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    托福阅读耗时题型解法精讲 托福阅读耗时题型解法精讲 4个选项都要细看的否定事实信息题该怎么做?今天给大家带来了托福阅读耗时题型解法精讲 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读耗时题型解法精讲 4个选项都要细看的否定事实信息题该怎么做?什么是托福阅读否定事实信息题?按照托福官方指南OG中的说法,托福阅读否定事实题,又叫Negative Factual Infomation,是一种让考生判断*段落中哪些信息没有提到的题型,其题型出现频率并不高,一般每篇*中会出现0-2题,个人体感以1道题居多。这种题型的提问方式很有意思,主要有以下这几种形式:According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of X?The authors description of X mentions all of the following EXCEPT.可以看到,题目中突出的就是NOT以及EXCEPT。这种题目看似只要让大家分析一下选项就能做好,但实际上比起一般的事实信息题却更有难度,考生如果看*不够仔细,就很容易在这个题型上栽跟头。托福阅读否定事实信息题难点分析托福阅读否定事实信息题的扣分点主要有两个,一个是需要考生完整读完整个段落,充分理解所有细节后才能更好地做出判断,这就会要求大家花更多时间在读*上,会增加考生的时间消耗。另一个则是存在刻意为之的干扰选项,这类选项中会包含一部分在原文中能够找到的关键词,但实际上并不符合题目提问的要求。考生如果单纯按照返回原文定位的方式来解题,常会被这类干扰选项所迷惑而做出错误判断。实例讲解托福阅读否定事实信息题解题思路那么,考生如何才能做好托福阅读的否定事实信息题呢?比起单纯将理论,下面就通过实例来为大家分析具体思路。例题:Architecture is the art and science of designing structure s that organize and enclose space for practical and symbolic purposes. Because architecture grows out of human needs and aspirations, it clearly communicates cultural values. Of all the visual arts, architecture affects our lives most directly for it determines the character of the human environment in major ways.According to paragraph 1, all of the following statements about architecture are true EXCEPT:A. Architecture is visual art.B. Architecture reflects the cultural values of its creators.C. Architecture has both artistic and scientific dimensions.D. Architecture has an indirect effect on life.解题思路分析做好否定事实信息题,希望大家能够按照三个标准步骤进行解答,以保证更有条理性,减少或避免干扰选项给大家造成的误导。考生要做的第一步是审题并匹配*,也就是通读题目,并搞清楚题目和*之间的关系。以这道例题为例,题目问的是following statements about architecture,而*内容整个就是在说architecture,所以考生要做这道题目就需要从这整个段落中来寻找细节,而不能只看段落的某个部分。接下里大家要做的第二步是对比选项从*里找到一一对应的原文。选项A对应的是原文中Of all the visual arts,选项B对应it clearly communicates cultural values。选项C对应art and science,选项D对应affects our lives most directly 。这道题目其实难度比较低,本身段落的篇幅也比较短,所以要找一一对应的位置会比较简单,但无论*段落篇幅有多长,这个逐一对应的思路大家是需要遵循的。第三步也就是最后一步,就是根据上一步的对应结果来找出错误的选项,其实已经很明显了,其它三个选项都是完全对应的,只有选项D说的是indirect, 而对应的原文却是direct,完全相反,那么选项D就是我们需要找的答案了。另外,在做否定事实信息题时,考生需要注意的一点是尽量不要看一个选项返回*找一次,这样来来回回会花很多时间。否定事实信息题给出的选项一般不会很长,所以大家完全可以额一次性把4个选项都看过并记住之后,再一起返回原文一遍找到所有的对应选项,这对考生来说并没有什么难度。同时,题目的四个选项对应的原文内容是打乱的,不太好按照选项本身ABCD的顺序在原文里从上到下的出现,所以一次性找完原文才会更有效率。看过上面内容,相信大家对于如何解答托福阅读中的否定事实信息题,应该就会有一个比较明确的思路。托福阅读题型众多,每种题型都有其独特的出题形式和解题思路需要学习掌握,希望大家能够主动出击学习这些思路,而不是被动地通过大量做题来低效率地积累经验吸取教训,这样大家的备考成果才会有更明显的提升。托福阅读高难度*长难句实例解析:调节温度的主要行为托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:The principal elements in behavioral thermoregulation are basking (heliothermy),heat exchange with substrates such as rock or earth (thigmothermy),and diurnal and annual avoidance behaviors,which include moving to shelter during the day for cooling and hibernating or estivating (reducing activity during cold or hot weather, respectively).词汇讲解:bask /b?sk/ v. 坐着或躺着取暖substrate /s?bstre?t/ n. 底物,基片,基质;被(酶)作用物diurnal /da?n(?)l/ adj. 白天的,白昼的;每日的hibernate /ha?b?ne?t/ v. 冬眠estivate /i?st?ve?t/ v. (动物)夏眠respectively adv. 各自地结构划分:The principal elements (in behavioral thermoregulation) are basking (heliothermy), heat exchange (with substrates such as rock or earth (thigmothermy) ),and diurnal and annual avoidance behaviors, (which include moving to shelterduring the day for cooling and hibernating or estivating) (reducing activity during cold or hot weather, respectively).深度分析:修饰一:(in behavioral thermoregulation) ,介词短语中文:行为温度调节修饰二:(with substrates such as rock or earth (thigmothermy) ) ,介词短语中文:与基质如岩石或土壤进行热交换(接触热源)修饰三:(which include moving to shelter during the day for cooling and hibernating or estivating) ,从句中文:这包括转移到遮蔽处去乘凉、冬眠或夏眠修饰四:(reducing activity during cold or hot weather, respectively) ,非谓语动词中文:分别在寒冷或炎热的天气减少活动参考翻译:行为温度调节主要的要素有:晒太阳(日光浴),与基质如岩石或土壤进行热交换(接触热源),以及每天或每年的躲避行为,这包括转移到遮蔽处去乘凉、冬眠或夏眠(分别在寒冷或炎热的天气减少活动)。托福阅读高难度*长难句实例解析:热带包含更大土地面积托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:The tropics contain a larger surface area of land than higher latitudesa fact that is not always evident when we examine commonly used projections of Earths curved surface, since this tends to exaggerate the areas of land in the higher latitudesand some biogeographers regard the differences in diversity as a reflection of this effect .词汇讲解:tropics n. 热带projection n. 发射,投射;exaggerate /?gz?d?re?t/ v. 夸张,夸大结构划分:The tropics contain a larger surface area of land than higherlatitudes(a fact) (that is not always evident) (when we examine commonly used projections of Earths curved surface), (since this tends to exaggerate the areas of land in the higher latitudes)and some biogeographers regard the differences in diversity as a reflection of this effect.#FormatImgID_0#深度分析:这个句子的主干就是一个并列结构,中间被一个破折号隔开了。The tropics contain a larger surface area of land than higher latitudes and some biogeographers regard the differences in diversity as a reflection of this effect.修饰一:(a fact) ,同位语中文:一个事实修饰二:(that is not always evident) ,从句中文:不总是那么明显修饰三:(when we examine commonly used projections of Earths curved surface) ,从句中文:当我们在仔细观察通常所用的地球曲面投影时修饰四:(since this tends to exaggerate the areas of land in the higher latitudes) ,从句中文:因为这往往夸大了高纬度的土地面积参考翻译:热带比高纬度包含更大的的土地面积当我们在仔细观察通常所用的地球曲面投影时,这一事实并不总是显而易见的,因为这往往夸大了高纬度的土地面积并且一些生物地理学家认为多样性的差异反映了这一影响。托福阅读高难度*长难句实例解析:政治家对创造民主的贡献托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:Cleisthenes principal contribution to the creation of democracy at Athens was to complete the long process of weakening family and clan structure s, especially among the aristocrats, and to set in their place locality-based corporations called demes, which became the point of entry for all civic and most religious life in Athens.词汇讲解:democracy /d?m?kr?s?/ n. 民主,民主政治,民主制度clan /kl?n/ n. 宗族,家族;集团,帮会aristocrat /?r?st?kr?t/ n. 贵族civic /s?v?k/ adj. 城市的;市民的,公民的rule n. 统治,管理结构划分:Cleisthenes principal contribution (to the creation of democracy at Athens) was (to complete the long process of weakening family and clan structures), (especially among the aristocrats), and (to set in their place locality-based corporations called demes), (which became the point of entry for all civic and most religious life in Athens.)深度分析:这个句子的结构是:Cleisthenes principal contribution was 非谓语 and 非谓语第一个非谓语:(to complete the long process of weakening family and clan structures)第二个非谓语:(to set in their place locality-based corporations called demes)修饰一:(to the creation of democracy at Athens),介词短语中文:在雅典创造民主修饰二:(to complete the long process of weakening family and clan structures) ,非谓语动词中文:完成了减弱家族和宗族结构的长期过程修饰三:(especially among the aristocrats) ,介词短语中文:尤其是在贵族间修饰四:(to set in their place locality-based corporations called demes) ,非谓语动词中文:在他们所在地方设置基于地点的称之为demes团体修饰五:(which became the point of entry for all civic and most religious life in Athens. ) ,从句中文:这成为了雅典所有公民和大多数宗教生活的入口点。参考翻译:Cleisthenes对于创造雅典民主的主要贡献是他完成了减弱家族和宗族结构(尤其是贵族家族和宗族结构)的长期的过程,并且在他们所在地方设置基于地点的称之为demes团体,这成为了雅典所有公民和大多数宗教生活的入口点。


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