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    雅思小作文范文 雅思备考的过程中,要想写作取得优势,多阅读一些范文是十分有必要的,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思小作文范文As countries develop, more and more people buy and use their own cars. Do you think the advantages of this trend for individuals outweigh its disadvantages for the environment?范文:The past fifty years have seen a significant increase in the popularity of private cars. While it is argued by many that using own cars may be beneficial in terms of their time-saving and convenience, yet there still remains some arguments that using own cars results in severe pollution for the environment. Overall, it is my personal view that the disadvantages of using private cars are far outweigh their benefit.When it comes to the advantages, many people choose to use their own cars for the sake of more freedom and fast speed. While It is admitted that public transport provides us with much more economical means of transport, it limits our journey by stations and bus stop. Using own cars, however, give us convenience irrespective of the length of the journey. Take the case of traveling to work by private car as a salient example. You may not need to walk for a long way to your office in case it is far from the bus stop or the station.On the downside, however, excessive use of private cars may be responsible for serious pollution. Moreover, no matter how comfortable private cars are, they lead to major traffic jams and the shortage of fuel energy. Smoke leaking form vehicles causes extremely bad air that is responsible lots of respitory ailments in human. On top of that, excessive using fuel energy for organising cars may contribute to exploiting coals and fuel to excess, which is incredibly detrimental to environment particularly alternation in climate and weather.By ways of conclusion, people buying and using their own cars is either beneficial or detrimental to individuals and society at large. Although it can not be denied that private cars are extremely convenient, the adverse impact they may have on environment is highly severe. Therefore, it is obvious that using private cars may be beneficial in the short term, the disadvantages it may cause in the long run far outweigh its advantages. In years to come, I strongly believe that compains regarding encouragement using public transport rather than own cars should be adopted and enjoyed by the majority of population.雅思小作文范文In many countries, prison is the most common solution to the problem of crime. However, another effective way is to provide people with better education so that they can not become criminals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?范文:In many parts of the world, people who have violated the law are put into prison, which is a very effective way of preventing them committing more crimes. However, many experts believe that better education is probably an even more effective way of addressing the problem of crime. I would suggest that both prison and education are important and each plays a different role in crime control.Prison is certainly a place where criminals can be made to understand what wrong they have done to other people and why what they have done before is not socially acceptable. In this way, these criminals will have a better chance to come back to normal life. On top of the remedial function, prison can serve as a deterrent for those with an inclination to crime. The likelihood of losing freedom in prison can most effectively stop them from doing harms to the society and other individuals.Better education can also bring down the overall crime rate in any community, and it is the most desirable preventive measure against crime. To start with, education improves peoples moral standards which enable them to tell right from wrong so that they will build a robust inner wall against any antisocial behaviors. More importantly, people with better education are always able to find a satisfying career that will reward them with a decent life, and they will never think of committing any crime.In conclusion, prison with its remedial and deterrent function and education with its preventive function are both needed in order to make this world a safer place for all of us to live in.雅思小作文范文Some people think that one of the best ways to solve environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuels for cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement.范文:Recently, it is proposed that the price of cars and petrol be increased to combat the growing traffic and pollution problems. While I think this proposal may be helpful to a certain extent, it is far from the best solution.Undoubtedly, the increased price of cars and petrol will discourage people from owning and using their own cars, which will surely contribute to the solution of traffic congestion and make big cities cleaner. Our modern lifestyle has made cars indispensable, but in many cases we can use public transport services such as buses and metro, or even ride bicycles, rather than driving our own cars. So if driving our own cars were made a great deal more expensive than using the public transport, many of us would very probably give up driving and opt for the more economical means. As a result, the road conditions and air quality in cities will be improved.However, increasing the price of cars and petrol may cause unexpected problems. For one thing, it is not fair to those who depend their life on driving cars. Taxi drivers, for instance, may fall victim to this policy because the cost of their operation will go up and they can make less money out of this business. For another, as the higher price of cars and petrol prevents people with average income from driving their cars, it can do nothing to those really wealthy. Then we will face an awkward situation where the rich people enjoy the luxury of cars while most others have to suffer in the crowded public transport.Therefore, to deal with the traffic and pollution problems, increasing the price of cars and petrol is not enough. The best thing for the government to do is perhaps make more investments on the construction of new roads, and introduce stricter traffic laws, rules and regulations. Meanwhile, if new environmentally friendly energy such as solar energy were developed and widely used, the pollution problem would also be effectively lessened.雅思小作文范文Many countries are spending a huge amount of money on supporting their competitors to take part in some worldwide sports competitions. Others argue that it would be better if these countries can spend the money on children to take part in sports. Discuss both and give you own opinion.范文:some worldwide sports competitions could improve the comprehensive state power. However, other as opponents claim that to spend money on children to take part in sports activities would be better than support these competitors. To a certain extent, I agree with these opponents, with some reservations. I aim at discussing both side of the issue and put up my opinion.On the one hand, it has well accepted that participating in more sports activities could improve the health of children. However, nowadays, most of young generation locks physical excises and are reluctant to take part in sports. Accordingly, every country should implement pohueg to encourage and support children sports activities. For example, the government can build more sports fwl,t,eg fitting for children or set up scholarship for these positive young sport participants. Consequently, when the government could spend more and more money on the children sports activities, the more benefits under the policies would address to children.On the other hand, spending a huge amount of money on supporting these professional competitors would encourage young children to take part in the sports. First of all, if a country has a huge expenditure on world wild professional competitions, this would directly encourage young children to be interested in sports and hope to be a professional sportsman. Besides, young people would be encouraged to take part in the sports activities, when they can find that has been supported by their country. Thus, under a certain extent, I agree with these advocates to spend money on these professional sportsmen, however the range of supporting should be controlled.To conclude, I concede that government should spend a huge amount of money on supporting children sports, when these young generations are the hope of the future. Nevertheless, I am convinced that expenditure on professional world wild sports activities are also important, and which could effectively encourage, directly or indirectly these children to participate sports.雅思小作文范文Some people believe that reading the newspaper is the best way to learn about news, while others believe that the more effective way is through other media. Discuss both views and give your opinion.范文:For hundreds of years, people get used to reading the newspaper to know current affairs, but this traditional mode is being challenged by the emergence of various forms of other media.Since the invention of TV, it has become a common way for people to get informed of the latest news and compared with reading articles, sounds and moving images on TV can better convey the information. In recent years, with the universal access to the Internet, more people turn to reading on the web. Online reading saves the time of printing and distribution and more importantly, most of information on the web is free. Another advantage of new media is their less impact on the environment. The paper-making industry associated with printing newspapers is a heavy polluter and large consumer of wood resources.However, some people support newspapers and they may give their reasons as follow. The censorship system of publishing newspapers is more rigorous, which means the Information people gain from the printed media is more reliable than that from the Internet. It is true that in many cases, the news turns out to be false after it spreads widely on the web. In addition, some readers, especially elderly citizens, may get accustomed to reading newspapers as they are not familiar with the functions of electronic gadgets.My view is that the role of the newspaper is diminishing in our daily lives and this trend will become faster in the future. However, “newspaper” will continue to exist, perhaps in another form, demonstrated by the fact that many newspapers are published on websites as online newspapers now.雅思小作文范文


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