tide of opinion is now running steadily against.目前的观点普遍倾向于反对实战例句The tide of opinion is now running steadily against the new traffic law.目前人们的观点普遍倾向于反对新颁布的交通法。常见近义短语或句型The majority of people oppose多数人反对例句The majority of people oppose the proposed tax reform.对于提交上去的税制改革方案,多数人持反对意见。It stands to reason that.(某现象) 是符合常理的实战例句It stands to reason that a child who is constantly criticised will grow up to have no self-confidence.一个在不断被挑剔的环境中长大的孩子,在成年后会变得毫无自信,这是符合常理的逻辑。常见近义短语或句型The concerns that. are well-justified.对于某事的担心是完全合理的例句The concerns that the new law will curtail(削减)NGO (非政府组织)activities are well-justified.人们关于新法规可能会减少非政府组织活动的担心是完全合理的。It is an inescapable fact that.是一个无法回避的事实实战例句It is an inescapable fact that some students behave badly and damage the learning environment.有一些学生行为恶劣并且破坏学习气氛的问题是一个无法回避的事实。常见近义短语或句型be unavoidable是不可避免的例句Many people feared that war was unavoidable.许多人害怕战争最终还是会无可避免地来临。. be noticeabie(某种现象) 十分显著实战例句The differences between the British and American academic systems are noticeable.英国和美国的学术体制差别十分显著。常见近义短语或句型.be substantial differences某种差异是本质性的例句There were substantial differences in the proportion of men and women at various levels.在不同的级别上,男女人数的比例有着本质性的差异。The underlying cause of sth. is某现象的深层原因是实战例句We should look into the underlying cause of this problem.我们应该从更深一层去剖析这个问题的原因。常用联想短语或句型A fundamental mistake made by sb.is.某人所犯的根本性错误是.例句Their fundamental mistake is to rely too much on technology.他们所犯的根本性错误就是太过于依赖科技了2018年6月2日雅思写作高分范文:社交网络之利弊2018年6月2日场的雅思真题是:Many people today prefer socializing online to spending time with friends in local community. Do advantages outweigh the disadvantages?越来越多的人选择在线上和朋友消磨时间。这是一件利大于弊的事吗?雅思哥的范文认为,总体上这是一件利大于弊的事。首先:社交网络打开了我们的社交圈,拓展了社交方式,与世界各地的人形成联系。各个年龄层的人都可以通过社交网络做自己想做的事;此外,社交网络让人们有机会接触到更多的社会话题,促进社会变革和社会公益;当然,社交网络也会带来用户隐私问题。一起来看范文具体内容:雅思大作文范文As teenagers still seem to make up a huge percentage of social networkers, millions of adults and seniors today are becoming active on social networking sites. In general, I think this trend have exerted desirable impacts on people and society as a whole.正如随着青少年在社交网络上占了很大比例,如今,数以百万计的成年人和老年人在社交网站上也变得活跃起来。总的来说,我认为这一趋势对人们和整个社会产生了有益的影响。On social media sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedln etc., users may develop biographical profiles, communicate with friends and strangers, do research, and share thoughts, photos, music, links, and more. Compared with the traditional way of communicating with people face-to-face, they provide rich opportunities for making new friends, especially when someone is looking forward to building up and maintaining connection with others with common interests both personally and professionally. Also, nowadays millions of people of all ages have tried the Internet dating services as a way to possibly find a lifelong partner. Therefore, experience suggests that socializing online is a great way to get acquainted with people that we would never have met otherwise.在Facebook、Instagram、Twitter和Linkedln等社交媒体网站上,用户可以开发个人简介,与朋友和陌生人交流,进行研究,分享想法、照片、音乐、链接等等。与传统的面对面交流方式相比,他们为结交新朋友提供了丰富的机会,特别是当有人期待与他人建立并保持与他人的联系时,无论是个人的还是职业的。此外,如今,数以百万计的各个年龄段的人都尝试过网络交友服务,以此来寻找终身伴侣。因此,经验表明,在网上进行社交是结识那些我们从未遇到过的人的好方法。More importantly, socializing online empowers individuals to make social change and do social good on a community even national level. People today have easier access to unveiling social problems and they have become more connected to the society by exchanging opinions with others who share the same concerns in life. This trend increases peoples participation in social events, which encourages the government to address issues in various fields.更重要的是,在线社交使个人能够在一个甚至国家层面上进行社会变革和社会公益。今天的人们更容易接触到社会问题,他们通过与生活中有着相同问题的人交换意见,变得更加与社会联系在一起。这一趋势增加了人们参与社会活动的机会,鼓励政府解决各个领域的问题。However, online socializing, just like its offline counterpart, can present some danger and it is important that people understand the safety and privacy protection of any service they choose to use.然而,线上社交,和离线一样,会带来一些危险,重要的是人们要了解他们选择使用的任何服务的安全性和隐私保护。In conclusion, I believe that socializing online is helping instead of hindering the life of us.总之,我相信网上的社交活动有助于我们的生活,而不是阻碍我们的生活。2018雅思G类写作Task1练习之:投诉信G类雅思写作Task 1的考试时间为20分钟,连读题加思考加写作加检查,时间非常紧张。平时复习的时候,考生要注意训练做题速度。练习尽量在纸上进行,考生可打印多份答题纸,用计时器,还原雅思考试真实的考试场景。本期介绍的是雅思G类写作中常见的投诉信,大体的思路是从投诉内容,投诉对象以及投诉原因,处理方式等几个方面展开内容,根据具体的投诉理由:投诉理由:服务不周投诉信中投诉服务是经常会考到的话题,一般主要集中在对于饭店,宾馆,餐厅,旅行社等服务性行业的投诉,此类书信一般在结构上可分为以下几个部分:(一) 自我介绍,表明投诉内容以及与收信人的相关性。(二) 陈述投诉内容,如时间、地点、人物、事件等,并指出对方服务问题所在以及由此而产生的对自己或者家人的影响。(三) 提出整改建议或者希望得到对方的赔偿或补偿。投诉理由:虚假宣传对于虚假宣传的话题,我们的投诉重点主要围绕在收到的产品与描述不符或者得到的服务项目和合同上的不一致或遗漏以及根据提示使用后无法获得预期效果等。此类书信在结构上一般由三部分组成:(一) 表明投诉原因。(二) 陈述投诉内容,如时间、地点、人物等,并指出具体问题所在以及由此而产生的后果。(三) 提出整改建议或者希望得到对方的赔偿或补偿。除了上述例子外,建议考生还可以根据不同题目,用不同思路进行拓展,比如实物我们可以从产品的外观,质量,性能,保质期入手;服务我们可以从软硬件设施,合同履行周期,场所变更等方面入手。投诉理由:送货问题关于送货问题里最常见的考题是别人寄给你的一件物品或者包裹你迟迟未收到,在信件结构上和投诉质量低劣类似:(一)表明投诉原因。(二)陈述投诉内容,如物品的特征,邮寄的时间等,并指出由此而产生的后果。(三)提出整改建议或者希望得到对方的赔偿或补偿。若题目中未提及具体物品,我们除了说包裹外,还可以说是一封信或者是重要文件。邮寄外,我们还可以说是快递中物品未收到或者遗失,此物品是生日礼物或者公司重要档案,对于收件方的意义或者价值巨大等来扩充写作思路。还有一类是针对个人或市政的投诉信这里通常是涉及到因为某些人的素质问题,影响了生活,比如市政修路太吵,邻居家的狗在家门口乱撒尿等等。一般会从以下几个方面着手:(一) 自我介绍(二) 陈述投诉的内容,如你家狗狗在我家门口做了不文明的行为,为此我花了很长时间打算,而且这不是第一次了!现在我家门口异味严重,完全没办法开门开窗通风,而且这个味道常常吸引别人家的宠物来此,我的生活被打乱了。(三) 提出整改意见或赔偿要求:请你自行把狗教训一顿,然后栓好你的狗,顺便买点消毒剂来帮我把门口清理一下。如果再发生这样的情况,我会选择报警的。You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.You took your family to a nearby restaurant. You were disappointed with the meal and wish to complain to the manager.Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant. In your letter? explain why you were at the restaurant? describe the problems? write about the action you want the manager to takeYou do NOT need to write your own address.Begin your letter as follows:雅思G类写作范文Dear Sir /Madam,I am writing to raise my concern about the dish I was served in your restaurant on last Sunday. I am Lattisha James, visited your restaurant on last Sunday for dinner with my family. I went there because I did shopping at the Ansar mall, near to your restaurant, and I heard much about your restaurant in the radio advertisement.When we came there, we saw a special menu written on a board and kept in front of the restaurant and name of that dish was Chettinadu fish curry. Therefore, we decided to taste that and we ordered rice with this fish curry. When we got that food, we found chilli powder on the surface of the fish and we enquired about that and one of your employees told they keep it off one hour after marinating with chilli powder with some other ingredients. Even though we felt bad, our children had it because they like fish curry. Unfortunately, my son had severe vomiting after we reach home and admitted to hospital for one day.I will appreciate you if you could have taken an action about this inconvenience we had due to the food. Please instruct your chefs to follow a good hygienic manner and if they do not know to make such kind of food please do not offer it to the customers because it will affect your prosperity and our health.I hope you will take this matter seriously and will take a proper action.Yours sincerely,雅思考官教你的4大写作提分点


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